

Leaving the ship first was Robert Baratheon, who was already in a jolly mood. His wife, Cersei Lannister, and 'their' three children followed, alongside the Kingsguard. The Baratheon-Lanister banners were all over the massive ship. One thing that was hard to miss about the banner was the fact that the lion's tail crossed into the stag's side.

Edric Storm, being ever so observant, noticed this detail rather quickly. However, his attention soon turned to the Kingslayer. Magnificent and regal, he had the appearance of a king. He fit the prince charming cliche perfectly… except he wasn't celebrated as one would usually be. If anything, he was despised. And he was an absolute cunt… though, that didn't stop Jaime Lannister from being his favourite character. He even preferred the dickhead he was in the first seasons because he was more 'fun'… which may or may not say something about him.

In some ways, he sympathised with him.

"Welcome home, brother."

Renly stood still as Robert went forward and bear-hugged him. From the looks of it, he could have crushed some bones. 

"Ahh, look at you, a man-grown!" Robert Baratheon laughed. "How much of a warrior have you become?"

"Ahah… a fine warrior, brother."

"You don't have the look of one." After a short awkward pause, Robert wheezed. "Ah, I'm just pulling your strings. You are my brother, my own blood… how could you not be a fine warrior?"

He pat Renly's back several times before turning his attention to everyone else.

"And who is this massive boy?" Robert noticed Edric vibing in the crowd, approaching him almost immediately and raising his arm. "Look at the muscles on him! A warrior in the making… he looks rather similar to me in my youth."

"That is your natural son, Edric Storm." Renly Barathein cleared his throat. "I thought that was rather obvious."

Eric Storm raised an eyebrow, moving his arm away. "A pleasure to meet you too, Your Grace."

"Ah, my son… Edric Storm! Those fierce blue eyes never change." Robert Baratheon smiled slightly, patting Edric's head of black hair. "You've grown strong, boy."

"He already is the finest archer in all the Seven Kingdoms." Renly Baratheon added with a slight smile. 

"I wouldn't say I'm the best…" Edric Storm interjected.

"Archer? The bow is the weapon of cowards and weaklings… look at him! Does he look like an archer?"

"Well…" Renly shrugged his shoulders. "That is his greatest passion."

"You'll be swinging a warhammer soon enough." Robert Baratheon laughed, turning his attention back to Renly. "Where is the feast, brother? Keeping the king hungry ought to be a treasonous crime!"

"Right ahead." 

Clearly, Robert was the only starved one. Thirsty, too.

While looking around, Edric Storm met Joffrey Baratheon's strange stare. It wasn't a nice stare, either… he seemed to be against him already.

'Lannister genes just ain't on the same level.'

Edric Storm grinned slightly, turning his head away. Joffrey Baratheon frowned and moved ahead behind his 'father'. Even Cersei Lannister gave Edric Storm a disapproving stare.

'My greatest sin is coming into this world, huh.'

Though, surprisingly enough, not all Lannisters hated him. Myrcella Lannister took a long look at the rather staggering youth. Then, realising that he was her half brother, turned away. 

"What are you staring at?" Jaime Lannister inquired, raising an eyebrow. He noticed Edric's tendency to observe every little thing.

"The finest knight in the Seven Kingdoms." Edric Storm answered without hesitation.

Jaime Lannister gave a slightly surprised look before turning back to his duties. 

Given all the guests, I was relegated further down the table. The bad thing is I was on the other side of the royals, especially Joffrey Baratheon. That man had something out for me… was he jealous of my build or what?

As I ate, he kept turning to me every once a while. Eventually, he did stop. I thought that was the end of it… but it was only the beginning.

"Fine day on Storm's End."

Before standing up and leaving, I noticed who I was sitting next to. It looked like she was talking to me. I thought I recognised her from ages ago… was it that blonde chick who violated me in Evenfall hall? She looked way more mature than before, deceivingly so. These medieval girls grew up pretty damn quick.

(Says the 6ft tall 10 year old.)

Even more surprisingly, she spoke to me first.


I stood up and dipped. Girls were so weird… there's no way I was going to entertain someone like her. Man's had way better things to do, especially with the tourney coming up.

