


"Oriese where did you go this time and what trouble did you create? Did you ask your servants to beat up the farmer's boy again?" a man asked me as I entered the family mansion.

In my journey to Suma city, I learned the magic of face change and I could transform into the face and even body of any person that I have close contact with. 

Mother Asereth made use of this special ability of mine to help me establish myself in this city with the identity of the young master of the Kaleon family.

I am in effect reborn as the young master of the Kaleon family of Staari city.

"He's your father, Orol Lord of the Kaleon family", Saye, my handler and maidservant whispered to me.

Orol was the patriarch of the Kaleon family, one of the major merchant families in Drachia kingdom whose main business is in Starri city. He was rich and influential in this city.

"I'm sorry father I won't do it again", I told Orol.

"Are you sure? What did I hear? Did he apologize to me?" Orol asked the servants with a satisfied grin.

The bully Oriese was a difficult youth and not an obedient boy. He was loved by his father very much, too much, which probably caused him to end up being a naughty bully in the city.

"I'll go to practice", I told my father.

"Practice? What practice?" he asked me.

"Templar magic of course", I told him.

"Really? You really are going to practice your templar magic. Send all the trainers over to the young master, he wants to practice magic", Orol shouted his command to the servants.

"You are acting out of character here", Saye warned me.

"If I were to stay with this face there will be some changes to the character", I whispered back to the girl.

In a short while a team of teachers and trainers came to attend to me at the instruction of the master.

"Let us check the young master's templar magic", a senior instructor said to the Lord as he brought out a magic crystal to test my magic.

"Earth Tier Level 1", he said out loud.


[The magical strength of a templar is ranked in a planetary system, from Mercury – Venus – Earth – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn – Uranus. But this is only the lower tiers of magic. 

Beyond Uranus or even Saturn, the strength of a templar could not be judged by mere magic tiers alone, skills and other abilities must be taken into account. The Conjurer's Court devised a ranking that judged the strength of a templar who has achieved Legendary ranking in a color-coding system, from Green – Yellow – Blue – Red – Black – Gold – White.

Beyond the Legendary ranking, the templar has reached the realm of the divine and there are no rankings available for them at the moment.]


I was a student of Chaos magic and due to that, it was impossible for devices or crystals to determine the true level of my magic proficiency. Suffice to say the reading would reflect a much lower tier of magic. 

But even my suppressed magic was a miracle for Oriese to achieve.

"Oriese, since when did you advance to an Earth Tier?" Orol asked me excitedly.

"Since I took the potions that you gave me", I told the Lord after Saye gave me the hint.

"Great stuff. Worth every Aurs spent on them", Orol said to himself pleased that his purchase of the expensive magic gathering potions benefited his son.

"Aur is the official currency of this region and they are contained as magic inside Aur stones that recorded their value.]

Before this Oriese was at around Venus Tier Level 9, so advancement to Earth tier with so many magical potions wasn't unrealistic, but it was still a major surprise to Orol and the instructors.

Oriese wasn't diligent with magic training at all, and he spent most of his time bullying the other kids in the city.

"I would like to relearn our templar magic. I forgot most of them", I asked the instructor who quickly brought me a manual and explained the constellation and templar magic of the Kaleon family.

There were many constellation manuals brought out by the teachers. I looked at each of the magic, but they weren't particularly interesting to me.

"I'm not interested in this magic, do you have more advanced magic?" I asked the teachers.

"Try and look at this", Orol said to me as he gave me another magic manual.

"My Lord, the Starfire Flash is too advanced for the young master to practice", a teacher reminded the Lord.

"It's alright, Oriese just wants to look at an advance magic. Let him", Orol replied to the teacher.

"The Lord must have shown the advance magic to the young master to discourage him from learning the complicated magic and concentrate on the basics", a teacher whispered to another.

"The best of templar magic of the Kaleon family is the Starfire Flash", the instructor explained to me as I studied the constellation map.

The constellation was much more complicated than the other magic of the family and it would definitely have discouraged the real Oriese from studying the difficult magic.

But the magic was exactly what I wanted.

The Starfire Flash constellation was quite familiar with my Sword of Nyx constellation, another conjuration magic that I mastered earlier. 

There were more than half of the constellations in similar stars among the two skills.

Templar magic awakens an imaginary sky in the mind of the templar which is occupied by magical stars. Templars would use the magic in these stars to conjure magic. Different combinations of stars would conjure different magic. The constellations were the templar's programming language of magic.

