
System Operator Daily Life

"hello everyone, welcome to a system operator daily life!"

"is what i am going to say if i can stream this out" A young man is once again looking at his computer

Everyday the young man will check on his character to see their progress

'it's been 1week and I finally level'd up once again'

[Sasuke uchiha


Konoha headband

Blue Uchiha turtle neck T-shirt

Purple growth Bra

White arm sleeves

White short pants

Purple growth panties

Wrapped leg guard

Blue ninja shoes


Feminity: 3

Submision: 1

Humiliation: 2

Depravity: 1]

System level 3

In the last week Sasuke has been training his body everyday while wearing the growth underwear sets.

Of course he needs more than one sets as he will get sweaty after working out,

So he bought 3 more sets giving me another 6000 ryo or yen if you want to convert it

But Something Sasuke did not realize is that "growth" is not just for his strength,

It also affect his overall body structure.

No matter what he do, he is not going to get any muscle, he is going to be a lean man as long as he keep wearing those underwear

Maybe not even the 'man' part

Right now, his changes are not noticeable

His eyelashes has grown thicker and more elegant, his lips more thinner as his face looks more feminime,

His body structure change, his shoulder and hips shrunk, his butts grows giving him a little hour glass figure

It's not too big to the point it looks weird but still, it's been growing for atleast 1cm each

Even his hair grow smoother, the number of hairs sticking like a duck butt has been constantly becoming less and less

His body has been constantly changing, yet he is none the wiser, the only thing he notice is his body getting stronger

But the worst part? Is his libido

The growth also increase his libido as he feels more and more arroused everytime he put on those underwears

And it feels natural now, his body has already memorise the sensation

not wearing complete underwear sets feels weird for him

And one day his arrousal has reached it's peak

He then begin to do something any man will do when they are in a state of arrousal

Yep, that's right folks, Sasuke has done his very first masturbation

'that's why his humiliation reach level 2, he is too ashamed of himself that he level'd up' and naturally that's not going to be the last time he mansturbate

'and now, it's time for the system upgrade' his system has been upgraded to lvl 3

what does that mean? That means new bundle!

And something else

He can now access the operator shop! It containt things that are not sold in the bundle shop

And more importantly, he can use the item in there, unlike the bundle where it's exclusively for characters.

He can of course sell those special item to his character as well but unlike the bundle, this one is a finite resources so he need to keep restocking it if he want to sell them,

Currently there is nothing in there except for jutsus, looks like the thing that are sold in here are from the world he unlocked

But why? Why would he bought jutsu?

Did you forget that he still live in a normal world? A World where no magic exist? What do you think he can do with that much power?

'I can conquer this whole world with a mere sharingan' is what he thought after he assess the weakness of this world

But where would be the fun in that? No, that Will simply be too troublesome to do

And the price are stupid anyway

[Rasengan = 10 millions yen

Chidori = 8 millions yen

Kage bunshin = 30 millions yen] just look at it, this is straight madness

But there is something that catch his eyes

[Projection genjutsu = 200.000 Yen] this genjutsu would let me project anything i want into the target's mind

This will be a perfect brainwashing technique for this world

"Not like i want to brainwash anyone anyway, but it's still fun to think about"

So it's time for the bundle, what kind of bundle did he get this time?

[Lvl 3 bundle, the power of smell]

Unlike the the last two bundle, this one containt something more.... noticeable,

Mainly because you wear it outside

[The smell of nature] containing elemental boosting perfumes

[The smell of chakra] containing chakra boosting perfumes

[The smell of muscle] containing physical boosting perfumes

[The smell of mind] containing genjutsu boosting perfumes

'This is getting kind of boring, they are all doing the same thing' (A/N I am running out of ideas, if you have any item you want to add for the next bundle please leave your comments here, any sugestion are appreciated, thanks)

But this one have all kind of secret effects on the wearer

What kind of effect? Every single one of them have a feminime smell,

When you smell it, the first thing that comes to your mind are going to be woman

A blind person smelling this scent will immedietely assume the wearer to be woman,

But! it is not the case for the wearer

Infact it smells like their favorite things for the wearer, how amazing would that be?

They will not notice a thing and no one is gonna mention it to him as it will be disrespectfull,

They will only keep it on their mind, and that's the most dangerous place you can keep something on

Overtime, it will grow, suspiciouns turns into curiousity, curiousity turns into desire, desire turns into action

One day someone is gonna be brave enough to ask Sasuke the question and by then, it is already too late

Also it only works for 2 hours so Sasuke will need to keep on re-apllying it every 2 hours for the effect to linger

Imagine someone sees him re-applying perfume every two hour, that is hilarious

Tatsuya look at his clock and see that it's 6:00am

"Ehehe, looks like i am not late now" he gets up from his seat and prepare for his school,


We see our protagonist walking on the school hall towards his classroom,

He opend up the door to his classroom and see his classmates.

