
268 Silk Thread Windings_1

Recently, Cha Yuemu had tried to reach Su Luo several times.

However, oddly enough, either Su Luo was out and about, or when Cha Yuemu came, Jiang Shu was home.

Jiang Shu had already instructed that if Cha Yuemu came, they should tell him that Su Luo was quite busy and that it was not a good time to meet her.

Ultimately, Cha Yuemu had just had bad luck; every time he went to town to find Su Luo, he would fail to find her.

He had tried to bring Su Qing along several times but Su Qing was well aware and rejected him with pride and reasoning, "Listen, cousin, you adamantly disapproved of the betrothal between our families. Now that my sister is happily wedded and leading a content life, you should interfere less."

The two cousins had competed for Su Luo's attention since childhood, where Su Qing had almost never won.

Seeing Cha Yuemu's current predicament, Su Qing felt secretly delighted.

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