
Chapter 11

Kankuro grit his teeth as he attempted to catch up to the blonde Akatsuki member that was leisurely riding his large clay bird, Gaara tucked securely in it's tail. He was NOT gonna let this bastard get away with this! He would save his brother or he would die trying! He had to save his brother!

He couldn't just leave his brother to whatever cursed fate awaited him! He was never gonna let his brother alone again! He refused to abandon his precious little brother!

True for the most of his life he was terrified of Gaara. But no he wasn't terrified at Gaara exactly. He was more terrified of wha the Ichibi inside Gaara and the lies it was probably telling his little brother. If their was one thing Kankuro regretted in his life, it was leaving his brother to deal with the cruelness of the village, and their so called father. But worst of all his greatest regret was not giving the comfort of a brother when he would wake up screaming at night because of the Ichibi inside him.

Ever since the invasion of Konoha, and when Naruto gave Gaara that speech about what true strength really was. The brown haired boy had made his personal mission to make up for all the lost time when he was to cowardly to be near Gaara instead of giving him the support of a brother.

Even Temari agreed with him on that, she stated it was same for her. Ever since than they tried their very best to be with Gaara, having picnics, taking him shopping, taking him to play ball. Everything they could think of.

And they enjoyed they spent with Gaara immensely. Ever the since that invasion of Konoha, meeting Naruto, and the death of their father... Things have been looking up for the trio of sand siblings. Kankuro knows that Temari has a secret crush on that guy called Nara Shikamru back in Konoha. He didn't approve of the guy because of his laziness.

But he couldn't deny that the Nara wouldn't hesitate to prove him wrong and protect his sister, should the situation come to light. And now, Gaara had a girlfriend in Yui. He was and still is happy for his little brother, after all the village had already more or less accepted him, he became KazeKage, he got a girl to love him, and they were the family they were always meant to be.

Heck he himself has a girlfriend, a Konoichi by the name of Sari. That was a girl that he had come to love greatly, and he would gladly give his life to protect and save her, much like he was doing for Gaara right now.

Life in the sand was doing wonderfully great.

But now. Now everything was going straight to hell at the moment. First the village was infiltrated, they found out it was a member of Akatsuki. His little brother fought and lost to the member of that damn organization. And now his brother was being kidnapped. Oh yeah so far this has been one fucking shitty night.

He was brought out of his thoughts, when he noticed the Akatsuki member he was chasing was getting close to the villages main gate. Kankuro grit his teeth tightly, and channeled Chakra into his feet in order to increase his speed. It wasn't long before Kankuro and Deidara finally reached the gate.

And when they did, deidara glanced behind him, and gave a small, amused smirk. The blonde lifted his only arm, and dropped some of his clay animals right on the cliffs of the village gates.

Kankuro's eyes widened, before he gave a mighty leap, and landed roughly just outside the gate of the village. Just in time as well, as the entire village entrance caved in because of the explosives Deidara set off, causing a cave in that blocked off the villages entrance. Kankuro cursed at the situation he was in. He had no back up, he was up against a S-rank Shinobi, and there was no way to retreat and get help. He only had one word to sum this all up.


That's what our resident puppeteer wanted to say at the moment. However he held his tongue when he noticed the blonde akatsuki leisurely watching him with a smirk on his face while he sat on his birds head. Occasionally patting gaara's head, a clear taught to rile up Kankuro.

Kankuro bit the inside of his tongue so that he wouldn't do something reckless and lash out against the blonde, it was painfully obvious that the blonde had the advantage in the air. He gave the smug looking Akatsuki member a angry and hateful glare. However his eyes widen, and he frantically moved out of the way.

And just in the nick of time as well. Because had he stayed their, than he would have been sliced in half. Kankuro turned his attention away from Deidara, gave his attention to a hunched back Akatsuki member, his eyes were coldly glaring into Kankuro's own nervous ones.

Kankuro gulped, now there were two members of the Akatsuki he had to deal with. Oh for the love of god. He didn't know what was worst, the scorching heat of the desert, or the fact that now he had to deal with to of the Akatsuki... And he didn't think he could even take out one of them, injure maybe, but kill... Yeah he'd have a better chance of flying into the moon.

"Yo Sasori-danna! You want me to move on ahead and let you take care of this? Or do you want me to wait until you've finished? Un." Deidara loudly questioned.

Kankuro's eyes widen. 'Sasori... Danna? There is only one person in the entire world that I know who has the name Sasori... And that's Sasori of the red sand.' The brown haired puppeteer thought.

"You move on ahead Deidara, I'll take care of things here. Now get moving, I hate to keep others waiting." Sasori responded, his voice cold, and calculating.

Deidara nodded "I understand Sasori-danna. Have fun~ Un." The blonde said, right before he ordered his bird to turn around and continue it's previous course.

"Hey where do you think your going!? Get back here FUCKER!" Kankuro yelled, moving to chase after the blonde. However he was suddenly forced to dodge a strike to his backside.

"It isn't wise to turn your back on your opponent... Boy." The hunched back member of Akatsuki darkly, and coldly uttered.

Kankuro narrowed his eyes at his opponent. 'He... Didn't move from that spot. Usually hen someone attacks or moves even slightly they would have to move. Even if the attack is so fast, it should have at least left a dust trail in the sand... The only person who could possibly move that fast is Konoha's Yondaime Hokage, and his Hiraishin... And I doubt this hunched back guy can move that fast.' Kankuro thought, assessing his opponent.

'Hmm, I didn't expect the brat to actually dodge that attack. If anything I would have thought he would be impaled right through because of his unawareness.. But it looks like I underestimated him. I'm actually a little impressed.' Sasori thought.

Kankuro gulped down a wad of spit in his throat. There was only one way he was gonna get through this guy, and that was to fight and kill him. Than he could pursue Gaara once more, however the problem that wasn't the problem... The problem was if he had what it takes to defeat a S-ranked Shinobi.

Well now it was about time for Kankuro to figure that out!

"Before we begin this fight... I have one question." Kankuro began. Sasori nodded, silently giving Kankuro the chance to speak.

"Are you... Sasori of the red sand?" the brown haired boy asked, gulping at the Akatsuki member's possible answer.

Sasori gave a cold and dark chuckle "How peculiar that someone such as you, and as young as you no doubt would know my name. Yes Suna nin. I am in fact Sasori of the red sand." The hunched back man confirmed.

Kankuro have a low curse as he was now fighting against the Sasori of the red sand. A Shinobi that created over hundreds of Suna's own puppeteers. A master Shinobi with the art of puppets, and one of the few S-ranked Shinobi the sand village had that weren't a Kage. Kankuro didn't know what was worse, the fact that he's fighting Sasori, or thefact that Gaara is still being taken.

