
The Masks We Wear

(Get some popcorn, this one's pretty long)

When Yogg was done, I returned him to the throneroom before he caused any unwanted damage. The red marks on the villagers' foreheads vanished, and they all looked at me strangely.

It's better for the Phoenix to be in Yogg's stomach and made into fragments for me rather than sitting around in the dark doing nothing.

"The Phoenix is dead…" I informed them, taking to the skies. "Do with that information as you will."

"You idiot!"

I blinked as Yun Wuxin seemingly summoned herself.

"Why in the world would you do something like that?!" She questioned.

"You saw everything, didn't you?" I rolled my eyes. 

"So because it denied you, your ego couldn't handle it and you had to go ahead and kill a divine spirit?!" Yun Wuxin stepped up to me, her eyes glowing red. She almost looked intimidating.

"You make it sound like something of value was lost." I chuckled. 

"It was a fragment of the Phoenix, a benevolent and pure entity!" 

"If it's so bloody benevolent, what good has it done?" I questioned, looking around. "Look at these people. They're weak. They are nothing. Any stray beast outside these grounds could trample them all…"

"... It wasn't like that." She countered. "Not where I was from."

"What about the Divine Phoenix Sect's so-called Phoenix God? Could it be considered benevolent?" I tilted my head. "These 'Gods' are just like humans; they clearly have their ulterior motives. The Divine Phoenix Empire looks down on and oppresses all the other nations. They're all arrogant shit-heads… and yet they have that bird's useless bloodline flowing through their veins without any consequences."

I laughed. "And you're telling me… I can't have it? Fucking hell. It's a joke."

"... The Divine Phoenix Empire is good-"

"Is it?" I raised an eyebrow. "Am I a fool, or is everything in your world rainbows and butterflies?"

"..." Suddenly, her eyes widened.

"... What's wrong?" I felt that something was strange. Her mind seemed to be someplace else. "Are you having day-dreams due to my overly handsome appearance? Hmm…"

I pinched her cheek and she didn't react.

"... Hum."

 "There was… an invasion."

She suddenly broke the silence, blinking for once.

"An invasion?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The… Divine Phoenix Empire slaughtered tens of millions of Blue Wind Empire's residents, most of whom were civilians. The Emperor Cang Wanhe was executed early on in the invasion. Many cities and towns were set on fire. They conquered everything but the Blue Wind Imperial City when… my father returned to turn the tide." Yun Wuxin shook her head. "I… didn't know."

She spoke like she was presenting a script. It was a bit weird.

"... What do you mean you didn't know?"

"It just… came to me." Yun Wuxin had a pained expression. "I saw everything that happened in the past."

"... And the aftermath?"

"The Blue Wind Empire was compensated with fifty billion profound coins, the Divine Phoenix Empire sent its army to help rebuild the Blue Wind Empire and my father was engaged to my master." 

"... And who was your father to the Blue Wind Empire?"

"The Prince consort, its protector."

"Consort…" I frowned. "What a useless sack of shit. Since he gets to fuck a bitch, suddenly it's alright that the Empire was razed to the fucking ground?"

"... well…"

"It ended well for you, though, didn't it? You had her as your master or whatever, and everything was slipped under the rug. That's why you didn't know." I laughed. "Foolish girl, you're supposedly a grown woman, yet you've only seen the world in rainbow-tinted glasses. I never want to hear about the benevolence of the 'Phoenix' or its garbage inheritors ever again."

"..." She looked down. It seemed like she didn't have anything to counter with.

It might not happen in my timeline… equally, it might be a 'canon' event of sorts. Why would they even turn their eyes to the weakest nation, though? Is there anything remotely valuable here… or did they just do it for the fun of it? Was it because Yun Che showed off his bloodline for some reason, and they got their panties in a twist?

No matter the reason, I refuse to be caught lacking. Preparations have to be made for the worst.

I turned away.

"Let's go, my business here is done."

"Wait… you can't just leave the Phoenix Clan like this." Yun Wuxin grabbed my arm. "They're all going to be slaughtered without the Phoenix's protection."

"Not my problem." I brushed her aside. 

"It is your problem!" She did so again, even more aggressively this time. "It was because of you; their only source of protection is gone! If you hadn't come in the first place, they'd be safe. You have to take responsibility."

"Or what?" I scoffed. "Is it my fault they put their trust in a stupid bird?"

"Sure, you can fly away and fuck off…" She frowned. "But don't you dare call yourself a King again!"

I raised an eyebrow. 

"A real King would protect and care for his people. As the Crown Prince, it's your duty and even you'd admit to it. You keep babbling on and on about the bigger picture, the prosperity of your people… and yet, when the time comes to act… is this all you amount to?!"

"How can you call yourself 'King James' with such pride and majesty… yet you can't protect a hundred people who need you! A hundred people who live in your Empire, in your lands!"

"If you can't do that… what kind of 'King' are you? What kind of Crown Prince do you aim to be? If you can't even do this, all you'll ever amount to is-"

"Shut up, I got it the first time."

"..." Yun Wuxin frowned. "You're going to turn your back on them?"

'Then… how could you call yourself King?' I heard Itachi's words again. 'Realise that a true King does not crown himself, for he is already crowned by those around him.'

'... What a waste of time.' I sighed, looking back at the village. "I'll clear a path for them. You'll help me since you're so passionate about it."

"... Of course."

"Villagers of this land, hear me!" I drew Zabimaru, resting it on my shoulder. "I am Cang Chao, your Crown Prince, who will guide you out of this mountain range to a more prosperous land with greater opportunity. You have nothing left here… so you have no reason to object to my decision."

I summoned Itachi, Zero and Beatrice to aid me. Saru's sword form wasn't a complete summon… it was like Enderman's teleportation ability—a benefit for having them and developing my bonds.

Itachi, Beatrice and I escorted the villagers while I sent Zero and Yun Wuxin to scout ahead. Well, they weren't exactly scouting. It was more of a slaughter… especially in Zero's case. She did not react to bloodshed whatsoever—a violent woman, indeed.

Soon enough, the villagers passed the mountain range. It took ages compared to me flying out on my own. Reaching the capital… would take far too long. If I travelled with them, that is.

Then again… did it have to be the capital? Not necessarily.

"You three… take them to the New Moon City safely." I looked at Yun Wuxin, Itachi and Beatrice. "I'll be waiting there."

"Are you sure you'll be safe with that woman lingering around?" Beatrice questioned.

"Yeah," I replied with a reassuring smile. "Everything will be fine."

"... Alright then."

I flew ahead with Zero, who seemed to be on good behaviour today…

Until she tackled me in midair and sent me down.

Holy shit… this woman.