An overly buffed man with scar all over the place,

A quite beauty that he is sure have problem speaking

People with colorfull hairs as if they are americans,

And obviously a trap

'yeah, this is normal, absolutely normal' He walk towards his seat, which coincidently are near the overly buffed man

Maybe because they are friends

"Yo Baki" Tatsuya greet his seatmate that looks like he is sleeping

"Hua? Oh hi Tatsuya" Baki and him have been friends since childhood,

Because of Baki's overly strong genetics, no one wants to be friend with him as they are too afraid of him

But Tatsuya always have a knack for befriending the weird one so unlike others, he did not steer away from him

"Another tournament?" Tatsuya asked the sleepy Baki

"No, just training till midnight, Hoaaaaa~ i have been getting less sleep lately" Baki said as he tried to wake himself up while rubbing his eyes.

"I am gonna go wash my face" Baki stood up from his seat and walk to the door

Some of our classmate are still intimidated by him so they get out of his way pretty quickly

"You two sure are good friends huh?" The trap has decide to bless us with his presence

"you are one to talk Najimi, who was it that suddenly approach the big mountain of muscle when everyone are avoiding him?" Yes, Tatsuya is not Baki's first friend,

That title is being hold by Osana Najimi, also known as everyone's childhood friends

'I have no idea how he manage to make this many friends but he did, so let's just count that as gods miracle'

the ammount of childhood friend this trap has are astronomicals, if he is going to run for president in the future, i am sure he'll win as he would have already secured the vote of all of japan by then

"Anyway, homeroom are gonna start now, go back to your seat Najimi" He shoo'ed the Trap away and soln enough the teacher comes

"Alright everyone, let's start homeroom for now" 'ahh, the usual boring stuff'

"Oh, but Hoshin-san, the principal wanted to meet you this period so you can go for now" 'yesss, thank you principal' He gets up from his seat and walk out of the door

Outside he met Baki coming out of the bathroom after washing his face

"Hey has homeroom start already?" Baki asked

"Nah, the teacher are late so i am gonna go get some fresh air" Tatsuya Lied as naturally as he breath

Baki being the innocent pure soul that he is, believe in what Tatsuya said and walk towards the classroom without any doubt

He should've get used to his friend's playfull manner by now but he never learn.

And such the two boys goes their seperate ways while one of them are sure to get a few scolding from the teacher

A few minutes of walking later Tatsuya arrived at the principal office

But someone gets out of the office before him

"Shirou, helping around again?" He is Shirou Emiya, a first year student just like him,

Shirou's background are quite tragic, even more than him actually,

But he never let those tragic backstory dragged him down, he is a cheerfull young man that always tried to help anyone

If you ask Tatsuya, he would've said it's just his survivor guilt

Also his red hair are weird

"Hoshin-san? Yeah i was guiding some new student to the principal's office"

"New student? In this time of year?" Both of them are in their second semester, if there is a new student most of the time it's because they got kicked out of their previous school,

Or they moved town, but Tatsuya would bet on the former

"Yeah, maybe they just moved here? I mean those girls are too pretty to get kicked out normally right?" Shirou being the kind hearted young man that he is, tried to keep a positive thinking

"Yeah, right, anyway i am gonna get inside for now, see you later" Tatsuya waved at the red head and get to the door

He knock on the door and state his name

"Ah, Hoshin-kun, please come inside" the principal invited him and he walk inside

Inside of the office are 5 identical looking womans, each wearing their own respective accessories and hair style

It's look like this

Gyaru shorthair,

long pink hair with butterflies

long brown hair with headphones

short orange hair with ribbon

and long red hair with stars

From left to right

"I didn't know there is an Idol group coming to this school, principal" seeing the 5 overly beautifull womans, he can only conclude that they are a wandering idol group going for their next concert

The five womans blushed slightly at the deadpan compliments

"Ahahahaha, no they are the new students on your class, their father used to study here and their mother used to teach here" wait a second

"I am not gonna pry on that suspicious relationship but what's that have to do with me?" Tatsuya let that slide, after all of the weird shit going around in his live, the immoral acts between students and teachers does not sound so wrong anymore

"You see, Tatsuya-kun, these five girls used to study on shuchin academy, but their grades are far too low for them to stay so they got kicked out" 'Called it'

"So if i may trouble you with this, can you be their tutor?" 'Wow, didn't think anyone would just ask that question willy nilly'

"Why? Can't they afford a normal personal tutor?"

"They can, but it has been proven uneffective till now,

They have been getting personal tutor since middle school but, their grades remain the same

So their father and i decide that maybe tutoring from a fellow student might help" the principal explained their situation but Tatsuya did not care at all to be honest

"And why me? Uesugi should be a better choice if you want the best student" Uesugi Futarou are the school number 1, he scored perfect on every subjects.

Except for sport.