"But enough of this pointless banter Suna Shinobi. I'm not here to talk, I'm here to kill you and be done with it. So let's get this started, after all. I hate to keep other waiting." Sasori darkly stated, coldly glaring into Kankuro's eyes.

Kankuro's eyes widened, as a large tail like object with a blade at the tip sprouted from right under Sasori's cloak. "What!?" Kankuro shouted in disbelief, before he was forced to move quickly in order to avoid being impaled through the chest by the tail.

The brown haired boy channeled Chakra into his fingers, creating Chakra threads that immediately connected with the large bandaged object on his back. The bandages shredded, and Kankuro's Karasu puppet was now playing in the game. However the Kankuro wasn't done just yet, and he opened three scrolls, and unsealed the objects inside.

The smoke cleared and it revealed Kankuro standing beside two more puppets. one named Koroari, and the other named sanshouo.

Kankuro flexed his fingers, and Karasu quickly sprang into action and attempted to grab right on to the hunched back Akatsuki. However Sasori quickly merely moved right, and dodged the obvious attack. Than The tail wielding Akatsuki jumped back to avoid the Koroari's strike from the ground up. Sasori's eyes narrowed, and he launched his tail directly at the Karasu.

Kankuro's eyes widened slightly at Sasori quick retaliation, but he quickly manipulated the Karasu to move back to avoid Sasori's strike, than the black clad boy manipulated the Koroari into attacking Sasori from behind.

However the Akatsuki member was having none of that and he simply encircled his tail around him, and spinned it in a effective defense barrier.

"Your surprisingly not half bad boy. But this is where I'm going to end this I'm afraid, seeing as I'm keeping the others waiting. And I despise keeping others waiting." Sasori said in a tone of finality.

Before Kankuro could even react, his Karasu was suddenly broken into several hundred pieces by Sasori's tail. The tail used it's momentum to launch itself over to Kankuro. However Kankuro acted quickly and manipulated the Sanshouo in front of him and activated it's shield. that proved to be useless against someone like Sasori, as Sasori's tail completely veered off course and destroyed the sanshouo's weak point.

Effectively destroying the sanshouo. Taking this opportunity, Sasori quickly lauched his tail once again towards Kankuro. And the black clad Shinobi was barely able to dodge Sasori's strike, receiving a small cut to his cut for his trouble.

"Dammit!" Kankuro cursed. The brother of Gaara manipulated his final puppet, the Koroari. And attacked Sasori with the puppet attacking from the ground. Sasori merely jumped back to avoid such a strike, and again launched his tail to attack the last and final puppet. However Kankuro wasn't gonna let that happen, and he jerked his arm back, forcing the puppet to retreat.

He warily gazed upon Sasori, only to be shocked when he saw the hunched back Akatsuki fading into sand. 'Shit when did he even have time to switch with a sand clone!?' The young Shinobi's eyes widened in realization. 'It was back than... When I was going to chase after the guy who had Gaara when he was leaving. He used that moment to switch with a clone.' He thought.

The real Sasori came back into the fight, by rising from the ground, and once again launching his tail to strike Kankuro from behind. However on pure instinct Kankuro flexed his fingers, and the Koroari moved in front of Sasori's tail, taking the full force of the attack, and being destroyed in the process.

"Dammit! Koroari! Karasu! Sanshouo!" Kankuro shouted.

"Someone as young as you... You were an impressive opponent boy. I am actually quite glad that a puppeteer such as you came along. It actually renewed my faith in future puppeteers. I wonder though? Had I not left the village, would you be calling me Sasori-danna instead of Deidara?" Sasori mused. "Oh well it doesn't really matter. It's time to finish this. For what it's worth, I haven't had this much fun in a long time Suna Shinobi... No Subaku no Kankuro." Sasori stated.

Kankuro suddenly felt his entire body go stiff, and he fell to the ground as his body felt entirely weak. 'P-Poison. But when did he?... Back than when that tail of his scraped my cheek.' He thought.

"Goodbye Subaku no Kankuro." Sasori said, right before his tail lashed out and struck out against Kankuro. However in a last act of defiance, Kankuro manipulated the head of Karasu to veer the tail off course, and used another part of Karasu's hands to try and slit Sasori in the throat. On pure instinct Sasori dodged, However a small piece of the cloth wrapped around his lower face.

Seeing a chance to somehow gain a small victory in this fight, Kankuro manipulated the hand that nearly slit Sasori's throat and made it grab the flying piece of cloth that was ripped off of Sasori.

Kankuro gave a small smirk at the small victory. "Well it appears you are quite stubborn about maintaining that weakening life of yours. I was planning on giving you a quick death as a sign of respect. But I will allow you to live since your so stubborn about it." Sasori said.

"At the most you have three days. Three days of undeniable pain before you are allowed to finally die. Goodbye Subaku no Kankuro... It truly was quite fun while it lasted. But it's time for me to go, after all I've kept the others waiting long enough." With those parting words, the hunched back Akatsuki member leisurely began his trek towards his comrades.

Kankuro soon began to feel his body get weaker, and weaker. Black spots began to fill his vision, and all sounds were fading out. He was able to catch the glimpse of a black hawk speeding through the skies, and a faint shout of 'Kankuro-sama!' Before darkness overcame his being.

Naruto barged into the Hokage tower, ignoring all the other people who stared at him in shock and disbelief and marched his way upstairs to the Hokages office. Ignoring the secretary about him needing an appointment.

"Sorry bitchy human. But we are in a serious rush, please try again in say three to four days." Kyuubi grimly joked. There wasn't even a hint of mirth in the giant foxes tone. Just restrained anger, and rage.

'Don't worry Kyuubi... I'll try my best to save your sibling from whatever hell awaits him.' Naruto thought.

Kyuubi snorted. "What makes you think I care about what happens to my siblings. I am the king of the Bijuu, and a king never worries over his subjects." Kyuubi stated.

'Even so Kyuubi... What is a king without his subjects?' The blonde shot back.

"A very politically powerful motherfucker that make your life fucking miserable any fucking second of your life, and basically have you by the fucking balls for the rest of your life?" The Kyuubi stated,, an innocent tone in his voice.

Naruto rose an eyebrow 'That can be somewhat true. But the fact remains, a king is nothing without his subjects, and even than the king is not the true king.' The blonde responded.

"Oh no not this damn thing again about the 'true' king. Seriously I'm over what three thousand years old? I know what you mean when you say 'who the true king is'. After all I had over a long ass mother fucking time to figure it out." Kyuubi complained.

