
Balls are Blue

It was just a matter of taking one more step.

Until Zane had fully mastered his fate, he could never truly relax.

Learning is like rowing upstream; if you're not moving forward, you're falling back!

Especially with a whole family relying on him, how could Zane afford to take it easy?

And so, Zane completely immersed himself in the ocean of death rules, understanding them with unprecedented efficiency.

He swiftly comprehended each death rule, transforming them into his own and imprinting them onto his divine essence.

In just one night, Zane felt his divine essence stir, as if, with a single thought, he could elevate himself from a lower god to a mid-level god, becoming a six-dimensional being.

But in the end, Zane suppressed the instinctive urge of his divine essence, choosing instead to continue building his foundation.

Cultivation is the same in any world—it can't be rushed!

The more you rush, the more mistakes you make, and some mistakes are irreversible.

Zane didn't want to create any flaws in himself due to impatience.

At their level, battles are won by those with the fewest vulnerabilities.

In the midst of battle, finding a flaw in your opponent often means the fight is already over.

As the sun's rays touched their bodies, Lorna, who had worked through most of the night, drowsily opened her eyes.

Seeing Zane's peaceful "sleeping" face, Lorna smiled sweetly.

She stretched her neck and gave Zane a light kiss on the cheek.

Sensing Lorna's movement, Zane withdrew his consciousness.

He opened his eyes and quickly pinned Lorna beneath him, who was playfully tickling him.

"Little rascal, you're being naughty so early in the morning!" Zane said, looking at Lorna's delicate face with a mischievous smile.

The intense gaze from his eyes made Lorna's whole body go weak.

"Wah, I don't care!"

Lorna's jade-like face turned red under Zane's stare. She quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her head, stubbornly playing the rogue.

No one could understand why, after so many years of marriage, Zane and Lorna still kept the spark alive.

They were like a couple still in the honeymoon phase, never getting tired of each other.

Maybe it was because their bodies had been frozen in their prime by the [Death River], keeping their minds full of energy and vitality.

Seeing Lorna once again exercising her unique womanly privilege, Zane's smile grew wider.

Without hesitation, he pulled the blanket off and leaned down to kiss her.

"Wah…" Lorna made a final, feeble struggle.

"Honey, I'm hungry!" Lorna suddenly said as she felt Zane's body heating up.

She looked at Zane with a pitiful expression, like a kitten waiting to be fed, making it impossible to refuse her.

In the end, Zane, with a head full of black lines, put on his clothes and left the bedroom to make breakfast.

As Lorna watched Zane's retreating figure, a sly smile appeared on her face.

Because Zane had been particularly excited last night, her legs were still sore.

If they had another round, she wouldn't be able to get out of bed all day!

She thought to herself that she could satisfy some of Zane's strange requests next time.

As she kept thinking, Lorna's face grew even redder…

Everyone had already gotten up and finished washing up.

As if on cue, they all rushed out of their rooms at the same time and sat down at the dining table, staring at Zane, who was busy in the kitchen.

By the time Lorna had dressed and walked out, she saw a group of eager faces, like a pack of little white wolves with glowing eyes, waiting for Zane to feed them.

After freshening up, she casually tossed the little black cat, who had taken her seat, aside and joined the others.

Seeing his whole family acting so shamelessly, Zane couldn't help but feel both amused and annoyed.

These were powerful beings in the universe, yet they acted like someone might steal their food.

"Come on, help me bring the dishes out," Zane called out.

Immediately, little Groot sprang into action, his tiny feet pattering as he rushed to the kitchen. His vine-like hands extended to carry stack after stack of freshly cooked dishes.

Meanwhile, the others lazily slumped in their chairs, showing no intention of getting up.

Zane was already used to this, so he crouched down and patted little Groot on the head.

"Good boy!"

Little Groot squinted in delight and became even more enthusiastic about carrying the plates.

"Little Groot, whatever you do, don't become as lazy as those ungrateful wolves out there, okay?" Zane said with a sigh as he glanced toward the dining room.

"I am Groot." Little Groot nodded seriously, understanding the importance of his task.

Once the food was on the table, the group, their eyes already glowing with hunger, descended upon it like a storm, creating a scene of utter chaos.

As Lorna enjoyed the delicious meal, she curiously asked, "Honey, where are we going next?"

"Asgard," Zane replied with a smile.

Lorna's eyes lit up, and she eagerly nodded.

"Great! I haven't seen my master in so long; I've really missed her," Lorna said excitedly.

Five years ago, she had spent half a month learning magic from Queen Frigga, and they had gotten along quite well. Lorna had even become Frigga's disciple.

Hearing Zane and Lorna's conversation, Rocket couldn't help but express his surprise.

"Asgard! That legendary paradise of the universe! Does it really exist?"

To most beings in the universe, Asgard was nothing more than a mythical Eden, not something that actually existed.

The black cat, munching on a grilled fish, gave Rocket a disdainful look.

"Foolish mammal, I went to Asgard five years ago. What's the big deal?"

"Mutant cat, you wanna fight?" Rocket snapped, pointing his spoon at the black cat.

The black cat was equally unyielding, grabbing a crispy grilled fish with its paw, ready to square off against Rocket.

Before the two could start a fight, Zane, with a weary expression, grabbed Bastis by the scruff of its neck and lifted it up.

"Mammal? I think I'm one too," Zane said with a sinister grin.

The black cat's grilled fish slipped from its paw, its body stiffening as its eyes widened in fear.

Turning mechanically, it looked at Zane's ominous face and quickly clasped its little paws together in a gesture of appeasement.

"The great master has long transcended such a level. How could you compare him to this ill-tempered furball?"

As it spoke, the black cat cast a disdainful glance at Rocket, who was watching the scene unfold with amusement.

"Lorna, he's all yours," Zane said as he tossed the black cat to the equally mischievous Lorna.

Soon, the entire villa echoed with the black cat's pitiful wails and Rocket's gloating laughter.

After finishing breakfast amidst the playful chaos, Zane instructed everyone to pack their belongings.

Meanwhile, Zane took the time to make a call to Constantine.

"Hello, boss. Any orders?" The phone was answered almost immediately, Constantine's magnetic voice coming through the receiver.

"We're leaving. Are you coming?" Zane asked calmly.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and Zane patiently waited for his response.

In a house that seemed no different from any other, Constantine, dressed in his signature trench coat, instinctively glanced at Anna, who was busy making breakfast in the kitchen.


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