
Chapter 48- Upping the stakes

The group turned and saw a smiling Madneas sitting among them. This caused silent panic and alarm as no one sensed him come up, not even Leo. They began reaching for their weapons when Madneas held up his hands.

"Friends, be calm. I come in peace." said Madneas as he stood among them. "I just so happened to over hear your little wager and was hoping to join in and possibly up the stakes."

Leo's group eased up a bit as Madneas lowered his hands. "Yeah how are you, a hobo going to 'up the stakes'?" cruelly laughed a big man with a giant greatsword on his back.

The man's cruel joke didn't both Madneas but made him smile. "Of course I'm not as well dressed as you and your companions with your armor and weapons" said Madneas "Though I do have this."

Madneas reached into his magic pouch and pulled out a large giant ruby like crystal. It's shined on the light as he held it up to the large man. The sight of the item almost made their jaws drop to the floor.


Item Name- Rank S Magic Stone

Rank- S

Item Description: "A magic stone taken from a Rank S Magical Beast. It looks like a large expensive gem but it is overflowing with mana."

"Holy shit." said Leo "It's a Rank S magic stone. I've never seen one before." It caused his and his companions eyes to grow wide as they examined the magic stone.

They all stared without saying a word when Madneas put the magic stone away. He smiled brightly as they regained their composure. "I can say I have your attention now." said Madneas.

"Yeah yeah you do." they said in unison when suddenly the man with the large greatsword took it off his back.

"Forget the wager. Give up the stone and I'll let you keep your life. How's that for upping the stakes?" said the man.

He held the sword close to Madneas's neck but the latter didn't move an inch. Instead he just smiled and pushed it away from him. He looked up at the man who was only a bit taller than him.

"What's your name?" asked Madneas whose voice showed no anger to the man's actions. The man snickered and put his sword over his shoulder and puffed out his chest.

"My name is Lucas Lake." replied Lucas, clearly proudly to say it. "Now that we've exchanged pleasantries, hand over the stone." Lucas held out a large calloused hand that was demanding the magic stone.

Madneas ignored the hand and looked towards Leo. "You're perfectly fine with this?" asked Madneas. Leo folded his arm as across his chest and found a seat nearby.

"I don't control my companions. We're all equal. Besides he's a Lake, they're known for fighting. Taking orders? Not so much." said Leo as the group formed a circle around the two.

"Oh is that right?" asked Madneas. "Surely you'll be fine with what happens next then." He placed a hand on his sword hilt as Lucas raised his blade.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance!" loudly roared Lucas "It's no one's fault but your own. I won't even need to use mana for this."

"Yes." said Madneas "No one's fault but your own." He pulled his blade from the hilt. "Silent Style: Single Slash." He swung as Lucas' sword came crashing down.

Suddenly Lucas stopped mid motion and Madneas replaced the blade in the sheath. He then stood there as Lucas looked paused in time with his blade in the air. Leo's group began confused as to why Lucas stopped mid swing.

"Lucas? What the hell man finish the swing!"

"Yeah Lucas cleave him in two!"

"Do you guys think he's broken?"

The group chattered on when suddenly Lucas' head fell from his neck. His body and the large greatsword fell to the ground with a large thud. The group looked on in horror at the scene.

"What the fuck? When did he do that?"

"Yeah I didn't even see what happened! He barely swung."

"Do yall think we're in danger? I mean the guy barely did anything."

They looked towards Leo whose usually relaxed face was riddled with sweat and fear. He stood up and walked up to Madneas. "Now I'm down a member. A very valuable one at that." said Leo as he looked at the fresh corpse.

Madneas walked up and bent in to Leo's ear. "Now let's be real, if roles were reversed you wouldn't bat an eye. I suggest, if you want to keep your life, you listen to my wager. Hmm?"

Leo swallowed hard and motioned for his team to come closer. He could feel that Madneas' threats weren't empty and he didn't want to be next. "Ok. Fine what's this wager you want to add?"

Madneas smiled so hard that it seemed like his teeth were overflowing from his mouth. "It's very simple" said Madneas "All you have to do is kill Tru Lee."


"Achoo" Tru sneezed hard as he made his way to the dungeon. He whizzed past many groups of adventurers also heading there too. He looked like a shadow as he flew by.

"What's wrong?" asked Wrath "You catching a cold?" She jested even though she knew that it wouldn't be possible for him to get sick.

"No im sure someone is talking about me. Though I'm unsure who." replied Tru. He ran through the forest passing humans and beasts alike when he started seeing large red rocks.

"You must be getting close." said Wrath "The scenery is changing and that usually only happens near a dungeon."

Tru stopped and looked around and saw that Wrath was right. He began walking and the red rocks eventually became red boulders. The various amounts of magical beast eventually became one singular type, bears.

Tru used Ifrit's Mana Soul and found a spot that wasn't near any bears. He caught his breath and waited around for a bit. He looked up and saw that the sun was starting to set.

"Well this seems like a good spot to rest for now." said Tru "I'll find the entrance first light." He found a large tree and climbed it and rested on a large branch.

"There's no need to wait!" said Wrath "You're! An! Ifrit! A member of an ancient race you don't need rest!" her voice was ringing loud in his head but tru ignored her and closed his eyes.

"Doesn't matter. I choose to sleep and rest. When you get a body you can choose what to do with it" snapped Tru causing Wrath to go silent.

Tru eventually fell asleep but quickly woke up and found himself in the dark part of his Soul Space. He looked up and floating above him were the golden serpent eyes, peering down at him.

"Youuuuu disssapooint me, Truuu!" said the voice. The eyes eventually floated down hovering a few feet over Tru's head.

"Ok? What did I do now?"asked Tru as the eyes circled around him.

"Youiuu reeeefusssed the slaughter thooossee that crossss yoouu!" hissed the eyes, anger flaring from them.

Tru waved off the eyes with no regards to what they just said. "Yeah if you're referring to those kids, it was never gonna happen. Be mad, be angry but you can't bend me to do something I don't wanna do!" shouted Tru causing the eyes to float back a bit.

"Youuuree riiight. The ooonnnnee to inherit thissss power should have a uuuunbreable willl." said the eyes.

Seeing the eyes quickly agree caused a chill to run down Tru's spine. He looked up at the eyes. "I'm sure you didn't bring me hear to congratulate me for defying you, so what is it this time?" said Tru trying to hide his uneasiness.

"Reeeelaaax" said the eyes "I bring you hear with a warning on two parts."

"Yeah and what's that?"

"Firsssst you should beeee mindful in thiiisss dungeon. You have no aallliiiesss except herrrr." said the eyes as they floated lower to him.

Tru nodded in silence but was curious how the eyes knew about Wrath. "Ok. What's the second one?" asked Tru who was growing tired of the word games.

"Yesss the second oonnnne!" retorted the eyes "Thaaaat oneee issss, oooonnce you fiiinish the dungeeeoons you'll have tooo fight your greeeaatest allly!"

After the eyes spoke these words the black shadows began pulling Tru into the darkness. He looked up at the eyes as they watched him get dragged to the depths.

"W-w-wait! What do I call you?!" loudly yelled Tru as the eyes slowly disappeared from his vision. The shadows quit pulling as the silence grew louder.

"Shaaaaadeee. You may refer to meeee as Shade." replied the eyes. Once it spoke those words the shadows swallowed Tru whole.

He woke up gasping for air and looked around and saw that he was back in the emerald forest. He looked up at the sky and could see the sun breaking through.

"Huh, Shade? Guess the only way to find out more is to finish up this mission."

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