
Chapter 30 Part 3

I took a sip of the wine Misery had served me. "So why did you invite me here?"

She swirled his drink as she looked seriously at me. "I invited you to ask something. What is your motive hmm?"

I looked at her confused. "My motive?"

"Hah! No one recruits three Primordials and a legion of Daemons for no reason. Such a force is capable of making this very world tremble."

Ah… oops. I guess my intentions could be misunderstood, it looks like I'm getting ready for war or something.

Even though I keep reminding myself I sorta forgot what a large deal the Primordials are.

I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. "Ehehe, well about that…"

Guy looked at me astonished. "You don't mean to tell me you didn't name those three for no reason right?!"

"Ahaha, well that sorta just happened. Arcueid recommended her friends and I just sorta went with the flow. After all, why would I reject having a Primordial in my service?"

"So you mean to tell me that you have no intention to expand your territory? No sudden urges to destroy humanity or something? There were a few Demon Lords like that so I sent Misery and Rain to put them down." That doesn't surprise me.

"Nope, I'm just sorta having fun recruiting strong subordinates, kinda like a game you know? Seeing how strong of a force I can create. Though if someone attacks or provokes me, then I plan to make full use of my new subordinates." I said looking seriously into Guy's eyes.

She smirked. "As is your right as a Demon Lord, as long as you don't cause harm to humanity unprovoked I won't have an issue."

There was something that was bugging me. "Why do you care so much about Humanity Guy? Not only that you actively go out of your way to protect them. As the first Demon Lord I would have thought you would be all for the destruction of Humanity."

Guy looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "Well that's because I'm The Mediator."

"The Mediator?"

She took another sip. "It is a role assigned to me by Veldanava, originally it was to be the spokesperson of Veldanava himself as well as help maintain the current world balance so war does not break out between the races leading to the world's destruction."

I nodded, so he wasn't really an ally of humanity specifically, he just wanted to make sure Veldanava's world wasn't destroyed by infighting, if you could consider a war between races infighting. 

Now I know what Guy seemed to be concerned about, slowly amassing a formidable force.

"I see, how did he get you to do that then?"

"He beat me and instead of serving him he told me to be The Mediator, and so it is what I have done for the last 20,000 years." Man, 20,000 years is no joke, that's a period of time I can't even comprehend.

"Heh, so if I beat you then I can make you serve me?" I asked in a teasing tone.

She smirked. "Sure, that's if you can beat me though."

"Haha, maybe one day, I'm not eager to have a fight to the death with you." I responded.

She gave me a seductive smile. "Heh, I'll be looking forward to that day then, maybe I can get you to serve me hmm?"

"I wouldn't be so sure about your victory in such a scenario." I taunted. Maybe I could lead this into a spar.

She raised a brow. "Oh? Do you believe yourself to be equal to me?"

"Why don't we find out? We can have a friendly spar, no stakes involved. I've been looking for a challenge, messing around with Milim just isn't the same as a real fight."

"If you are capable of entertaining Milim then I suppose I can see what you are made of. It has been a few centuries since I've had a good fight anyway. I think the last was against Leon, and even that just consisted of me toying with him." Guy said as she shifted into her male form.

Poor Leon.

"There we go, this form is far more combat efficient. That other form isn't bad, but it's best for agility and maneuverability." Guy commented.

"Now that you're ready, how about we fight somewhere else? After all, it would be a shame if this beautiful castle of yours got destroyed."

He sighed. "Yeah, Velzard would probably be annoyed. We can go to the edge of my territory, that should be far enough that this area won't be affected as long as we place Barriers."

I nodded and allowed him to teleport me with a snap of his fingers.

Like Guy said we were on the very edge of the Ice Continent, I could sense some Daemons running away from this area, likely from having sensed Guy and I appearing nearby.

He snapped his fingers again and placed another barrier around us, one that expands the Space inside of the barrier while also keeping what happens inside the barrier from affecting the outside.

The interior of the barrier was about as large as the entire Ice Continent.

Though since this barrier isn't meant to keep people out it is fairly easy to enter it.

"Weapons or no weapons?" Guy asked.

"Let's do no weapons." I wanted to see how strong Guy really was with just his inherent abilities, no armor, no weapons.

"Heh, alright." He took his stance.

'Odin, you're making sure he can't copy my Skills right?'


'Heh, great.'

Guy's in for a surprise if he tries to copy my Skills.

I gave him a nod and instantly appeared in front of him with my fist aimed for his face. My fist was coated in my Aura and Magicules so Guy did not underestimate it, he cleanly dodged my incoming fist before jumping back.

I quickly side-stepped one of Guy's attacks, not bothering with paying further attention to the Nuclear Magic he just fired at me.

Guy dashed in front of me at speeds unseeable to the naked eye, though that wasn't enough to catch me off guard as I made sure to avoid each of his punches, not wanting to risk being affected with something.

I teleported to the side as I avoided another beam of Nuclear Magic.

He was utilizing the Magicules coating his fists to cast Magic so he was able to cast Magic while he was throwing punches at me.

While that was interesting it wasn't anything special.

I smirked, I could tell this would be a fun fight, heh Milim would be jealous.

We met fist for fist, kick for kick, almost in a routine of sorts as we continued to test each other's strength, we gradually increased the power behind our blows before we simultaneously jumped back.

"Ghaha, this is the most fun I've had in a long time and we haven't even gotten serious yet!" Guy yelled with an excited look on his face.

"Heh, then how about we take it up a notch?" I offer.

"Ah, this reminds me of those long gone days where Rudra and I would clash for hours on end."

Rudra is the first True Hero and Guy's rival right? I guess I should take that as a compliment.

"You haven't fought anyone strong in a while then have you?" I ask.


"Heh, well then I'll give you a good fight. Now let's dance!" I exclaim.

I take to the skies and quickly form a few spheres of compressed Space.

I aim them towards Guy. "Archangel Shootdown!" We still have the kiddie gloves on so I might as well see how these Magics I created do in a real fight, though testing them against Guy might have been a bit pointless.

I'm proven right when Guy simply slaps the balls away with his Aura coated hand.

"Hah! I expected more from you Felix!" Guy taunted.

"I'm just getting started!" I respond.

Unfortunately Guy doesn't give me the chance to cast my next Magic as he generated an Abyss Core and then crushed it causing it to release a Dark Light.

Fuck he used Death Streak. A Nuclear Magic that bypasses all physical and magical defenses while killing everything it touches, it can even destroy souls. It releases a Dark Light since it agitates Spiritrons which causes the Spiritrons to release radiation which is what the Dark Light is.

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