'Oh your over three thousand years old? Your back isn't hurting now is it? Oji-chan.' The blonde teased.

"... I so want to kill you so much right now, by strangling you until your entire body turns blue. After that I'll rip your stomach open, and make you watch as your intestines slowly slide out of your fucking stomach. After that, I'll rip your fucking spine out of your mouth, and shove it right back down your throat just to hear you choke on it. After that I'll slowly, oh so slowly shove Altair up your ass, unsheathed mind you, and than leave it as deep as I can in their."

Here the Kyuubi paused, making sure Naruto was listening. "And finally as you slowly die, I'll eat your fucking girlfriend right in front of you, just to see the expression of pure despair, and horror on your face as the light finally leaves your eyes." The giant fox finished.

By the time Kyuubi finished, Naruto was as pale as a sheet of paper.

'... Kyuubi... You have issues.' The blonde slowly responded. Can you blame him though?... He was just threatened with the most gruesome death I've ever heard... Would the Kyuubi really go through with that? I don't want to find out.

"Naruto everyone has issues. Heck even your father had some issues." Kyuubi nonchalantly said.

'Wait what?' Naruto responded in confusion.

"Yeah your father had some issues. Like the time when he and your mother were having you, he may have been a 'little' sadistic. And than there was the time when an Iwa Shinobi insulted your mother... What he did to that Iwa Shinobi even had me shiver in slight fear... Not to mention your father was a bit of a furry... seeing as sometimes he would have your mother cosplay in cat, fox, rabbit... All kinds of costumes... But that was really rare... Seeing as your mother would beat the shit out of him afterwords." The giant fox explained.

'And you know this how?'

"I've been sealed inside your mother duh. I know both your mother and father's deepest darkest secrets. Like the fact that even though Jiraiya couldn't corrupt your father, he had already been corrupted."

'By who?'

"Your mother corrupted him. Contrary to popular belief, your mother was very perverted with your father. The things they did with each other while in bed... Yeah... I'm not gonna tell ya."

'Why not?'

"Because than you'll have one massive hard on, and Shiroi isn't around to relieve you of that. That and I don't want to traumatize you."

'... Can we just end this conversation now please? Wait how did we even get to this topic in the first place?'

"I... I don't know." Kyuubi responded, struggling to figure out how they got to this topic in the first place.

'Yeah I'm ending this conversation on this note, seeing as we're right at the door to the Hokage's office.' And with that last thought, the blonde effectively ended the conversation with the Kyuubi.

The blonde was about to barge into the room, when he recalled that that was only something that his brash and immature self would have done. Plus he was a Jonin as of now and as such he had, and must act like a true Jonin, He couldn't just barge into the office, not only would it be rude. But it would show that in terms of maturity he really hadn't matured at all.

So taking a deep breathe, and putting on a face of calm indifference, he knocked on the door, and promptly waited patiently for his presence to be acknowledged. Hearing a muffled 'come in', He opened the door and stepped in the room, and to his surprise instead of Tsunade, both Shizune and Sakura were there as well.

Shizune gave the blonde a smile, and friendly wave, which the blonde returned with a slight smile and grateful nod. Sakura looked at the blonde intently, seemingly trying to bore a hole into his head, and try to pick him apart to learn... Some things it seemed.

The blonde haired Shinobi ignored her entirely, and he removed the hood from his head, and gave his direct attention to Tsunade. There were far more important things to deal with than dealing with an unfriendly second. He wasn't gonna waste his time with her, if she was upset about something. Though it may sound harsh, he didn't really hate Sakura.

More like he tolerated her, he had long ago realized that going after Sakura was... Foolish of him, she treated him like trash most of the time, she spent al of her time fawning after Sasuke rather than actually training to be a proper Konoichi. If anything, the only reason Naruto even responded to sakura when he returned to the village was because she was a comrade.

Like Kakashi said, 'those who abandon the rules are, but those who abandon their comrades are worst than trash'. He only acknowledged Sakura because she was a comrade, and a friend, despite the fact that he used the term friend loosely.

"Naruto, what do you need?" Tsunade started the conversation with a question, and a slight raise of her brow.

Naruto snapped his attention directly at Tsunade and Tsunade only, He spoke with a calm, indifferent, and serious tone. "Hokage-sama, I have reason to believe that Subaku no Gaara of Sunagakure, and Godaime KazeKage of Suna is in great danger."

Shizune and Sakura silently gaped at the blonde. They would have never expected the blonde knuckle headed Shinobi they knew to be so respectful, and serious. Truly if he were this serious... Than something must have happened.

Though Shizune couldn't stop the small proud smile on her face as he looked upon Naruto. After all, on multiple occasions the blonde had called her Shizune-neechan. And Shizune had made a personal mission to ensure the blonde had something to read during his training trip with Jiraiya. Secretly without Tsunade's knowledge she had told Jiraiya before he left the village with the blonde to send a toad to her every three months.

She wanted to ensure Naruto learned proper Chakra control, and a good control of his emotions as well. So whenever a toad poofed in front of her, she would take to a library, acquire some books on multiple ways on Chakra control, and emotional control, and send to the blonde as a gift in order to for her to help even the tiniest bit in his training.

Of course she told Jiraiya to keep this a secret until the blonde reached a excellent level of both emotional control, and Chakra control.

And she was extremely proud that the blonde had literally shattered her expectations. And the brunette couldn't have been prouder.

She was broken from her thoughts as Tsunade spoke.

"And what makes you believe that the KazeKage is in danger as you say it? Naruto?" Tsunade questioned, narrowing her eyes seriously.

"It is because I sensed him through the use of SenJutsu Chakra Hokage-sama." The blonde responded.

"Even if what you say is true Naruto, I can't very well just send a team of Shinobi to Suna without clearance, and a letter bearing either the wind damiyo's seal, or the KazeKage's seal. The political backlashes would prove... Troublesome." The blonde female Hokage stated.

Naruto opened his mouth to speak, however Sakura beat him to it. "Naruto Tsunade-sama doesn't have time to be dealing with your stupid gut feeling, as you can see we are very busy here, and your only getting in the way." Sakura said, a frown on her face as she crossed her arms.

Naruto bristled slightly, Sakura must think that he's still the same Naruto as before. The same Naruto that would listen to her like a lost puppy for her affections. Well tough luck for her, because as far as Naruto was concerned, she was no longer a girl he had affections for. His loyalty, his heart, his soul, his very being, all of that now belonged to Shiroi and no one else. Just as Shiroi belonged to him as well.

Tsunade gave Sakura a disapproving stare, and she was about to reprimand her, when she caught sight of the cold glare Naruto gave her student, making Sakura freeze in place.

