
Start of the Crusade

War raged onwards as the Republic and Sith invaded, infiltrated and decimated each other at a galactic scale. Entire subsectors of the galaxy thrust into civil, military and ideological conflict as independent parties considered which sides to join.

Currently within the Republic headquarters Satele Shan and several other Jedi grandmasters were gathered around a holographic display of Ord Mantel and several other planets. In front of the Jedi was a fancy looking admiral who was laying out the basis and tactics for the conflict.

"Ord Mantel is tricky, there is a division in the populace of the planet. One side works with the Sith and the other is our allies on the planet. The cartels have also influenced this planet as they have begun to conduct smuggling and arms dealing to the local peoples."

Some of the Jedi Grandmasters had hushed conversations after the admiral spoke, the tone of the meeting very serious and piercing. Satele was not one of the Jedi conversing as she waited to hear more about the planet.

"We have deployed two Corps of troops to the planets surface and they are currently facing severe bombardment from enemy artillery batteries and Sith raiding teams. The Jedi that you have graciously given us have been able to stop about half of the raids but it is ineffective against the sheer number of enemy troops..."

He painted a bleak picture, that is what Satele was considering as she too was feeling some sort of hidden plot on the surface of the planet, something that the Sith wanted and were getting close to having.

"Admiral, what of the other planets?"

"Ah! Yes, I was going to get to those... Nar Shaddaa, we have some reports from military agents that there has been some activity from the Sith in this sector, we have no clue as to the purpose of such ventures but it would be gruesome if the Sith were to align with the Hutts. They would gain a clear financial advantage on us."

"And admiral, what of that foreign fleet that helped us stop the invaders?"

"No news on that front... Ever since we witnessed their power we have been on the lookout for their ships but it seems they came to aid us against the invaders at the very least."

Satele raised an eyebrow and considered everything she had seen on Terra before clearing her throat and gaining everyone's attention.

"It is unlikely that that force would interfere, they are mostly peaceful and from what i witnessed in their home system, extremely advanced. It would be like a Bantha smacking a worrt..."

As soon as she finished speaking alarms went off all over the ship as Emelia manifested in the middle of the bridge and began to walk over, her form human. She looked much more intimidating now than when Satele had met her a week ago.

"Speak of her and she shall appear..." Satele tried to use some of the humour of Terra, as the locals called it, and walked up before bowing calmly before Emelia. The other Jedi had their lightsabers active whilst military personnel all over the bridge grasped blaster pistols.

"I am here to stop the war." Silence descended into the room as everyone looked incredulously at the newly appeared woman that looked hotter than every other woman in the room and at that, any woman any man had ever seen. Even the women were looking at her in absolute desire, Lucifer would be put to shame.

"Stop the war? Why?"

"The enemy have not just invaded this galaxy but the entire multiverse."

Soft gasps ran through the command centre as Satele looked into her eyes. The atmosphere was tense and the command deck was silent for the most part. The entire space was filled with blinking blue lights and holograms that slowly rotated, as if in time with the response time.

"We would end the war if we could, but we cannot so long as the Sith are not backing down." Satele's response got a large amount of agreement from her fellow Jedi and republic troops. Emelia grinned somewhat as in seconds hundreds of ships entered the system and almost instantaneously reached the fleet of the republic.

"I do not think that will be a problem."


(Sith Headquarters)

"Adjudicator Smith, what is the latest intelligence on Ord Mantel and what is the status of Darth Caltrine?"

"Lord Inquisitor, Ord Mantel is currently very favourable and is being scoured for any holocrons and other sensitive materials. As for Darth Clatrine's actions, we have monitored him closely and found that he has indeed succeeded in forming an agreement for the lava Kyber Crystal. We have stationed two sniper agents to watch over him and end him if the need arises."

"Good, we do not want the Jedi to get their hands on this Kyber Crystal. Increase the security around Caltrine and dedicate another cruise ship to Ord Mantel, i want that planet within a month."

"I will inform the general sire... If there is nothing else?"

"There is. I wish for you to send me another Twi'lek woman..."

"As you wish sire."

The room turned dark as the two left it, leaving a tortured man in between them that was currently in a coma, blood seeping from every orifice as below him was his cut off manhood. Red faded into black and swirled before an orange eyed entity stared at the actions of his lessers.

'Good... Now its time for some fun.'


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