I went straight for the practice yard. Fortunately, I was alone and had it all to myself since the royals took all the attention. I grabbed a bow, plenty of arrows and a bag of throwing weapons. The first thing I practised was my archery, practising from a hundred paces away. That was damn near the length of the whole yard… Renly might've been right. My range was getting too high for this place.

I got warmed up with a hundred shots, eighty of which hit the target. Seventy were precise shots… landing exactly where I wanted. Though, it was only a matter of discipline. My first shots were unrefined and my later ones were inconsistent. If I was focused for all of my shots, I was confident that I would have made almost all of them.

"Finding you here isn't too surprising."


I turned to the source of the voice and came to see a rather familiar face. She has grown up, too, and I felt strangely nervous. Long-time reunions always kept me on edge. What if things weren't the same? It's undeniable that time leads to change…

"Are you certain that you don't have giant's blood? Goodness, you've grown tall." Alysanne remarked, sizing mans up. "You were six the last time we met… so you're ten now?"

"Yeah… just about. I needed new clothes every couple of months due to constantly growing." 

"I could imagine that would be rather tiresome."

"You don't even know.." I chuckled. "Nevermind me, you've grown beautiful."

"I wasn't before?" She pouted slightly.

"No one is perfect…" 

"So… how much better are you with the bow?"

"Far better." I smiled slightly, pointing at.the target. "Those arrows are all from a hundred paces."

"... From here?" Her brown eyes widened in surprise.

"Mhm. Did you think I was standing here for no reason?"

"I don't believe you."

"Well…" I loaded an arrow, focused up and fired. 

Straight in the head of the dummy.

"You must have the Warrior's blessing to be this good at your age." Alysanne stated, observing in awe. "Those three thousand gold dragons may as well be yours."

"I'd rather not grow complacent and throw that amount of gold away." 

"What would you do with the winner's purse if you got it, anyway?" 

"Honestly? I don't have anything I need to buy immediately. I'd save most of it, no doubt."

"Saving it for when you truly need it is clever. Though, most people hardly have the patience. Once gold enters their hands, they have to spend it." Alysanne remarked.

"If there's one thing I'd want… it would be a banner. Every knight has one, after all."

"A banner?" She questioned, stroking her chin. "How about… if you win, I'll make it for you?"

"You're able to make a banner?"

"You're not the only one who is dedicated to a craft. Although it may not be as grand as being a great archer, my needlework is amongst the best in Evenfall Hall."

Seeing her confident smile, I didn't see a reason to question her abilities.

"Sure… I'll make sure to win then."

"Practise on, Ser Edric." She giggled, turning away. "Don't worry, I'm only leaving for a short while to get a book."

"Who said that I needed your company?" I shrugged, smiling slightly. "I've been doing just fine on my own."

"Don't act like you don't dearly miss me…"


After a night of practising, I went to sleep and woke up the following morning to do just the same. I wanted to do everything I could to secure the bag from the archery and throwing contests. I didn't really have much of a shot at the melee or joust… so I had to win the other two. Besides, this was the perfect opportunity to distinguish myself. If I did that, being knighted in the future would be far easier.

Eventually, the lordlings gathered for the routine practice sessions.

"We have several special guests with us today…" Ser Davis announced, moving his arm to the side.

Renly Baratheon led the way, followed by the fat king Robert Baratheon who had a glass of wine in hand. Despite being very overweight and walking like he's drunk all the time, there was no doubt that he was still supremely strong. He was stronger than his younger brother, without a doubt. Walking practically right beneath his feet was his 'son', Joffrey Baratheon. He was tall for his age and wore luxurious clothing which bore the split stag-lion sigil. The more I looked at him, the more girlish he seemed. How could people genuinely believe that Jaime's children were Robert's? It looked so obvious…

"Why don't we see if the trueborn is better than the bastard, after all?" Renly Baratheon suggested, grinning slightly. "Joff is a year older, no less."

"Hahahahaha… do you have me for a blind fool? Edric would simply overpower Joffrey." Robert Baratheon laughed, stroking his beard. "Joffrey is his mother's boy, pretty but no warrior."