Even Shizune who was filing some flies stopped what she was doing to gaze upon the scene, and Tonton who was asleep, woke because of the tense chill that ran through the office in that one moment.

"Sakura-" Naruto coldly began "-Do not speak to a superior officer like that again. Not only to I surpass in skill, and rank, I also surpass you in field experience, and strength. So don't try me Sakura, I am not that same little boy who would have hang off your every word like a puppy." Naruto finished.

Sakura gulped, this... Really wasn't the same Naruto who she could boss around anymore. This Naruto was the same, yet entirely different at the same time, but why would he be so cold towards her? They say that the first love is the hardest to get over, she should know, it took her nearly three years to get over Sasuke. But she expected naruto to still have some feelings for her... So why?

Her eyes widened slightly... that girl he was with, she was probably the cause of this! She must have seduced Naruto somehow! It was the only explanation! The whole thing about the girl being Naruto's fiance was probably a lie as well, a string of lies that the girl was feeding the blonde! Confident that her assessment of the situation, Sakura quietly went back to filing some papers, though her smart mind was now coming up with ways to break the relationship that Naruto and Shiroi had.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at Sakura... It wasn't like her to just give up on her side of an argument, how strange... Perhaps she has matured?

"Be wary of her Naruto. I believe she isn't exactly finished just yet, she is probably using that large head of hers to use. For what I don't know. But my opinion? Keep your eyes on her." Kyuubi advised, silently giving the pink haired girl a dark glare through his container's eyes. Altair pulsed in agreement with Kyuubi's words.

'Duly noted Kyuubi, Altair.' Naruto acknowledged.

The blonde than returned his attention towards Tsunade "hokage-sama I understand the potential political backlash. But you must understand, Suna is our allies, so would it not make sense to check up with our allies every now and than." The blonde smoothly said.

Tsunade blinked... That actually sounded like a good idea, and idea that should be put to use. After all Konoha's policies were always, friends, family and comrades came first. So... Why the hell not!? Suna was one of their allies, and as such they were comrades, it would only make sense to check up on them.

"You bring up a fair point Naruto. Very well, I'll send a messenger bird to Suna to ask the KazeKage that you said hi since your the one worried about him." Tsunade stated, when she received a nod from the blonde, she pulled out a piece of paper. However before she could even begin writing on the sheet of paper, a tapping noise from her window caught everyone's attention.

Tsunade turned around in her chair, and there tapping her window impatiently was a black hawk. Raising an eyebrow, the blonde Hokage stood from her her chair, opened the window, and removed the scroll strapped on the hawk's back. She carefully opened the scroll, and read it, she blinked, and re-read the scroll several times, before she sat back down on the chair with a heavy sigh.

"Naruto-" The femal Hokage grimly began "-You were right, as of right now Sunagakure... Is under code black, the KazeKage of Suna... Has been kidnapped by Akatsuki." She finished, making Shizune, and Sakura to gasp, while Naruto clenched his fists.

Shiroi woke up a grunt, and she yawned while cutely rubbing her eyes. She shook her head slightly, as to erase whatever tiredness remained in her body. She glanced to the other side of the bed, and the second she noticed Naruto wasn't there to be her morning cuddle bear, the sleepiness was slapped right out of her.

She gave a small frown, before the scent of breakfast made it's way into her nose, her mouth watered slightly. Before she shook her head, she was a lady, it wasn't proper for her to be droolong over breakfast... Even though Naruto made some of the best breakfast she had ever had the pleasure of eating.

She couldn't resist the urge any longer, and she shot out of the bed, and blurred down the stairs where she than shot right down into the couch, and right in front of the delicious aroma she was smelling.

She licked her lips hungrily, as she caught sight of her breakfast. An entire stack of pancakes, with butter on the top, with a large amount of syrup on it. Three sunny cooked eggs to the side, with five pieces of bacon on the other, and finally three pieces of cooked turkey ham spread out among them. A large glass of tomato juice was off to the side, and a napkin was right next to it containing fork, and a small knife on it.

She licked her lips again, this was her favorite type of breakfast, especially when Naruto made it. He always cooked it just right for her, he knew that she didn't like it to well done, or over cooked. She preferred it to be somewhere in the center of the two.

She eagerly picked up the knife and fork, and began to devour her breakfast at steady and slow pace, making sure to savor it.

After seven minutes, she downed the glass of tomato juices, and she gave a small burp, however she made sure to cover her mouth. She muttered a small 'excuse me' before she glanced around the room, and she noted a note on the table. Raising an eyebrow, she picked up the note, and she instantly understood Naruto's hand writing.

Once she was done reading the note, she narrowed her eyes, and she quickly moved up the stairs to get dressed into her clothes.

It appears Akatsuki had finally made their move... Oh how Shiroi was going to enjoy breaking them, until they were nothing but brainless husks.

She quickly got dressed in her usual clothing, and she was about to step outside the room, before she stopped. She slowly looked towards one of her shelves, and a dark, malicious, and sadistic grin crossed her features. She moved to the shelf, and she grabbed a scroll labeled 'Zero-chan'. The dark grin on her face merely grew, and with barely restrained glee she channeled youki into the scroll.

A small red puff of smoke went up, and it slowly cleared to reveal a small doll with elf like ears. Shoulder length green hair. The small doll wore a black dress with a large white neckerchief worn like a cape, and a blue neck tie. The little doll had it's eyes closed seemingly sleeping.

"Chachazero wake up now dear." Shiroi said softly.

The small doll mumbled something inaudible, and ignored Shiroi in order to sleep.

Shiroi's eye twitched "Zero-chan, if you wake up I promise that not only will you see your precious Naruto-chama, you'll also get to bathe in blood~" She teasingly said.

At that the small doll's eyes snapped right open, revealing bright green orbs "I get to hang out with Naruto-chama!? And I get to bathe in BLOOD!? What do you need me for Shiroi-chama!" The little doll grinned in a bloodthirsty, and innocently cute manner.

Shiroi chuckled lightly "Oh don't worry you'll get to bathe in blood, although I'm not sure when, I'm sure they'll be some blood for you to bathe in." The white haired girl stated.

"Oh okay! Can we go to Naruto-chama now!?" The little doll excitedly exclaimed.

Shiroi giggled lightly, she wasn't sure why, but when she introduced Chachazero to Naruto, the little doll had taken an instant liking to the blonde... Probably because of the fact that the blonde took the doll with him on one of his bandit hunting missions. There Chachazero was able to gather loads of weapons for her to use... And of course witness a shit load of bloodshed.

Oh yeah, that had put Naruto number two in Chachazero's 'people I love to hang out with list' with the first being Shiroi of course.

