
30 First Kill

"Forty-six, Forty-seven, fooorty-eight, foooooorty-nine, ahhhhh, fifty."

If someone was walking through the forest, they would of saw a young boy struggling to do push ups, with a large rock on his back.

Little would they know the rock on his back, is actually 5 times heavier then it appears to be.

Ryan had been training for 2 months now, since he been healed from the fight with the monkey. He been using his element to train in many different ways.

He been always wrapping himself in his aura, making himself weigh 5 times more. The only time he doesn't have his aura on is when he sleep.

Ryan stop making himself 5 times lighter, and running around the forest like a chicken with its head cut off to train. Now he runs through the forest while making himself 5 times heavier instead.

He even run from beasts while still weighing himself down. You would of thought that he would of been slower than the beast if he did that. And you would be right but Ryan realized beasts are not that smart.

Now that Ryan understand that beasts can't sense him, its easier to escape. All Ryan do when a beast chase him, is run enough to make the beast temporary lose sight of him. With all the trees and bushes, its pretty easy to do.

Then he just hide real quick without being seen, and the beast will just run past. Without sight or the smell of blood, they won't be able to locate Ryan. And of course he have to try and not make to much noise too.

Ryan been doing all his training while being weigh down and made alot of progress. He got noticeably stronger. He can tell just by comparing him self at the start of the 2 months and now.

He wouldn't even been able to do 20 push up with the rock on his back. Ryan even got slightly better at controlling mana and can make things 6 times heavier, without consuming twice the amount of mana like he use to.

"Uhhhaa." Ryan slowly stood up cracking his back.

"Its about time I take my training to the next level." Ryan said to himself with a big grin.

"I think i should  take it easy tonight, so I can be at my best for tomorrow. I can't afford to make any mistakes."

Ryan went back into his hideout that is now bigger than before. It used to only be 10ft by 10ft box in the tree. He hollowed the tree more out and made new floor levels inside. The tree trunk is around 30ft in diameter, so he made himself alot more room.

He finally went slightly farther away from his hideout and came across a stream. Now that he have a place to get water, he made a bathroom for baths in one of the rooms. But He still goes to a different tree if he have to pee or poop. Sometimes he just go to the edge of the branch too.

Ryan did his normal routine of eating and than start cultivateing until he falls asleep.

"Raise your hand if you know the answer to this problem." A kind sweet tone was heard and brought light to Ryan eyes.

Ryan vision slowly cleared up.

(Hummm, I guess will be spend most of the dream in school.)

"Tommy, what's the answer"


"You are correct, do anyone know the answer to the next problem." The teacher ask as she point to some numbers on the board on the wall.

(This sucks, this what they called math if I remember correctly. This stuff is to easy, all you have to do is count. I don't know why she be teaching so much of this. Ah, I forgot these kids are way younger than me.) Ryan thinks to himself as he see a kid answer wrong.

(I wish there was a way to fast forward this, Just how Jason be doing when he watch TV.)

Ryan spent the rest of the dream in school until he woke up.

"I can never understand how i can feel so well rested, even though I was up all night in a way." Ryan said as he got up to start his morning routine.

He ate breakfast and did a light morning work out, than left his hideout. It was time to go kill his first beast, the monkey doesn't count, it had killed itself.

Ryan still using his aura on himself as he search for something to kill. He got really familiar with the forest in his area he run in, so it took less than 20min to fine a beast.

It was a fat hog looking beast. Instead of 2 tusks coming out his mouth there was just one big sharp one in the middle. You can tell from how it looks, if it bite you its not letting go.

"This should be an easy kill, I highly doubt that its a rank 2 beast."

Ryan can't tell what rank a beast is, from just looking at them. He do come across rank 2 beast quite a bit but he can still escape from them. The reason he knows they are rank 2 because beast have something similar to auras too. He can feel the pressure from the beasts when the beast focus there sight on him. If they are rank 1 he doesn't really feel anything.

Ryan silently trailed the beast as he slowly got closer.

(Humm, how should I kill it. Let see if I can cut off its head. This will be a good way to test my strength. I have no idea how strong I am compared to a beast and how much strength I would need to kill one in one shot.)

Ryan silently jumped down to the ground while making himself 10 times lighter for a quick second. He was trying to limit the noise of him hitting the ground. The beast didn't notice the landing and still had it's back to Ryan as Ryan silently creep up on it.

Sadly the beast turned around when Ryan was still slightly over 20 feet away. It was a little farther away than Ryan would like it but he didn't waste any time.

As soon as he could tell the beast was about to turn around, Ryan made himself 10 Times lighter and infuse aura in his legs.

After 2 months of consently using his aura, Ryan became capable of applying his aura in more than one place at once.

Ryan shot towards the beast and pulled out his sword at the same time. The beast just turned his head and noticed Ryan but it was to late  for it to do anything useful. All it did was roar and try to reposition its body but the sword came down on his neck first.

Ryan timed the swing perfectly. As he lifted the sword up to swing down he made the sword 10times lighter. As the sword descended, Ryan made it 10 times heavier.

The blade cut through the neck with barely any resistance. The attack power was definitely over kill, but sadly Ryan failed to take his momentum into account and Ran into the beast body after the swing.

Ryan was so focused on closing the gab fast enough, that he was to fast to stop. He didn't run towards the beast. He took one strong step.

Ryan rolled a few time after running into the beast body. He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt but his smile never left his face as he got up.

"I never would of thought it would be that easy to kill my first beast. Ahhh, I feel so powerful now. Is this what they called confidence, I swear it feel like I can take on 5 beast at once right now." Ryan said to himself enthusiasticly, as he clench and loosen his fist repeatedly.

"I killed a rank 1 beast with one strike, do this mean I can fight a rank 2 beast now. Actually, let me go back home before more beast come and ruin my moment. I finally have something else to eat beside that energy soup dad pack in the ring. I was almost out of food."

Ryan put the beast corpse in the ring and left the head there. It's a 36 square feet storage ring, It is only enough space to store around 2 beast.

Ryan made it back to his hideout with the same smile that still haven't faded off his face.

"Its about time I can make use of the kitchen i made."

Ryan headed up by using the Groove in the wall like a latter. He never prepared a beast to eat but he saw other people do it in the city before.

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