I managed to get hold of my footing before crashing. She descended next to me, still bloodied from the beast slaughtering she did earlier. Strangely enough, there was a company of black-armoured lads. Well, men. They almost looked like bandits.

"That woman… ohhh, she's like a goddess…"

Zero swung her sword casually and sliced them all in half horizontally. Their armour didn't amount to much in the end. 

"How about you don't kill random people?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, who cares?" Zero questioned, looking at me. "I know you don't."

"Now tell me why the fuck did you-"

"You know why, goldhead." She raised her sword and almost pressed the blade against my neck, pushing me into a tree. "Stop being such a pain in the ass and let me fuck you, alright? You don't let me near anyone else, so you may as well let me relieve myself on you."

"You're my vassal, of course…"

I touched her blade and gently deflected it to the side. It still cut my hand a little. I raised that hand and touched the side of her face, smudging my blood against her skin.

"That means you belong to me."

She tilted her head. 


In the blink of an eye, the top of my outfit was slashed right through and revealed my chest. She then pointed the tip at my heart.

"Enough with the formal bullshit. Get to the point."

She looked into my eyes. I don't know what it was exactly… but my heart was throbbing with excitement. I wanted to pin her down and have my way with this crazy, violent and uninhibited goddess.

"Do you really want to do it in the middle of the wilderness with all that blood on you?"

"Doesn't matter."


She slammed her sword into the tree and held my face before pressing her lips against mine. We kept going at it for what felt like an entire minute. She knew what she was doing because that was the best bloody makeout session I ever had. There was no love or attachment in it, just pure desire and lust… yet it had its charm.

"You're pretty good at this," I remarked.

"And you're terrible… making me do all the work."

"You're the one who wanted this if I remember correctly." I raised an eyebrow.

"You talk too much." 

Zero turned and threw me to the ground. She ripped my lower garments and seemingly adjusted her own in one swift move. Talk about easy access… is she only wearing panties up there?

"Not so quick, Zero." 

"... What now?" She looked visibly annoyed.

I grinned slightly, making myself comfortable.

"Put those lips to use first."


She went back on her knees and bent forward, grabbing my dick without hesitation. She didn't play around at all, twisting my dick up and down. My virgin body was not at all ready for all of that action…

The moment she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around my member…

I grabbed her head and shoved it down.


Fucking hell, that felt… heavenly.

My cum rushed out like Niagara Falls, flooding her mouth. Somehow, she managed to keep it all in and, bit by bit, swallowed every single drop. Then she licked all around my dick, cleaning up the rest.

She is a freak freak.

Still… I was soft as fuck. Lil bro needed a moment to recover.

"How about a little break?" I chuckled. "This body ain't used to-"

Gawk, gawk…

Zero didn't even look at me and kept going. She continued twisting my dick and sucking its tip with unholy lust. I couldn't really do anything… nor did I want to.

What followed was akin to an out-of-body experience—an ascension of sorts.

Zero got to relieve all of her pent-up frustrations and more, mostly in the form of riding me. Strangely enough, she barely reacted. She just looked like she was going through the motions.

I don't know how much time passed, but it was night when she was finally satisfied. Meanwhile, I was just laying on the ground… tired as fuck.

Lord have mercy, I need a better physique…

I could barely move.

Also… I…

I did all of that without any protection. Can vassals get pregnant? 

System… hello?

[Nah, you're good.]

You can't scare me like that. I don't want to be Daddy James.

"Zero… why the fuck… is your sex drive so high?" I managed to look at her. "I swear… you're like an army on your own."

She pointed at the flower in her eye.

"That's your answer."

For once, she seemed reasonable. I guess an entire day of sex should give some clarity.

"Can it be destroyed?"

"Only by the power of a dragon… or so that's how it should be." Zero sighed. "Yet if it's destroyed as things are now, I will also die in the process. You wouldn't like that very much, would you?"

"... No, I need you." I managed a smile. "Come here, Zero. Sit down next to me."

She did as I said, looking at me with one reddish-pink eye. 

"Are you going to try and sweet talk me?"

"As your King, you are also my responsibility." I chuckled, touching the side of her face. "Your problems are my problems. If that pretty flower bothers you so much, I will find a way to remove it… while keeping you."

"So you are sweet talking to me." Zero remarked. "In some ways, your words are like the song of an Intoner…"

"An Intoner… I really don't know what that is." 

"I will show you."

She stood up and began to hum. Her voice was like an angel's… no, even better than that—a Goddess. 

I heard the ringing of sweet-sounding bells.

"This sight I see before me, on high…"

Splat. Splat. Splat.

"The abyss, the abyss, of a past gone by…"

"This sight I see before me, on high."

My eyes widened as I watched all the small creatures seemingly explode from within. The grass around me dried up, and even the density of profound energy decreased greatly. The space around her seemed to be dying.

That's some song…

"This chilling, this chilling… pair of cruel, frozen eyes."

I heard screams in the distance, followed by the sound of death.

"This sight I see before me, on high…"

"The dreams of a lamb that's woken gently where it lies."

"This sight I see, this sight I see… before me, on high…"

There was a pause, and I felt I should've stopped her song… but wanted to hear more. She sang with such passion that I had fallen into a daze.

"In the space between a sound and a cradle…"

"There is no one who can bring a touch of warmth onto my skin."

"In the space between a sound, a cradle and a scarlet scar…"

"This tattoo… this, this preview… this heartbeat…"

"I don't hear a thing, in the silence."

I observed as all the dead things around Zero seemed to rise. From the guys she cleaved through to the flora to animals and insects. Even the profound energy became denser than before.

"Where is my gear? Where, where are my stairs? Where's my heartbeat?"

"This silence is mine. This… this silence…"

"Silence… silence…"

She stopped, and everything seemed to return to normal… as much as it could, anyway. I looked at the men who Zero slew. They began to walk closer, their eyes cold with a clear red glow. They walked almost like zombies. Possessed corpses.

A beautiful yet frightening song...

She sat down on a rock and looked at me.

"The sole purpose of this Flower is the destruction of the world, and I am its tool of choice." She spoke with an indifferent tone. "Where I came from, I tried to dig it out, but all it did was create five irritating 'sisters' to replace me. The other Intoners."

"Even as I summoned you, it influences your actions?"

"It's…. even stronger." She remarked, looking into my eyes. "No thanks to you."

"... What did I do, exactly?"

"When you summoned me, it was with the intent of having me at my strongest."

"... Right. I apologise for wanting useful vassals." 

"... It is also my most prominent form, so I suppose that doesn't help either."

"I'll handle it." I smiled. "I promise. I'd prefer if you looked at me with both eyes, anyway. I want to see what the real Zero is like."

[Your bond with Zero has strengthened.]

"..." She smiled slightly. "Trust me, you don't."