"Of course we can Zero-chan, now hush we are in a civilian village at the moment, and I don't think they would appreciate a talking doll around them." Shiroi said, a slight giggle in her voice.

Chachazero giggled madly, before she held up her arms like a child waiting for their parent to pick them up. Shiroi complied and placed the little green haired doll on top of her head, where the little doll channeled a bit of youki to stick to her creators head.

Satisfied with Chachazero now securely on her head, Shiroi moved down the stairs and out the door, making sure to lock the front the door. She hummed a tune as she walked out the gate, closed it with a lock, she made sure to check the lock several times to ensure it was tightly locked and well placed. Satisfied she turned around and walked forward, only to smack right into something.

Shiroi was able to keep standing straight, as the force of the blow was nothing to her, she glanced down, and a manic, and dark grin crossed her features.

For there right in front of her was a girl she knew very well, after all how could she forget this girl? This girl was one of the many whose minds she had 'visited'.

An outfit consisting mostly of purple, platinum blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, with a bang covering the right side of her face. Pupiless light blue eyes with a green tint to them. Oh she knew this girl very well.

Chachazero noticed Shiroi's dark, and manic, borderline insane grin on her face, and the little doll began to giggle quietly in a uncontrolled manner.

"Do you require assistance miss?" Shiroi said politely, though the dark and manic grin never left her face, as her eyes glowed a menacing bright pink.

"Oh no I'm fine, thank you for offering though mi-" Ino stopped mid-sentence when she caught sight of the long silvery smooth white hair, pink eyes with a vertical slit running down the middle, the large shit eating grin revealing sharp fangs that she could never hope to fathom.

Ino paled considerably, and she began shaking as well. This girl... This was the same girl that nearly killed her in her mind a year ago! What was she doing here in the village!? Why was she here in the first place!? And was that doll on her head... Giggling?

"Ara? It seems you remember me quite well don't you? Ino-chan." Shiroi said mockingly, and teasingly as well.

Ino gulped fearfully "W-Why a-are you h-here?" The platinum blonde stuttered.

Shiroi gave a menacing giggle "Why am I here? Why I live here now, Ino-chan." The white haired girl answered, eyes shining mockingly.

"You l-live here!?" Ino exclaimed, a horrified expression on her face.

"Well naruto-kun lives here, does he not? As such as his dear loving fiance, I must live with him as well." Shiroi said, her eyes flashing a bright pink for a moment as she moved closer to the platinum blonde.

Ino began to back away in a fearful manner, she tried to gather Chakra for a body flickerbut one burst of Shiroi's youki was enough to paralyze her with fear.

Shiroi chuckle darkly "You don't actually believe you can escape me do you?" She rhetorically asked, her fangs lengthening slightly. Atop her head Chachazero was giggling innocently, and uncontrollably.

Ino gulped once more, before she shakily shook her head. Shiroi chuckled darkly, and sadistically "Good you are learning. good girl." She spoke, patting Ino on the head like a pet, her smirk grew larger when Ino flinched.

"Y-You mentioned Naruto was your... F-Fiance?" Ino asked, keeping her wary eyes on the white haired girl.

"Why yes-" Shiroi purred "-He is my fiance, my lover, my Naru-kun." She confirmed, her eyes gaining a possessive gleam.

"Y-Your talking about him like an object again!" Ino said, mustering up the courage to speak.

Shiroi gave Ino a stare, a stare that said the platinum blonde was beneath her. "Is that what you think?" She muttered, she moved her hand to the crook of her neck, and slightly pulled down the collar of her shirt, revealing the Uzumaki swirl with two blades crossing behind it. "Naruto-kun is mine, just as I am his, his heart belongs to me, and my heart belongs to him." She stated.

"Someone such as you, this village, it's people... I despise all of you.. The only reason you all are not yet dead by my hands is because Naruto wants to protect you all. If I had a choice... I would leave you all to rot in hell, with a certain few being saved from that fate." She darkly said, an aura of pure malice and darkness erupting from her small form.

A couple of villagers who were near, began to shiver, and shake in their spots. The killing intent, and aura wasn't even aimed at them, and yet it terrified them beyond belief.

Even a few Shinobi who were near began to shiver, and even some of them began to hyperventilate.

But for Ino... Well it was even worse for the platinum blonde. Visions of her death were rapidly passing through her mind. Each death more horrific, bloody, gruesome, and terrifying than the last.

Chachazero giggled uncontrollably as she witnessed this as well. The small doll made sure to burn the panic, fear, and despair on the girls face into her memory. 'Shiroi-chama truly knows how to terrify someone beyond belief.' The small green haired doll said with a menacing giggle.

"A few words of advice Ino-san-" Shiroi began "-If you, or any of your friends do anything to try and separate me from Naruto... Than I'll drain all of the blood from your body, and make all of you my eternal slaves for the rest of your pathetic lives. Am. I. Clear?" She finished, the slits in her eyes getting thinner, the glow to her eyes also turning a bit brighter, and her fangs lengthening to the point to where they reached just above her chin.

Truly... She looked demonic at the moment.

Ino couldn't do anything other than fearfully nod her head. Shiroi smiled in a superior manner, and she patted Ino on the head like a pet once again. "Good girl. Maybe we'll get along after all." She said, as her fangs returned to their normal length, and her slitted pupils stopped thinning and returned to their previous state, and the glow to her eyes stopped. the white haired vampire once again began her trek towards the Hokage tower.

Ino let out a deep gasp as the malicious aura of Shiroi finally went away, she shiver uncontrollably for a few minutes, before she stopped and regained control of herself. She glanced back at the direction Shiroi went by, and she shivered again. She had to watch herself around that girl, she was dangerous. And more importantly she had to get that girl away from Naruto... Maybe she could get Hinata's help in separating Naruto from that girl?

It was certainly worth a try.

Meanwhile Shiroi was walking through the streets of Konoha with a satisfied smirk on her face. Ah it was so much fun showing that platinum blonde haired slut who was exactly in charge.

"Shiroi-chama You were awesome!" Chachazero silently exclaimed.

"Why thank you Zero-chan." The white haired girl giggled.

Chachazero giggled innocently, before she raked her eyes all over the civilians of the village. And the small little doll did, she began to imagine the most bloody, and gruesome ways she could go about killing the villagers. She giggled, only this time her giggle was more menacing than innocent.

