
Successfully Convincing Okkutsu Yuta

Eiji was completely unfazed by Rika's ugly and frightening appearance; instead, he was fascinated by her. More precisely, he was captivated by Rikka's abundant Cursed Energy.

Although he already knew this from Lin Fan's memories, seeing and hearing it made a significant difference.

Thanks to his Six Eyes, Eiji could clearly see the ocean-like Cursed Energy within Rikka's body. After seeing this, it was impossible for him not to be amazed; even his cousin didn't have as much Cursed Energy.

"Insane, isn't it? When I first saw it, I was shocked too. Turns out, there's someone who has this much Cursed Energy. Well, this world is truly vast."

Seeing Eiji stunned while looking at Rikka and Yuta, Satoru felt satisfaction in his heart. Finally, he managed to shock him.

"Um. This Cursed Energy... is extraordinary."

Eiji couldn't describe his astonishment in words.

"I apologize, Rika-chan didn't mean any harm. She just wanted to protect me."

After calming down his childhood friend, Yuta looked at Eiji and apologized for his earlier rude behavior.

"It's okay. Even if you didn't stop her, I would've been fine."

Having regained his composure, Eiji shifted his gaze from Rika and looked at the pessimistic young man in front of him.

"As you can see, it would be very dangerous for me to interact with others. I don't want to hurt anyone else; let me stay here." Yuta said with a sad tone.


"Hey, Okkutsu Yuta, do you know that there are over 10,000 unexplained deaths every year in Japan? Do you know the cause?"

"I don't know."

Yuta didn't understand why the other party suddenly asked this question, but he still answered honestly.

"Those 10,000 people die because of Cursed Spirits."

This information wasn't a secret; every Jujutsu Sorcerer knew it. It was only the general public who remained in the dark.


Not long ago, Yuta was still ignorant and didn't know much about Jujutsu. So, when he heard this information, he was greatly shocked.

"It's hard to believe... Is that true?"

"What Eiji said is genuine."

Satoru spoke up, verifying Eiji's statement.

"Cursed Spirits are born from Cursed Energy, which originates from the negative emotions of humans. However, most humans cannot truly see or sense the presence of Cursed Spirits. That's why Jujutsu Sorcerers exist, as people who can see Cursed Spirits and use Cursed Energy to help maintain the stability of human society."

"Okkutsu Yuta, you have power; will you confine yourself here until death, or will you use your power to save others?"

Eiji felt like this was the first time he had spoken this much in his life.


Looking at his own hands, Yuta was moved by his words.

Until now, he had been passively protected by Rikka, which had caused harm to those around him. It had never occurred to him to use his power to save people like a hero.

"Maybe this sounds cliché to you, but a kitchen knife in the hands of a chef is used to cook food, while a kitchen knife in the hands of a killer will endanger others' lives. What I'm trying to convey is, there is no inherently evil power; there are only good and evil users."

Seeing Yuta start to hesitate, Eiji continued to motivate him.

His hard work paid off; Yuta's previously desperate eyes were now filled with hope.

"Is that possible? I can't control my power." Yuta said, looking at him.

"Then you should enroll at Tokyo Jujutsu High School; there, you will be taught how to control your power. Do you see that man? He may seem unreliable, but he is a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High School."

"Hey, Eiji, what do you mean I'm unreliable?!"

Pointed out by Eiji, Satoru complained.

"So, what's your answer, Okkutsu Yuta?"


Yuta gave his answer.


Eiji and Satoru exited the isolation room.

"Good job, Eiji. Bringing you to meet Yuta was the right decision."

"Nii-san, don't make me face such problems again in the future. Persuasive methods don't suit me."

"Well, what matters is the end result. In that case, you may go. I have to meet with the higher-ups."

Without waiting for Eiji's answer, Satoru's figure disappeared in an instant.

Of course, Eiji knew the reason his cousin was meeting with the higher-ups. Besides, Yuta was currently in confinement, but Satoru wanted Yuta to become a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High School.

The higher-ups would surely strongly oppose this decision.

Would Satoru comply with the higher-ups?

The answer was no!

Instead, he would openly threaten them, leaving them powerless and inevitably allowing Yuta to be free.

Simply put, Eiji and Satoru didn't hold the higher-ups in high regard.

"School will start in a few days; I have to prepare."

Remembering this, Eiji also teleported.

Arriving in the city, he didn't wander as usual. He went to the bookstore and bought school supplies.

Tokyo Jujutsu High School not only taught Jujutsu and fighting against Cursed Spirits, but its students also learned like ordinary school students.

There were three main aspects that assessed the students: academic scores, which were general subjects; then there were reflexes, which assessed physical abilities without using Cursed Energy, and finally, there was the ability to use Cursed Energy and Cursed Techniques.

Eiji ranked first in all three aspects. Even without Cursed Energy in the physical assessment, he surpassed Todo Aoi and Zenin Maki. Moreover, his physically enhanced blessings from his Heavenly Restriction were far more perfect than Maki's, only slightly weaker than Toji.

After shopping for school supplies, Eiji wandered aimlessly around the city.

When he saw food that interested him, he would buy it without hesitation and eat on the spot. He wasn't worried about getting fat because his physical activities required a lot of calories.

He also wasn't worried about money. His salary as a Jujutsu Sorcerer had made him financially independent.

If he wanted, he could never work for the rest of his life and just laze around in his room like a shut-in. Unfortunately, Eiji knew that wasn't possible.

"I can't stop; if I stop, my power won't progress. When Sukuna is fully resurrected, I won't be his match."

Biting into a dango, Eiji hoped that the next world would have a unique power system that would help him become stronger.

"Hm? There are more perverts in Tokyo."

As he passed by a pedestrian, Eiji looked at her with astonishment.

In his Six Eyes perception, he found that under the pedestrian's coat, the woman wasn't wearing anything, and there were several vibrators attached to her sensitive areas that were active.

Others might not realize there was a lewd woman walking around the city, but Eiji felt disgusted by her.

"Bitch." He muttered quietly, then continued to wander the city.

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