
Legacy & Hela

Zane's original throne turned to dust and vanished in the space-time storm the moment the bone throne appeared. At the same time, the Reaper's Scythe, now refined by the transparent divine fire and death power into an even more mystical form, appeared in Zane's right hand.

As Zane slowly opened his eyes, two brilliant beams of light pierced through the once-dark void. Instantly, the towering space-time storm disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

The rapid shift from extreme chaos to extreme tranquility left everyone watching Zane from afar feeling slightly disoriented.

With the space-time storm completely gone, the vast void now only held Zane, seated on the bone throne with a crown on his head, frowning as he sorted through the sudden influx of information in his mind.

The earlier strange scene had vanished, leaving him looking like an ordinary person from a distance. However, an unparalleled presence radiated from him.

In the boundless sky, even the brilliantly shining stars couldn't draw attention away from Zane for a moment.

After organizing all the information in his mind, Zane realized that although he had successfully ascended to godhood and truly become the God of Death, officially a five-dimensional being, this was merely the beginning of his journey. Becoming a god was just the first step, like a baby taking its first unsteady steps.

Analyzing the information in his mind and comparing it to his current power, Zane found that he was only a lower god. Despite his unparalleled foundation before godhood, allowing him to reach the pinnacle of lower gods in one leap and becoming the highest level of five-dimensional life, he was still just a lower god.

Beyond him were the middle gods, upper gods, chief gods, god kings, and the unparalleled supreme god. Zane had a long road ahead.

For a moment, Zane's heart, slightly inflated by his newfound power, was cooled like a bucket of cold water had been poured over it, bringing him back to calm.

Meanwhile, Zane also understood the nature of the special space his consciousness had entered earlier and the identities of the magnificent beings whose faces he couldn't see.

They were projections of all the gods that had ever existed since the inception of the ten-dimensional universe. Though most of them had perished during multiple dimensional reductions of the universe, their consciousness projections remained in that special space, eternally showcasing their might to future generations.

Today, that space gained a new figure—a being with a crown on his head and a scythe in his hand.

The sudden information in Zane's mind was the legacy left by the previous God of Death after his demise. This included the crown and throne, which were part of his inheritance. Although the information was simple, it was enough to guide Zane's future path.

"Thank you, unknown predecessor," Zane said solemnly to himself. He called this predecessor willingly and with deep gratitude. Without the previous God of Death's legacy, Zane would never have ascended to godhood so easily!

At the same time Zane successfully ascended to godhood, in an unknown dimension full of wandering souls and skeletal remains under Asgard's rule of the Nine Realms, a disheveled, unruly woman with a gloomy appearance let out an angry roar.

Instantly, countless swords materialized from her hands and shot out in all directions, turning the innocent lingering souls in this space to ashes. 

After venting her rage for a while until her power was exhausted, Hela gradually calmed down. However, the boundless anger within her still made her roar continuously like a street shrew.

"Who? Who stole my godhood?"

Her sharp, maniacal voice echoed endlessly in this space. But no one here could give her an answer.

Hela had been sealed in this space by Odin for over a thousand years. In this desolate world of death, the only reason she hadn't gone completely insane was because of the obsession sustaining her. That obsession was also the source of her current fury: to become the God of Death!

Once Odin fell, the seal confining her would naturally dissipate. She would then return to Asgard, seize the Death Pearl treasured by Odin, ascend to godhood, and wield endless death power. Most importantly, she would gain control over the dominion of death, commanding the demise of all beings!

This is why Hela in the original story was so fixated on returning to Asgard, and why her power surged so dramatically once she got there.

Thousands of years ago, Hela had accidentally obtained part of the Death Pearl's inheritance. The death power, mixed with her own destructive power, gave her a strength almost on par with Odin. During wartime, she didn't think much of it and used her newfound power to rampage across the Nine Realms.

But after spending over a thousand years in this death space and gaining a deeper understanding of herself, Hela realized that the Death Pearl was actually a godhood—a power crystal left behind by the previous God of Death after their demise.

Over the past millennium, Hela had pushed her understanding of death's rules to the limit, with her destructive power fully assimilated by death power. Yet, she was unable to take that final step. For someone who hadn't ascended to godhood through the orthodox route, the godhood of death both granted her power and constrained her.

In other words, for Hela to become a god, she needed to merge with that godhood. Otherwise, her power would remain stagnant, unable to advance any further.

Hela, still sealed, had no idea that her cunning father had already used the Death Pearl as forging material and given it to Zane. 

As a five-dimensional being, Odin knew exactly what the Death Pearl was. Despite this, he gave this god-creating treasure to Zane for a simple reason: to pave the way for Ragnarok. Odin knew that no matter where he hid the godhood, Hela, who had a mysterious connection to it, would eventually find it. So, he decided to place it in Zane's hands.

The wily old fox Odin had unknowingly set a trap for Zane. Even though Zane had used the Death Pearl as forging material to create the Reaper's Scythe, it had only changed form; its essence remained the same.


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