

( Cervantez's POV )

Cervantez was a man on a mission as he rode hard from his beginner town towards the royal capital, monopolizing every possible quest on the way.

Having secured a horse as a rented mount, he had successfully cut short his journey time from 4 days to just under two, however, the actual speed depended on external factors such as bandits and road quality more than it did on himself.

His goal was to reach the royal capital, the de facto holy ground of Terra Nova Online where 70% of the most important events of the game were going to take place and there he wished to establish a base of operations before every Tom, Dick and Harry had the same plan.

Before a player had enough strength to enter territorial politics and become a Lord, the royal capital was the single most important place in the entire game because only in the royal capital could one find endless opportunities for growth.

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