
Joseph, the Dreamer

I can't tell Meraek that, she might feel awful and die with the painful truth, that she is beginning to tire me, becoming so toxic, for me. Sometimes I don't want to be with her anymore because I feel drained and as if she is sucking all of my energy that I needed to get away, to bed myself with Hydra to gain power, consciousness and my sanity back, to give back the power to myself that Meraek keep on taking from me. To water myself with good thoughts, good things, good and happy sex and not a relation full of jealousy, questions, anger, regrets, sulks and reverie. Haa….now after I made love to Meraek I feel so fed up I want to drown myself inside the tub. I need to get away and I need to do it fast. War is about to happen and Persia has waged war against Nubia and Egypt will join this most awaited battle of the Ancient Civilizations against the now superpower villain Xerxes.

I didn't know when the war will end but I know it has to start as soon as Jaur, my child has turned one year old. Meraek, Sabah, Angianasim, my generals including General Hydra, the council elders, my armies and my people celebrated my baby's birthday. It is a joyous occasion with overflowing drinks and food, commencing the battle that is to happen on Monday. Egyptian chariotry, infantry, navy which consist of 20,000 and Nubian soldiers with 10,000 in number will be at the front. The first biggest war will happen, thus, Egypt will surely win it with Nubia. Hail to god Anhur and goddess Anuke. May you both guide and protect us in this fateful day, Egypt's blessed moment!

Mama, look at the soldiers, I want ot be like them when I grow up!, little Andromida shouts while her mother picks up some strawberries, pomegranates and plums from a friend merchant in Cairo dry market. Andrea and her husband Midas came to Egypt from a foreign country named Africa. Andromida's skin color isn't dark like the native Ethiopians but brown like her father who is hails from Cairo and a native of Egypt. His family came from a poor family in Thebes but made his way to become a foot warrior for the Egyptian Infantry. He was just eighteen when he became a full pledged soldier why Andromida dreamed to be like her father and join him in battles for the glory of Egypt and the Pharaoh.

Papa, was it like to fight for our country?, Andromida asked while munching a spoonful of honey on her mouth. Haha, my darling little 'Mida', my mini me!, it is like the most wonderful experience especially when I strike and block an enemy sword or arrow. And then, it's a scary but exuberant feeling when I scathe my blade to strike a soldier bigger than me and hurt him. Though I don't like killing people, but for my country and for my lord, I do it for her and to protect my country, my people, my Egypt! I will do it all over again for her and it is most honorable to die for my county with great pride. I can only offer my life for I don't have anything, no riches nor properties, father added and smiled. Then he carried me on his shoulder and walks near the window to talk about Joseph and his story. Mother doesn't believe in Joseph's God but father does. He said that Joseph is his dad's favorite. Every time his father would ask him to help his twelve brothers to fend the sheep, he would always advise them to do this or that, that made his older siblings hate him. One time, they thought to kill Joseph but one brother said that their father Jacob would die if Joseph wouldn't come home today, so they devised a good plan. They would say that while traveling to give out their ration of food, Joseph was attacked by wild animals and died.

They placed pig's blood on Joseph's favorite cloak and gave it to their father, who immediately sobbed when he knew that his dear child is gone. Before this all happened, Joseph's brothers was angry when their younger sibling told them a story about his dreams. Joseph said that twelve bunch of grains will bow to a single one and the twelve stars will bow down the sun which they surround them. The brothers instantly knew that they were the ones who will bow down to Joseph in the future. They were so furious when they heard it that their father talked with Joseph about the strange and silly teen age dreams.

Joseph wasn't really devoured by wild boars but he was sold by his brothers to traveling merchants that headed to Egypt. Joseph suffered so much when he was sold as a slave but since he is learned, he can write, talk and plan like an engineer who can create, build and command.

God gave Joseph a wonderful gift to interpret dreams and once there were two servants who he did these which both happened on the same week. One servant was killed and the other was reinstated to become the pharaoh's wine tester and servant. The servant forgot about his promise to Joseph to help him out of the prison for a sin our hero didn't do. When the pharaoh of Egypt during those times had a dream of seven thin cows over seven fat cows which his magicians nor sorcerers couldn't decipher for him. The slave thought of Joseph and how the servant of God helped him when he needed to know about his dream inside the prison. Joseph was called out to interpret the pharaoh's dreams and the messenger of God advised the king about Egypt's fate. The seven fat cows and healthy grains are seven years of abundance and the seven years of dead grains and seven thin cows eating the seven healthy ones are seven years of famine. So, Joseph advised the pharaoh to save grains and resources from the seven abundant years to prepare for the seven poor years that will be eaten by drought and poverty.

Pharaoh made Joseph Vizier of all Egypt's food management and government. He will do whatever is necessary to help Egypt survive the famine and he did that with God's grace and he was blessed with a family of his own and lived in Egypt for many years.

One of Joseph's brother is telling another that they don't have enough food to last for the month and need to find somewhere to buy grains. Another brother mentioned that Egypt have a wise vizier who saved more than enough grains to feed the entire world. So they went there with their father's blessing and set foot to Egypt. The ten brothers travelled to Egypt without Benjamin the youngest of the 12.

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