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Suddenly a small ball was thrown in between them. Suddenly it blows The white hunter rushed and guide Tine they were thrown away, Tine was hurt along with Jason the white hunter lost consousness and fainted. Jason was badly hurt he helped Tine up. "Are you alright?" "Yeah but who is he? Why did he keep on saving me?" "Lefs us find out" They walked right towards the white hunter. Tine kneeled down and slowly started taking off that man's mask she was frightened and surprised to see her brother Harry.

"Harry? Oh my God what is this?" Tine was shocked "So all this time your brother was a hunter and you didn't even noticed?" Harry opened his eyes he saw his mask on Tine's face. Sometimes in a few minutes later they all sit down three of them for a conversation. "So you lied to me earlier about why you didn't sleep, this is how you do hunting tonight, whom are you actually hunting?" Jason was quiet listening to Tine and Harry's conversation. "Lets go home, we will have this conversation at home" "No way we are talking this mater right here, right now, unless you want Caroline and Belle to find out too" "Even If I tell you right now, you won't underdtand a thing" "Try me" "When father and mother were killed I decided to put on this mask, searching for the beast who killed our parents, hunting down all creatures and monsters" "Wow amd you kept this a secret all to your self for that long? I can't belive this what kind of a brother are you?" Tine was very disappointed about Harry's secret. She turned around and walked away home slowly Jason was standing staring at Harry, as for Harry he worr back his mask and ran off. Early in the morning the other day Milan opened his eyes, he saw himself in a strange huge house, as he slowly sitted on the bed he saw Ishaly standing beside the bed waiting for him to wake up.

"What is this place? Why are you here?" Milan asked curiously.

"Really?? I mean you couldn't recognise your own house Milan?" Milan was shocked hearing that from Ishaly. "So you decided to bring me back here, what for exactly?" "This is your home too, it's been so long since you last visited, as tge matter of fact Master is waiting for you to wake up, he says he wants to meet you face to face, he asked to come and get you. I knew If I would have asked nicely back then, you couldn't agree" Milan was staring at Ishaly, the door was opened Elijah and Hannan walked inside the room. "Doors are ment to be knocked incase you didn't" Milan speaks stating at them know they went to stand beside Ishaly. "By the way how is your head Elijah?" Milan asked satirely. Elijah didn't answer back. "We have to go now, Master is back and he wants to meet him now" Suddenly the door was opened again tge master showed up all of them bow as they usually do Milan joined them but the master seems angry at him. "Leave us, all of you" the others walked away and shuttted the door behind them. "Tell me what I heard about you was wrong Milan, that you dis_obeying my orders are just rumors" master was talking curiously as Milan stands up and faces him chest with chest. "No they are all right, I don't have to kill for anyone, I don't have to kill for you because you are not my father so stop talking as one because we don't even share a bond you and I. For the past ten years I have been doing everything you ever asked me, killing, destroying, absorbs what ever you asked I used to be the front to get it done. But this time not anymore, I am done taking orders now I am on my own" Milan wanted to walk outside "So you changed the moment Tine lay her eyes on your face, what she thought about you, handsome face, savior right? But she doesn't know that you are the one who killed her parents back then does she? She only thinks what you want her to think why don't you be a little more loyal next time you see her. If there will be a next time" Milan was shocked hearing that, he turned back and face his master

"What ever you plan on doing, you should stop I may listen to my head once but the moment I get angry I don't listen yo myself even" Milan opened the door and started walking away he was walking on the corridor he saw wolves, beasts, creatures, vampires, demons and coyotesall of them assembly standing side to side staring at him as he was standing in the middle of them all. Master showed up behind him. "You see them, they are all here because I summoned them, many of them were like you, orphans I took them in and taught them but none of them even once tried to go against me, once you step out that door Milan you are no longer considered as part of this family. This family that you are seeing right now will all have one target to hunt and kill, and that's you Milan" Milan stares at them once again for the last time. "Let them come If you want to collect their corpse one by one, I got to let you all know one thing, I live in Outerlands, If by mistake I see anyone of you am gonna kill you. If you kill on of my people i will hunt you down" Milan turned around and walked away outside. Master was staring at him from afar a man showed beside him. "I got to admit one thing, this one is seems more stronger then his brother, what do you think about it let's unlock his brother and let them have a fight" "No not yet, that battle will come once I get my hands on his sister" "Don't worry master my team is still searching for her whereabouts we have to keep patients because words are spreading about her too in east side for the time being we have to keep it from him that his sister and brother are alive"

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