During their walk through the village, Chachazero noted how some males would look at Shiroi in lust, and it made her giggle more menacingly, oh how she would enjoy craving their bloody dead bodies~

But sadly she wasn't allowed, as Shiroi said, Naruto wanted to protect this village, and in order to please her second favorite person she would try not to kill the villagers. But should they piss off Shiroi, and Naruto than all bets were off~

It took them about four minutes to enter reach the Hokage tower, and when they did Shiroi immediately entered. She walked past the secretary, ignoring the secretary's words about needing an appointment. Her fiance was in the Hokage's office! She didn't need a damn appointment! Because she was soon-to-be Uzumaki Shiroi! And as such she was automatically better than all the villagers in the village, including that slutty looking secretary!

She walked up the stairs, and when she reached the room she was looking for she stopped. She hummed for a moment, before she shut her eyes. She lightly spread out her youki in order to sense the presence of those in the room.

'Hmm It looks like Tsunade is in there of course, Naruto-kun is there as well. I... Think that pink haired wench is in there to, but... Who's this third presence? Hmm interesting I think that's Tsunade's assistant Shi-zu-ne? Naruto did tell me a bit about this Shizune, about how he viewed her as a sister figure... Hmm interesting.' The white haired girl thought.

Having sensed the people who were in the room, Shiroi made sure that her hair was well done... Speaking about her hair... Where the fuck were her pig tails? Why wasn't her hair in it's usual pig tailed fashion?

Damn! she must have forgotten to place it in a pig tail fashion because she was in a rush!... But come to think of it... Naruto did say that he liked her hair better when it wasn't in it's pig tailed fashion... He said it made her seem more beautiful when it was flowing freely down her back... It was decided! From now on she was gonna let her hair flow freely down her back!

Without any further interruption, Shiroi opened the door, making sure to knock first and receive permission to enter. When she entered the room, she was aware of how all attention shifted to her.

Naruto gazed upon his beloved fiance, and when he caught sight of her beautiful silver hair out of it's usual pig tails, he promptly blushed.

Tsunade gazed upon her godson's fiance with a friendly expression, and slight relief. After Tsunade received the word message about Gaara being captured, the blonde had nearly blown a gasket. The blonde Hokage tried everything she could to calm the blonde down, but nothing worked, barely.

But when Shiroi entered the room, the blonde's anger and frustration promptly disappeared, it was like her mere presence was enough for the blonde to calm himself.

Shizune looked upon Shiroi with interest. This was the girl that she often heard about in Jiraiya's letters? Truly the girl was beautiful beyond compare.

Sakura looked at the girl with an intense stare, and she began to compare herself to the silver haired girl. She was proud to note that even though her breasts were at least B-cup, that they were a bit bigger than the silver haired girl's, as She had A-cup breasts, thus Sakura's own breast were a bit larger.

Than she began to compare the curves they had... And Sakura felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. The girls curves were better than any girls she had ever seen. She nearly had a perfect hour glass figure, her hips were small but narrow. Long smooth legs that seemed to go on forever, even though she was shorter than her. How could such a small girl possess such a figure!?

Her small pink lips were enchanting, and desiring.

Her skin was pale and seemed as though they could forever shine in the moonlight. Her long silvery white smooth hair that reached her knees, with two slightly spiked bangs framing her face and stopping at her chest, and hime style bangs covering her forehead. Her eyes were a beautiful, and unique bright pink with vertical slitts. She could swear that when the silvery haired girl smiled you would see fangs.

All in all, the girl may have been petite, but she was still extremely beautiful nonetheless... It actually made Sakura go into a small fit of depression. Just... How could she compete with this girl?

Foolish Sakura, no one competes with Shiroi and wins. Just ask Jiraiya, he'll tell about how he has never once beaten Shiroi in a game of chess. So basically Sakura, if you try to compete with Shiroi... You are going to lose... Badly, so badly that it would be a complete embarrassment. But you can't even hear me can you Sakura? After all, that would be breaking fourth wall, and we can't let that happen can we?

Anyway! Back to the story.

"Naruto-chama!" Chachazero excitedly shouted, launching herself from Shiroi's head and onto Naruto's spiky haired mess.

"H-Hey Zero-chan." Naruto greeted nervously.

"Oh sweet Kami! It's that doll from hell!" Kyuubi shouted, staring at the doll with caution, and... Was that... Fear that passed through Kyuubi's eyes? Blasphemy! He was the almighty Kyuubi no kitsune! He didn't fear something as ridiculous and moronic as a huggable, and lovable doll! It was just blasphemy!

Kyuubi held his head up high, and retreated into his cage. NOT out of fear... Uh, it was because... He had important things to do! Yeah! that was it! So don't sit there and say Kyuubi was frightened, because he wasn't! And his tails were most definitely NOT shaking between his legs. He was just warming himself up! He wasn't scared, not at all.

Meanwhile outside the Kyuubi's seal, both Sakura, and Shizune watched the little doll with pure disbelief. They only had one thought to sum this situation up.

'What... The... Fuck!?'

Altair rattled in caution in it's sheathe. The last time that doll came out, it tried to touch it. And Altair didn't work for just anyone, no it only allowed Naruto to wield it Dammit!

Tsunade merely stared blankly at the small little doll, she blinked once,m twice, thrice, and she opened her draw and pulled out a bottle of sake. She looked at the bottle of sake, and back at the doll again, than at the sake bottle, and the doll again. Before she suddenly stood up, walked towards the window, opened it, and promptly threw the sake bottle out the window.

"DAH! MY EYE!" An unfortunate villager shouted as the bottle hit him straight in the eye.

Tsunade shut the window, ignoring the villager's scream of pain, and returned her attention back to the others. Was... Was that doll giggling at her? The female Hokage blinked owlishly for several moments before she shook her head, and sat down. She REALLY need to lay off the sake.

The portrait of Minato cackled slightly, before it returned back to grinning... Please... Someone call ghost busters.

"Naruto-kun what were you talking about before I got here?" Shiroi asked, snapping everyone out of their shock, and disbelief.

Before Naruto could answer, Sakura spoke "This is a Shinobi matter Shiroi-san. And you are a civilian, as such you have no authority to know such a thing." She almost sneered.

Shiroi gave Sakura a blank look, and her eyes flashed a menacingly for a moment, but that one moment was enough for Sakura to break out in a cold sweat.

"We were talking about how we were gonna go about saving Gaara before you entered Shiroi-chan." The blonde responded, shooting Sakura a cold glance.

Shiroi rose an eyebrow, before he completely entered the room "And what have you decided?" She asked curiously, completely ignoring Sakura's presence.

"We decided we are gonna send a signal team. Not to mention this is a excellent opportunity to test out Naruto's leadership skills, so he will be in charge of this mission, while a senior Jonin will assesses him." Tsunade answered.

"Oh? Interesting." Shiroi muttered.

