
Complexity of a mind

As the Modern Family shoot went on, days passed and Lucas started to see just how controlling Crystal was over her daughter, Ariel. He could tell by the way she spoke to her, and the way Ariel flinched at certain words. It was getting worse, and he learned that the poor girl was even on antidepressants due to the constant abuse. Lucas felt helpless, unable to do much as an outsider. The only thing he could offer was his support, reassuring Ariel that he was just a call away if she ever needed help.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sarah made her entrance onto the set. Lucas was a bit surprise by how much she had matured since he last laid eyes on her. She had an aura of confidence about her.

The shooting continued for another two weeks, and before he knew it, Lucas had filmed all of his scenes. It was now time to say goodbye to his castmates again, possibly not seeing them until the next season.

"Nice working with you again, guys. It was fun," Lucas said as he hugged Ty, Julie, Nolan, Ariel, and Sarah, his arm lingering a little longer on Ariel's shoulder, silently reassuring her. He also hugged the showrunners, Christopher and Steven.

"You can come by anytime, you know that," Steven joked, well aware of how busy Lucas's schedule was due to his popularity.

Lucas chuckled. "I'll definitely try to do that," he said, unable to keep his eyes off Ariel. Her situation tugged at his heartstrings, and the showrunners noticed.

As they walked away from the set, Christopher pulled Lucas aside and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to keep her mother off the set."

"I hope you can," Lucas replied, his smile tinged with concern. "She's been through enough."

After bidding them farewell, Lucas finally left the Modern Family set, hoping to see them all again soon.


Two days later, Lucas and his guards, Jack and Simon, arrived at the Los Angeles airport, ready to board the plane. However, they quickly noticed the growing crowd gathering in the terminal.

"Uh-oh," Jack said, already sensing the commotion. "It seems your fans have caught wind of your whereabouts, Lucas."

"Great," Simon chimed in sarcastically. "We better get you to the private suite as soon as possible."

As they made their way through the airport, fans spotted Lucas and started to flock towards him, their excitement and adoration palpable. Jack, Simon, and the airport security guards quickly formed a barrier around him, clearing a path towards the private suite.

The manager of the airport greeted them, ushering Lucas and his entourage into the exclusive lounge. "I've prepared the private suite for you, Mr. Knight. Your flight is on standby and will depart soon."

Lucas stepped into the private suite, feeling a twinge of helplessness. Despite what he'd done recently, asking his fans to tone down their obsessive behavior, it seemed to have had the opposite effect. They were more enthusiastic than ever.

"Looks like your little lecture didn't quite do the trick," Simon said, trying to lighten the mood.

Lucas shrugged resignedly as the chubby airport manager approached them, visibly starstruck. "Hi, Mr. Knight, it's an honor to meet you," he gushed. "I was wondering... would it be too much to ask for a selfie with you?"

Lucas sighed internally. "Sure, why not," he said, standing up and posing for a quick photo with the beaming airport manager.

"Thank you so much, sir! I'll treasure this always!" the manager said, practically vibrating with happiness.

"No problem," Lucas responded with a genuine smile.

Finally, it was time for Lucas to board the plane. He was seated in first class, not only for the luxury but also for the added privacy it provided him from the public. Although he couldn't escape them entirely, as he noticed some of the other passengers discreetly snapping pictures or recording videos of him, he tried to tune them out.

Lucas even pondered if some of them might be paparazzi, but he decided not to let it bother him. He couldn't live his life in paranoia. Instead, he reclined his seat and closed his eyes, dozing off to the sound of the plane's engines as it took off, bound for his next destination.


New York. Returning to the city he now called home evoke a medley of emotions in Lucas. He loved the bustling energy and the way the streets were always alive with activity, but he missed the anonymity he once had. The people here weren't big on small talk or showing their emotions openly, which suited him just fine.

He donned his usual disguise: a snapback cap and mirrored sunglasses. It used to be effective at keeping the paparazzi at bay, but with the proliferation of social media, it was only a matter of time before someone would recognize him. Sure enough, as he made his way through the airport, a few heads turned, and whispers started to spread.