"How much worse can it be than someone completely desensitised to killing and absolutely horny every waking second of the day?" 

"You're not all that different."

"Me?" I scoffed. "No waaay. I'm a man of restraint."

"Much good it did you today."

"... Not my fault you can't keep your ovaries in check, Lady Zero. Clearly, you can't function properly without some action." I sighed. "You think I like having zero energy in my body?"

"Deal with it."

She turned away rather casually, picking up her sword.

"Don't you have places to be? Get up."

"You like to forget who is King." I sighed, struggling to get up. "I'll teach you eventually."

"Teach me when you can get off the floor."

"... One moment." 

I propelled myself up with profound energy.


I dusted myself off. However, it wasn't much use. Most of my clothing was ruined. The top part of my outfit had been tossed away and taken by the wind long ago. As for my pants, the dick area was ripped to shreds. 

"Switch with Senjumaru."

Zero didn't say anything to my command, simply returning to my throneroom. Senjumaru appeared in her place, smiling slightly.

"Now that's the first time I had witnessed you in such a state, my liege. Looks like that young white-haired woman roughened you up well." Senjumaru chuckled. "You need new clothes?"


"For perfect measurements, I may as well…" She used her six golden hands and removed the rest of my clothes.


I was as naked as a profound beast.

"Don't be embarrassed, my liege. I've seen you naked from the very beginning when you were a tiny baby."

"Yeah, whatever."

I chuckled. She almost sounded like my mother.

"You've surely grown, my King… wow."

I don't know whether she was taking measurements or just feeling me up for the sake of it. Honestly, I didn't care either way. I wanted some bloody clothes.

Soon enough, the drip was acquired.

"Beatrice will not be happy, I know that much," Senjumaru remarked.

"I think otherwise." I took out a mirror and looked at myself. I looked clean. "Anyway, thank you for your service."

"No need to thank me. The act was its own reward…" She smiled. 

"Well, I was butt-naked for a good while, so there's that…"

I should stop wasting time and fly ahead.

I looked at the zombies, who seemed to lack any purpose. I drew my sword and dismantled every single one of them. 

"Dehya, burn their remains."


After recovering, thanks to some pellets, I felt… stronger. I was stronger. Naturally, my Sky Profound Realm cultivation had not only stabilized, but its foundations had also been enriched. 

Was it thanks to Zero or my beast slaying? Both? Perhaps my body had gained from the near-death experience with the Phoenix's trial.

Either way, this feeling of power… was amazing. 

As promised, I let Enderman do his thing in the night. He seemed to leave the area completely and left me without any vassal slots. I decided to let him cook.

I made sure to walk the last bit of the journey to the New Moon City and was welcomed by the people who were shocked by my appearance. I left a good impression on my tour, yes, but it might've had something to do with the golden hair and blue eyes. The mayor gave me a nice mansion, and I struck a deal with him for enough housing for the Phoenix Clan. 

He gave me what I wanted for free, respecting my authority as Crown Prince.

Afterwards, I went to my massive mansion and lay in one of the dozen bedrooms. Honestly, as lavish as these things were, it was unnecessarily large. I only needed one bedroom.

Why do I need three toilets, five bathrooms, six balconies, four basements…

I'm not quite my father with a dozen mistresses. Not yet, anyway. I felt like I would get there eventually, either from the adoration of the world or my ever-growing force of vassals.

"James, you're too bloody selfish. Pass to your teammates."

For some reason, Coach John came to mind. I couldn't quite forget about the Phoenix's trial, as irritating as that bird turned out to be. I struggled my way through it, pushing my body past its limits…

For what?

Nothing, in the end. 

If I had no vassals, I would have died right there. Even if I didn't, its flames would have scarred me for life. I would look like a molten corpse.

Then again, without Yun Wuxin, I would not know of the place…

'Am I… really that bad of a person? Would it have been better if I let Caroline kill me? What a stupid trial… no wonder the Phoenix Clan is insignificant.'

I looked in the mirror and saw myself. I took a deep breath and washed away the doubt. I grinned slightly, putting on my crown.

'In this life, I have nothing to apologise for. Nothing at all…'

While the Phoenix Clan was taking its sweet time, I decided to sit down and properly comprehend the Star God's Broken Shadow'. It turned out to be a pretty difficult profound skill to learn…

Where it would take me no time at all to grasp the subpar arts of the Blue Wind Profound Palace, this one… gave me some challenge. 

The harder it was to learn, the more determined I was to overcome that obstacle.

And, in the end… I learned its first stage after a few days.

Not only did it give an impressive burst of speed, it also left an almost perfect clone to distract others.

'This is some good shit.'

"... Your comprehension speed… is impressive," Jasmine remarked, appearing next to me like a ghost. "Indeed, you have some talent "

"Why, thank you." I smiled. "Do you have any more techniques for me?"

"If you had attained a bloodline from a True God, perhaps I would… but your physique is simply too weak as it is now."

"Are you so certain?" I questioned. "Why don't you take a closer look?"

"Your physique is slightly superior to an average person at your level," Jasmine remarked. "Even so, with this, the strain of the technique would still cause you to explode."

"If you had gained the Heretic God's veins…"

"..." I thought of Yun Wuxin. "So, she can learn this technique you're talking about?"

"Yes, it would compliment her abilities well." 

"When Wuxin returns, teach it to her for me. I'll figure something out for myself in the meantime."

"Even though this princess only agreed to teach you…"

"Don't be a scammer." I chuckled. "I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain by progressing so quickly."

"... Hmph."

"If you can't teach it to me, then to quell the disappointment, teach it to her… it all makes sense to me."

"... Very well, this princess shall grant your request."

I went to the New Moon City's Black Moon Merchant Guild branch… god, that's a thoughtful. Anyway, I got in there and asked for their best body-enhancing medicine. I also purchased all of their premium resources using my auction earnings. 

I'd summon Circe… but I couldn't.

That left me sitting around on my own. Maybe sending three vassals to protect only a hundred people was too much.

I sighed and entered my throneroom.

"Saru, let's fight."

"I thought you had enough." She replied, grinning slightly.

"Enough of winning? Never."

With the Star God's Broken Shadow' in my arsenal, I performed much better than before. I wasn't just a caveman whacking his stick with a bit of wind anymore. I had some room for finesse.

[Your bond with Saru has strengthened.]

'I get it, System… you don't need to state the obvious.'

[King's System: Default settings have been altered. As per request, my liege, I will never say such a thing again.]

'...' I chuckled. 'It's not that serious, but sure.'

After fighting with Saru for a few days, I practised my wind element skills. My charged-up wind strike was deadly, but it came at the cost of breaking my leg. Not great, if you ask me. I only have two legs.