"For this mission, the team needs to be small, but effective. We are facing a possibility of facing two S-ranked criminals. I would bring along another team, but team guy is not in the village at the moment. And if I recall you gave the other Rookie nine a few days off current?" Naruto questioned.

Tsunade nodded her head.

"Than I need to bring along at least two others with me, one medic, and one who has experience fighting S-ranked Shinobi." Naruto declared.

"That's where your fellow Jonin comes in Naruto. He will be the one who will be able to assist you most in combat, and can keep up with you until you reach the Suna. Suna is three days away, but should you and your team keep going non-stop at full speed than you should make in one or two and a half." The female Hokage stated.

"That's acceptable Hokage-sama. You, Shizune, and Sakura are the only medics that I know of in the village, and you can't come because your the Hokage, and Shizune can't come because she's your assistant. Therefore the only choice I have is Sakura." Naruto mused.

Sakura gave a slight smirk, this was would be a excellent opportunity to seduce Naruto, and get him back on her side.

Shiroi gave a slight scowl towards the pink haired girl. The mere thought of that... Slut doing something with her Naruto... Pissed her the fuck off.

"Well you won't exactly be just going alone Naruto-kun. What am I chopped liver?" Shiroi said, batting her curved eye lashes.

Naruto smiled, and opened his mouth to speak, however Sakura spoke out. "Sorry Shiroi-san, but this is a ninja mission as such you have no right to join this mission unless, you are a Shinobi." Sakura pointed out, a small smug smile on her lips.

Shiroi scowled, and narrowed her eyes towards the pink haired girl. And her pleasant and polite smile returned "Ah, but Sakura-san you forget I am not ninja, and as such I don't fall under the jurisdiction of the Hokage, and because of that I can do whatever I want so long as it doesn't break the laws of Konoha." Shiroi stated mockingly.

Sakura bristled, and she opened her mouth to resort, when Tsunade spoke. "Actually Shiroi's right. civilians can do whatever the fuck they want so long as it doesn't break Konoha's laws or endanger the village as a whole. And the last time an incident like that ever occurred was back during the clan wars." Tsunade confirmed choosing to side with Shiroi on this one... That and she didn't trust the villagers.

Shiroi alone in the village + Villagers that hate Naruto's guts = The Uchiha massacre all over again.

Shiroi gave Sakura a grin of victory, while the pink haired girl grit her teeth angrily.

Naruto nodded, happy that his love would be coming with him. Chachazero giggled silently in a happy manner, and she made a mental note to cut up that pink haired girl.

"What about the Jonin that will be assessing me on the mission?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade smiled "That Jonin will be waiting for you at the village's south gates. Be prepared Naruto. This is Akatsuki we are dealing with, they might take this as a perfect opportunity to capture you." Tsunade warned.

Naruto gave Tsunade a reassuring smile "Don't worry Tsunade-baa chan. I'll be sure to come back." Naruto reassured. "I'll be waiting at the south gate, Sakura, Shiroi." Naruto stated, before he disappeared in a blur of speed, with Chachazero giggling happily.

Shiroi gave Naruto a smile before he disappeared, when he did, she turned around and gave Sakura a blank stare. She narrowed her eyes slightly, before she silently moved towards the door. She gave Sakura a dark and malicious glare, before she left out the door.

Sakura gulped, and she moved for the door, but stopped when Tsunade called her name. "Yes Tsunade-sama?" She asked.

"Sakura... I don't know what your problem is... But if you don't shape up, and los whatever hostilities you have with Shiroi... I promise you.. You will regret ever looking at her the wrong way. Am. I. Understood. Haruno Sakura." Tsunade lowly, and dangerously said. Giving Sakura a piercing stare.

"Y-Yes Tsunade-sama." Sakura stuttered, her head held submissively down.

"Good, now go." Tsunade ordered.

Sakura quietly bowed, and left the room.

"Tsunade-sama?" Shizune uttered questionably.

"Shizune... i get the feeling someone in this village is gonna do something stupid. And when that happens... I won't save them from their own foolishness." Tsunade sighed out.

"What do you mean Tsunade-sama?" The black haired assistant asked.

"I know you saw it Shizune... The loving yet possessive looks Shiroi would give Naruto... Jiraiya told me that girl was possessive of Naruto, and her possessive gets worse when another female that is Naruto's age is around. Jiraiya told me that despite Shiroi's excellent manners and polite attitude. She can be animalistic, and feral when she believes someone or something is trying to take away the person she loves." Tsunade explained.

"I fear that there will come a point in time where another girl in the village is gonna try and take Naruto away from her. And Shiroi will instinctively feel the need to mark her territory. And it will be just one large bloodbath... With Shiroi at the top." Tsunade blankly finished, looking upon the village through her window.

"We can only pray and hope the villagers don't do anything foolish with Naruto or Shiroi. Tsunade-sama." Shizune solemnly replied.

"Yeah... But why do I get the feeling this is just the calm before the storm." The blonde Hokage uttered.

Sasuke groan in complete and utter agony. He couldn't take it anymore! So much pain! He cursed the person responsible for the pain he was going through a thousand times over.

Why!? Did he have to go through this!? He was starting to think maybe, just maybe it was a mistake leaving Konoha... Nah, How else was he gonna kill Itachi?

Now you maybe asking what was making Sasuke groan in pain so much? Well the answer was oh so simple, the answer is-

"Bitch! Maybe if you practiced your 'make my fucking dinner by the time I get home' Jutsu you wouldn't be experiencing this kind of pain!" Tia angrily said, twisting, and folding Sasuke legs and arms at odd angles.

Sasuke grit his teeth as he felt his bones creaking from the strain. "And I told you bitch! I am an Uchiha! I don't make dinner!" Sasuke managed to say though the pain.

"Bitch!" Tia yelled slapping Sasuke roughly on the head "Don't talk back to your master fucker!" She said, continuing to twist and fold the dark haired boys legs and arms, only this time more roughly.

This time Sasuke could not stop the scream of pain from erupting from his lips, making Tia smirk darkly, and sadistically.

"That's right bitch scream! It tells me I'm doing something right!" Tia gleefully yelled.

This was the scene Kabuto walked in on, and he watched the entire scene with amusement. It felt refreshing watching Sasuke get treated like this.

Kabuto cleared his throat, gaining Sasuke's and Tia's attention. Sasuke used this opportunity to Body flicker away from the angry harpy.

"Hey shit stain... Did Orochimaru finish stretching your ass sideways?" Tia asked in a innocent tone.

Kabuto twitched, but didn't do anything else but look at Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun-" He began with a smirk on his face "-It appears Akatsuki has made their move." He finished.

