

"What is going on here?!", a deep voice asks. 

"Captain Kenta, this runt here started to attack us out of nowhere when we wanted to take his weapon away.", someone said.

Captain Kenta is a tall and imposing figure, standing at 6'5" with a well-built and muscular frame. He has wild, dark brown hair that falls to his shoulders, and a distinctive lightning pattern across his left cheek, earned in a fierce battle with his mother ... but no one knows that, so he tells everyone that he got it during a fight with a Sea King. His eyes are big and black, giving him a dumb and unfocused gaze. Kenta sports a sleeveless, dark blue captain's coat with a red sash tied around his waist, and his arms are covered in various tattoos.

"This runt did this much damage to you all? What a pathetic bunch you are. Boy, I'm sure you understand that I can't allow you to just harm one of my crewmembers and get away with it."

I narrowed my eyes at this and looked at him. 

"You can go f*ck yourself for all I care. No one touches my bat, not even you.", I say.

"You're quite the opinionated little shit."

"And you know words such as 'opinionated', that's unusual for a pirate.", I tell him. That is indeed strange that he knows such a word. Pirates are normally uncultured and uneducated. 

This seemed to anger the pirate and his anger was visible on his face. 

"You little shit!", he screams and then swings his fist at me. I however expected this and managed to dodge. I use his surprise and swing my bat and smash it in his face. I don't stop there however and use this window that he gave me and attack again. Once again I swing my bat and smash it in his face again. By now, the crew has gotten out of their stupor and tried to stop me. I am reluctantly forced to dodge and attack them. 

"ENOUGH!", Captain Kenta screams. Everyone stops and looks at the captain. He has a big bruise on the left side of his face, where I hit him. His anger seems to have reached new heights. There is quite a bit of blood flowing there. He looks at me and says through his teeth. 

"He's mine!"

He towers over me and his anger radiates off of him. He doesn't say anything and just waits for me to attack. I can feel that he is stronger than the bear I beat before setting sail. I have grown stronger than back then and this should have killed the bear, but he is only injured by that. I can feel my fighting spirit beginning to rise. That's right, I am challenged and death is possible, but I am excited. I'm getting pumped and will continue to hit until I win!

Kenta uses his monstrous strength and I see a fist fill my field of vision. I manage to dodge and then swing my bat again. But this time things are different. He catches my bat with his left hand and pulls. My grip however is strong and gets pulled towards him. He pulls his arm back and then punches me in the stomach. 



All the air leaves my lungs and my body bends. Then I fly back and hit the wooden railings. Pain is what I feel right now. I stop myself from blacking out though and look at the pirate. He has a surprised expression on his face. 

"You're a strong little man. Not even when I hit you that hard, will you let go of the bat. But that won't help you. We're just getting started."

That's right when my body flew back, the bat did as well since I never stopped gripping the handle. I slowly get back up from the ground and shake my head. I get into position again and wait for him to attack this time. This seems to anger the pirate again and he walks towards me. He swings his fist at me again. I dodge and then swing my bat at him. He tries to catch it once again but this time, I change the trajectory midswing and hit his elbow. 

"Argh! You f*cking bastard!", he curses and rushes towards me. 

A fist smashes into my head and I try to use the momentum my body gains from this punch to spin around and swing my bat at his legs. He blocks it with his shin and then kicks me with a frontal kick. The foot impacts with my thorax and I shoot back again. My vision begins to get dark again but I clench my jaw. 

I can't feel anything except my fighting spirit rising. I'm getting more and more pumped. This fat ass will get punched by me. 

"Haaa haaa"

"You're quite a durable little shit.", Kira says. 



The fight continues the same way it did just now but after a while, Bad changes his tactic like he did when he fought the bear. He no longer tries to defend and only goes for counters. As surprising as it seems, Bad manages to do a lot of damage to the captain. 

As the fight continues, another ship nears the pirate ship without anyone noticing. If they weren't so absorbed by the fight, they would have seen the sails of the navy and the figurehead being that of a dog with a bone in its mouth. And that would have put the greatest fear into their hearts had they seen that. The marine ship approached the pirate ship and was surprised that the pirates weren't even moving at all. They were just standing there and not even firing their cannons. 