"I might be able to improve my magic with this skill", I told myself.

There was also a channeling tool that came with the practice of the skill, a gauntlet, so I put on the gauntlet to try out the Starfire Flash.

"Can I try it?" I asked the trainer, and he quickly took me to the training courtyard.

"Are you sure you are trying the magic after reading the constellation only once?" Lord Orol asked me.

"It's just for practice, what is the harm in that?" I asked the Lord, Oriese's father.

"Starfire Flash"

Suddenly a flash was conjured from my hands that engulfed the entire scarecrow target about 30 feet in front of me in flames which shocked everyone around us including Lord Orol.

"How did you do that with your first try Master Oriese?" the instructor asked me.

"It must be a fluke", I told him as I tried again but couldn't make the conjuration again.

"It is a fluke", Orol said to himself disappointedly.

"We should attend to the young master, he has school tomorrow", Saye said to the Lord of the House.

"Yes, of course, Oriese," Orol told his son as he allowed him to return to his room to rest.

"You didn't tell me I must go to school?" I asked Saye.

"What did you expect? You are still a kid", she replied to me.

"You don't look much older than me", I said to the girl.


Oriese attended the Holy All-Seeing School of Magic, a prestigious institution governed by the Church within the bustling city of Starri. 

While it resembled a typical magical school found in the Ten-Kingdoms, the school's structures exuded opulence and grandeur. 

Adorning the corridors were statues of renowned figures and busts of apostles, their watchful eyes seemingly observing every move of the students.

Functioning as both a rigorous religious and magical school, Holy All-Seeing maintained a strict code of conduct, with zero tolerance for any defiance of its laws. 

However, an exception seemed to prevail for students hailing from aristocratic families. Despite the school's religious affiliation, these privileged students exercised unrestrained dominance within its walls.

The school became their personal domain, a playground where they could indulge in any whim, even at the expense of their less fortunate peers who often fell victim to their bullying tendencies.


"Good morning, young master", a student said to me as he prostrated before me like a slave.

"Good morning, young master Oriese", another student knelt and said to me like the guy before.

"Good morning, young master Oriese" "Good morning, young master Oriese"

As I walked into the Holy All-seeing School of Magic, all the students knelt to me like I was their master, and they were my servants. This was a strange experience that I never had before even though I've been to many high schools before this.

"What the hell is wrong with these people?" I asked Saye.

"They are doing what they always do, sucking up to you", she replied to me.

"What the hell for?" I asked her.

"If they don't, something like that will happen", she said to me while pointing at another group of students.

"I am sorry Young master Yasidee, I didn't see you coming here", a boy pleaded with another.

"Stupid fool, don't you keep your eyes open when you are in this prestigious school? Who do you think pays for everything that you poor scums enjoy for free?" Yasidee told the boy.

"Forgive me, young master, I will not forget to greet you again when I see you", he pleaded with Yasidee.

"Teach this scum a lesson so he knows who his masters are in this city", Yasidee told his goons.

The goons attacked the boy who was pleading for his life, for the offence of a failure to greet the young master.

"Stop it all of you", I shouted to the bullies suddenly.

"You are acting out of character, don't get involved with them?" Saye whispered to me.


My real name is Orion.

Due to fate, I was chosen as the incarnate and successor to the Dark Angel, once one of the most powerful beings in this world. The Dark Angel was killed by the Angels of Eden in a battle, called Armageddon.

I refused to become the Dark Angel and the choice was not forced upon me. So, I allowed the Dark Angel's nascent soul to occupy my soul realm until his resurrection. In the meantime, I received many benefits that the powerful Dark Angel bestows.

The Temple of Solomon, was one of the branches of the Dark Angel's religion. They were persecuted by the apostles of the Church of All-seeing, who worships the Angels of Eden. They imprisoned many followers of Solomon in a mine near Staari City and it was my mission to rescue them.

When I arrived in Staari city, Mother Asereth, the leader of the temple, provided me with an alter-ego, a kidnapped bully, scion of a wealthy family in the city. 

Here starts my adventures in Staari city, Reborn as a Bully.


Dear readers, this is the third book in my series. continuing the adventures of the MC from the previous books.

This book can be read on its own, I have included many references and summary from the previous books here for the benefit of those who haven't read the earlier books.

Thanks for reading and please subscribe and comment. A review would also be appreciated.

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