
GOT : Chapter 110

( Sansa POV )

Of all the places on the continent she would have hoped to set foot in one day, she did not expect to visit the Water Gardens so soon.

Far to the south, in Dorne, in a land that seemed almost mystical, she would be lucky if she were to travel there even once. And being of the North, such travel was almost impossible.

Yet, here she was, surrounded by the calm pools and the shade of palm and orange trees. Not a soul to disturb her, except perhaps a couple of children running, chased by midwives or maids, while the guards stood silently, far away.

It felt good, to be finally left alone. To be in peace, not constantly jeered at, humiliated and beaten.

The people she crossed paths with were all pleasant to speak to, and none laid so much as a finger on her. Ellaria Sand, whom she only knew as being Prince Oberyn's whore at court, proved to be such a lovely woman, who showed her every affection as if she were her child.

She took care of Sansa, presented her own daughters to her, and made sure that she had every comfort here: clothes, food, water, a comfortable bed and peace when she needed it. She showed her the vastness of the Gardens and the calm sea and splendid turquoise beaches right next to them.

Ellaria Sand was a gentle, kind, soul. Something Sansa was sorely missing recently, and she thanked her much for it.

But Sansa didn't delude herself. She knew that she was just a hostage between these walls. She wasn't allowed to ride anywhere unless it was with a close escort, never mind even going to Sunspear. But if she were to trade gaolers, at least she thanked these ones, for they treated her like she was a proper lady.

But now, she was alone, even further from the North than before. Her family was still out of reach, and she had no news of them. What happened to her family? Robb, Bran and Rickon were dead, but what of Arya, Jon and Mother? Where were they? Were they safe?

So many questions, and so little answers.

For now, though, Sansa decided to soothe her mind the only way she knew how: to take a dive in the pools.

Slowly, she took off her light Dornish dress, a gift from Ellaria that had belonged to one of the Red Viper's daughters when she was younger, and put it aside, amidst the palm trees.

The area of the Gardens she was in was a clearly secure area. No less than eight guards were on duty in this place alone, and they could only let through the members of the Martell family without any announcement.

This suited her well. It meant no one would come, and if they did, it would probably be Ellaria or one of her young daughters, who had sought to play with her.

No one would come to stare at her, no one would disturb her.

Shedding her last items of clothing, her shoes, she slowly dropped into the pool, feeling the warm water around her ankles, then along her entire body as she sunk further in.

She enjoyed the feeling of it, a fresh respite despite the water temperature, since the sun was high in the sky, and peals of sweat had started to form on her forehead.

She sunk her head deep into the pool, her auburn hair slowly sinking with her whilst she closed her eyes to avoid the stinging sensation of more water rushing into them.

The water soothed her scars, making the light twitches and small pains go away for an instant.

When she rose out of the water to take a breath, she could feel her hair falling in front of her, and quickly shoved it back. It would not do to feel uncomfortable while swimming, and it would do even less for her hair to graze her burnt face.

With a few strokes, she went towards a part of the pool which laid in the shade of a large orange tree, whose leaves had painted a side of the pool with green and yellow. The heat was much more bearable there.

Therefore, she brought a hand to the edge of the pool, and rested there, placing her hands out of the water to allow her head to rest for a moment, enjoying the silence and the small chirping of the birds, interrupted by a few ruffling of leaves caused by a small breeze coming from the sea.

She closed her eyes, dreaming for a moment.

However, this didn't last long.

Sansa started to feel uneasy, like something was amiss. She looked around, as if she knew she was being watched.

Suddenly, a figure appeared amidst the palm trees, and she instinctively retreated into the water.

"My lady, I did not mean to scare you," said a feminine voice.

Sansa squinted; her vision blurred by the sun bearing down on her.

"Who goes there?" she asked.

"It's me, my lady," the voice of the small figure answered, "Myrcella."

Sansa slowly tiptoed her way back towards the edge, where a stony staircase had been etched into the pool, resting on a shallower area.

Indeed, she could finally see the person that had interrupted her afternoon swim. It was the princess Myrcella, with her long blonde hair, wearing a Dornish robe similar to Sansa's own, but strewn with the sun and spear pattern so particular to House Martell.