"Hoshin-kun, we both know you are not taking the test seriously" 'heh, yeah the usual holding back character' no, actually Tatsuya did not hold back

He just got bored writing the stupid test and just leave the last few questions blank and go to the roof to play games as usual

"I am taking the test seriously" he lied

"Well in any case their father and i have decide to choose you as their tutor, you would be given a salary by their father so just resign from your part time job" 'wow, don't i have a say in this?'

"As a school, we would rather have someone like you spend your time tutoring someone than working on retail, also the pay is not so bad, i am sure you can get used to it" 'why do you care what work do i have?'

Tatsuya look at the five identical looking womans

They look back at him while squirming slightly

'what's wrong with them?'

"Fine, i'll take the job, this should be easier than the part time anyway so i'll get more free time"

"Oh? Since when do you like free time Hoshin-kun" the principal know him since he is also a principal from his middle school,

And for as long as he know Tatsuya, he never liked free time

"I just have a few things going on right now, any free time i can get will be distributed to them"

"Ah, your usual phase, anyway they are in your care for now, good luck teaching them okay?" 'hey that's rude i don't have a phase' he does, people call it the 'found something interesting phase' that's when he will put any extra work he would usually take and throw them aside and focus on this intersting thing

Happends every other week really

"Alright, can you guide them to your class for now? Homeroom would end soon" Tatsuya nodded and say goody bye to the principal

He then tells the girl to followed him and they did

The walk towards the class are quite long so he need to break the ice somehow

"So, shuchin, what kind of place are that?" Tatsuya start the small talk

The quintuplets get startled at the sudden conversation but they answerd

"Well, normal i guess? Kinda like any other elite school?"

"Filled with a bunch gossiping girls that's for sure"


"The track field are huge!"

"It's good, the education level are great"

The five of them says one after the other,

Tatsuya not being used to get crowded by people almost re-thinking his decisions to tutor them

But you know what? This might be interesting

"And what do you know about the education there miss drop out?" OWW! That's a lowblow!

"Y-you!" The star hairpinned girl wanted to get mad at him but her sisters are all laughing at her because it's true

"Why are you laughing?! You are all the same!" She scolded her sister for laughing at her

"Because unlike you we have accepted the fact that we are dumb" the butterflies wearing girl said between her laugh

"Don't say that! If you study more frequently you will get better!" The star hairpin says

"You study frequently, and yet your grades are the same" 'damn headphone girl, i thought you are all sisters'

"Miku!" She scolded the headphone girl that looks like she is not paying any attention

'looks like the walk back is not gonna be quite'


"Wait right here" Tatsuya command the girls to wait infront of the door while he look inside

'No teacher spotted, perfect' He grinned while going inside the classroom

"Alright! attention everyone!" He stand behind the teacher desk and slam an eraser a few times to get his classmate attention and everyone goes quite

"Now i am gonna inform you that we will be having a new students for our class" he said to the class and they murmur excitedly

"Are they girls or boys?" One hand are raised questioning what everyone have in their minds

Tatsuya fold his hand and closed his eyes

And he snapped back at them with full force

"They are idols!"

"We are not idols!"

The girls can listen to what he says and the star hairpin one immedietely stomped any potential rumour from going around them

"Oh? Did i tell you to get inside? 10 points from gryfindoor" Tatsuya said to them

"What are we? Harry potter?" The star hairpin responded

"No, you just sound like a bookworm" Tatsuya said back

The star hairpin girl just sighed, after a few interaction with him, she can conclude that her new tutor likes to tease people

"Anyway come here, introduce yourself to the class" Tatsuya step back from the desk and walk towards his own seat

The sisters walk towards the desk and lined up

"Hi everyone, i am the big sister, Ichika Nakano, nice too meet you" 'playfull one' Tatsuya makes a mental note for each of then

"Nino Nakano, i hope we can all be friends, nice to meet you" 'tsundere one'

"Miku Nakano, nice to meet you" 'quite one, always check her backpack'

"I am Yotsuba Nakano! Please take care of me from now!" 'Cheerfull one'

"I am Itsuki Nakano, i hope we can work together" 'Serious one'

After that introduction the girls began to swarm them as it is quite rare to see 5 beautifull girls together and morever being quintuplets.

That leave Tatsuya with a few extra time with his system

'oh? Is it already started?'

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hello everyone! Author here, just filling up the 3000 word counts

Anyway i want to say thank you to everyone for reading this story, this is the most view i have ever have in one day,

Really 31 powerstones in one day? I use to only get 5 in a week.

Maybe because those stories are boring, so i can't really blame anyone for it

if you have any suggestion for the next bundle and maybe the next system function for next level, let me know in the comment, i will always read them as i like reading.

But if you have nothing, then it's fine, i still have a few ideas on what to do for the future

Anyway, i guess that's that, see you later

Note: i might upload the next chapter in a few hours, i write this one in 3 hours so if it's the same, i can upload twice a day.

But i don't know, we'll see how it goes,

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