"You and me, bastard. Live steel." Joffrey Baratheon insisted with a deep frown.

Robert Baratheon keeps making this worse for me.

"Live steel? I'd get hanged for hurting the precious crown prince." I shook my head. "Practice swords only."

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of getting hurt?" Joffrey Baratheon grinned, looking down on me. "Even if you are a bastard, you ought to have some of our father's courage."

"Did you even hear me? I'm not afraid of getting hurt… I'm afraid of hurting you."

"You shouldn't be. A baseborn like you wouldn't even be able to touch me."

"This confrontation is growing rather fierce." Renly Baratheon chuckled. 

"You will be using blunted sparring weapons at the most." Ser Davis instructed, frowning at both Joffrey Baratheon and I. 

"The people of Storm's End are so soft…" Joffrey Baratheon scoffed in disdain, shaking his head. "Very well, blunted sparring weapons it is."

"That's fine with me." I smiled, turning to grab one. "I wouldn't want my rabbit slayer title to turn into the prince slayer."

"Rabbit-slayer?" Joffrey Baratheon raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "A fitting title for one such as yourself."

"If my arrow can pierce a rabbit, why shouldn't it be able to pierce a stag too? It may take more arrows but the result is the same…"

"Words are pointless if you can't act upon them. Go and get it over with… before I piss myself!" Robert Baratheon

"Yes, father." Joffrey Baratheon agreed, charging straight towards me. He clearly had a point to prove.

'I love it when they charge at me like that…'

I was so used to countering it. It was practically second nature.

Stepping to the side, I used Joffrey Baratheon's momentum against him. While he was unsteady, I wacked him in the chest as hard as I could. He spit out blood, almost falling to the ground. He got up swiftly after, swinging at me again.

I blocked his attack with ease, matching his strength.

"For all those muscles, you're not all that strong." Joffrey Baratheon grinned, withdrawing his blade and striking again. 

He made several more attempts, striking as quickly as he could. I matched him blow for blow, bar for bar. He wasn't absolutely terrible as one might think… he was decently trained, from the looks of it. But skilled? Hardly.

The moment I started trying, I deflected his sword to the side and wacked him in the chest again. The next time he tried to attack, I parried him and wacked him in the leg. Without even using my strength, I was toying with him. Bullying, even.

Several strong swats later, I could see that Joffrey Baratheon was feeling them.

I sent him back with a kick to the chest, causing him to fall over.

"... Luck." Joffrey Baratheon got up straight away, dashing towards me.

His attempts were the definition of insanity. The bruddah didn't know when to stop despite getting his ass beat constantly.

Getting tired of playing with him, I used all my strength the next time our swords clashed. With a brutish push, I sent him to the ground and pointed the sword at his neck.

"Enough, you're clearly not getting anywhere. Go back to picking flowers or whatever it is pretty boys like you do. Mayhaps go cry to your mother?"

"Tch… you'll pay for this one day, bastard." Joffrey Baratheon spit blood onto the ground.

"The name is Edric Storm." I smiled, offering my hand. "Honestly, your endurance is quite respectable. You can take quite the beating."

"Edric Storm…" Joffrey Baratheon muttered, shoving my hand to the side and getting back on his feet. "I'll get you back."

"You asked for it." I shrugged. "I'm not one to turn down a challenge."

Maybe… just maybe pissing him off was a bad idea. Then again, my ego wouldn't allow me to get beat by a cunt like him.

"That was worse than I thought it would turn out. Do you not train your boy?" Renly Baratheon raised an eyebrow.

"His mother keeps him close to her breast." Robert Baratheon scoffed. "If I hurt him ever so slightly… ah, that woman would be at my neck."

"Sounds like you don't care all that much about your heir."

"If only you knew…" Robert Baratheon sighed, taking a good drink of his wine. He patted his brother's back right after, almost tapping the soul out of him. "You should introduce me to the women of Storm's End."

"... You will have to do that yourself." Renly Baratheon frowned.

"Ah… that's no trouble, little brother."

Robert Baratheon left swiftly after, leaving the lordlings in shock. 

