
Home Sweet Home

The sun shone brightly over the utopian society on the planet Trill. The day had finally arrived, and the Runabout shuttle prepared to dock at the headquarters of the Trill Symbiosis Commission.

As the shuttle doors opened slowly, Chief Medical Officer Tegris disembarked with the Commission Guardian and Captain Anzyl Praxas, who held an aura of enlightenment and a new perspective on life. The trio had landed on Trill to prepare for the 'Rite of Continuation,' where the symbiont is temporarily released from the host to spawn and produce the next generation of infant symbionts before returning to the host.

The Guardian led Tegris and Anzyl, who was now wearing a blue surgical gown, down into the legendary Caves of Mak'ala, the birthplace and home of the symbiont slugs. It was a network of dimly lit granite caves with pools of aquamarine waters, illuminated by bioluminescence and meticulously cared for by the Guardians.

This cave held the single most prized possession of the Trill species and society, and security was tighter than anywhere else on the planet.

The trio approached a medical table beside a pool of illuminated waters. "Please, Anzyl," the Guardian motioned to the bed, "lie down. Your medical officer will place you into a medically induced coma for the duration of the Rite of Continuation."

Visibly nervous, Anzyl lay on the table. "Won't Praxas die if they are away from me for too long?"

"Under normal circumstances, yes," the Guardian explained. "However, the abdominal pain you have been feeling lately is Praxas preparing itself for temporary unjoining. After the rite is complete, they will return to you and rejoin as usual. You will be in your induced coma for the entire duration, so you will feel no ill or adverse effects from the unjoining."

Still a little nervous, Anzyl nodded. "Okay then." He laid his head down on the cold pillow, his body tense against the metal surgical bed. "Let's get it over with then. I'm sure Praxas has a date with a pretty little slug in there…"

Tegris chuckled slightly. "Who says they won't be going after a big strapping slug?" He then lowered a medical gas mask over Anzyl. "Now count down from ten, sir."

Anzyl closed his eyes as the mask sat on his mouth and nose. "Ten, nine… eight…" And he was out cold.

Anzyl slowly opened his eyes. He was not in the Caves of Mak'ala, nor was he on Trill. Instead, he found himself on a soft bed in the Nexus Sick Bay.

"There we go, Captain," Tegris loomed over him and smiled reassuringly. "Open your eyes slowly, let your systems kick back in and the drugs wear off."

Anzyl sat up slowly, realizing he was in a Nexus medical gown in a small private room segregated from the rest of the Sick Bay. "When did I come back to the ship, T?" He looked around, groggy and disoriented.

"Oh, a few days ago," Tegris replied, filling a hypospray.

"A few days? How long have I been out?" Anzyl inquired, looking around.

"About two weeks," Tegris tapped the vial and approached the captain. "Don't worry. We've kept you healthy and whole the entire time." He then took out a medical tricorder and began scanning him. "And nothing to fear, you are none the worse for wear. The Praxas symbiont was transferred back to you approximately 96 hours ago, and after the rejoining, we returned you to the ship, where you've been sleeping soundly ever since. Tell me, how do you feel?" the Doctor inquired politely.

Anzyl rotated his arms and cracked his neck, twisted, and popped his back, like anyone would after waking up from a deep night's sleep. "Actually, T, I feel fantastic! Better than I have in months or even years!"

Tegris smiled with approval. "As you should. Your endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and prolactin are all elevated higher than they ever have been. You should be floating on hormonal cloud nine!" He smiled sheepishly. "I can only imagine what happened to you down there?"

"Nothing happened to me!" Anzyl retorted.

Smiling roguishly, Tegris replied, "I wasn't talking to you, Anzyl…" he winked.

Anzyl nodded at the comment and then felt his abdomen. "But it feels like Praxas got some serious action down there…" Looking up at Tegris, almost laughing, "Way more than I ever got in my entire lifetime!"

Tegris laughed heartily, "Well, it seems Praxas had a fruitful time indeed. Welcome back, Captain. The Nexus wouldn't be the same without you."

Anzyl smiled, feeling more connected and revitalized than ever, ready to continue his journey aboard the Nexus.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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