"Hn, I have no interest in that organization. My only goal is to find Itachi. And END him." Sasuke darkly stated.

"Ah but Sasuke-kun. Did you forget that Itachi is apart of Akatsuki." Kabuto countered.

Sasuke frowned "I could care less. As I said, if it wasn't Itachi that made his move, than I have no interest in their activities." The dark haired boy said.

Kabuto shrugged silently "Very Sasuke-kun. I guess I can understand that." The silver haired spy said, before he left the room.

Tia now sure that Kabuto was gone, slowly turned her head towards Sasuke. "Now that the gender confused bitch is gone. It's time to continue your punishment on why you should practice your 'make my fucking dinner by the time I get home' Jutsu. It is a very important Jutsu. Now take your punishment like a man!" Tia shouted as she lunged towards Sasuke.

Sasuke merely dodged and destroyed the door with a Chidori spear and promptly ran out the door.

Tia gave a scream of rage, and anger "GET BACK HERE BITCH!" The harpy yelled, before she flew out the door.

I want to feel bad for Sasuke... But for some reason, I just can't.

Naruto reached the south gates of Konoha with plenty of time to spare, however he nearly dropped his jaw in shock at who was there before him. There standing in front of him, was the one and only Hatake Kakashi on time without his Icha Icha book, dressed in his ANBU attire.

"Yo Naruto-Taicho~" Kakashi greeted, his trademark eye smile on his face-er-mask.

"Kakashi-Sense-" Kakashi interrupted the blonde, by lifting his hand.

"Now, now Naruto. I am no longer your Sensei, and we are now of the same rank. So please, call me Kakashi-senpai" The masked Jonin said.

Naruto blinked slowly for a few moments before he gave a small smile, and he nodded "Right... Kakashi-senpai." Naruto said, tasting the wording on his lips.

Kakshi happily nodded "So who else are we waiting for Naruto-Taicho?" Kakashi asked, with a lazy tilt of his head.

"Sakura, and Shiroi-chan." Naruto answered.

Kakashi nodded, before he payed attention to the... Doll? On Naruto's head. He narrowed his eye on the doll... Did that thing just... Grin at him? The doll waved at Kakashi cheerfully. And Kakashi blinked rapidly for several moments.

The doll was still waving at him cheerfully, and the masked Jonin rubbed his eye. He looked at the doll again only to find it just lying on the blonde's head, like a bed. The masked Jonin shook his head... It was probably nothing... Yeah it was just a trick of light. Come to think of it... He did have some sake this morning... Nah that can't be it.

He turned his attention from the doll to Naruto's side, when he heard humming. He was greeted to the sight of Shiroi standing next to the blonde with her eyes closed, while she hummed a soft tune.

Kakashi found himself closing his uncovered eye, and moved along with the tune, along with his former student, who was beginning to hum along with Shiroi.

Chachazero began to cheerfully hum silently with her two favorite people, and she jumped from Naruto's head, and onto Shiroi's head. Making several civilians to were paying attention to blink owlishly in the process.

Shiroi stopped humming however, when she smelled Sakura's scent nearing their location. A frown crossed her face, before a pleasant and polite smile reached her face.

"Sakura-san, so glad you could join us." She loudly said, gaining everyone's attention.

Sakura didn't say anything, other than walk past Shiroi. The pink haired girl gave Naruto a smile, to which Naruto responded with a slight scowl. "Hey Kakashi-Sensei." Sakura greeted "Long time no see huh?"

Kakashi blinked "Yo Sakura, it has been awhile hasn't it?" The masked Jonin shrugged "Oh well, it couldn't be helped ya know." Kakashi stated.

The pink haired girl nodded, and opened her mouth to speak. However Naruto decided that now was the time to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone listen up!" The blonde demanded, gaining everyone attention.

"Our mission is simple. To save Subaku no Gaara from the hands of Akatsuki. First we will move at our top speed through the forests of the land of fire. Shortly after we will take a break when we are near the desert. After that we will run through the desert non-stop until we reach Suna, when we reach Suna we will ask for more information regarding the two members of Akatsuki they fought. After that... We will begin our hunt for Gaara, and the Akatsuki members who took him." The blonde said, explaining his plan to the others.

Kakashi nodded his agreement to the plan, it may prove to be a bit overkill, but it would be effective nonetheless... He just hoped he could keep up.

"Hmm, I hope these pathetic meat bags can keep up with you, and your mate Naruto." Kyuubi commented. Altair pulsed in agreement.

"See even the sword agrees with me. Obey me more often damn you!" Kyuubi demanded, however the blonde merely ignored him.

Sakura gulped silently, she wasn't really used to running nearly non-stop, and through the desert no less. However the pink haired girl caught sight pf Shiroi confident posture, and look. And she felt a burning desire to outdo the white haired girl. To see her confidence destroyed.

Naruto seeing everyone ready for the mission only said one word. "Move!" The blonde ordered, before he blurred through the gates, with Kakashi following shortly after.

Shiroi, and Sakura stared at each other for a few moments, before Shiroi gave Sakura a dark, and malicious grin, before the white haired girl blurred from existence.

Sakura gave Shiroi's retreating form, a determined glare before she to vanished in a burst of speed.

It was finally time... Time to save Naruto brother in all but blood. Time to save Gaara.

Gaara's unconscious, and unmoving body was thrown harshly into the center of a dark, and looming cave. Where a massive statue stood, looming over the Jinchuuriki's form.

On the statue's fingers stood, nine other figures, quietly standing at attention awaiting the for the exact time for the sealing to commence, and they regarded the unconscious KazeKage with calm, and anticipating expressions.

"The sealing of the Ichibi shall now commence." The leader of Akatsuki, Pain coldly said. The man with ringed eyes, made a single hand-sign. "Sealing Technique: Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming seal!" Suddenly, nine dragon like serpents shot out of the statue, and plunged themselves into Gaara's unmoving body.

Gaara's eyes snapped opened, and his mouth opened to give off a silent scream of agony as the Ichibi's Chakra, and spirit were beginning to be forcibly be taken from his body.

"The sealing of the Ichibi shall take three days. So in the meantime, Zetsu make sure no one interfere's." Pain ordered.

"I understand. Leader-sama." Both Zetsu's said, before he faded into the wall.

As the other member's of the Akatsuki resumed the sealing of the Ichibi, they never noticed a man with a spiral mask watching the entire process.

'Soon this world will never be so cold again. Only project Tsuki no me can save this world. The curse of this Shinobi world will never exist again, and the concept of loved ones dying, losers, and winners will no longer exist.' The masked man thought.

Soon... The world will never no war again.

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