"Is that really the King? I heard he was a mighty force…" Arthur Tudbury frowned slightly, whispering to me. "A warrior. Turns out he is truly no more than a whoring drunkard."

The simple reason is Lyanna Stark… or rather, she's his excuse for being a sorry ass king. 

"He was a warrior. Now, he is one without purpose." I replied, keeping my voice down. "What's the point of a warhammer in times of peace?"

"You keep your skills sharp every waking hour… there's really no excuse."

"Look at the people around him, though. I'd be miserable too if my wife was Cersei and my son Joffrey." I countered.

"Her Grace is beautiful… surely it can't be that horrid? I don't see why the King can't be faithful to his wife."

"Beautiful on the outside, maybe. On the inside? I'm certain he knows better than you."

"Or mayhaps His Grace is the one at fault?" Arthur questioned. "It's the man's duty to set a positive precedent for his marriage as the one with all the power."

They're probably both at fault.

"You shouldn't be so nosy in other people's marriages." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Not our matters of concern. Unless you want to elope with the queen and be her knight in shining armour?"

"Of course not." Arthur shook his head.

"Alright, enough bickering!" Ser Davis instructed, his loud voice almost resembling the ferocity of a war cry. "Let's get some duels going."

"Yes, Ser Davis."

"I don't believe embarrassing the crown prince like that was the brightest idea you've had…" Alysanne stated, standing by my side on the top of Storm's End's sole tower.

"You were watching?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure I would've seen you…"

"No, I wasn't… but the crown prince getting humiliated by his bastard half-brother is the talk of Storm's End. It's difficult to miss the gossip."

"Ladies love to gossip." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "So, what do they say about me? That I'm a fiend for beating the golden prince off his high horse?"

"Oh no, you're rather popular." She refuted, shaking her head. "Especially the ones who favour martial ability, they adore you. They call you bold, wild, brave and strong… among other things."

"... Eh? I don't recall receiving any signs of affection… are you trying to make me feel better about myself?"

"Most ladies are rather discrete in the ways they give signs…"

"I hate those types of games…"

"It's all part of the fun." She smiled, her brown hair swaying with the wind. Under the moonlight, she seemed even more beautiful. "Part of being a knight is showing courtesy… especially to ladies."

"There's little point in showing that type of courtesy to someone you're not interested in… it's rather misleading and a waste of time." 

"So… are you interested in me?" She tilted her head slightly.

"That's… rather sudden." I blushed slightly, looking to the side. "Can't put me on the spot like that. I mean… I do like being around you more than all the other ladies."

"You were never the best with words." Alysanne smiled, turning away. "I'm going to rest. You should too… it's rather late."


"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Just as I was about to go to sleep, Raiden Shogun loomed over me with a disapproving look.

"That girl is rather bold…" 

"Are you jealous that she's making moves before you?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly.

"You have a clear vulnerability to women given your lack of attention. As she was the first girl you opened up to, this applies even more so."

"You're saying this like Alysanne is a terrible person." I frowned slightly. "She's a sweet girl, if anything."

"Mortal life is ever so fleeting… and love is no more than a distraction which only ends in heartbreak." Raiden Shogun replied, keeping her indifferent expression. "Above all else, don't forget your goal."

"What if I loved a goddess?" I asked, looking back at her. Her purple eyes were the definition of wondrous. "She's not mortal… and those feelings would bring greater dedication towards completing said goal."

"You're welcome to worship me… truly, you wouldn't be the first." Her expression changed slightly. Was it a tiny smile?

"You always alter words to make them seem less significant…"

You're still the most beautiful person in my heart, Raiden Shogun.

"You shouldn't grow too attached to me, regardless. I… am not meant to have such feelings."

"And who decided that?" I raised an eyebrow. "Your master? I've not seen her around anywhere. You're free to feel however you want. You don't have to be devoid of all emotion… I mean, I've seen you do little expressions. You're just shy about it. Over time, it should be more natural."

"... Perhaps." She remarked, not adding anything else. "Rest, Edric Storm. You've long since tired yourself out."

"Mhm… man is a bit tired." I yawned.

Once he fell asleep, Raiden Shogun observed her chest… her heart specifically.

'Is it truly possible for me to have such emotions?'

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