
CH: 12 Goblin Pedro

The journey comes to an end, and what lies ahead is an unknown adventure.

Anton moistened the corners of his parched mouth. Ever since crossing over, he hasn't experienced any days of joy. He frequently treads the fine line between life and death, which has granted him a newfound understanding.

If you wish to survive, then you must disregard the notions of life and death

He opened the suitcase, carefully lifted the unconscious Lupin out, and firmly gripped the wand with his left hand concealed in the sleeve of his wide wizard's robe.

He lightly tapped on the door.

Dong, dong, dong.

As Anton knocked on the door of the perilous and cunning creature, he could feel his heart pounding in sync with each knock.

After a lengthy wait, measured and orderly footsteps drew near. The sound of the latch being unlocked was succeeded by the sound of the chain, and the door creaked open gradually.

Inside, there were no elderly witches, no sinister wizards with pustules on their faces, nor goblins with peculiar and intimidating appearances.

Instead, there stood a girl, standing remarkably upright—well, perhaps more accurately, a young girl.

Her jet-black hair was meticulously styled, her dark blue eyes exuded an air of indifference, and her slender hands hung gracefully in front of her lower abdomen. The entirety of her shoulders were adorned with a dark green silk dress, lending her an air of utmost dignity.

She appeared delicate, much like a proud peacock.

Anton arched an eyebrow, noting that her appearance was exceptionally refined, resembling that of a medieval nobleman. Could she perhaps be from a pure-blood family?

Fiennes had always claimed that these pure-blood families with an air of ancient decadence, but Anton couldn't help but feel that Fiennes was simply envious of those who were born into nobility and bestowed with blessings.

Anton swallowed nervously, lowering his head to examine the piece of paper once more. Was this the goblin he was looking for?

If his memory served him right, in the wizarding world, 'goblin' referred to a specific species and not the Muggle term for 'goblin'.

"Mr. Pedro is not present at the moment, but you're welcome to wait for a while," the little girl spoke with politeness, yet there was a subtle sense of detachment about her, as if it didn't matter who she was or how she appeared.

Anton nodded and replied, "Thank you. May I enter and wait?"

The little girl gently opened the door, stepping aside. Her posture remained impeccably straight, as if her head was held high. "My name is Anna Rosier."


Sure enough, it's a pure-blood family. Anton's reaction was immediate; this family is the quintessential antagonist in the Harry Potter series. Whether it's the first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald or the second-generation Voldemort, the Rosier family is always associated with them.

Anton's caution grew, and he nodded, "My name is Anton."

Anna Rosier fixed him with a steady gaze, then gracefully turned and departed.

Clearly, in the eyes of these corrupt nobles, etiquette took precedence. The young lady introduced herself with her full name, but Anton did not reciprocate.

In Europe, many names with multiple syllables have conventional abbreviations. Anton, when not being particular, can also be shortened to Anthony.

While it may be suitable for casual addresses, it is not appropriate for formal introductions.

Anton smiled faintly and chose to ignore her.

His name is Anton, with Stilwelle being his surname. Stilwelle is a prominent surname, and if we were to speak of nobility, his ancestors were descendants of an esteemed royal lineage. A symbol of honor and prestige.

With great effort, he managed to half-dragged and half-pulled Lupin inside, settling him onto a delicately carved oak chair, causing Anton to furrow his brow.

It was truly unimaginable for him that Lupin, a character from the Harry Potter series, had been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse.

Anton himself endured the torture of the Cruciatus Curse from Fiennes every three days, yet he felt nothing.

Is it truly that ineffective?

Lupin's condition was quite concerning; he was in a semi-conscious state, his eyes darting rapidly beneath his closed lids, and his face as pale as if he had been drained of blood.

If this were to further escalate, wouldn't I have to fear that it would alter the course of the plot?

If there truly was no other option, perhaps the only way would be to visit the post office and find an owl to write a letter to Dumbledore.

However, considering Dumbledore's staunch opposition to dark magic, not to mention the contents of his suitcase, he might even risk losing his eligibility to attend Hogwarts altogether.

Therefore, if he intended to reach out to Dumbledore, he would have to discard most of the items in the trunk.

Anton's expression shifted momentarily as he swiftly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

In the end, he could only let out a silent sigh. Lupin didn't die early; instead, he endured the Cruciatus Curse in order to protect himself.

One can never forsake their conscience.

The goblin Pedro clearly hadn't returned yet. Anton gazed out through the open door and settled down quietly.

Closing his eyes, the contents of the old wizard's diary that he had read earlier today resurfaced in his mind once again.

Whether it leads to madness or not, the 'Displacement Soul Curse' remains the most fitting method of self-defense at present.

The wand-waving motion includes an additional twist and flick compared to the 'Soul Shifting Charm'.

The sole distinction lies in the sentiment behind casting this spell.

The old wizard referenced the explanation provided by the witch Aurora and jotted down a single word - rebel!

Rebelling against rules, against notions of superiority and inferiority, against the very concepts of life and death, and even against oneself. This intense sentiment of villainy is not suitable for ordinary individuals.

After delving into a plethora of extreme emotions and immersing oneself in the study of soul magic, it is no wonder that this witch has descended into madness.

However, it is evident that Anton still does not find this task challenging.

Isn't it simply a matter of channeling his emotions? Naturally, he possesses a rebellious sentiment, and what he rebels against are the various circumstances that fate has bestowed upon him.

My life is in my own hands, and there is a particular line from "Journey to the West" that resonates within him- "I want this day, I won't close my eyes; I want this place, I won't bury my heart; I want all beings to understand my purpose; I want those gods to disappear!"

This is not just an ordinary school; it is a genuine battle against fate.

And what fate has bestowed upon him has never been fair.

He can comprehend and even readily accept it - embracing the poverty of the orphanage in his previous life, enduring society's discrimination against orphans, facing the struggles of helplessness, accepting his lack of extraordinary talent, and embracing the encounters that came with his transmigration into this new life.

But that doesn't imply that he is happy.

"Hahaha, Master Pedro, this is truly fascinating..." A hearty and refined voice resonated as a middle-aged man in a finely tailored three-piece suit entered the room.

He came face to face with Anton, who had abruptly opened his eyes.

The intense emotion reflected in Anton's eyes stifled any further words from the man.

Then, a petite figure entered the room, asking, "Mr. Rosier, what is the matter?"

It was evident that the figure was none other than the goblin Pedro.

Standing at 1.3 meters tall, with a stockier physique than that of a typical human, possessing a large head with a prominent, pointed nose, and ears that pointed upwards beside it.

He was dressed in a brown suit with a pink vest adorned with gold threads, and a remarkably intricate and well-crafted watch rested on his chest.

His eyes widened with excitement as An Dong recognized him, exclaiming, "Aha, I remember you!"

The goblin confidently approached, casting a glance at Lupin before fixing his stare on Anton, "You are the young apprentice alongside Alex Fiennes!"

Anton's eyes narrowed as he recalled this man.

At a party held in a rundown factory building in the suburbs, a sizable gathering of individuals resembling monsters and ghosts engaged in the exchange of messages and magical items.

The goblin purchased the carcass of the moonlight turtle that Anton had slain at a hefty price.

This individual is far from being virtuous!


Anton witnessed firsthand that Fiennes casted a Killing curse on the witch who stood beside the goblin, leaving him uncertain about their relationship.

Drawing in a deep breath, he tightly gripped the wand concealed within his robe.

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