
Chapter 2: The Reward (I).

Chapter 2: The Reward (I).

For any good leader in high position, the crimson general has hired a few women to handle her paperwork when she's gone. A mansion was gifted to her by a Duke- one of her old servants from her house volunteered to live and manage it.

Four days have gone by- she retires to rest in her village, a place where she considered her home and has been caring for years now.

"Everything is settled." (Rowan) signs the last papers they need to have woodworked coffins ready by the week. Selling every single place that sold them, it was expensive but every soldier that fought for their life deserved a proper burial.

She looked at the documents once more and found something strange. "Why does it say here that I have nothing to pay?"

Rowan calls for her secretary, ringing a bell to call her attention on the other side of the room.

Cling! Cling!

"Ah the general must be calling for me." On the other side of the room, the crimson general's secretary looks in the mirror that was on the side seeing if she looks presentable. "My ribbon is a bit crooked…"

She stands up and confidently opens the door, seeing the general being so busy is nothing new but for her to be home is a rare thing indeed.

"Excuse me, general- you called?" The name of her secretary was Isabelle Kingsley. A woman who was hired after being fired at a noblewoman's house as her maid for being too organized and well kept.

Rowan merely found this woman while they were at war at one of the abandoned village and helped her find a place to call home. "Isabelle, there seems to be a problem with the payment slips that I got from the village when I ordered for some coffins to be delivered."

Rowan shows her the document, pointing out the zero balance that she needed to pay.

"It is not right." She tells Isabelle who read every inch of the document. She sees at the end part of it says; 'Thank you for your service, please do not pay for the coffins. We honor the people who fought for our kingdom. We hope that this is enough coffins for our fallen soldiers. Sincerely, the people of the village.'

Isabelle thought it was a wholesome thing for the general's community to be so kind.

"Please send a letter to the woodworkers that something is wrong. I will send them the payment immediately once the problem has been resolved." (Rowan) sighs tiringly as she focuses on the other paperwork that needed some tending.

Her secretary smiles softly at the sight of the kind hearted general, she is lucky to be employed by such a person and thanked the heavens for bringing her to this place. "There is no need to worry, general. The document states that the three hundred coffins that you have ordered are to be donated by the village, they also said that they will replant the trees they will cut and make sure to be careful."

Rowan looks at the document where Isabelle pointed out the small print of a message made by the village, her eyes widened slightly and felt her heart become light. "That… is very kind of them."

"Yes, generally they… take after you." The secretary keeps the last part quietly to herself.

"Still it is not right. I must give them proper payment, please even a gift would suffice- tools, food or anything that would help them. The village... I do not deserve them." The general insisted that all of their hard work be properly paid.

The secretary couldn't win or go against her boss's wishes so she'll just help her lighten her workload and handle everything this part herself. "I will arrange it all for you. General Bonheur, please leave it to me. However… those soldiers' families who are in far parts of the kingdom. I fear I don't want to see their sons and daughters in a rotting state. We can only give them their dog tags and a few belongings to be packaged."

"I… see… their families will be devastated." (Rowan) could already imagine the expression on their faces when receiving the news that their loved one has passed. "If you don't mind, I'll leave it all to you."

"I will arrange the general orders, I have informed a delivery company if they would like to work with us and they said yes."

"...Are the financial compensation included?"

"Yes, general. We have made it absolutely so to never forget."

"I would like to give half of my paycheck equally distributed to their families. I have no use for money."

"Y-Yes, general. Thank you for your service."

"You are dismissed."

Isabelle closes the door, she looks at the door knob and wishes for the general to take better good care of herself. It is hard to find good people.

'The least I could do is order her some food from the kitchen. I know she likes meat- let's go get her some for lunch.' (Isabelle) resolves herself of taking care of her idol and quickly goes to the kitchen to order everything she needs for the general.


Inside the room, Rowan was stuck feeling drained and on the brink of losing her insanity. She just got home and it seems like there wasn't even a moment to rest!


Not only did she lose a few of her close friends… and now paperwork?! There were a few letters that she needed to sort out, including a very fancy one. One with the symbol of the royal family stamped in fancy rose scented wax.

"...this can't be good." There were only a few times she was able to see members of the royal family, either it was business and they didn't have much reason to talk because she was busy with the war.