"Vice-Admiral Garp, the Kenta Pirates haven't retaliated at all. We can see them being there but they aren't doing anything. What should we do?"

"Hm? Board them. If they aren't even as smart to flee, then they don't deserve any better."

"As you command.", Bogard said. 

The Marines boarded the pirate ship and began to capture pirates. This seemed to wake everyone up. Chaos ensued and apart from the Captain and Bad, everyone was fighting a marine. Garp was casually strolling across the deck and eating rice crackers. He saw Captain Kento fighting someone and when he saw who it was ... he became enraged. He saw a grown man fighting a small child and that made him angry. The reason for this was because this boy was about the same age as his grandson and he couldn't help but compare the two.

He was just about to send Kento into the afterlife when he heard a voice. 

"Don't ... this is my fight. Don't butt in old man.", the small boy said. Garp looked at Bad who was bleeding all over his body. He held his bat in front of him and was using it as support. Garp looked at the only eye that was left open on the boy, as the other was swollen and he had blood in his eye. He could see that he was serious and so he stopped his plan. 

"Hm, if that is what you want."

Now Captain Kento finally looked behind him and saw the situation. He knew who Garp was as he was famous in the world. He got scared for a moment but Garp pointed at Bad. 

"You better focus, otherwise he'll beat you up."

The Captain was confused and then looked at Bad again. The latter was focused. He was not finished yet. His fighting spirit was at an all-time high and he was unwilling to lose this fight. Kento narrowed his eyes and then he decided. He was going to use the child as a hostage to get free from the Marines. But to do that, he had to beat him. 


The two continued their brawl. Bad was getting stronger and did more and more damage. But he was also accumulating more damage. After 30 minutes the fight was finally over. For the umpteenth time, the fist of Kento smashed into his face. He tried to take the hit and swung his bat with all of his strength. The bat smashed into Kento's side and a loud cracking sound was heard. 


"Argh f-f*cking ... shit.", Kento cursed. He was about to attack again, but Garp stopped him. He had a serious expression on his face and told his second to deal with Kento. 

"Bogard, take this one to the ship."

"Yes, Vice-Admiral."



(Garp POV)

This boy ... he fell unconscious after the last hit. But he still finished the last blow. And he was about to win too. During the fight, I could feel him getting stronger the longer the fight went on. His spirit is powerful, even at this age and if he wasn't this young, his body wouldn't have given up on him. I wonder what a boy like him does on the seas. What am I going to do with him? He's about the same age as Luffy. I could raise him to become a strong marine. 

Yes, that's what I'll do. He's not a bad kid, I could feel his will. He wasn't out for blood, but to win. Hm, yes I will make him a marine and Luffy as well. And Ace too, now that I think about it. Ah, where are my crackers?



I woke up in a bed which I didn't recognise. I look around and see that I'm probably on a ship. I try to stand up when someone calls out to me. 

"Ah, young man. Don't move yet."

"Who are you?"

"I'm the ship's doctor. Do you know where you are?"

"Aren't you going to tell me?", I ask him. 

"I am just trying to find out whether you can remember everything that happened four days ago."

"Four days? It's been four days?"

"Yes, you were unconscious for four days. I must say that was quite the feat for a young boy like you. How old are you?"

"Four ... I think."

"FOUR?! You're four years old and pick fights with pirates? Where are your parents? Isn't there someone to take care of you?"

"No. I'm alone. What ship is this?"

"This is Vice-Admiral Garp's ship. He took you on the ship and left you here for me to take care of you. Is there something you'd like?"

"Yes. Food."

"Ahaha alright, I'll get you some food."

"Thank you."


After a few minutes, a tall man walked into the room by smashing the door with a kick. 

"Are you awake brat?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Garp, what's your name?"

"I'm Bad. What am I doing on your ship?"

"I'm taking you with me to meet my grandson. He's about as old as you. How old are you anyway?"

"Four how about you?"

"Not that old."

"Don't lie to yourself."

"You Brat!", Garp says and bonks me on the head. 

"Why are you taking me with you?"

"I already told you. To meet my grandson."




"So when can I get some food?"

"Come with me. We'll get you some."


We sailed for another day and then reached the place where Garp wanted to go, Foosha Village. This should be the place where Luffy was born or at least where he is right now. This will be fun. I remember that Garp used to train his grandson in his youth. 

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