I decided to see what Eleonora had in her bag of tricks…


"My King, they have arrived." Eleonora informed me.

By the time the Phoenix Clan arrived, an entire month had passed. I bet it was those annoying little kids that slowed everyone down. Anyway, during this time, my mastery over wind greatly increased alongside my affinity for combat. Also, after Enderman returned, I made Circe cook me up body refinement pellets. She used the Sky Profound Realm turtle's body (the soup was really good) and all the resources I possessed to do so. I was munching on them, bathing in them, and pretty much breathing them in too.

Also, Zero… we had lots of sex. Nothing new. Her state of clarity didn't last very long. My improved physique started to shine later, allowing me to last longer and have a… firmer grip on things.

At the very least, it was a good way to relieve stress. 

I also achieved a breakthrough rather casually into the second stage of the Sky Profound Realm 

As for what Enderman had been doing… you'll see. He was more than a thug. He was an explorer!

"Took you long enough." I looked at Yun Wuxin, who crossed her arms.

"You're the guy who flew ahead and relaxed for the entire month…"

"Relaxed?" I questioned, shaking my head. "I don't ever relax. Time is precious and I, for one, use it valuably."

"Right… well, I'm sorry that a hundred people in the Elementary Profound Realm couldn't move as quickly as you." Yun Wuxin said somewhat haughtily. 

"You are forgiven." I smiled. "Let's get these peasants nice and settled."


"Oh, pardon my horrible manners. I meant to say villagers."

I talked with the local palace chief and enrolled every villager into the palace branch. Considering their bloodline had seemingly reawakened, I strictly told the villagers not to use their flames under any condition.

I also gave additional funds to the New Moon Profound Palace and the mayor himself to improve infrastructure. I also supplied them with many low-grade yet effective pellets. In this corner of the Empire, the settlements were remarkably inferior to anything near the capital.

I wanted to change that.

"Are you… giving to others?" Yun Wuxin looked at me like I was doing something wrong.

"... I am the Crown Prince, am I not?" I raised an eyebrow. "Besides, what I gave away was non-essentials. My throwaways. They serve better use in their hands than mine."

"... I see." Yun Wuxin smiled slightly. "Without a doubt, you are a person who likes growth. You live for it, even. I think part of that involves the growth of others…"

"By all means, the Blue Wind Empire is an extension of myself. If it does not develop alongside me… then I am a failure."

"That's one way to spin it." She remarked. "So… what's the next stage of your grand plan, Goldy?"

"Goldy?" I raised an eyebrow. "You've been acting strange lately. Is everything alright?"

"What's wrong?"

"Did you somehow cure moody bitchiodas?"

"I think you got the wrong idea."

"Did I?" I questioned, shrugging my shoulders. "I just find you more… pleasant. Maybe you feel better because of recent events…"


"As for the next stage of my 'grand' plan… it's to capture a dragon!" 

I unveiled the map Enderman had drawn and showed it to Yun Wuxin. 

"Capture… a dragon?" Yun Wuxin blinked. "You want to form a pact with one?"

"Of course." I grinned. "Sure, I could kill it and reap the benefits… but owning a dragon is a bragging right I just can't resist. No matter what, I will capture that majestic beast."

"Good luck." Yun Wuxin seemed to doubt me.

"... Good luck?" I tilted my head. "It should be something along the lines of 'I believe in your heavenly might, my liege, and look forward with anticipation to the taming of the dragon'..."

"I am never saying that." She smiled slightly, shaking her head.

"Oh? For this display of grave impudence, you owe me dinner." 

"... Dinner?" She blinked.

"Yes… cook for me." I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "You're not gonna tell me you can't cook, are you?"

"... I can't." She put her hands behind her back and shrugged her shoulders. "I only know the basic stuff. Don't you have chefs, anyway? Why do you need me to cook?"

"... Your father is even more useless than I imagined." 

"What does he have to do with that?" She frowned slightly.

"I'm curious… what did he teach you, if anything?" I questioned.

"... Fishing?" She placed a finger on her lip. 

I looked at her.


"Hahahahaha." I laughed after a brief pause. "Fishing!"

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Why don't you go fishing for dinner?" I chuckled.

"... Sometimes, I want to slap the smugness off your face." She remarked, sighing. "So… what did your father teach you? How to be a dickhead?"

"Correct! That he did." I smiled. "He also taught me how to sing. He would down a couple of litres of alcohol, piss himself and then sing all night long till he collapsed on the ground."

"Your other father?"

"Yes, my first." I nodded. "He'd bring over his other wastemen friends, and they'd all party together while I maintained enough composure not to start throwing hands. Then, it would be all kinds of women after my mother passed away… some days, I wouldn't even bother to come back home at all. Not that it really mattered to him."

"He was drowning in his despair… it was pathetic, really. Yet…" I sighed, shaking my head. "I turned out the same."

"It doesn't sound like it." Yun Wuxin countered. "You don't even drink nor do you have any friends. For that matter, you don't even… bother making attachments."

She paused. "Is that why?"

"You can never fully understand a person without filling their shoes." I smiled, exchanging looks with Yun Wuxin. "Words can be lies. Expressions can lie, too. Many people wear masks where it is convenient. They act in a way that suits their environment and the people around them."

I stretched out my hand and touched her chest with two fingers.

"The only truth… lies in one's heart. Their soul."

"So… you wear a mask?"

"Perhaps… everyone does to some degree." I looked down. "I seek the day where I feel perfectly content and no longer have a use for it."

"Perfectly content… you?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's possible."

"I will seek that day, nonetheless… with all my might."

I raised my hand, gracing her face. She frowned.

"I think you're getting a bit too comfortable-"

"Am I? You forget that I can get as comfortable as I want…" I tilted my head and smiled as I looked at her trying to look angry. "Deep down, you are a sweet girl with a kind heart. I don't want to corrupt a lovely flower like you-"

"What are you doing right now, then?" 

"I'm asking you to be yourself, that's all… you have no reason to wear a mask in front of me." 

"You want me to be honest?"


I kind of saw it coming.


God, my head almost got whacked off my neck.

"That did more than sting." I tilted my head to the other side. "Seems personal."

"You don't say?" She scoffed. "With every good thing you do, you commit at least a dozen more bad acts."

"I'm a bad man, huh." I chuckled. "Though, I suppose bad boy would suit me better, given my age. Now… why don't you name a dozen 'bad' acts I've done."

"... Well, you just touched me."

"Boo-hoo." I rolled my eyes. "I lightly touched your chest and face. I'm so horrible. Lest you forget, you just whacked me in the face. I don't know… that might be a tad bit worse, no?"

