
The reason behind the whole duel! {Part-1}

After the Round of Sara and Marshal, Sara enters the rest area and, sees that Ella the newly maid in doing first-aid instead of her, now let's see what cooking there…

"Jai… why is this lady here", Sara says while curling her lips her head was down, murderous air surrounded the rest area.

"Ehh..! She's appointed as my personal maid by your beloved sister though you know her right hehe... ahh (screams)!" Jai says,

"Ohh… (Gets panic) sorry master Jai! I'll be careful" Ella says,

"Ehh…! ya, I mean no it's okay I'm no longer that Master Jai, now I'm just Jai so don't use that honorifics now!" Jai says.

"Let me help you with the other hand of yours Jai! We can't let Ella do all the works right!" Sara says,

Yeah, I agree with that!" Jai says,

I've swear to devote my life to Master Jai, even if Master Jai asks me to sleep with him I'll happily accept that!" Ella says, meanwhile the rest of the group

"I see she's a shotacon, I got my Intel's and here it's there's clearly written she's a shotacon who's obsessed with Jai" Gaja says, "well guys I guess it's my turn now I'm going"

Best of luck darling, go kick their asses let them see your monster!" Ekta says,

"Huh! Hehe… you know right Ekta I don't like fights I just like two things, rethinks, no three things you, money and my friends!" Gaja says, Gaja leaves the rest area saying that his green shining emerald eyes, Mint dyed hair, and the smile on his face.

[I guess every man in the world will only smile like this only in two scenarios first when he gets married or gets girlfriend or get's salary] 

Please welcome now the Leader of the remnant Tryarch's and the money monster Gajanand Tiwari and his opponent 'The queen of Water' Shreya Desai!" Commentator says,

Are you ready leader and the only mastermind saving Jai all long or you're planning to surrender as usual" Shreya says, 

"Nah…! I'll play with you a little as respect to you as my senior" Gaja says,

So let this round begun!" Commentator says, the crowd stadium roars [I don't know why use your brain]

"Blades of water eternal judgment" I can't in front of someone as mysterious as you Gajanand Jaganath Tiwari the one who never fought for once in his life but got promoted to lower A-rank with just overall points, Shreya in her mind.

Shreya's attack created blades of water which attacks her opponent continuously, creating cuts on her opponent and make him bleed until opponent falls or she losses her all of the energy.

Her attack hits Gaja while Gaja didn't eve moved inch from his place, her continuous made created a lot of dust and destruction made the crowd and everyone and herself also unable to see Gaja.

Shreya stops due to losing all of her energy,

Huff-huff! (ghastly breathing) these will be enough play for you Gaja!" Shreya says,

Hehe… (Smirks) do you think this is enough, don't make me laugh Shreya!" Gaja says, his face was having the smile of nothing happened at all.

I see, even if I try every last drop of my energy I can't defeat you" Shreya says, "the reason behind you never fought with anyone is because there's no one between the students who dares to challenge the barrier of Kurma! A mythic type beast which's ratio of getting is the same as getting a dragon or a heavenly dragon"

Why you didn't joined the student council you may have got everything and if you had did that there was no longer a reason left than for you to fight!

That's true, am having Kurma who alone is capable to defeat anyone I put my finger on, but I'm not undefeated up until now!" Gaja says,

It's impossible there's not a single student in this academy that has strength, don't tell me the one who defeated you was? Shreya says, her hands started to shake as she realises the one who defeated Gaja.

"That's right! He was Jai the Azure Ravager, and later I started to back off just because there's no one on my level accepts Jai and Rocky in our academy and that's the only reason they're my friends haha…" 

"The one who once used to be your boyfriend whom you dumped to join the student council used his tricks to defeat him and get enrol in this academy, and become part of the student council" Gaja says. 

Why that sad face Shreya! Aren't you happy that Jai has become slave of your president even if we win these duel Jai can't say any longer with us and even can't protect you brother!" Gaja says,

"I know for getting your good using people as a stepping stone is a common think but the reason today you lost against me isn't because my A.I is stronger!"

What? Then why are you still unscratched even after I used all of my strength! And why someone likes Jai who doesn't have a fighting type A.I in the first place won against you!" Shreya says,

The reason you lost today is because you still don't know that while chasing success and gaining strength you got devoured by your own beast, you were begging for more power which you got from you beast but at the same time you, became pet of your own A.I Beast who's created by you" Gaja says,

"You may get a strong A.I, you may become stronger than other fellow practitioners here, but for someone like Jai who practiced until he until he collapse, who trained himself until he collapse, will win because he isn't depended on his A.I and that's the only reason he isn't drag down by wits or limits!"