This will be the first official audience that Rowan will have with them.

"The princess… I wonder how you have been after all these years. Would you still think that my hair is beautiful?" She buried her head into the desk and felt her whole world crumbling. Being alone in her office she could act like herself, a girl who wants nothing more but to meet a lovely and kind princess again.

How lonely has she been… being the general.

Rowan lifts her head up and opens the letter, reading the contents.

Dear General Rowan Bonhuer,

We congratulate you on your victory upon the human-demon war. It was an astounding feat that our kingdom will now call you our hero.

By royal decree you will be rewarded very handsomely as we are grateful for your service. My children are also very excited to meet the general in person.

Come to the palace and we will expect you. Please wear proper attire, for you will be staying at the palace for three days as our guest. A party will be held by your owner and many nobles will be invited.


King Aswold Kaltis.

"A hero… they shouldn't really go through all that trouble." (Rowan) slumps even more, her mind raising all the warnings of social activity that will drain her in a matter of a day.

For the king asking her to stay for three days just to party-

"The whole connection making… I don't like people sucking up to me and making me feel uncomfortable." She groans, complaining but suddenly she looks at the letter again.

His children are looking forward to meeting her?

"Does that mean the princess will be at this party for the whole three days?" (Rowan) stood up upon realization and almost did a happy dance. "I-I need to dress up properly! Where is my armor? I need to call Jonathan and invite him to the party."

"I need help."


At the Village of Rosewood


A festive day, a week has the kingdom of Polestin celebrated for their victory with the crimson general leading their army.

The village of Rosewood was ecstatic to have their general come home alive and safe.


The soldiers who were staying in the village had been guaranteed a spot inside a local bar of the capital city. They laughed and sang like there was no tomorrow, they honored their young general whom all respected so much.


"To our Crimson General, despite being a woman, is a talented soldier! Three cheers for the general!"

"That woman saved me when I needed it! All hail the general!"

"She's like a sister to all the soldiers! All hail our general!"

Every soldier kept on drinking as the news reached them that the war with their neighboring kingdom was over, the ruler raised their white flag as they asked for mercy- being beneath the crimson general.

The demon lord was no more.

"That's our general! Come let's sing a song for her! Aye! Tall and mighty the woman she was~ the crimson general swung like a lad!"

"The demons feared her name! General Rowan Bonheur, remember her grace!"

"Blood has been shed, lives have been lost. We thank our general who pulled us from the loss of war~!"

Rowan could hear the singing not too far as she got into the village to try and find her right hand man who could help her pick some clothes for some upcoming fancy party with the royal family.

As she went inside, the soldiers didn't even notice her until she complimented their singing.

"Nice song you guys got there."

"General! Come drink with us!"

The Crimson General, for how she got her name is because of her crimson hair that became the trademark of her legendary name already spreading across the many kingdoms.

"Sorry but I don't drink." She denies the invitation of her comrades and just sits down on the table watching the others enjoy themselves. "I came here to look for Jonathan and he's here drunk as I had hoped."

Jonathan was knocked out unconscious on the table, his hand was holding an empty cup as the sound of snoring could be heard.

"Enjoy, general! You might even find a man here that suits your liking! You know... your type I think...! The general would love a soft-spoken man!" The soldiers teased but Rowan just shook her head not being interested in a man.

"...No, I have no future plans on being married."

"Hah! That's a shame! In any case I heard that you'll be receiving a reward for helping win the war!"

"Has it spread that fast?"

"Aye you can never underestimate the power of word by mouth. The King has been so impressed with ya!"

"Thanks you guys, I'll be taking my right hand man for now. Your drinks are my treat."

"All hail the general indeed!" They all raised their cups once more in their honor, swaying and pointing at the bard to play another song. "One more song my good friend!"

Rowan carries Jonathan by the shoulder as they go outside the bar and slaps his face, waking him up, "I'm up I'm up…! Hold on… Rowan?"

"Hey, Jonathan."

"Aye! General! Hic! What can this right hand man do for ye todey?! Ya look a little bit woozy might I add!" He smiles in a silly way, slapping Rowan's shoulder. "Let's go find some ladies! Aye! Let's go sister!"

"Buckle up, brother. If you want to look at ladies then we're going to the palace."

"Whoah! Wicked mane even bettah!"

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