"... Then you left me to do all of your work for you while-"

"That's called delegation. You're a vassal, get used to it-"

"Then you force me to serve you." She added. "Along with the other vassals you summon. In some ways, they are manipulated into abiding by your orders…"

"That's just being resourceful." I shrugged. 

"Then you killed the Divine Phoenix Spirit-"

"Not me, it was Yoggy." I smiled slightly. "Besides that-"

"You gave the order, didn't you? You let him free. You killed the Divine Phoenix Spirit, in the grand scheme of things."

"Categorically, yes."

"... Categorically." She muttered, frowning. "Most importantly, you killed my father and took me away from my home."

"If it helps, I didn't choose you in particular. You came to me."

"No, it doesn't help. I didn't come to you, either. I was dragged away against my will."

"Oh, my poor Wuxin-" I pouted slightly.

"I am not your poor Wuxin-"

"Then, for the love of God, stop trying to make me pity you and… grow… the fuck… up!"

She frowned.

"Yes, your mommy and daddy are gone, big deal… mine are gone too. Do you see me crying and moping about it? The girl I loved with every fibre of my being is forever out of my sight… do you see me crying?"


"Do you see me sitting in a palace, pondering about how shit my life is while changing nothing about it?! How foreign this world is… how I feel so different from everyone else?" I frowned. "No… fuck that. Day in, day out, I'm working myself to the bone for a better future."

"For fuck's sake, you are in your twenties. Get your shit together. Did I take you away from your home? Maybe. Even so, you're a grown woman; you can make a new one."

"... With who? I don't know anyone nor does anyone know me." She countered, shaking her head.


Her eyes widened slightly.

"I could be your home." 

I affirmed.

"... You?" She scoffed. "Sometimes I don't know if you're purposefully joking or serious-"

"Interpret it however you wish." I shrugged, turning away. "I'll say one thing, though… don't let my actions influence you. Be yourself. Don't walk through the rest of life with anger in your heart… smile, find things to enjoy. Find reasons to be happy."

"And… forgive you?"

"I won't ever ask for your forgiveness, Wuxin." I shook my head, looking at all the lavish paintings. Coincidentally, there was one of a white rose. "Nor do I desire it. I simply want you to make the most of this life… rather than dreaming of the old one. Don't be like I was."

"... I'm not playing into your hands. I know exactly how dangerous your words are and your real intentions."

"Remind me, what do you think my intentions are?" I grinned slightly, putting my arms behind my back.

"You want the Heretic God's power, of course…"

"What would you like my intentions to be?" I questioned.

"What… do you mean?"

"In the best-case scenario, what would be the ideal goal for me to have while interacting with you?"

"Honesty. Isn't that what you wanted from me?"

"You want me to be honest?" I turned to face her. "In truth, I… pity you."

"Pity?" She raised an eyebrow, almost laughing at me. "I don't need any pity, least of all yours."

"Solitude… is a terrible thing."

I unsummoned her.

"Jasmine, go teach that young lady and all the other vassals the Star God's Broken Shadow. Also, teach Wuxin that other technique you talked about. The one I couldn't handle, apparently."

"... This is not a Star God's Broken Shadow bargain sale, 'King James'." Jasmine countered.

"You have to tap fourteen people's foreheads… how hard can it be?" I sighed. "If you don't, I will remember this occasion when retrieving all those precious resources you want. I might not take it nearly as seriously…"

"Fine, this princess will do it, but you will owe me better living conditions!"

"Such as?"

"I desire a proper bed and a beautiful dress to replace these rags!"

"Consider it done, princess." I raised an eyebrow. "Though… I recall you saying that you didn't need a bed. What happened to that?"

No reply.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

Girls… even they don't know what they want.

'System, what can I do with those Phoenix fragments? Could I use it to strengthen one of my vassals?'

[King's System: Yogg-Saron has already devoured its entire essence. However, you have been rewarded a special roll for your efforts.]

'Does this roll have a theme to it?'

[King's System: Indeed, rolls from salvaged gods can only grant you notable figures who have their bloodline… or, in some cases, even themselves. You could even find a familiar face.]

'A… familiar face?' I raised an eyebrow. 'I don't know anyone with the Phoenix bloodline besides Yun Wuxin. Could I get duplicates?'

[King's System: Apologies for being vague, my liege. I meant a friend of your past.]

'... Who?'

[King's System: That… I cannot say.]


[You are at your maximum vassal limit.]

'I know. Roll.'

[From Against the Gods…]

I sat back on my throne, watching in anticipation. A golden light lit up the summoning circle. It was larger than usual and took a while to disperse. And when it did…

A little bird appeared. A… Phoenix, to be exact. I couldn't believe my eyes.

[The Phoenix God]

"This is quite ironic." I laughed. "Aww, my sweet little Phoenix, you've been reborn in my Realm. Do you still recall rejecting me? Perhaps you've come to regret that decision…"

"I do not… remember." The bird blinked, speaking in a childish voice. "Sorry, mister."

"Mister?" I sighed. "It seems that your restrictions come in the form of being a child… no matter, you should have decent potential. That means - someone has to go."

I scanned my eyes across all of my vassals.

"If it's for your benefit, my liege, I will gladly leave." Chojiro kneeled before my throne. 

"No." I waved my hand. "Not you. Hmmm…"

Considering Dehya's combat ability isn't anywhere near the starters, nor does she have much utility…

On the other end, Irina is quite nice to look at, yet she offers no truly useful skills other than those French kisses which I've learned to replicate already. 

Realistically, they're both quite obsolete.

After taking a careful look at both of them, I made my decision. 

'... Send away Irina.'

"Pack your bags," I said, looking down at her. "Vacation's over."

"... So that's how it is, huh." Irina crossed her arms.

"Yeah, back to school you go. There's enough teachers dodging workin the world as it is."

[King's System: So cold…]

'I was being thoughtful of her students…' I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. 'More importantly… the Phoenix… it should be able to one day suppress the entire Divine Phoenix Empire.'

I grinned slightly.

'I'm up.'


Instead of going straight to the capital, I travelled to the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range. The name doesn't appear in the popular maps but only in the local ones. Hell, I didn't even know that there was such a powerful dragon in this backwater region of the Empire.

Though, really, it did make sense. No one from here could even dream of reaching the Sky Profound Realm, so the rise of such a creature was very much possible. After all, who was going to kill it?

Only if a mighty expert travelled over here and looked carefully… in this case, it didn't seem that one did.

I took my starting lineup of Beatrice, Itachi, Yun Wuxin and Zero with me into the centre of the mountain range. 

"According to the map, this is its lair," I stated, looking at my four vassals. "Itachi, send in some clones to wake the big red geezer up."

He nodded, making that two-finger sign. Two clones appeared and flew right in.

"Yun Wuxin and Zero, you two will take the offensive. Itachi, you will use your illusions to distract the beast and Triss… you will stay by my side." 

