
-Chapter 58-

-3rd POV-

The throne room gradually filled with all the nobles present at the king's court.

Thanks to the king's new inclusive policy at his court, nobles from all walks of life could be seen in the throne room, leading the way were the Martells for the Dornish, the Tyrells for the Summer knights of the Reach, the Lannisters for the knights of the West from the Westerlands.

The lords of the Crownlands were mostly present with nobles from notable houses such as the Lord of Driftmark and Master of Royal Trade Monford Velaryon and his bastard brother Aurane Waters the Grand Admiral.

The Royal Master of Taxes and Lord of Claw Isle Ardrian Celtigar, Renfred Rykker the lord of Duskendale and close man of trust of King Aegon since the end of the war.

The Lords of the North, separated into two processions, entered last into the throne room and all knelt before the king and then rose once the king waved his hand.

The latter lazily said: "I have heard that you did not wait two moons after your return to the North to break the King's peace"

No one dared to speak so he continued saying: "My uncle I await your explanations"

"I accidentally discovered the heir of Duke Bolton hunting two young girls in the Wolfswood, unfortunately for them we did not arrive in time to save them from this tragic fate and we caught him raping one while his dogs feasted on the corpse of the other"

"Lord Umber and his son can testify that I speak the truth the heir of the Iron Islands was also present as was my son Robb" he said pointing to Robb and the squid who dared not meet my gaze.

The sight of those eyes lowered unable to meet mine made me smile I rejoiced because it briefly plunged me back into the past.

"Squid" I said addressing Theon.

-POV Tyrion Lannister-

I frowned at the address the king used with Theon Greyjoy who was the son of Balon the 'King' of the Iron Islands a title Aegon has never contested in our meetings with the Royal Council for some obscure reason.

"Prince" Theon looked up and then said nervously while making sure to soften his tone as much as possible so he appeared like a docile servant and not the heir of the last King still alive in Westeros who contests Aegon's authority: "Yes Your Grace"

"I have heard that lately you have been elevated to the rank of Prince Heir of the Iron Islands" he said standing up and descending the steps of his throne one after the other.

I tried to calm my beating heart by repeating a prayer internally to the Seven so he wouldn't start a war just on a whim, we had just barely stabilized his kingdom and it was not the time to give his brother and the Martells a chance to stab us in the back.

Before starting a war it was better that the dragons were of a decent size to be of real use in the coming wars.

Theon Greyjoy dared not answer the King who was getting closer and it was the King who broke this silence saying: "Don't worry I know that unlike the under-scum that serves as your father you possess a minimum of decency and you could not rebel like him"

With clenched fists the Greyjoy boy remained silent but the King was not done with him and said:

"Isn't that right, Squid?"

The latter nodded his head and the king patted the head of the Greyjoy boy saying with a smile full of contempt: "You are a good boy Theon do not doubt my uncle has trained you well...forgive me I meant raised"

"Thank you Your Grace" he said clenching his teeth in the face of the public humiliation that would forever remain etched in the memories of all.

"Your Grace we are straying from the subject" I said trying to extinguish another fire he had just lit.

"You are right Tyrion we are straying from the subject so my uncle you claim to have witnesses and so far no one has come forward to say otherwise and it seems you are in luck because I have informants who have confirmed your words" he said displeased.

He stopped to observe each of them well before saying: "I hereby order the immediate execution of Ramsey Bolton and a compensation of 20,000 gold dragons for breaking the King's peace..."

I saw the heir of Winterfell smile looking at the supporters of the faction backing Roose Bolton but what the king said left him stunned.

"A fine that will be paid by both houses and I will receive within two months at the latest"

"What but..." Robb started indignantly before being interrupted.

"But nothing at all it's an order!" said Aegon glaring at his cousin.

"As you wish Your Grace" said quickly Eddard Stark stifling any future complaints possible from his heir.

Aegon nodded his head and then said: "Since we are all gathered here it's the perfect moment to announce something, I have decided to start filling the ranks of my royal guards and for that a magnificent opportunity presents itself the opening of the Dragonpit Coliseum"

He returned to sit on his throne and then said: "The work will be completed in 3 moons and I will organize a huge tournament with prizes unprecedented in the history of Westeros, I hope to see all ambitious and especially competent knights participate, there will be everything from axe throwing competitions, archery, jousting, foot melee, as well as mounted combat and to conclude a gladiator fight"

If he wanted to grab the attention of the lords he had succeeded because all were hanging on his every word, nothing better to please the nobles than a good tournament.

'Another thing in common between him and Robert' I thought sighing in frustration imagining the long nights of work ahead of me to find a solution to finance this huge project.

Aegon, just like Robert, loved women, war, and had no sense of reality, they both spent gold without having the foresight to save for harder days he had not finished the war for a year and his coffers were already almost dry.

N.A : I finally made it to chapter 100 on Patreon, I never thought I'd get this far with this story, thank you all for your support

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