
Chapter 1


--inner thoughts--

-- line break

Story Beings



The earth has stood for hundreds of thousands of years.

The last few thousand it was ruled by the blood of Man.

Man has done a Number on the Earth

Climate change, caused many natural disasters to increase in severity.

Wars were fought over dwindling resources

Many were starving

With many Island and Southern Countries no longer being habitable, People fled to other countries.

Of which one was Canada that Many Fled to.

This Brought the population close to 130 million in Canada.


Humans Still Bred like rats


The population was 8 billion people

Until half of the population disappeared without a trace.

People went to work, children to school, and soldiers to war as what would happen every day.

But suddenly 4 billion people disappeared, leaving no trace.

Not a note, a scent, a noise, or a body.

Many Fanatics believed that God has claimed those of righteous hearts and has left the sinners on Earth

They were partly right, but no one would understand till later.

There was chaos.

Many committed: Murder, Rape, Looting, and many other crimes were being committed.

Many staid at home, and locked their doors, and prayed for salvation.


While one Lone man stood alone in a forge.


This man was named Angus Craig

Now Angus was a Farmer, 50 years of age. His back and knees hurt, and his eye sight was slowly faiding.

He once had a wife and two sons.


In the War to keep the Yanks (USA) off of Canadian Land there was a Conscription of able fighting young men and women.

The Two Sons, John and Scott were apart of this conscription at the age of 18.

They Died at the age 24 Fighting at the Windsor/Detroit Border.

That was 4 years ago

After hearing the News his wife, Mary fell into a great depression.

Mary was unable to Cope and Threw herself into the Sydenham River.

Mary Died 3 years ago

For the Last 3 years Angus has lived alone.

He toiled on the Farm, day in and day out.

One of the byproducts of the world changing was tractors were no longer used, and all went back to simpler days, using horse or cattle to tend to the fields.

Angus learnt many trades to tend to everything on the farm.

Blacksmithing, Wood working, Brick Laying/ Stonework, Food Preservation, Hunting.

These kept his days busy, but each one had an important place to keep the farm running.

At Nights with nothing to do, Angus would open a bottle of Lagavulin. He had Many Bottles of scotch passed down from his Father.

As He Drank, he would read History books from his library.

His Father and uncle were both historians.

In these books he learnt many ancient war tactics, the Designs of many ancient weaponry, along with the cultures of prominent societies such as the Picts, Gauls, Romans along with many others.

3 years passed like this until two Days ago When Half the World Disappeared


Now Angus stood in his Forge working on a new axe head, pondering on the reasons to the Disappearances of many across the world.

Angus was tempted to believe the people saying that gods had something to do with, since he was a pagan.

But he did not Believe that those taken were sent to heaven and those who staid were Sinners.

Yes He killed a man once who was trying to steal some of his cattle.

Even So Angus was troubled by these new occurrences.

After another hour of work, while singing (AN: Listen to "The Blacksmith song" by the Longest johns)

The Axe was now Finished, after fixing on an oaken handle Angus trudged to the Bush so that he could chop some trees for this winter


Coming to a dead Black Ash that his grandfather planted 80 years ago, He Started chopping.

A third of the way through Angus started seeing spots in his eyes, and he felt like he was going to pass out.

Deciding to Sit down and ride out the sickness, Angus set the Axe down and he put hi back to the dead Ash.

The Moment Angus Sat down he finally lost consciousness.



A short while later Angus Came to

He felt a brisk breeze.

Standing up Angus noticed he was no longer on his farm.

Instead he found himself on a cliff that over looked an ocean.

Confused Angus brought his green hand to Scratch his head in confusion.

? His Green hand?

Astonished Angus spent a while looking at his green hand trying to figure out what has happened.


After a tick in time


A voice was heard in front of Angus

Looking up he saw a Man

This Man was very Tall, Had Curly Yellow hair, and Bright Blue eyes like the sky.

In his Right Hand the Man Held a long Fiery Spear. And his left a black Targe.


?- Greetings I am Lugh


Angus: Lugh? As in the Gaelic God, why are we here and what has happened to me?


Lugh: Yes young Goblin. I am Lugh.


Angus: Goblin?!!!


Lugh: Yes, you and the other humans of Earth, have been Brought to Midgard, and transformed into different Creatures


Angus: Why have we been brought here? Also, could I be something besides a goblin?


Lugh: your species has been decided. Buck up. All is not bad.

I am known as a warrior, a craftsman, a wiseman, and a king.

I have seen bits of your life, and I would like to give you a gift.

I will gift you with an adaptable body and mind, so that you will not always be chained down by that weak body.

All I ask is that you strive to be the best in this world


Angus: Thank you for the gift.

But why am I here? How are you real?

I worshipped you but I never rally believed you were real.


Lugh: All gods you know are real. We originate from this World called Midgard.

Millenia Ago we went to earth so that we could experiment with our creations, after sometime we came back to Midgard and left you to your own vices.

Over time we Gods do get bored. So, we decided to hold a little game.

Our original plan was to select a dozen or two from your world, but after seeing the destruction we decided to give your people a chance to survive.

We have brought over 8 million earthlings, and have changed them into different creatures of this world.

Some have been blessed by gods. Some have more blessings than the other. It all depends on the god. Along with these Blessings they have been given tasks to complete, or goals to strive towards.

Some have been told to cause a war, some to discover new things, or many other tasks.


My Task to you is to build up your people with the knowledge that you have, to learn of this world, and to live a long life. Have many children and I will consider this blessing well given.

Along with this Blessing all Earthlings have been given the ability to speak all languages.

I have placed you Near a Valley surrounded by mountains. Here there are a few goblins. Please journey and become great! Show those annoying cowpies that even a weak goblin can accomplish something amazing.


Right after that Lugh Disappeared in a flash of Light


POV Angus

Astonished at what happened, I come to terms with many things.

First I am a goblin, Earthlings are many Different creatures now.

Second Magic exists, creatures of legend and gods also exist.

Third I realise I have the ability to always improve, such an amazing ability.

Once my thoughts were done, I look towards the ocean and Breath in the smell of the briny ocean.

I turn and Head towards the mountains in the near distance and start on a light jog.

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