"Exactly where I belong." Beatrice smiled, giving Zero the side-eye. 

Zero did not react.

"Does everyone understand?"

They all nodded.

"Let's get this dragon on a leash, then." I smiled slightly, stretching out my hand. "Team James on three."

Itachi was the first to stack his on top of mine, understanding the assignment. Beatrice followed.

"Do we really have to do this?" Zero turned away. "Let's just kill the fucking dragon and get this over with."

"Do it or no seggs."

"..." Zero sighed, adding her hand.


"... Fine."

"One… two… three…"

"Team James!"

Beatrice was the only one who said it passionately. Zero and Yun Wuxin barely put any effort, while Itachi was as quiet as ever.

"Also, don't forget, we're trying to capture it." I glanced at Zero. 

"If it slips on my sword and dies, then so be it." Zero remarked, heading straight in.


Right on cue.

"You foolish humans dare deceive this king with such pitiful illusions?!"

"Yeah, what about it?" Zero charged right in.

"Wuxin, fulfill your duty." I ordered.

Yun Wuxin drew her sword and joined Zero. She activated those gates of hers, speeding ahead with explosiveness.


She didn't penetrate its scales, and neither could Zero.

Strange. Even if it was a peak Sky Profound Realm true dragon, a blow like that from Wuxin should have damaged it.

Unless… it's even stronger than that?

"Jasmine… what is the true strength of that dragon?"

"It is most definitely in the Emperor Profound Realm."

"How deep in the Emperor Profound Realm are we talking?"

"The first stage."

"Ah, okay." I chuckled. Yoggy was not needed. "Wuxin, don't hold back. Open gate two or three and smack him up really good!"

She sped up, dodging the dragon's flames and moving in close.

"Falling Moon Sinking Star!"


Her sword broke…


"AUUUIGH!" The scarlet dragon groaned in pain as Yun Wuxin's blow penetrated its scales and caused a great wound in its chest. 

Zero flashed forward, shining like a bright light.


She struck the dragon's exposed chest, cutting deeper in.


The dragon roared, breathing a colossal wave of fire, which both Zero and Yun Wuxin dodged. They used the Star God's Broken Shadow, confusing the beast further. Clearly… it was outmatched and would not last long.

While Yun Wuxin seemed to take a backseat, Zero was far more relentless. The red dragon took note of this, focusing his attention on her.

"Itachi, Wuxin, withdraw." I commanded. "Let her fight the dragon."

"... As you wish."

"You love making things hard for me." Zero remarked.

The Flower's one weakness is a dragon…

The power gap was quite visible in her base, with the scarlet dragon easily overwhelming her. He caught Zero lacking and torched the Intoner with a powerful breath of fire. She tanked it head on…

The dragon charged forward, smashing her onto the ground.

"This King… will destroy you!!!"

"You're really annoying…"

Zero began shining again…

She pushed back the dragon, flashing forward.

Slash… slash… slash.

The dragon was getting pieced apart, its blood spilling everywhere. Even I couldn't keep up with what was happening. One second the dragon looked fine, the next he was getting his ass beat. Before I knew it, Zero dropped the dragon to the ground.

She was all bloodied, as usual. As for her burns… there weren't any.

That Intoner Mode really is something.

There's your dragon… alive." Zero looked at me. "You'll repay me later."

"I just wanted to see you shine." I smiled, shrugging my shoulders as I walked closer. "Yo, red dragon. What's your name?"

"You are not worthy of knowing this King's name…" The dragon's eyes turned to me.

"Big words from a creature that's one blow away from being put down." I drew my sword. "It doesn't matter what your name is, red dragon. I present you with a simple offer;"

"A pact… or death."

"You, boy, offer a pact to this King?" The dragon laughed. "Ha… hahahahaa."

"Be careful not to laugh away your final breaths," I remarked, smiling slightly.

"Oh… I just might, hahahahaha!"

"So you would rather die here than serve me?" I remarked, looking into its eyes. 

"If you had been the one to defeat me, then this King may have respected your strength…" The red dragon explained, raising its head slightly. "But you merely commanded them-"

"Who is the mightier being, the strongest person in the world… or the person that commands that person?" I questioned, tilting my head. "Even if I may be weaker than you, you can die at a single whim of mine."

"... Heh." The dragon chuckled. "What of it? I refuse to bow down my head… to a human weaker than me!"

"Impudent dragon." Beatrice frowned. "To deny your services to my liege-"

"So you'd rather die in a place like this than serve me?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You would be right for once, foolish human." The dragon raised its head further. "This King would rather die with his held head high rather than spend the rest of my existence as your servant!"

"That has to hurt your ego a bit." Yun Wuxin remarked.

"... And you call me foolish?" I sighed, ignoring Wuxin. "You would rather be my dragon soup than soar the skies alongside me. Rather than reaching realms that you would not even dream of, you'd rather die in this shithole backwater region?"

"... I've seen many ambitious youths in my time, but you… are the most deluded of them all."

"You would be right, dragon. There is no one quite like me." I nodded, placing my blade against its head. "You said you refuse to serve someone weaker than you, right? Then tell me… what use would you be to me when I am stronger than you?"

"... Hahahaha." The dragon laughed. "You, stronger than me?-"

"I am fifteen years old and started cultivation only a little over three years ago. In that time, I have reached the Sky Profound Realm." I stated simply, unleashing my profound energy. "How long do you think it would take me to surpass you, dragon?"

"... Three years?" The dragon's eyes widened. "... You are bluffing."

"Believe what you will." I looked down on him. "If you cannot imagine serving someone weaker than you and wholeheartedly believe I am lying… then let us make a pact. If I cannot defeat you in two years, you can roam free again. You may even kill me if you so wish, and I will not do anything to stop you."

It hesitated. It was a good deal. Better than dying, at least… and there seemed to be a good chance of freedom.

A good chance.

"Two years isn't all that long for a dragon, is it?" I added.

"..." The dragon raised himself from the ground, looking down at me. It took a deep breath, seemingly preparing to blast me to ashes.

I didn't move an inch, staring into its eyes.

"A pact or death." 

I repeated.

"... A pact or death…" The dragon raised its head.


It breathed fire behind me.

I dusted myself off. 


"... Hmph, this King will accept this pact of yours." The dragon lowered its head slightly. "However, instead of two years, it shall be one! If you are as talented as you say you are, it should not be too difficult to surpass me in that time, should it?"

I dropped an empty Contract Profound Seal on the ground.

"A year it is."

I drew my sword and cut a wound on my arm, letting my blood drip down.

"This King will serve you for a year until our fated battle… enjoy my servitude while the time lasts."

The dragon added its blood.

"It will be longer than that, dragon… unless you prove useless to me."

