
Crystal Cataclysm

The bridge of the USS Nexus, shining star and flagship of the Khitomer Alliance, trembled and shook as it engaged in a fierce battle with a gargantuan, two-kilometer-tall Crystalline Entity and its numerous fractals minions. For every shard the Nexus sliced off, it became a smaller Crystalline Entity on the offensive.

This inorganic being possessed the ability to absorb all organic matter and convert it into its own electromagnetic energy, warranting a standing Kill On Sight order.

"Shields holding at ninety-seven percent," Keten declared. "The entity's energy barely scratches our shields, sir."

"However, our three allied ships aren't faring so well," Eroga reported. "Both the Galactica and the Eunoia have shields down to 12%, while the Farragut is at 34%."

Anzyl swiftly responded, "Heluna, instruct the three ships to make a full retreat back to Jouret Station. The Nexus has sustained minimal damage and will handle the situation from here."

"Yes, sir," Heluna acknowledged.

Eroga spoke up, "However, the Klingons may not want to flee their ship. It would be a great dishonor to retreat in the heat of battle."

"Would it be an honorable death to perish at the hands of a soulless, inorganic crystal, Daughter of Drex?" Anzyl locked eyes with his Klingon Chief of Operations.

She shook her head resolutely. "Today is not a good day to die."

"Agreed. Then I entrust you with the task of persuading the captain that he may live to fight another day," Anzyl directed his gaze towards her. "Heluna, inform Eunoia and Farragut to retreat back to the station."

She nodded and swiftly relayed the command through her earpiece.

Anzyl straightened up in his chair, his eyes focused ahead. "Alright, Nexus, it's us against… that." He then turned to his First Officer, Neil, and asked loudly, "Did I ever tell you, Neil," His expression silently raised an eyebrow. "I LOVE this ship!" the captain proclaimed loudly for all his crew to hear. "Weapons at the ready, let's take down this monstrosity!"

"More fractal fighters incoming," Veirik declared.

"Well, now that it's an even match, I say we escort the other ships to safety and fire at will!" Anzyl commanded. "The Omnidirectional beam array fires from behind, can't it?" 

The Nexus flew close behind the three retreating and smoking starships, unleashing eight neon yellow kinetic cutting beams that shattered the smaller fractals in hot pursuit of the vessels.

Ahead, the docking bay doors of Jouret Space Station opened, providing safe refuge and passage into the armored shelter of the station.

"We have an incoming hail from Jouret Station command, sir," Heluna reported.

"On screen," Anzyl nodded, and a feline Catian captain appeared on the viewscreen, standing in the bustling operations bridge of the Federation station.

"It's good to finally speak in person, Captain Praxas. My name is Captain P'Rrall," he bowed, his red Starfleet captain's uniform fitting snugly around his hairy feline body. "I apologize for not joining you until now. We will keep everyone safe behind the station's shielding and provide whatever firepower support we can."

The Nexus Bridge, the screen, and the space station all trembled under the onslaught of energy from the Crystalline Entity.

"Thankfully, Captain," P'Rrall stated, steadying himself, "Jourel Station received a nice new shield upgrade after the Iconian war, especially this close to the war front. We can keep everyone safe inside. You and your 'pretty little ship' just focus on the offensive." He nodded and signed off, "P' Rall out."

"Little?!" Anzyl retorted, taken aback, "Regardless, you heard the captain, Veirik," he commanded, sitting up straight. "Let those beams rip!"

The Nexus completed its escort of the three injured ships at the station, all the while unleashing eight thin beams of yellow energy that sliced through the smaller ice shards, but were not potent enough to damage the main Entity.

Meanwhile, the Crystalline Entity continued its electromagnetic onslaught on the Nexus and Jouret Station.

"Shields at 97%," Keten declared.

"More incoming fractal fighters," Eroga announced.

"Can we focus on the main core?" Anzyl called out from the bridge. "Break through to the heart of the entity?"

"As the beams sever chunks," Veirik shook his head, "Those fragments just shatter and multiply into fractals. Every piece we cut off spawns another dozen for the battle."

Anzyl pondered for a moment, then turned to Niel with a smile. "It seems the Nexus needs to concentrate on the main entity, while something smaller and more agile with a strong arm deals with the fractals."

Neil smirked and nodded, tapping his combadge. "First Officer O'Reilly to Alliant Crew!" he commanded, rising from his chair and heading towards the bridge teleport pad. "All hands on deck, we leave as soon as possible!" With a flash of white light, he disappeared. 

Moments later, from the rear of the main shuttle bay, the Defiant-class USS Alliant shot out like an arrow from a bowstring.

First Officer O'Reilly sat in the command chair, his gaze fixed on the forward viewscreen with the determination and poise of a seasoned leader. "Tactical, target the larger fractals with all weapons, then focus pulse cannons on the smaller ones!" He commanded as the nimble ship raced to the fore of the Nexus.

The Alliant streaked past the Nexus viewscreen, unleashing a barrage of phaser pulse cannon fire at the smaller fractals, obliterating them into nothingness.

Meanwhile, the Nexus emitted a high-pitched whirr as all eight Kinetic beams converged into a single, razor-thin beam, slicing through a large branch of the Crystalline Entity. The beam continued down the branch, shattering it into dozens of smaller fractals.

"Nice shot, Veirik," Anzyl commended. "Alliant, focus on those fractals!"

The Alliant darted forward, unleashing volleys of bright phaser beams, pulse cannons, and torpedoes, obliterating the smaller remnants of the branch.

"Crystalline Entity's mass down by 25%," Nolan reported.

"How are our system power levels?" Anzyl inquired, observing the Alliant continue to clean up the remaining fractals while the Nexus provided cover fire with its eight beams.

"Nexus is holding steady, sir," Keten reported. "Weapons at 115%, shields at 98%, engines and auxiliary at full power. Our Plasmonic Leech array is functioning as intended." He grinned. "The entity's energy is almost pure, and the Leech is absorbing it, much like it did with the tribble cloud."

Anzyl chuckled," Wasn't there some old Earth saying about 'Payback is a female dog' or something along those lines?" As the crew, predominantly non-Earth inhabitants, looked on with confusion, he shrugged. "Yeah I never got that one either. Keep firing, Veirik! Let's release some of that excess energy!"

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.

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