
Chapter 22

It seemed the Egyptian gods were real, judging by the various magical properties Percy was seeing in each artifact there. Soon enough after Grove was done with his business the two joined the main group who were now surrounding Mr. Brunner.

"Now who can tell me what this statue is?" Mr Brunner asked pointing at a statue next to him.

Percy raised his hand, "that's Kronos the titan of time. And that statue is of him eating his children."

Chiron nodded, "very good Mr. Jackson yes this is Kronos the father of..."

Percy tuned the rest of it out, after all he already knew all that stuff. Instead he began looking around and saw a painting of the three Furies on the corner. Suddenly an idea came into Percy's head. It would be breaking his promise with Mr. Brunner but it was simply too good a chance to give up, also he could feel Mrs. Doods looking at him with blood lust due to his detect blood lust skill.


Quest Alert!

Defeat Mrs. Dodds!


Anger of Alecto perk

3000 Exp


Death, isn't it always?


Percy quickly pressed yes and cleared his throat. "Ah Mr. Brunner what is that?" Percy asked out loud cutting Chiron's lecture about the Olympians.

Chiron looked at what Percy was pointing at and nodded, "ah yes, that Percy is a painting of Alecto and her sisters, the three Furies."

Percy could see in the corner of his eyes Mrs. Dodds was grinning, "oh? And what's so special about them Mr. Brunner?"

"Well Percy The Furies were said to be the most trusted agents of Hades and are known as a bad omen of sorts. Some say they are the daughters of Uranus blood when Kronus castrated him."

"So they are made out of male genitalia?" Percy asked getting snickers from the rest of his class and a gasp from Grover and a look of surprise from Mr. Brunner.


"Huh, no wonder she kind of looks like a bitch," Percy said nodding his head.

"Percy don't say that!" Grover said as he looked to Mrs. Dodds whose eyes were turning red in rage.

"Say what? That she's a bitch?"


"But you agree too don't you Grover?" Percy asked with a shit eating grin, "she's such a bitch."

"Percy don't-" Mr. Brunner began, but Percy interrupted him.

"Weeelll Alecto's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch to the all the boys and girl!"

Grover became as white as paper while Chiron could only watch on in horror and shock. Percy then jumped away from the group and grabbed a water bottle holding it up like a mic.

"On Monday's she's a bitch on Tuesday she's a bitch and Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch. On every Sunday just to be different she's a king kong level BIATCH!" Percy then pointed to Mrs. Dodds, "come on you know the words!"

"Have you ever meet the furry call Alecto she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a mean old bitch and has stupid hair, and she's bitchest bitch in the whole wide world! Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a stupid bitch! Alecto's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch!

"I really mean it, Alecto, she just a big dumb stupid bitcccch, oh yeah!" Percy then looked up saw Mrs. Dodds was barely holding it together. Her hair was on edge and her teeth were growing out into fangs. Her eyes turned red and her left eye kept twitching.

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!

Due to constant use skill has leveled up!

Taunt, Lv-5 (90%)

You can cause your opponent to lose their cool and do something stupid.

25% chance of working

Ping! Ping! Ping!

Due to overwhelming bloodlust skill has leveled up!

Detect bloodlust, Lv-7 (30%)

This skill will detect any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill.

Will detect within 50 feet and will tell origin.

'About time,' Percy said grinning. Quickly Mr. Brunner took control of the situation. He still couldn't believe what Percy had done, but he had to believe the boy knew what he was doing.

"Children," Mr. Brunner called out, "let's all go out for lunch yes?" He and Grover quickly then lead everyone out and used the Mist to try and make most of them forget about what Percy just did.

Once everyone left Mrs. Dodds and Percy alone the two eyed each other, ready to attack in a moments notice. Observe,

Alecto Fury of Hades

Level 49










Alecto is a Fury of Hades who does his bidding. Right now she has been assigned to observe Percy Jackson, and if he is a demigod of Poseidon or Zeus, to kill him. And right now she is going to do so even if he isn't a demigod, seriously Percy is in big trouble.

Percy grinned at this and quickly readied Riptide which was still in his pen form. The in front of his eyes Alecto started to transform into the creature that attacked a few nights ago with bat wing and blood red eyes. Her teeth grew into crooked fangs and he claws looked like they were itching to slice something up. And going by the way she was looking at Percy it was probably him.

"Wow grandma what great big eyes you have," Percy said as he slowly took a few steps back in fear. What? He couldn't get scared? You try facing a demon straight from hell itself and be cool and shit.

"I'll slice you up Jackson!" Alecot cried out and pounced forward clearing the 15 feet gap between them in a single leap, but Percy was already moving.

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