I sheathed my sword and grabbed the contract.

"How arrogant… even for human standards!" The dragon laughed. "At the very least, you will amuse me, boy."

The contract vanished, and a mark appeared on my hand.

'Like magic.'

"You've done well, dragon." I smiled. "There is no greater motivator in the world than the prospect of death. In truth, I am perfectly confident in reaching the Emperor Profound Realm within a year under this kind of pressure. The only reason I asked for two years was because I knew you'd try to be cunning and slash the time."

"..." The dragon blinked. "You do love to bluff, foolish human."

"Oh, I am not bluffing. Get in your cage and observe a true King at work."

I raised my hand and showed him the mark. In the blink of an eye, he was warped into it and only his blood remained. 

'How convenient.' I looked at the mark. 'Like a spacial ring for beasts…'

"Your greatest weakness has to be your pride." Yun Wuxin said, looking at me. "You could have had us kill the dragon or even made it submit to one of us. Instead, you want to beat it yourself… and even risk your own life at that."

"Are you worried about my livelihood, Wuxin?" I smiled slightly. "I'm touched, truly-"

"I'd love to see you realise that you've stretched your luck too far." Yun Wuxin remarked. "That you were too arrogant and overconfident in your abilities. I want to see the fear in your eyes when death comes knocking…"

"This servant of yours is quite subservient." I heard the red dragon's sarcastic thoughts.

'She's just on her period.' I replied.

"You bitch…" Beatrice frowned. "My liege, allow me to teach this impudent girl a lesson-"

"Wuxin, are you hoping that everything will return to normal if I perish?" I questioned, shrugging my shoulders. "Honestly, even I don't know what would happen. Would you vanish? Would you remain in this world? Only God knows…"

"All of those are better than being your slave." Wuxin countered. 

"... How hurtful." I chuckled. "Sadly, your feelings are of no relevance to me. If you have nothing of value to say… just shut the fuck up."

"..." Yun Wuxin frowned. It looked like she wanted to say something back but couldn't.

"What a bother." Zero sighed. "Since you're all done talking, I'll just borrow James for a little while…"

Zero ended up walking into an invisible wall before reaching me.

"Borrow who?" Beatrice raised an eyebrow.

"... You again."

"It's the Endless Witch to you, Zero."

"No one's told you yet?" Zero tilted her head. "James and I have gotten pretty familiar. It's nothing new at this point…"

"..." Beatrice looked at me and then turned back to Zero. "I see. So, just because you acted like a needy slut, you got what you wanted?"

"I don't know, you're pretty desperate yourself…" Zero shrugged. "At every opportunity, you cling to him. I could imagine that he might find that annoying."

"Hmph!" Beatrice raised her head. "Fine… do what you want. I don't care-"

"Women…" I remarked, shaking my head. "Triss, come here."

"Don't call me that." Beatrice pouted. "I've been here for way longer than that white-haired bitch, and she gets closer to you than I did within a week. It feels as if all I am to you is a source of power to draw from… and nothing more. You didn't even consider how I'd feel, did you?"

Jumping to so many conclusions… silly Beatrice. 

"I am a selfish person, indeed." I admitted, flicking my fingers. All of the other vassals returned to my throneroom. "I do not care how anyone else feels."

"..." Beatrice's eyes widened as I grabbed her chin and made her face me.

"If you had no abilities of note, I'd toss you away like a piece of garbage. You've always known that." I lowered my hand, touching the ribbon that was right above her breasts. "Yet… despite my countless flaws, you always sought to be close by my side. You always strived to serve me the best you could, and in that sense, I… do love you."

I edged closer.

"You are the finest tool I have."

I pressed my lips against hers. 


We shared a kiss that lasted a good few seconds before I withdrew.

"You could never say no to me… even if you're upset."

"Being needy really does work." She grinned slightly as her previous expression of dissatisfaction faded away.

"... You witch." I smiled, shaking my head. "I'll teach you a lesson for playing games with your King."

"... Even though it is rather inappropriate, I wouldn't mind if you had your way with me right here-"

"I'll give you a night to remember in the future." I smiled, placing my finger on her lip. "The reason why I won't do it right now is not because I don't care… it's the opposite, in truth. When I push you down, I want to… feel something."

I shook my head.

"As of now… I have other goals. The act would not do you justice."

"... I understand." Beatrice lowered her head. "Take as much time as you need, my liege."

"One day, I will repay your loyalty in full."

I touched the side of her face and smiled.

"Believe me."

"You are far too charming, my liege." Beatrice sighed. "I could never hold anything against you."

"In the meantime, you could act as my fiancee."

"Really?" Beatrice seemed to glow.

"Yes." I nodded. "My royal consort."

"... This is the greatest day of my life."

I blinked. 'It's not that serious…'

"Let us go, my husband-to-be." Beatrice turned to the dragon's lair. "I am certain there is treasure ahead."

I chuckled. "Yeah, let's."

"Hmph, perverted womaniser…" Jasmine remarked.

Don't be jealous.

Inside, there was plenty of mature fire spirit grass, which I stored up for Circe to cook later. One thing stood out: a little red bead at the centre of it all. The amount of fire energy coming from it was… absurd. It pulsated in my hand.

[King's System: That is the fire seed of the Heretic God, my liege. It would grant Yun Wuxin complete control, absolute immunity and increased infinity to fire.]

'... Would it have any use for me?'

[King's System: You cannot consume it like she can. However, with its influence, you could easily convert into a fire attribute user and gain an affinity to it that few could match. This might conflict with your affinity to wind and overall cultivation progress. However… should you be able to cultivate both elements, your battlepower would increase greatly.]

I recalled the final stage of the Phoenix's second trial…

Wind and fire can complement each other.

Not only that… but, they can enhance the other.

I grasped the fire seed.

James returned to the capital rather swiftly, meeting Chu Yuechan, who had been waiting for a little while. 

"Sorry, I was away… doing stuff." James smiled. 

"Your appearance… what happened?"

"I awakened a super special, almighty, divine legacy." James jested. "Anyway, since a good amount of time has passed, I assume you've seen the effect of my pellets?"

"... Yes. They are just as effective as you advertised." Chu Yuechan replied with an indifferent tone.

"And so… you've come for more," James remarked, stroking his chin. "Well, I'll keep my word."

James took out five Heavenly Earth Zaza and tossed them to her.

Her eyes widened as she took each one. "Five? Was the deal not that you would only give three more after me protecting you for three months?"

"I've changed my mind." James shrugged. "You do not have to do anything for me. Just send my regards to Xia Qingyue and the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. Tell them of their Crown Prince's generosity."

"... I cannot accept this for free."

