
-Chapitre 14-

-9th day of the 6th month of the year 298-

Arriving in front of the oversized doors of the Throne Room, I stopped for a moment to take the opportunity to savor this instant; it was almost too easy, everything was in place for me to become the King. I had an army, I had numerous hostages, and my Uncle, the Hand of the King, would have to support me since he had promised it to my mother.

"Your Majesty," said one of my officers named Tyler, the one who had shouted first outside the walls of the Red Keep, bringing me out of my contemplation.

I smiled at him and then I calmly advanced step by step, looking at all the losers in turn, I approached the seat of the Iron Throne without anyone saying anything, everyone was already there ranging from my uncle to the lowest knights of the court.

They were all present, there were also on their knees and chained in front of the sublime monstrosity that was the Iron Throne, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer with a leg injury, his brothers and sisters Cersei, Tyrion, and a terrified Joffrey, and Tommen and Myrcella who were desperately trying to hide their sobs.

On my right, I saw Arya, Bran, Sansa, and my uncle Eddard Stark; they were afraid and confused by the situation, the look I appreciated the most came from my Uncle who looked at me like when you see your child commit the biggest mistake of their life without being able to intervene.

In addition to immense helplessness, surely a shock that I knew the circumstances of my birth, I also saw a huge dose of guilt.

I could see the nobles looking at me with fear, how could they not? I had literally taken the capital captive with them as hostages and nobody knew why.

The only thing they understood is that I am a supporter of a Targaryen dead for years. (Aegon Targaryen is also the name of his half-brother born from the union of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen)

Some others, more rare, looked at me with intense hatred and resentment; instead of being indignant like any other man in my current position, I found it exhilarating, I rejoiced at the sight of all these hateful looks directed at me especially seeing the look of the man who made all this possible, that all this was no longer just a dream, Lord Baelish the instrument of my victory.

I had a little winner's smile on the corner of my mouth and I winked at him before beginning the ascent of the Throne, I slowly climbed the steps leading to the throne under everyone's astonishment and once in front of the throne I had a moment of hesitation.

Old fears returned, insecurities cultivated mainly in my previous life and under the treatment of a bastard.

Maybe I shouldn't have done this?

Maybe I would be a bad king?

Maybe even that I would become a lonely and sad king?

But remembering everything I had endured throughout my life, my two lives for that, I rejected all my doubts and turned around while gracefully sliding onto the throne being careful not to impale myself on my own throne.

The eyes of all the people who had not yet understood the situation widened and then I said in a comic way:

"Who would have thought it a moon ago? Huh? It's the bastard who won the game."

Nobody dared to laugh at the moment, but Connor at the bottom of the steps of my throne could not resist and let out a little noise which triggered a horde of laughter mainly from my lieutenants and my officers mostly gathered in the throne room.

After a few seconds of laughing, I raised my hand because I had seen that contrary to what I thought my joke had not made anyone laugh and had even raised the tension by several levels:

"Enough joking, before we start the trials of the Lannisters and all those who supported them, I would like that Lord Stark the Hand of the King step forward he will be the first to appear before this court he has rendered a proud service to his king."

Shocked and betrayed looks were written on everyone's face, nobody could believe that the honorable Lord Eddard Stark had betrayed his best friend.

My uncle was forced to step forward because in one sentence I had completely backed him into a corner in a no-return situation because nobody would believe him if he said he wasn't aware of what I was going to announce.

"And what service could the loyal and faithful friend of Robert Baratheon, the honorable Eddard Stark, have rendered you, Your Majesty?" said Jaime Lannister sarcastically mocking me by calling me "Your Majesty."

"He took me as his bastard." I let a silence hang before adding, "...It's true that it's little, but my uncle sacrificed his honor and the honor of his house as well as his marriage for me and my mother."

Most of the nobles were confused by the meaning of this sentence but a few among them, namely the real players of the Game Of Thrones, understood and widened their eyes realizing what I had just said, Jaime meanwhile almost screamed with laughter and said:

"The honorable LORD EDDARD STARK betrayed his king and his best friend by hiding his sister's bastard hahahaha."

I said nothing and just stared at my uncle I knew that my uncle as naive as he was would understand my words, he was certainly a simple man but he was also a cunning man, he had deprived me of the truth all my life so that I would not turn around and create a war but now that I had revealed the truth to all and Robert was no longer alive and had no heir he only had one choice.

He sighed and said with a resigned expression:

"I did not know that you were aware of the identity of your mother Jon."

I almost shouted: "Aegon!!!...that's the name my mother chose for me...Jon is the name you gave me to honor one of the bastards who destroyed my family with you and your friend the usurper."

"The Starks are your family, not the Targaryens, you have nothing of them," he said frowning even though I could see that he had been hurt by my words.

"I had nothing as Snow and still nothing as Stark, now I have 7 kingdoms," I said before being interrupted by the sudden opening of the doors."


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