
Thor and Loki's Banishment, Emelia Completes Training

Thor and Loki stood at the heart of the Bifrost as a livid Odin growled in anger at his son's, Thor's words, the very room darkening slightly with the action. Geri and Freki, Odin's two wolves sat at the entrance their massive bodies blocking the humungous entrance to the Bifrost. Hugin and Munin simply sat on his shoulders their eyes completely golden and glowing as they looked towards the duo of Thor and Loki.

"Father! They have threatened Asgard! I went to exterminate them for our people!"

"Yes father, they were certainly plotting evils within Jotunheim!"

Both men tried to convince their father who at this point was fully adorned in a radiant golden armour with his spear gungnir in his hand. A large scar adorned one of his eyes as the other piercingly glared at the brothers with its pale blue colour feeling as if it was the sum of an entire ocean of ice.

"I have obviously not taught you properly then... You should not have attacked them as you have, there are smarter ways to grind them into the dust. I have had enough, you need to gain some experience, maybe then you shall not make horrendous mistakes as you have just committed."

"Father! Why are you punishing us!?"

"Brother are you deaf, he just gave us the reason..."


Odin opened the palm of his right hand, the famed Mjölnir, weapon of Thor, then suddenly unequipped itself from the side of Thor's silver armour and came to his hand.

"I strip you of your powers! You shall remain in Midgard until you have gained wisdom and regained your powers through your own means!"

His words were followed by the cawing of Hugin and Munin who's eyes glowed even deeper at this moment. Geri and Freki stood up onto their four feet as their eyes gleamed in the same light as the ravens. Thor and Loki at this point felt the massive disparity in power as they very quickly were sapped of their strength and immortality. Moments later the Bifrost opened and they were unceremoniously pulled through the open Bifrost.

As the brothers were blasted onto Midgard, Odin very quickly began speaking to Mjölnir.

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor, god of lightning and thunder."

As he finished he grasped the handle of Mjölnir and threw it through the open wormhole of the Bifrost.

'Damned kids, now i have a mess to clean up...'

His ravens and wolves all followed him as he began his trek across the rainbow bridge that connected the city of Asgard to the Bifrost.


Emelia sat on the edge of a cliff, the snow-filled wind blisteringly power as she sat cross legged her eyes completely closed. Around her there were several forms of energy dangling in mid-air forming mini images of multicoloured universes and galaxies. Behind her stood the ever power Ancient One who would every now and then add her own magic to the mix in an attempt to disrupt her control.

Every time she did it the magic of Emelia would barely fluctuate as it fought off the outside influence. Emelia's breaths were clean and even as her body was completely clean of snow, the substance completely unable to touch her. Yao nodded at her performance, they had spent the last 8 months training up her attunement to magic and solidifying her grasp on magical concepts, ideas and realms. She had learned a lot throughout these months as she had gone from the usually confused and unfocused woman to a completely calm and collected woman who had confidence in her powers, the people around her and her own intellect. 

Clapping her hand Yao ceased the snow storm around them, Emelia immediately stood up despite the early cut off of their training session. Yao nodded in respect at the attitude, a hint of pride emitting through her being as she saw the calmness on her student's face.

"Congratulations, you have completed your training in record breaking time."

"It is merely an extension of your own skills as a teacher, master."

"Now, now, don't be too humble, you are at least responsible for ten percent of your change."

A small chuckle escaped Emelia's lips as Yao attempted sarcasm, which she had been taking lessons from Emelia on.

"I don't believe I would have recognised myself eight months ago... So much has changed about me and my powers it is stunning."

"Thus is the benefit in training ones magic and spirit. Now, off with you, I will be busy teaching Illyana more now that you have finished your training."

Emelia nodded as a small smile graced her lips at the thought of Illyana.

'Hmm, Sis I want the system back now.'

[Fuck... that took so long...]

'Now, now, don't complain too much, who was it that said i needed to mature?'

[Holy shit, you have changed... Go back, i liked it when you acted more like a younger sister!]

'Unfortunately you are stuck with me... I suppose now i can use "Ara, Ara" when i speak to you.'

[Oh no you don't!]

'Ara ara, don't get too upset little sister.'

[So this is going to be my future... *Sigh*]


Author Alex here, hope you enjoyed the chapter it was fun making it and i didn't have to dumb down my own intelligence to make the character's personality work! Yay! Anyway, i am going to be releasing a third chapter today so i hope you all enjoy!

GIVE ME THE POWER STONES! Nah, thanks to all the people who have given power stones and i hope that my fan fic continues to give enjoyment!


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