

Ma Yanyu lost all the strength from her knees and faltered in her steps.

"Y-Yanyu!" Her husband quickly caught her shoulders, his voice breaking.

Ma Zhilan looked away and defeatedly said, "As soon as we found Juan, the first thing that Yanyu did was not to hug her or apologize for her carelessness but instead put all the blame on the child. Juan told me everything that happened on the way back. You let her go first. But you lied through your teeth because you were afraid of Wenyan's disappointment. I…couldn't believe your audacity, Yanyu."

She chuckled mockingly. "You ignored your daughter all this time but I thought that in the face of such a serious adversity, you would act responsible. You would learn to cherish her more. Juan was the one who suffered such a terrible experience and yet she was the one blamed and scolded. Even Wenyan was the same."

He lowered his head in shame.

"This injustice wore her down b-but…" she sniffled, "she still kept hoping for your love. But nothing changed, Yanyu. Your heart remained as hardened as ever it was before…"

"Wh-what did I do…?" Ma Yanyu's face looked white. That day was a nightmare for sure but for Juan to get almost kidnapped…

What would have happened to Juan if Dai Meihui hadn't found her in time? They might have really lost her forever.

Tears gushed out akin to waves crashing violently at the shore, and she broke down. From the bottom of her heart, she always knew that it was her fault. Her carelessness cost her big time. But the thought of facing the guilt and repercussions of losing her daughter frightened her to her core.

Ma Zhilan had already been vocal about the lack of her attention towards Juan on multiple occasions and it would only ignite the clashes further if she learned that she really gave more priority to her work than watching over Juan. It was a bomb waiting to explode, and she wanted to diffuse it and escape the guilt by placing the blame on Juan.

Huojin then confirmed. "Was it after that incident that you and Mrs. Meihui joined hands?"

Dai Meihui clutched the hem of her skirt. "Yes. She told me what had happened when we met again the next day. It was so terrible that I couldn't believe a mother could be capable of such cruelty…"

Ma Yanyu lowered her gaze, unable to meet anyone's eyes, consumed by a deep sense of shame for her actions.

"And I…" she closed her eyes, exhaling a soft breath, "Before Fengge's mother would really throw me out and snatch Yun away from me, I decided that it was time she left us forever. Only then would Yun and I be able to live a normal life."

Ma Zhilan trembled. "I didn't want to go as far as killing Yanyu…But after that harrowing experience and learning that Juan was almost kidnapped, I thought that rather than having such a nasty mother, she was better off dead. It was the first time in my life I truly loathed someone. Divorce wasn't an option because Wenyan would have never agreed. And I had enough of giving more and more chances to Yanyu only to be met with disappointment."

Dai Meihui said, "That's when I proposed this murder exchange to Miss. Ma. She wanted Ma Yanyu dead and I wanted Fengge's mother gone. Miss. Ma didn't have any connection with her, and I didn't have any connection with Ma Yanyu. I thought it was the perfect plan to avoid suspicion because why would a stranger kill them who had nothing to do with them?

Even if we had motives, we wouldn't be anywhere near the location. We regularly deleted all the messages on our phones. The meeting at the subway was very fleeting and dozens of other passengers traveled too. I thought that it wouldn't be possible to really see the subway connection."

She clasped her hands together. "I didn't want Yun to be a part of this and witness anything frightening by accident. I had even made an excuse to take Yun with me to the office that day. But Mom…" she gritted her teeth, "she remained stubborn and adamant. I couldn't do anything…"

Jia asked, "Yun had indeed witnessed Miss. Ma…?"

Ma Zhilan somberly nodded. "Yes. I was terrified. First Wu Yue had almost caught me and then Yun. I thought I was really done for when he called out Yin Xiaoling and then Dai Fengge. I didn't expect both of them to ignore him, but I was so relieved…Meihui and I talked to him later and asked him not to…expose us…"

"Where is the bag in which you had brought the fur?"

"...It was a small paper bag. I burned it the next day when Wenyan and Yanyu left for office."

Jia regretfully shook her head as she looked at Dai Meihui, "Mrs. Meihui, if you were afraid of Mrs. Dai's threats or about Yun's custody, you should have approached the police. This is mental harassment and we would have definitely helped you against Mrs. Dai."

"I d-don't know…!" Her sobs filled with anguish expressed the ripples of disturbance that took the form of a tsunami, wanting to engulf the woman who threatened her and her son's happiness. "I wanted her out forever. I couldn't think of anything else…I felt so cornered that I…"

"I feel her," Yin Xiaoling grimly said, "It's hard to describe but she…that woman really brings out the worst within you. I know it was sadistic of me to throw the inhaler when I knew she would be dying…But even if she would never know, I wanted her to taste what harassment feels like! I couldn't get sleep at night because of her!"

Jia glanced at Dai Fengge who looked broken beyond repair. His tears and his obedience were fake until a few days back, but with a lifeless gaze with which he stroked his watch was the evidence of how genuine his remorse was.

The piled up resentment of over the years took the form of an ugly monster that finally gave into the deep hidden grudges fanned by the flames of his slavery that had been chaining his freedom. Yet somewhere now, the loss of his mother, the loss of such an important person in his life - no matter how twisted her love was, was beginning to weigh his heart down.

It was a gut-wrenching moment to witness because Jia knew what was coming next. Biting her lip, she said with a heavy heart,

"Mr. Dai Fengge. Mrs. Dai Meihui. Miss. Ma Zhilan. I would have to arrest you on the charges of Mrs. Dai Yaling's murder. Miss. Yin Xiaoling. You helped Mr. Dai cover up the murder and so you are equally responsible."

Yin Xiaoling blankly heard the verdict. "A-aunt…"

Yin Chin felt helpless with the situation as well. "D-Don't worry, Xiaoling. Your uncle and I will do everything to get you out…!" She assured her, hugging her niece. "I was foolish to introduce you to that old hag…It's my fault, Xiaoling…I will definitely do something!" she cried.

Jia pursed her lips as she continued. "Mrs. Meihui. You did attempt to kill Mrs. Ma Yanyu, but you stepped away upon learning of her pregnancy and gave up on that intention. The court will definitely consider your change in heart in deciding your sentencing-"

"Y-Yun! What about Yun? She asked, fear squeezing her heart.

The question brought Dai Fengge out of his stupor and the thought of his son perturbed him. "Yes, Yun…W-what will happen to him? N-No! You cannot arrest Meihui. If you want to take someone, then take me!"

Dai Meihui stared at him wide-eyed, not expecting him to say those words.

"Yun needs her…" He clenched his palms, a wave of determination meeting his voice. "Yun needs Meihui and Meihui needs him too. What will happen if we both get arrested? Y-Yun will be left all alone. He cannot…lose both of his parents…That's why let Meihui be free. I will accept all the punishment. Meihui did nothing wrong…Xiaoling too. I-I convinced her to join me…"

"Fengge you don't have to-"

"Please let me do this, Meihui," he lifted his head and taking a deep breath, he gathered the courage inside him to face her.

"I have wronged you…despite seeing that you were suffering too. My petty ego, my failure didn't let me acknowledge your pain. I know it's too late to start acting as a good husband now, but…" he trembled, "I was the one who brought you till this point. I forced you to bear everything alone until you felt cornered. It's only fair that I bear the brunt of Mom's toxicity and my ignorance towards your grief…"

Huojin shook his head. "We appreciate you wanting to help Mrs. Dai, but the law will only regard facts and evidence, not…emotions. I am sorry, but we will have to arrest her."

Dearest readers, this is to let you know that novel will be locked from chapter 55. Please keep supporting your innocent author~ (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

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