
Mirria's Number and Evil Pieces.

Romonus spent the next hours with Latia as they shared their experience working on their creations. He even showed her his Blood Resurgence potions which he made because of how often he needed blood. 

She took a few off his hands, but in exchange she let him keep the Black Templar Power Sword she made. According to her while it could be used in battle, the blade would not hold up against the kind of stress he could output. 

Instead, she wanted to work with him directly with much higher quality material to create a better sword and armor for him. It was a good idea and Romonus certainly wanted to craft a set of Armor he could in theory link to his soul like a Sacred Gear. 

If Azazel could create artificial Sacred Gears he wanted to do the same as he much rather rely on something he made with his bare hands. Instead of borrowing power from God. Still, he could spend hours talking with Latia, but after spending over 8 hours with her it was time for him to head home. 

He still had more self-training as it was only 4 PM. Romonus removed the Power Armor which he hadn't removed and handed it back to her. 

"Here. I think it is time I head home."

She seemed a little disappointed, but they had spent the better part of the day together. 

"So soon? I was enjoying your company, but I understand." 

He smiled and held her hands again. They were so soft despite her using her hands in her crafting. 

"I agree. We have known each other a few days, but I have loved every interaction."

She gripped his hands back and returned the gesture. 

"I agree. We should do this more often." 

She let go of his hands as he opened a magic circle under him to teleport home. Once he was in his room he walked over to his bed before falling on it. He began to smile that his fiance was such a wonderful girl. 

She was better in every way than the flings he had in his past life. Her hobby in a way was both a hobby and a power of its own. Imagining the day they would build a Psy-Titan or something of the like got him excited. 

There was so much to do in this wonderful world when you were powerful. He sat up and looked over at Blood Drinker. He reached out for the sword and placed it on his lap. He reached out to Vespera who answered him as usual. 

'What is it?' 

'I wanted to ask if you have any idea what your sword is made of?' 

'Iron drawn out from the bodies of thousands of Humans, Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils.' 



He rolled his eyes. 


Vespera snorted. 

'It is made of mostly Adamantium, with trace amounts of Orichalcum. If my memories are to be believed. Why?'

'I wanted to ask if you could absorb more magical metals?'

'I am not sure, try it if you want.' 

His face became a bit softer as he gazed at the sword. 

'I rather not cause you pain.' 

She stayed silent for a while before answering. 

'I am always in pain, you have just made it hurt less. Just know, I appreciate what you do.' 

When the link was cut he reached into his spatial ring and pulled out one of his barrels of blood. He opened it up and turned off the time enchantment. With a wave of his hand, the large chunk of Magisteel was pulled out and returned to his ring for later use. 

He dropped Blood Drinker into the blood as it was the only thing that could ease her pain. When not in use he could afford to let her rest in a vat of blood, but he would soon have to find enemies to slaughter for her. Maybe even humans from prisons who deserved death.

Regardless, in a month he would get his Evil Pieces allowing him to reincarnate others into his Peerage. Until then, he had time so he pulled out the Soul Grimorie his teacher gave him. It was back to self-study and self-improvement as usual. 


Romonus rarely stopped training for a long as while he could rely on his mere bloodline for everything and still reach the Ultimate Rank, going past it would be impossible. It was why he was so incredibly strong. Without question the strongest Devil of his generation because he was a training madman.

The next 7 years were the most important years of his life as puberty was a magical thing. His growth would rise exponentially as long as he pushed himself accordingly. Over the following month, he continued his physical training under Surtr who pushed him even harder now. 

Surtr also trained him in the art of Touki control as his use of it was still new. Souji increased the intensity of his sword spars, and MacGregor began to teach him darker and more advanced forms of magic. He also had to train in his abilities of Power of Destruction, Gravity, and his alchemy hobby. 

He was being pulled in so many directions, but instead of buckling under the pressure he grew under it. Thanks to the Grimoire on Souls he was beginning to reach closer and closer to unlocking his Soul Scape. 