"I did not wish to interrupt your day, my lady," the Lannister girl spoke softly, "I merely hoped we could speak. We have not spoken in a long time."

Sansa got out of the pool, grabbing a towel and clothing herself with it, letting the drops of water run down her hair to come to settle on the ground below.

"You're beautiful, my lady," said Myrcella, her voice as soft as ever, whilst looking her up and down.

Sansa didn't say anything. Instead, she just looked at the girl inquisitively, as if waiting to see if she would drop the mask she was wearing, or to see if she was truly genuine in her intentions.

Inwardly, Sansa hoped it was genuine concern. After all, the girl was a child, not even three-and-ten yet. But she knew better.

"I'm sorry." Myrcella shifted awkwardly in front of her, looking downwards.

"What for, my lady?" Sansa dared to ask.

"For what he did to you," Myrcella's answer was quick. "I…I…cannot fathom what you had to go through. I…I cried for you, and prayed for you, whilst I was still in the capital, my lady."

"I thank you for your prayers." Sansa said. "But I fear they were not of much use."

Myrcella seemed to be uncomfortable at Sansa's answer, but nodded nonetheless.

"I…I knew…Joff was…" the Lannister girl was struggling to keep herself together. "My brother was a monster."

Sansa didn't say anything, letting Myrcella continue.

"He was always mean to everyone. The servants, the maids, even Tommen and I," she confessed. "But my mother was always kind to me. I could not have imagined her doing this to you."

Then you do not know your mother at all, Sansa thought bitterly. She might just be a bigger monster than he.

"Joffrey was a monster, and now he's dead," Sansa's reply was cold, without any emotion.

"Yes." Myrcella nodded. "I cannot rejoice in his death, but I can certainly think it was a liberation for you, just like when my great-uncle Kevan sent me here."

Myrcella took a step forward.

"I was afraid at first. Leaving my family, my home, it was all hard. Of course, I knew it was going to happen one day, but so soon? However, one thing did console me, and that was getting away from Joffrey. He could no longer torment me, but I feared someone else might do so. After all, it was no secret the Martells despised us."

Sansa didn't utter a word, instead adjusting her towel while looking at the blonde-haired girl.

"But I have been treated with nothing but kindness here. Even the Red Viper's daughters, those whom are called the Sand Snakes, only treated me with the utmost kindness, love and respect, as if I already were one of theirs. I'm…happy for you, my lady. I hope that you will find some happiness here, as I have."

"I thank you, my lady." Sansa nodded in response. "Does your betrothed treat you well?"

"Oh, Trys is sweet as could be." Myrcella suddenly bore a broad smile. "I could not dream of a better husband, I must admit. But, tell me, my lady, are you adjusting well here?"

"I am trying to, my lady." Sansa sat down on a small oaken bench, before suddenly finding herself asking, "Tell me, what do you know of Prince Quentyn?"

"Only what the rumors say, my lady."

"And what do the rumors say?"

"That the Prince is a gift from the heavens to us, that he has done much for Dorne and its people, and that he avenged Princess Elia's death," she replied simply.

"Have you met him?" Sansa asked.

"Only once," Myrcella replied. "He seemed kind but reserved. In truth, he wasn't interested in me as much as the woman at his side at that moment, but he still wished Trystane and I happiness in our marriage."

"When was this?" Sansa seemed to grow confused.

"This morning." Myrcella smiled slightly. "The Prince has come to visit the Gardens to pay homage to his father."

Sansa opened her mouth, but words didn't come out of it. Why didn't she notice his presence, and would she finally get some answers as to why he brought her here?

"My lady, could I ask you a question?" Sansa inquired.

"Of course," came the Lannister girl's answer.

"Why has the Prince brought me here, in your opinion?"

"Why, to marry you, my lady."

Myrcella's answer seemed to have cut deep.

"To marry me?" Sansa asked, taken aback.

"You are a beautiful woman, my lady, and from another kingdom besides," Myrcella replied with her innocent voice. 

"But it is known the prince's heart is spoken for. If he brought you here, wouldn't it be for you to marry him so that he may lay with his love, whilst you could enjoy whatever you wish to do without a worry? That is what Trystane told me."


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