
GOT : Chapter 107

She tried thinking in her head, and then found herself asking, "Would I rule by your side, or just be a woman for you to breed and discard?"

"I would need a wife capable of advising me correctly, yes." The prince blushed. "As heir to Ghost Hill, you would be the perfect person for this."


Valena thought quickly. If he was pursuing a girl raised as heir, he would be short of Dornishwomen. Of course, there was the Uller girl, but that was out of the question, the Blackmont girl was smitten with someone else, there were only her, Myria Jordayne and Jeyne Fowler.

However, he could not risk a play on the Fowlers without angering Yronwood, and his grandfather had already been a Jordayne, such favoritism could cost him… she would gamble.

"Would you give me time to think about it?" she asked.

"Of course," he said, nodding back.

"I will have conditions," Valena continued.

"State them, and I shall see what can be done," he answered.

He really wants me.

"How long do I have to answer?" she asked in return.

"Come with your mother to the council I shall gather in Sunspear in three weeks," Prince Quentyn replied swiftly, "you can give me your answer then."

Then, to her surprise, the prince turned tail and left.

Valena coughed, and he stopped in his steps.

"Is that why you called me here?" she asked, half-annoyed.

"Yes," he replied. "Why?"

"Alright, my prince, one of the conditions, I wish to have satisfied right now," she said with a grin.

"What is it?" he asked, still clueless.

"You are going to do what I expected you to do when you walked in here," was her answer as she stood up.

"And what would that be?" He raised an eyebrow.

Valena wordlessly pushed the straps of her dress and let it all fall to the ground. Grinning, she simply called out:

"Well, I think if we are to be married, I want to see if my future husband can fulfill my desires."



She stood in front of him, completely naked, while the prince didn't move.

"Well, then, stunned, are we?" she asked, "Look at them, they've grown since last time…"

She then pulled the prince to her and whispered in his ear:

"You are very much overdressed, my prince."

Prince Quentyn took the obvious hint and discarded his own clothes. Slowly, he brought him into a kiss, not as passionate as the ones they had shared two years ago, but still good enough.

She made him suck around her breasts, along her stomach and finally between her legs, grabbing a fistful of his hair, she did not let go until she found herself screaming with pleasure after her release. It seemed he did not lack of skill there, and had improved greatly. Oh yes, he'd make a fine lover.

Then, seeing his lips glistening with her peak, licking his lips as to get everything, her chest heaving, she immediately ordered him in.

Bringing him close, she brought him deep inside of her, making sure to moan even louder than the usual. The more people heard, the better. With every movement and every kiss, she made sure to moan incredibly loudly, even louder than the whores of the local brothel. She made sure to utter his name every time his manhood hit her in the perfect spot inside of her, letting her fingers roam his body.

Embarrassed, or feeling the effects of their coupling, Quentyn tried to muffle her screams by plunging his tongue inside of hers, muffling her moans completely. His tongue tasted of saffron and lemon, as he did his best to muzzle her frantic moans. Valena enjoyed the taste, but felt annoyed that her cries were silenced.

Finally, though, he released her from her prison, but before she could moan loudly again, having reached her peak once again while their tongues were duelling, she felt empty.

Her vision hazy, she did not see the sticky ropes of Quentyn's release until she felt the warm feeling of it arriving on her face. Quentyn handed her a cloth to clean herself, but she denied it. Usually, she would not do this, hating the taste, but she needed him to be frantic for her.

Doing her best, she grabbed all the sticky solution on her face, and brought it to her lips, pulling everything into her mouth, then making a show of languishingly presenting it to him, closing her mouth, before reopening it with it completely empty.

She tried her best not to gag as she felt it go down her throat, but she told herself it was for a good cause.

"Val, you didn't need to..." Quentyn protested, but Valena cut him off.

"No, but I wanted to." she grinned, licking the corner of her lips.

Finally, when the prince thought it was over, she grinned even more and pinned him to the bed.

"We're not done whatsoever, my little prince," she giggled, "I've known you more endurant than this."

With one swift motion, she took his manhood in her hand, and lowered her lips to it.

"Now let's get your little prince back to a more agreeable size, shall we. After all, if you are to be my husband, I need you to hold on for a better part of the night, till I'm so tired of you ravaging me, that I collapse from exhaustion."

With that, she pushed her lips downward, and continued seeking her pleasure while holding the prince in her grip.



Much later, after Quentyn had finished fulfilling his "condition", Valena grinned as she pulled the prince to her, holding him close and tight, so as to not let him escape her hold, he breasts firmly attached to his back.

"Did I fulfill your condition properly?" Quentyn whispered.

"Oh yes, you did extremely well," Valena whispered back in his ear.

"Then I should get going," he made to stand up, but Valena held him down.

"Why run away?" she asked, "Surely your paramour knows what we have done, she won't mind us spending the entire night together. After all, if we are to be wed, you will have to share my bed for entire nights, not half-nights, Quent."

Quentyn answered by sighing deeply.

"Fine," he finally relented. "I was scared of what I was going to return to anyways. But try not to install more of these types of conditions going forward."

Valena was slightly annoyed by this, but kept her composure.

"Of course, Quent." She tightened her hold on him. "Good night."

Good boy, she thought. She had managed to hold him for a night. All she had to do now was intoxicate him slowly, and drag the snake away.

It was a dangerous game, something she could play very easily, but had to be careful of not growing overconfident. The fact that the Sand bitch had not moved a muscle during the day worried her deeply. What was she missing? She would find out later.

But if she could return with Quentyn to Sunspear, perhaps with an excuse of seeing the Water Gardens…or maybe visit uncle Lucian, who was at Sunspear. Yes, this would do! She could then slowly wrap him around her finger and make him abandon his cousin.

It would be difficult, to be sure. But impossible was not a word the Tolands were accustomed to, and Valena certainly wasn't going to fail the mission she set herself. If she was going to rule Dorne, her husband would be hers and only hers, and she would be second to no one.


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