Thankfully, he didn't just train as he would spend time with his family and the ladies in his life. He would often hang out with Latia in her workshop and even on a few dates. He didn't forget to keep in contact with Serafall and ended up watching her favorite anime with her once. 

It was pretty good actually and he even made sure to visit Mirria his favorite guard. She was less mad at him now, but she was still pissed that he made fun of her. Speaking of Miria, today was the day he was getting his Evil Pieces from Ajuka so here he was. 


Before going to Ajuka's Castle to get his Pieces he stopped by at Serafall's. Outside, Miria was still leaning against her giant greatsword, but when she saw him, her face recoiled in irritation. The blonde guard was still there, but she avoided looking anywhere, but forward. 

Romonus walked toward the purple-haired beauty who gripped the handle of her sword tighter. When he arrived in front of her her purple eyes were squinted in both vexation and anger. 

"What do you want?" 

Romonus cleared his voice before he looked her in the eyes. 

"I'm sorry." 

She looked away with a pout on her face. 


He smiled internally that she didn't hate him. 

"For making a joke at your expense." 

She looked at him and asked him the truth. 

"Did you mean it?" 

"No. You're too young to be worried about something like that." 

Her face turned bright red so she avoided looking him in the eye. 

"In that case, I guess I can forgive you if you do one thing for me." 

He raised an eyebrow. 

"And what is that?" 

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. 

"Your phone number." 

He smiled as she handed him her phone so he could put his phone number. When he did so he handed her phone back. She seemed quite happy so he didn't try to ruin the moment. 

"You are gorgeous when you smile you know."

Miria let go of her sword and held her face with a rather adorable expression if he had to say so. 

"Really? I don't look old?" 

He shook his head. 

"No, of course you don't. Who told you that?" 

"Every time I tried to get a boyfriend they all said I was too old. Am I old?"

Romonus thought about it as she was 875 which meant she saw the end of the Great War and fought in the Civil War. Plus, as a powerful Ultimate Class Devil, her age was not all that great. She still had an impressive level of power, but he did wonder why she worked as a guard. 

"No, not at all. If it makes you feel better I like that maturity. Some might say-" 

She covered his mouth with her hands. 

"Don't say it." 

He smiled and did not call her a milf despite what he wanted to. 

"Alright, call me alright. Are you free today?" 

"Uh, no. Tomorrow is my day off."

He smiled as he leaned forward. 

"In that case want to go on a date with me?"

Miria held her face in embarrassment, but she did seem happy about it.

"Ok. If you want to go with this old lady I guess I can go." 

He snorted and gently couped her face. 

"Don't call yourself old, age is just a number for our kind."

He let go of her face and teleported away toward Ajuka's castle. Miria placed her hands over her chest feeling her heartbeat. The last time she had gone on a date had been 75 years ago and the guy called things off because he thought she was unfeminine. 

She then proceeded to throw him through 5 walls breaking every bone in his body, but he survived.

'What a little brat. Wonder what he will look like in 4 years?' 


As for Romonus, he teleported in front of Ajuka's castle which was located South of the City. Unlike Serafall's castle which only had 2 guards stationed outside, Ajuka's castle had none. 

At least stationed outside because Ajuka was an inventor so he relied on his inventions for his security. Outside, two giant golems of metal turned to gaze at Romonus. 

One of them aimed a giant Naginata at him before speaking in a distorted robotic voice. 

<State your identity.>

"I am Romonus B. Gremory and I am here to receive my Evil Pieces." 

Both Golems scanned him a few times before they moved aside. 

<Identity confirmed. Enter.> 

Both golems together pushed open the giant enchanted doors behind them and allowed him to walk in. When he walked in he saw a woman sitting at a desk. He walked toward her and saw she had the green hair of the Astaroth Clan. 

She smiled professionally when she saw him. 

"Lord Gremory?" 

"Romonus is fine, but yes." 

She looked into her computer file before nodding. 

"Ok, Lord Beelzebub is waiting. Just stand in the teleport circle here." 

He stepped into the teleport circle that was near the desk. When he did so, she explained how this worked. 