Lucas kept his head down and made his way as quickly as he could to the waiting car. He managed to dodge most of the selfie-seekers and autograph hunters, but it was a relief when he finally stepped foot into his spacious and modern apartment.

As he collapsed onto the couch, he exhaled, glad to be back in his sanctuary, at least for now.


A few days later, Lucas invited Jennifer over to his apartment for some much-needed quality time together. They spent the evening catching up, and eventually, they found themselves tangled together in the sheets of his bedroom.

Even in their intimate setting, Lucas couldn't shake the feeling that something was weighing on Jennifer's mind. After they had both caught their breath, he gently brushed a strand of hair from her face and asked, "Hey, what's the matter? You can tell me anything."

Jennifer hesitated, her gaze darting away from his. "No, it's nothing... I'm just being silly."

Lucas propped himself up on one elbow, concern etched on his face. "Jen, you know you can talk to me about anything. We've been through too much together."

Finally, she sighed, still not meeting his eyes. "I don't know... It's just... I feel like... you're being too good to me."

"Too good?" Lucas echoed, genuinely confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Jennifer nudged him playfully. "You're treating me like a fragile woman in this industry. Telling me to stay away from Harvey, or from anyone else you think is a predator..." She trailed off, and Lucas could see the insecurity in her eyes.

"Am I... controlling?" The thought horrified him. He had seen firsthand how damaging that behavior could be, and he never wanted to be like that.

"No, of course not." Jennifer quickly shook her head, her hand caressing his cheek in reassurance. "It's just... you're... too perfect, you know?" She blushed, and Lucas's heart melted. "I mean, from the time I've spent with you, I know you're a person who really cares about others. You have your charity work and everything, which the public doesn't even know about. But..."

"I understand what you mean." Lucas sighed, a hint of self-deprecation in his voice. "I'm boring."

"No, of course not!" Jennifer protested, her eyes widening in surprise. "That's not what I meant at all." She changed the subject, perhaps sensing the conversation was taking a turn for the worse. "Let's not talk about it. Let's talk about our next project together. Our 'Hunger Games' film was quite a success, earning hundreds of millions in the box office. We should talk about that, right?"

Lucas reluctantly agreed, not wanting to further upset her. "Alright... tell me more about it."

What Lucas didn't know was that Jennifer was grappling with her own insecurities. While she was ecstatic about his rising career, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she was being left behind. She wondered if their long-distance relationship would last, and if Lucas would ever tire of her doubts and insecurities.

Her own fears fueled her jealousy, planting seeds of doubt in her mind. She knew, deep down, that Lucas was a good man. He had proved it to her countless times. But the green-eyed monster had a way of clouding even the clearest of minds.

If Lucas had known the true extent of her thoughts, he would have been equal parts amused and frustrated. He always believed the old saying: a man can never truly understand the complexities of a woman's mind, no matter how hard he tried.

Two days later, Lucas and Jennifer met their former costar, Felicity Jones. Lucas had invited her over to his spacious apartment. The moment Felicity arrived, she couldn't help but notice the intimate space between the two.

They greeted each other, making small talk about their respective careers and personal lives. But the elephant in the room couldn't be ignored any longer. "So... the rumors are true, huh? You two are... together?" Felicity asked, forcing a smile.

Jennifer and Lucas exchanged glances before Jennifer nodded, her cheeks tinting pink. "Yes..."

Felicity's smile faltered, betraying her true emotions for a brief moment. "I guess it's been too long since the last time the three of us were together," she said, attempting to hide her disappointment. "It sucks that when we finally reunite, I'm the third wheel."

"Don't think like that," Jennifer said, reaching out to hold her hand. "Today, we're just three friends catching up. We're going to have fun, alright?"

Lucas nodded in agreement, wanting to diffuse the growing awkwardness in the room. "Jennifer's right, Flick. We're all adults here, and I'm glad that we can all still be friends." He gave Felicity's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

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