James raised an eyebrow. "Why not? I'm not the kind of person to gift people things and expect something in return. If it's a gift… it's a gift. It's yours."

Chu Yuechan kept looking at him.

"I refuse."

"..." James blinked with confusion. "Are you really that stubborn?"

'Clearly, she does want to know about me… probably to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's benefit.'

"I do not wish to take your generosity for granted." Chu Yuechan retained her indifferent tone. "Guarding you for three months would not be that difficult, nor would it take all that much time. Consider this the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's way of thanking you for your previous gifts."

'... Am I being pressured into having help?'

James chuckled. "... Fine. But you must remember the terms of our deal, alright? You will say nothing about what happens."

"I swear on the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace that I will not share your secrets with anyone else."

'Is it really just her trying to be fair to me?' James thought, curling his lips into a slight smile. "In that case, I have no reason to refuse your aid. Three months it shall be."

Chu Yuechan tossed back all of the Heavenly Earth Zazas.

"Whenever you're ready." 

'What a strange woman…'

James felt like laughing.


James teleported out of the Blue Wind Imperial City and went straight to the most dangerous region in all of the Blue Wind Empire: the Wasteland of Death. Upon reaching its outskirts, he raised his hand to the sky.

"Red dragon… come on out!"

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!" The Scarlet Dragon roared with might and majesty upon being freed at last. "This King breathes the air of the world once more!"

'I always wanted to ride a dragon.' James thought to himself, smiling slightly as he floated over him and eventually sat down. "I want you to sniff out the strongest beast in this region."

"Sniff out the strongest? Hahahahah… you foolish golden-haired boy… this King is the strongest!" The Scarlet Dragon raised its head with pride. "I shall send these beasts flying in terror with my roar alone!!!!"


"Alright then." James grinned, watching as countless beasts in the distance ran in the opposite direction. "If you're so confident, prove it to this King by crushing all the mighty beasts in this region!"

"..." Chu Yuechan was thoroughly shocked at the sight. 'Is that… an Emperor Profound Realm… true dragon? This boy… how did he manage to tame such a creature?'

"Very well, very well…" The Scarlet Dragon laughed. "I will show you!"


It began to soar at great speeds, leading to James' hair almost falling off his head from the force. Despite the heavy winds, he found it… thrilling. He watched as the Scarlet Dragon reigned terror upon the entire Wasteland. Burning them into ash, tearing them in half, consuming them whole… the Scarlet Dragon was a slaughtering machine. 

"You don't disappoint me, Scarlet Dragon," James remarked.

"There… this King senses two puny flood dragons of the Sky Profound Realm!" The Scarlet Dragon soared forward. "They are the beasts who once reigned over this region…"

"Crush them." James smiled, his eyes glowing blue. "Leave as much of them intact as you can, however."

"What a bother…" The Scarlet Dragon complained. "You expect this King to gently put them to sleep? Should I prepare a nice, comfortable pillow for them as well?"

James chuckled. "You're starting to get my humour, red dragon. Just do as I say."

"Hmph… do not fault this King if I accidentally tear them in half."

James flew away from the Scarlet Dragon, watching it dive down like a missile. The flood dragons had seen him coming… but could do nothing about it. Though they were both flood dragons at the peak of the Sky Profound Realm… the Scarlet Dragon was a genuine Emperor Profound Realm true dragon! 

There was no comparison.

The Scarlet Dragon made the difference between them all too clear, absolutely dominating the flood dragons. Both male and female were shredded by its claws and teeth alone. Within minutes, the Scarlet Dragon was finished.

"Good work."

James descended and collected both corpses.

"Golden-haired brat, it seems these inferior creatures had gathered here… due to this unique aura." The Scarlet Dragon remarked.

James took a closer look and noticed an entrance.

"Let's see what's ahead."

He stepped inside to a realm of darkness, reminiscent of the Phoenix's trial grounds. Indeed, this was one of the Dragon God's Trial Grounds. The door shut behind him.

'I see…' James grinned slightly. 'Another meal for Yoggy.'

"To tame a true dragon of the Emperor Profound Realm at such an age… indeed, you are a remarkable talent." 

"This… could it be the Primordial Azure Dragon? Head of the various Divine Beasts in the Primordial Era, the Dragon God…" Jasmine was glazing like crazy, respectfully.

"Indeed, I am a residual spirit left behind by the Primordial Azure Dragon."

"So… would I be right to assume this is a trial ground?" James looked at the vast, long, narrow, azure blue eyes lingering in the sky.

"You would be correct, young human." The eyes blinked. "It seems that you have some experience with these things."

"Indeed… I do." James smiled slightly. "Unfortunately, I don't have much to show for it."

"A shame… you look like a capable fellow. Were the Phoenix's flames too powerful for you to withstand?"

"I want to ask you a question, Divine Spirit." James deflected the question, looking straight into its eyes. "Do you have a… test of character?"

"It is the final stage of my trial." The eyes blinked. "Though, the hardest stage would be the second. My trials mainly test one's strength, innate talent, willpower and determination."

"These are all things that I excel at," James replied, stroking his chin. "Throughout the trial, is there… opportunity? By that, I mean the ability to grow in profound strength."

"These are all strange questions… but the second trial may take a long time. It involves countless profound beasts that scale to your level of strength."

'Countless profound beasts… my level…'

James' grin only grew.

'You will live a little longer, Dragon God.'

"Do I have to do it alone… or can other people participate?" James questioned. 

"Another fold of difficulty will be added with each additional person undertaking the trial." The Divine Spirit replied. 

"Thank you for answering all of my questions, Divine Spirit." James nodded. "I've decided to undertake your trial… with some of my vassals."

Yun Wuxin, Itachi, Beatrice and Zero all appeared.

His entire starting lineup. 

He was sure of Itachi and Yun Wuxin's heart. As for Beatrice and Zero, they were hard carries that would bring it home. 

And after all of that…

Whatever remains would go to Yogg-Saron.

That was the plan he had in mind, anyway.

"... Five participants." The eyes blinked. "This is the most that participated in a good while. It will not be easy, young human."

"The more this trial pushes me, the better," James explained, his blue eyes shining. "I strive to be the strongest… and I cannot do that by taking things easy."

"I do like your spirit, young human. Then… are you prepared to face my trials?"

"We can start whenever you're comfortable," James replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hah… very well!"

And so… it began.


Meanwhile, outside of the Trial Grounds…

The Scarlet Dragon scratched his head.

"Locked out… what a shame." 

Chu Yuechan ignored the dragon, floating down to the entrance.

"... Human female, the golden-haired brat is undergoing an ardous trial alongside his servants." The Scarlet Dragon spoke, observing her actions. "You have no reason to get involved."

"... I will participate."

The entrance opened to her touch.


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This one's pretty long

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