"Evil Pieces were created by Lord Beelzebub, but they are not kept here in Lilith. He keeps the monoliths in a separate space no one knows the exact location to. That way they are safe from sabotage. Are you ready?"


She pressed a key on her keyboard causing the circle to surge with Mana. In a flash of Light Romonus was teleported away to the sight of the Evil Piece 'King' Monoliths. It was here where every High Class and Noble Devil received their Pieces. 

When he arrived Ajuka was already waiting for him. The Devil King gave a rare smile to his Nephew-In-Law. 

"Romonus, I have heard only good things from Latia about you. She seems to be falling for you quite fast may I add. Whatever you are doing keep doing it." 

"Yes, uncle. It is also wonderful to see you. On another note, I am sorry for your loss." 

Ajuka sighed. 

"Thank you. I was not close to Diodora and never spoke to him personally, but his death was so odd. Turns out he was not as kind as we believed. His 'peerage' were all abused and terrified of him. Though they couldn't tell us what happened when he died?" 

Romonus pushed for information wondering what Ajuka knew. 

"What have you found out if you don't mind me asking?" 

Ajuka then dropped a bombshell which worried Romonus. 

"I know what killed him, I just kept it to myself. The Harvestor did it." 

'Please tell me the reaper guy is ok.' 

"You mean the Greater Spirit of Death of the Spirt Realm?" 

Ajuka nodded. 

"Yes. He was summoned here to do the dead. Who knows who Diodora offended so much that they summoned that thing? Your teacher spoke of him?"

"Yes. MacGregor said The Harvestor has never been contracted and I planned on trying." 

"If you succeed ask him why he did it. I tried to summon him myself and he refused my summons. Regardless we aren't here to talk about that. You're here for your Evil Pieces." 

Romonus saw that there were 5 total monoliths. 

"Why are there 5?"

"Each one has different levels as not every devil is equal. Evil Pieces are formed of both the user's Demonic Power and Crystals from the Agreas Island. Very few Devils reach the Ultimate Class or further so most use the first 2 or maybe the third. 

The 4th is for the more exceptional ones while the 5th is for the elites. You can use the 5th one."

The 5th Monolith was larger than the rest and made of higher-quality crystals. He walked toward the monolith and when he was in front of it he turned to Ajuka. 

"Do I just channel my energy into it?" 

Ajuka nodded. 

"That one will take a lot so be careful." 

"No problem." 

Romonus placed a hand on the crystal monolith before he began to surge power into it. In moments the Monolith began to glow brighter and brighter as Romonus kept feeding it his Demonic Energy. 

His reserves were massive and the sheer purity of his energy was causing even Ajuka suprise. His energy was almost as pure as Sirzechs despite him not being a Super Devil. 

'Will he take the leap as well?' 

Romonus did not stop feeding the Monolith his Energy until he was running on empty. He had overfed the Monolith which was a hard feat to achieve, but it was worth it. The monolith gathered all the Demonic Energy he sent into it and began to form his 15 Pieces. 

Thanks to how much Energy went into forming them and the purity they were much stronger than the prices of other Devils. He would need fewer pieces to reincarnate stronger people, but that was not the thing that shocked Ajuka. 

"3 Mutation Pieces? You are either insanely lucky or blessed." 

Romonus had lucked out and gotten a Mutation Queen, Rook, and Pawn which was insanely lucky.

"How rare is Mutation Pieces, Uncle?" 

"Only 1 in 10 Devils have even a single one. You having three is 1 in a thousand chance. I also need to inform you of a little-known trait I added to the Evil Piece System. Your Pieces are linked to you so Unsused Pieces will grow accordingly. 

Even after they are used as long as you and your servant grow stronger they can mutate to match that new power. I fully expect you to form a Peerage of Monsters." 

Romonus smiled before he waved he dismissed his Pieces which vanished into thin air. He already knew his first Peerage Member would come to him. Akeno Himejima would make his first Bishop as the Queen Piece was not useful for her. 

All in all, today had proven to be a wonderful day. 

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