
-Chapter 55-


Tywin Lannister said nothing but nodded in acknowledgment, and then I said, "I have learned of the troubles striking the northernmost part of my kingdom, but it seems some of you were already aware and did not deem it necessary to inform me."

A deadly silence prevailed for a few seconds before Oberyn said, "What are you going to do to address the situation?"

"I have already taken steps to address the situation."

"What measures? If I may ask," Oberyn inquired again.

"I have summoned the Warden of the Northwest and the Warden of the Northeast to court. They have one month to arrive at the capital from the date the message reaches them. If they do not respond to my summons, I will personally lead 100,000 soldiers of the Royal Army," I said casually, resting my head on my fist.

Tyrion furrowed his brows and said, "We don't have that many soldiers, Your Majesty. Currently, we have only managed to recruit an additional 30,000 men, bringing the Royal Army's strength to 50,000 soldiers. Even if we add the Shadow Guard and the Dragon Guard, which have finished being reformed, we only reach a maximum of 65,000 soldiers."

I nodded and said, sitting up and clasping my hands on the table, "I know, but that's because we have continued to open recruitment offices only in the capital and its surroundings."

I stood up and then started pacing around the table, saying, "I will dispatch my men throughout the Crownlands, the Stormlands, and the Riverlands with the sole objective of recruiting as many soldiers as possible."

"Our finances won't bear the cost. You have promised too generous a treatment to the soldiers of the Royal Army," said Tyrion.

"Perhaps you should consider reducing expenditures to increase the number of soldiers," said Tywin Lannister, my current Master of the Royal Treasury.

I frowned and then asked, "What is the average cost of a soldier?"

"You spend 15 gold dragons per soldier, including equipment, pay, and all additional expenses per semester."

I frowned and then said, "Which means that currently, I am spending close to two million gold dragons every year just for my current army."

"You have decided to make it the best army in the world. That is not achieved simply with unwavering faith and training with Unsullied as instructors, horses, weapons, armors, supplies, infrastructure, logistics."

"I know an army is expensive, but even so, I did not think I would have to pay so much for so few soldiers."

"If you decrease the pay of your soldiers..." Tyrion began.

"No," I said, inflexible on the subject.

"Then how do you intend to pay for an army twice or even three times larger than this one?"

"I have some ideas for that, but for now, focus on opening the recruitment offices."

"Very well, Your Majesty," said Tyrion.

"Let's move on to another topic. How is the tax collection going?" I said, waiting to receive the first figures for this quarter.

"Perfectly well."

"We have collected 235,780 gold dragons this month, a 20% improvement compared to last month."

"That's good, but I want you to continue to put pressure on the recalcitrants. Next year, I want us to reach revenues of 500,000 gold dragons per month," I said, looking at my Hand, who nodded.

"Alright, the last item on the agenda is the appointment of positions on the Royal Council," I said.

They all pricked up their ears upon hearing that I was going to appoint new people to the Royal Council.

"The positions of Hand of the King, Master of Laws, and Master of Coin will not change; they will remain occupied by Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, and Oberyn Martell."

No one was surprised, so I continued, "The position of Grand Maester will be held by Archmaester Marwyn, the Master of Royal Taxes will be entrusted to Lord Ardrian Celtigar, the Master of Royal Trade will be Monford Velaryon, the Master of Shipways Wylis Manderly, the Grand Admiral of the Royal Fleet will be Aurane Waters, the Royal Grand Alchemist will be Qyburn, The Royal High Judge will be Randyll Tarly, The Royal Architect Soranos Farinelli, and finally, The Master of Construction will be Willas Tyrell."

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