
Chapter 13 : Irina's blush reached critical levels, "VANESSA!"

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"What time is it anyway?" Vin mumbled to himself, as he tapped his phone, before groaning, "5:30? Are you for real?"

Looking over his shoulder, Vin caught another of Ethan's smirks, "Yep! Now c'mon, we have time to change later. Just… put on some pants first. Or not: your choice."

Looking down, Vin gazed over his current state of dress. The same shirt he arrived in, and probably the same boxers. He probably threw his jeans somewhere in his sleep.

"I'll meet up with you. Give me a sec," Vin responded.

Ethan began to back out of the room, firing finger guns at Vin as he walked out, "Gotcha, you do that."

As the door closed, Vin turned to his new problem, the still unpacked cardboard box filled with his clothing. He sighed as he grabbed his keyring off his desk. Guess he was going digging this morning.

Eventually, Vin managed to scrape together a pair of sweatpants and a new t-shirt to wear for the moment, before heading out into the common room.

As he arrived, Vin realized that breakfast seemed to be a much more casual affair than dinner in the dorm. While dinner had everyone sitting around a single table to eat together, breakfast saw everyone scattered around the room, eating all manner of things, from cereals to fresh fruits.

"Morning Vin," Vanessa greeted from her spot on the couch, before going back to watch, huh, SpongeBob? Vin hadn't seen an episode of that in years.

"Um," Vin stared at the large pantry cupboards in the common room's kitchenette.

"Bottom cupboard on the right is cereal, you'll find bowls in the top-middle cupboard, and spoons are in the top drawer to the right of the sink," Xenovia provided helpfully from her spot at the table.

"Ah, Thanks."


Vin quickly made himself a bowl of cereal, and plopped himself down on the couch in between Vanessa and Irina. Taking a big mouthful of his breakfast as he turned to gaze at the television.

"First day here, and you're already sitting with the ladies, huh?" Vanessa smirked, "Bold move."

Vin blushed at the insinuation. Ah, so Vanessa was one of those types, huh? Given her greeting, he… probably should have seen that coming.

"Don't be like that, Vanessa. Vinny's too sweet to try something like that. Right, Vinny?"

Oof. Shot through the heart, Irina. Did… that count as getting friend zoned? Did he really just get friend zoned on his first morning here?

At least his lack of luck was consistent…

"Oh? What's the matter, Irina? Too scared that Vin's rugged charms are going to tempt you away from your childhood beloved, hmm?" Vanessa taunted in a scandalous tone, bringing heat to both Irina and Vin's cheeks.

He knew she was just teasing, but really? Vanessa, watch what you say, or someone will interpret that as indirect flirting, damn it!

"V-Vanessa, don't bring that up! It's embar~ass~ing!" Irina pouted as she flailed around.

"Really? But you were so into it when we talked about it before," Vanessa wrapped her arms around herself like she was giving herself a hug, "Oh, my darling Issei! I'll return to you one day, and we can finally be together, hand in hand for all of eternity!"

Irina's blush reached critical levels, "VANESSA!"

Oh god, Vin had to change this topic or else.

Vin coughed, drawing the two girl's attention, "Soooo… SpongeBob, am I right?"

You really nailed it, Vin. Ten outta fuckin' ten.

Surprisingly, an unexpected third party arrived to help. Coming to sit at the foot of the couch was Ezekiel, clad in his signature cape… and was that a sword?! Yeah, he had a ornate black and gold sword which rested sheathed in a scabbard of the same color which he held in his left hand. Crossing his legs as he sat down, Ezekiel let the end of his sword rest in his lap, as the hilt laid up against his shoulder.

"I personally derive great enjoyment from the antics of the SpongeBob, and his most trusted of allies, Patrick Star. Within the universe of this entertainment, I'd have to say that my muse would be the cephalopod, Squidward. His dry humor provides a refreshing perspective that I quite enjoy," Ezekiel closed his eyes, and gave a small smirk, "Hmph, how ironic that the driest personality becomes the one that is the most refreshing. Sinclair agrees with my epiphany."

Vin raised a brow, "Um… whose Sinclair?"

"Oh! I can answer that!" Irina chimed in, "You see that sword? Zeke claims that there's a dragon inside of it! And only the most worthy of people can be trusted with it's immeasurable power. You can only hear Sinclair if you're the one who is bonded to the sword. I think that most people don't believe him, but I do!"

Vin turned to Ezekiel, who had a blush on his face, and was suddenly very interested in the floor he sat on. Oh, that's how it was… poor guy.

"Zeke says that Sinclair taught him to speak like that, since he has to be dignified if he's gonna be the wielder of his power. It's kind of cute, he's like Zeke's dragon dad!" Irina turned to Ezekiel with a bright smile on her face, "Did I get that all right, Zeke?"

Ezekiel continued to blush, but managed to murmur out a response, "Uh… Y-yeah. You got it right."

Ah, being flustered: ever the Chuunibyou's weakness. Vin grew a small smile at the sight.

"I see everyone's eaten," Griselda entered the room, already dressed perfectly in her usual robes, "Head over to the showers, and get changed. After that, you're free to do what you wish."

"Huh, free day? We usually don't get one of those…" Vanessa mumbled.

"Vin, Ezekiel, I want the two of you to come with me to the training grounds once you get changed. We're going to begin Vin's training proper today."

Oh, well this was starting quick. But hey, he guessed it was in the job description.

"Griselda," Xenovia stood up from the table, "Am I allowed to use the training grounds?"

Griselda sighed, "Yes Xenovia, you may."

Xenovia nodded, before immediately heading up the hall.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters


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