I know that, I did a mistake, just because of that incident I reacted like these and now I'm going to pay for my deeds. Shreya starts to tremble she bends on her knees, tears started to come out from her eyes as she was able to understand, that she's now going to drown her despair.

"Well let's end this battle now" Gaja says; Gaja moves with a demonic speed come towards Shreya, with his intent to punch, leaves a piece of paper inside her uniform, and stops.


"Hehe… I give up" Gaja says,

Ehh! What? Commentator and the crowd in the stadium at the stadium says,

"I said am giving up or do you want me to give you some cash to declare that I lost!" Gaja says,

No! You can't leave like that, why are you doing this to someone like, me why didn't you punch me? Starts crying, why didn't you punish a bitch like me?" Shreya says,

Punishing isn't my thing or to put it in simple words my task is finished, the only thing which is left is now upon you that which path you're going to choose" Gaja says, while leaving the stadium.

Shreya wipes off her tears, and leaves the stadium, returns to her rest area.

"You played well Shreya! It's just that your opponent was to strong" Hana says,

"I'm going to my room now and am leaving the student council I'm no longer an undefeated practitioner" Shreya says while removing her badge, while starts leaving the rest area.

Shreya you don't have to do this weren't you devoted to this Badge more than your life! Lilith says,]

"Hehe…(dead smile) I think you still haven't realised what you lost while chasing that seat, fame, money you'll know it soon and moreover my brother is not going to be your pet again" Shreya says,

"What are you babbling, hehe… I think you lost your mind after seeing how weak you're" Lilith says,

"Maybe you're right! But let me tell you one thing its better if you don't try to go back to Riya" Shreya says

What did you say? Who're you tell in the first place!" Lilith says,

"Now stop this she is no longer part of us, and am going for our last battle now" Hana says,

v After the round of Jai and Aaliyah in infirmary after Jai leaving Aaliyah to take rest and get treatment, Hana came to look Aaliyah…

"Aaliyah-san, how are you feeling now? Is it hurting you more or something?" Hana asks,

"Am fine, did you saw how kind Jai is! He brought me here, which means he still has a place for me in his heart" Aaliyah says, [this is the proof for you that they are twins]

"But are you forgetting that he's the only reason you're here heavily injured!" Hana says,

"I know how you feel! But that was my karma for what I did to Jai, I was this reason, for he is now and now after this duel I can sense a bit of warm place for me in Jai's heart and am sure that one day he'll accept me again!" Aaliyah says,

"And moreover it's time for me to leave student council and support Jai in bright light cause I can't just win his heart by staying in shadows anymore there is a lot of competition for winning over Jai's virginity"

"What are you saying Aaliyah-san, didn't you won the battle! Isn't Jai your slave now! Why are you saying something like this and where are you going now isn't the whole Regnant Tryarch's your opponent!" Hana Says,

"Am glad you care for me this much, but you got it all wrong my duel with Jai wasn't exactly based on making Jai my slave!" Aaliyah says,

What? Then what was it for?" Hana asks,

"I guess you forgot about the duel prize making rule, I can make any one request which Jai has to obey, I said him he'll become my slave so that his hatred for me will make him serious an fight against me using his full strength and adding a date as a reward to Jai is like a paradise to him." Aaliyah says,

"Though I don't like that part of him humph..! He looks pervert there! Actually you don't know the whole truth about Jai Hana-Chan! And I know I'm a selfish lady who's doing ridiculous things to make happy someone who doesn't looks at me as woman in the first place I want him to consider me as his fiancée again now!"

"No not at all you were doing a lot of good things beside that it just that I actually don't like you losing all your power and both of your seat" Hana says,

v Flash back ends

Aaliyah-san, I can't see anyone else as the president! And I won't let you leave the president seat I've taken oath that I'll serve as your right hand till my last breath! And for that reason I'll defeat Rohan Spencer and the regnant Tryarch's even if after that you start hating me.

so hello readers yeah! am back and sorry about the mass release am actually quite busy with a special surprise and because of that i wasn't able to do mass release buyt don't worry chp 17 to 21 chp will be covered in mass release till that seeya!

Captain_doublooncreators' thoughts