
Chapter 34 : The Third Pokemon

The unlucky Abra was hit right in the face by the Rock Blast. Less than a second later, the Ultra Ball hit it and sucked the Abra inside it.

Orion watched as the ball fell to the ground. To his surprise, there was no struggle at all. He had caught his third Pokemon!

Orion immediately used Telekinesis to take the Ultra Ball back while saying, "Rhyhorn, finish the Fearow off with another Rock Blast. Don't hit the Ultra Ball."

Rhyhorn's horn glowed white once again. This time, 4 brown rocks appeared around him as he hurled them at Fearow. The Fearow was already critically damaged. It didn't survive the attack. While Orion generally left wild Pokemons alive, like those Mankeys which Machop beat up were still alive, he didn't show any mercy to any Pokemon that tried to sneak attack him or his Pokemon. If such Pokemons were left alive, then there was always a risk that they would attack again in the future.

With the Fearow dead, Orion looked at his Ultra Ball. He couldn't help but think, 'What a poor kid. It should be just level 3 or 4 and it teleported right in the path of Rhyhorn's attack! It's lucky that it's still alive. Anyway, it looks like this is indeed my lucky day! I finally caught a Psychic type Pokemon. Though I never imagined that it would be in this manner.'

Machop and Rhyhorn looked curiously at the Ultra Ball. Orion said, "Looks like we will have a new family member. Great work as always you two. Let's return to the city. Our new friend needs to be hospitalized immediately."

Rhyhorn and Machop nodded. The three of them returned to the city at the maximum speed. Orion quickly rushed to the Pokemon Center and found Nurse Joy. Since he had been a regular visitor for more than a year and a half, many in the hospital were familiar with him as well.

He approached Nurse Joy and said, "Nurse Joy, I caught another Pokemon. But I am worried that it is in a critical situation."

Nurse Joy nodded and said, "Alright, come with me. Which Pokemon is it?"

Orion said, "It is Abra and it can teleport. So that's a concern as well. I don't want it to teleport away. Should I call Master Cedric?"

Nurse Joy answered, "No, there is no need. The Pokemon Center is always protected by one of Gym Leader Sabrina's Psychic Pokemon. No one can teleport into or out of the Pokemon Center."

Orion was surprised. That was the first time he heard about that. He said, "That's great."

They rushed into a ward. Orion released the Abra on the bed. As soon as Nurse Joy and Chansey noticed its condition, both had serious faces and stared at Orion.

Nurse Joy said, "Orion, you shouldn't use so much force when you are catching a Pokemon. The Pokemon will resent you for doing it."

Orion replied awkwardly, "Well, it isn't my fault this time. It teleported right in the path of Rhyhorn's attack while I was fighting another Pokemon. That attack was too much for it to handle."

Nurse Joy was surprised. She said, "That's quite a coincidence. You should remember this when you learn Teleport in the future. Don't teleport in a random place if you can't teleport consecutively. If you teleport between two Pokemons who are fighting, then there is a chance that you might die before you even understand what is happening."

Orion nodded. Nurse Joy inspected Abra's condition. After some time, she asked, "You Abra is male and is very young. His situation is serious but his life shouldn't be in danger. By the way, what did Abra get hit with?"

Orion answered, "One Rock Blast."

Nurse Joy replied, "I see. It looks like Abra was already in a fight. His body has signs of paralysis from an Electric attack. He probably teleported to escape that battle and ended up on your battlefield."

Orion was surprised again. He thought, 'If he wasn't paralyzed or hurt, then there's a chance that he could have teleported again before the attack hit. Man, this is one lucky catch!'

Nurse Joy said, "Since you caught him in such a strange manner, it'll be better if you are here when the healing happens. That way, you can bond with him very quickly. But since he is a Psychic type Pokemon, it'll be better if Master Cedric is present as well.

Abra will regain consciousness in around 2 and a half hours. So return here in 2 hours."

Orion nodded and thanked Nurse Joy before taking his leave. He quickly rushed to the Gym and found Cedric. He quickly said, "Master Cedric, I need your help."

Cedric looked at Orion and asked, "What's the issue, Orion?"

Orion smiled and said, "I caught my third Pokemon. I finally managed to find a Psychic Pokemon and caught it."

A smile immediately appeared on Cedric's face. He had long wanted Orion to catch a Psychic type. He immediately asked, "Which Pokemon did you catch?"

Orion answered, "An Abra."

Cedric was immediately surprised and wondered, 'How the heck did he catch an Abra? That Pokemon is impossible to catch without a stronger Psychic Pokemon disabling Teleport or freezing the space to prevent any teleportation.'

Cedric asked, "How did you catch him?"

Orion informed him about what had happened. A peculiar expression appeared on Cedric's face. He muttered to himself, 'This is the first time I have heard about a Pokemon being caught in such a manner!'

Orion informed him about what Nurse Joy had said. He agreed and came to the Pokemon Center with Orion after a couple of hours. Half an hour after they reached, Abra woke up. As expected, he was very confused seeing the strange environment and the strangers who were in the room. He immediately tried to teleport but failed.

Chansey calmed him down and let Abra know to not worry as they were healing him. Sensing that he was slowly recovering his energy, Abra calmed down slightly. In addition, he felt a sense of connection with Orion when he saw him. Of course, the source of connection was due to the Ultra Ball. These two factors helped him relax.

Nurse Joy soon fixed up Abra to a state where he was still very weak but out of any sort of danger. She followed it up by guiding Orion on how to take care of Abra for the next couple of days. With her guidance, Orion began taking care of Abra.

The reason why Nurse Joy was guiding Orion wasn't just limited to bonding with Abra. Knowing that he was preparing for his journey, she took the opportunity to teach him what to do if his Pokemon became very injured during his journey.

Orion and Cedric spent nearly the entire day in the Pokemon Center. Seeing that Abra didn't have any hostile intentions, Cedric didn't come from the next day. However, he passed him his Xatu's Pokeball just in case Abra tried something funny.

Orion kept visiting the Pokemon Center for 2 more days. On the third day, Abra was officially good enough to be discharged. In his ward, Orion finally had the same talk with Abra that he had with Rhyhorn and Machop. After some talking, Abra agreed to join the team.

There were several reasons for this. The Ultra Ball was of course the biggest factor. Abra could sense that Orion was a Psychic as well, which made him feel closer. In addition, Orion had bonded well with him over the last three days. Of course, another big factor was that Abra himself was scared due to being hit by that Rock on teleporting. He didn't want to experience something like that again!

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