

Phenex Territory

In the Phenex territory, Riser and his Peerage disembarked, greeted by the majestic atmosphere of the Phenex family. The fire danced in the landscape's details, and the flames seemed to welcome the heir of the house.

Impatiently awaiting, Ravel's eyes expressed a mix of joy and irritation upon seeing her brother after so long.

Ravel: "Riser Phenex! How long do you intend to ignore your own sister? I was beginning to think you had forgotten that I exist!"

Riser, laughing, approached Ravel: "Oh, Ravel, you know I could never forget you. Responsibilities and duties kept me away, but I'm here now."

Arms crossed, Ravel grumbled: "That's no excuse, Riser. You could have at least sent a message or something."

Attempting to appease the situation, Riser explained: "I know, I know. Things got complicated. But I promise we'll have time to catch up after the Rating Game."

With a serious look, Ravel agreed: "Fine, but you'll have to make up for all this lost time, Onii-sama."

Smiling, Riser nodded in confirmation.

Lord Victorius, Riser's father, interrupted the conversation: "Riser, Ravel, there will be time for family gatherings later. For now, focus on the goal. The Rating Game venue needs to be checked. Our reputation is at stake."

Respectfully, Riser agreed: "You're right, Father. Let's check the venue immediately."

Winking at Riser, Ravel whispered: "Don't think you'll escape a lengthy conversation, Onii-sama."

Riser kissed Ravel's forehead: "I promise we'll have all the time in the world afterward."

With that, accompanied by his Peerage, Riser followed his father towards the Rating Game venue, while Ravel watched, eager for a more significant reunion.

Sitri Territory

In the Sitri family's majestic mansion, where elegance and sophistication intertwined, the conversation participants gathered in a spacious living room, adorned with luxurious furniture and refined tapestries. The atmosphere was calm and pleasant, providing the perfect setting for a conversation among high-ranking underworld nobility.

Serafall, in her extravagant manner, embraced Sona enthusiastically. The nostalgic look in Serafall's eyes denoted a special relationship between the two.

Sona, with a smile, returned the hug: "Serafall, it's been a while. I missed you too."

Lady Octavia, gracefully seated in an armchair, cast a playful glance at Sona and asked: "Sona, when can we expect little ones running through the corridors of this mansion?"

Blushing slightly, Sona responded with a nervous laugh: "Oh, Mother, don't bring up that topic. It's too early to think about that."

Lord Salazar, Sona's father, took the opportunity to shift the conversation's focus: "Speaking of more serious matters, how is the preparation for Riser's Rating Game?"

Maintaining her composure, Sona confidently replied: "My husband is ready."

Intervening with theatricality, Serafall exclaimed: "Ah, Sona-chan, you're so busy with the Rating Game that you even forgot about me!"

Laughing, Sona advised: "Serafall, you're a Maou. Act like one. No need for theatrics."

Pouting playfully, Serafall retorted: "But it's so much fun to be dramatic, Sona-chan."

Lady Octavia, intervening with elegance, suggested: "Let's calm down. Maids, please serve tea with cookies."

As the maids fulfilled the request, Lord Salazar inquired about the relations between Riser and the Gremory family.

Reflecting for a moment, Sona replied: "Rias and Riser are on good terms as much as possible. They try to maintain peaceful coexistence."

Serafall, with her usual enthusiasm, said: "Sona-chan, what wonderful news to hear that Riser and Rias are on good terms. It's a relief to see things settling between them."

Agreeing, Sona responded: "Yes, Serafall. It's important to maintain peace, especially considering the circumstances."

Lady Octavia, with a welcoming smile, added: "Harmony between families is something to be cherished. It strengthens alliances and creates a solid foundation for the future."

Serafall then decided to share another piece of news: "Ah, and Sirzechs will also be present at the Rating Game. Looks like we'll have a weighty audience."

Showing interest, Sona asked: "Sirzechs-sama will be there? That's unexpected. Is there a specific reason for his presence?"

With a charming smile, Serafall replied: "He mentioned it's a goodwill gesture towards the Phenex family. However, Serafall thinks Sirzechs is interested in Riser's ability. To hide or enhance his strength."

As Sona processed this information, Lady Octavia, ever curious, inquired: "And where is my son-in-law? Why isn't he here with us?"

Explaining, Sona replied: "Riser went to check the Rating Game venue. He wants to make sure everything is prepared for the confrontation."

Rating Game Venue

In an area resembling the bustling city of Tokyo, Riser and Lord Victorius explore the mini-city created for the Rating Game. As they walk through replicas of skyscrapers and streets.

Observing the details, Riser addresses Lord Victorius about the familiarity of the mini-city.

Riser, pointing to the miniature city, comments: "Father, this mini city has been reproduced impressively. It looks like a replica of Tokyo."

Smiling, Lord Victorius responds: "Yes, I wanted to ensure that you feel at home. Besides, considering how much you've traveled there, you might have an advantage by knowing the terrain."

Intrigued, Riser asks: "So, these two tall buildings, pointing to them, are waiting areas for the opponents?"

Lord Victorius confirms: "Exactly. You'll be in the one on the left, while your opponent will be in the one on the right. Each offers a strategic view of the city."

Riser nods, understanding the strategy:

Riser: "Got it. An interesting approach. Let's then take a closer look."

Riser's Peerage separates to meticulously analyze the details of the arena.

After a careful analysis of the Rating Game area, satisfied with the gathered information, Riser decided to return with his father and his Peerage to the Phenex territory.

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