
Scott's Transformation 2

Stiles hesitated, torn between his desire to help Scott and Orion's instructions. But he knew he had to trust Orion. "Okay, but please hurry," he said before turning back towards the party.

As he reached the edge of the woods, he saw Allison standing there, still worried and confused. But before he could call out to her, he noticed Derek Hale approaching her. Derek, with his usual mysterious demeanor, was already talking to Allison, offering her a ride home.

Stiles watched from a distance, his frustration mounting. "Shit," he muttered under his breath. He knew Derek's involvement meant things were more complicated than he'd thought.

Meanwhile, deeper in the woods, Scott was on his knees, clutching his head as the pain of transformation wracked his body. His screams echoed through the trees, a mix of agony and fear. Orion knelt beside him, his voice calm and steady.

"Scott, don't fight it," Orion urged. "You have to let it in. The more you resist, the worse it will be."

Scott's eyes, glowing golden yellow, flickered with desperation. "I can't control it," he gasped.

"Yes, you can," Orion insisted. "Listen to me. Feel the change. Embrace it. You are stronger than this."

Scott's body trembled violently as the transformation took hold. His muscles bulged, bones reshaping beneath his skin. Black fur began to sprout all over his body, thick and unique, shimmering slightly under the moonlight. His face elongated into a powerful, lupine snout, and his ears became pointed and keen. His hands transformed into large, clawed paws, yet retained a semblance of their human dexterity.

Scott's eyes remained a vivid, golden yellow, piercing through the darkness of the woods. He let out a guttural growl, the last vestige of his human voice merging with the primal power of the wolf. Standing on two legs, he had become a fearsome bipedal wolf, towering and powerful, yet distinctly Scott.

Orion watched as the transformation completed. The young werewolf's features were now that of a majestic yet terrifying black wolf, exuding a raw, untamed power. But Scott's eyes, though glowing, were filled with determination rather than fear.

"That's it," Orion said encouragingly. "You're doing great. Remember, you control the wolf. It doesn't control you."

Scott's breathing steadied, and he managed to nod. The transformation complete, he felt the primal energy coursing through his body. He stood tall and, embracing the power within, let out a terrifying, earth-shaking roar. The sound echoed through the woods, sending chills down the spine of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. The roar was primal and powerful, filled with an unmistakable dominance that marked Scott as a force to be reckoned with.

Back at the party, even Derek paused, his keen ears picking up the sound. Allison looked around in confusion, not understanding the significance but feeling the unease. Every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills felt it—except for Orion and Stiles, who understood its source.

Orion nodded, a proud smile on his face. "You did it, Scott. You controlled the wolf in you."

Scott's breathing gradually returned to normal, and as he began to calm down, the black fur receded, his bones and muscles reshaped back into their human form. Within moments, Scott was back to his human self, his clothes torn but otherwise intact. He looked at Orion, still catching his breath, but with a newfound clarity in his eyes.

Stiles, using his vampire speed, zoomed through the woods, arriving just as Scott completed his transformation back to human form. He skidded to a halt beside them, his face flushed with urgency.

"Scott! Allison is safe. Derek took her home," Stiles panted, his eyes darting between his best friend and Orion.

Scott's face contorted with a mix of anger and worry at the mention of Derek taking Allison home. "Derek? That guy from the woods? Why would he take her home?" His voice was rising, panic seeping in.

"Scott, calm down," Stiles said, trying to soothe his friend. "He didn't seem like he was going to hurt her. He was just... there. Look, we'll figure this out."

But Scott wasn't listening. The thought of Allison with Derek, a mysterious figure he didn't trust, was too much for him. Without another word, he took off running towards Allison's house, his speed enhanced by his werewolf abilities.

"Scott, wait!" Stiles yelled, but it was no use. Scott was already disappearing into the darkness. Stiles turned to Orion, a look of desperation on his face. "We have to go after him!"

Orion sighed, shaking his head slightly. "That boy never listens." He placed a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "Let's go. We need to make sure he doesn't do something he'll regret."

They both sprinted after Scott, Orion's supernatural agility allowing him to keep pace easily. Stiles, using his vampire speed, was able to keep up as well, though the worry for his friend and the situation gnawed at him.

As they ran, Orion glanced at Stiles. "We need to talk to Scott about managing his emotions. His reactions are too impulsive, especially with the changes he's going through."

Stiles nodded, his face set with determination. "I know. But right now, we just need to get to him before he does something rash."

As Scott sprinted through the woods, his senses heightened, he suddenly paused and sniffed the air, catching a new scent. His head whipped around, and without a second thought, he changed direction, veering off the path that led directly to Allison's house.

Stiles, in hot pursuit, skidded to a halt, bewildered. "What the—why did he change direction?" he muttered to himself.

Orion, keeping pace effortlessly, shook his head knowingly. "He's following a scent. Likely someone or something he thinks is a threat to Allison."

Stiles' eyes widened with a mix of concern and determination. "We need to catch up with him. Who knows what he's chasing?"

Orion placed a firm hand on Stiles' shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. "This is where I part ways, Stiles. Scott is looking out for the girl he likes. It's time for me to look out for mine."

Stiles opened his mouth to protest, but before he could utter a word, Orion merged with the winds, his form dissolving into the night air. Stiles stood there, eyes wide, mouth open, hands outstretched in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed into the empty air, feeling a mix of awe and frustration.

Realizing he was on his own, Stiles took a deep breath and refocused. "Okay, Stiles, you can do this," he muttered to himself. "Scott needs you."

Drawing on his vampire speed, Stiles took off again, following the path Scott had taken. He moved with a renewed sense of urgency, determined to catch up with his best friend before things got out of hand.

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