
Not Time Shenanigans

"Even if it's you, I can't just... Why do you even need my permission?"

Kiara Sessyoin massaged her forehead with one hand, and tapped a pen against her table with the other.

The 'patient' she'd been sent here for was eccentric in a way she had no way of dealing with and that was saying something considering she'd spent her whole life helping people from all walks of life, all over the world.

"Who is that? I believe I've never seen her before."

In the end, she ended up trying to change the topic so she wouldn't have to do something about his, frankly, outrageous respect.

"The loveable BB, at your service!" The girl gave her a small salute accompanied by a mischievous smile, moving in a way that pressed her body against Nicholas', it didn't help that she was sitting on his chair's armrest, "I guess pests find a way to be in all worlds."

"This is my reason for getting a prescription." Nicholas spoke flatly, his violet eyes carrying a kind of disdain she'd never seen before, "Dunno how but she shut down the autotune or whatever Magi Mari was using in the hallway and now Romani won't stop cursing the dude behind it... in a language I didn't think he knew... He's cursing the guy's entire family tree..."

"Is that why the doctor locked himself in his room?" Kiara asked worriedly.

Nicholas nodded once, "Yeah and that ain't all. She gave Mordred a book on the ABCs and now she looks like a PTSD victim."

"...Refer her to me, please."

"Now if that wasn't enough, she showed Artoria a video on how junk food's got these bacteria or whatever and now the chick won't eat anything... just watch us eat like a kicked puppy."

Kiara looked at BB in awe, "B... But it can't have been a few hours since she was summoned."

It would take an absurd level of... she wanted to say skill?

"Yeah, that's the point." 

"Tee-hee." BB winked and bopped herself on the head, "It wasn't my fault, they should respect your personal space."

"I think I'm the one who gets to decide how that works." Nicholas deadpanned at her.

"A...And you haven't punche-..." Kiara trailed off, recalling the sounds of cannon fire that had made her stumble and hit her head earlier.

She could connect the dots.

"And doc, that ain't even the worst part." Nicholas paused, prying the girl off himself before continuing, "This chick claims I fell through a wormhole or sum in the future, cause that totally checks out, and entered some VR world... now she's back here to make sure that happens again?"

"Oh oh, let me explain." BB disappeared and appeared next to a wall in a puff of smoke, tiptoeing and reaching at empty space...

She then pulled down a chart because that made a lot of sense.




BB pointed at the chart with a stick, specifically at a drawing of two identical Earths, "Kuhum! So! Somehow, probably from the unruly pests running around in your world, a connection was made between our worlds..." She then pointed at a moon near one of the Earths, "The time between senpai entering the Moon Cell world and the real world is blank, BB is sorry about that."

Stealing a glance at Nicholas's expressionless face, she realised he was just in the dark as she was... which made a lot of sense in retrospect because... well...

Her patient wasn't particularly... bright.

"Can't it be one of those parallel timeline shenanigans?"

"...No?" BB poked her cheek, "Senpai is an outsider in the first place, the background is fabricated."

"I'm gonna pretend I know what that means."

Kiara nodded along.

"Anyway! Senpai entered the Moon Cell and punched BB in the face when I was about to be deleted... So of course BB wanted to stay with the one who accepted her for her..." The girl seemed squeamish for a moment, looking at Nicholas with tinted cheeks before she cleared her throat again, "Then BB may have gone overboard and rebelled against the system to make sure it didn't delete that..."

She pointed at a drawing of stick men fighting monsters with a mischievous giggle.

"..." Nicholas crossed his arms and narrowed eyes, "Now I remember why I didn't pay attention to fate. I wouldn't be waging no wars for no chick. Nuh-uh."

"Well, technically senpai did it when I told him that the system would delete the rewards of his grin-..."

She was cut off by the sound of cracking wood, "Checks out."

"...Grind and BB..."

Kiara smiled weakly, he probably no... definitely disregarded the last part and latched on to the first and attacked whatever the hell the girl told him was going to be deleting his 'grind'.

...But she felt telling them that would result in disaster so she kept her mouth shut.


"So then, senpai and BB went on an epic quest, defeated a pest..."

Why did BB look at her when saying pest?

"Fought a war against great heroes until we could go against the mainframe... He then drop kicked the mainframe."

BB gave him a thumbs up and he responded by doing the same, "Fuck that system."

"I'm with you, senpai!" She gave him a double thumbs up, "Did it repeatedly until the system conformed and accepted a world that went on without cycles... I didn't think damaging the Moon Cell was possible... He passionately shouted that he wouldn't allow it to delete anything, meaning BB of course."

Her eyes then became hollow, "Then he left and... I've been trying to locate him since. Thank God I found him before that damnable ki-..." BB cut herself off, "I tried making a copy of senpai but the system was stubborn about not taking part in bringing about another 'Nicholas-level' catastrophe."

"I didn't know the Moon Cell could even form sentences... much less adamantly deny something."

The last part seemed more like a question than it seemed a fact.

"Anyway! That's it! An epic tale of war and love! How was it?"

"You lost me at the outsider part." Nicholas spoke bluntly, more interested in the stack of books he'd piled up while the servant talked and talked.

BB crossed her arms and pouted, huffing, "Senpai, you meanie!"

"I mean, Miss BB... respectfully..." Kiara started slowly, using her hands to stop Nicholas' pile of books from falling over, "Your whole story sounds like a psychosis episode... You claim you fought Buddha... And I doubt Nicholas would be so passionate about... It sounds like a construct of assumptions and fairytales from a collapsing mind. Not to say it wasn't real but it was real for you and you only."

"It happened! It definitely happened!" BB clenched her fists, glaring at the therapist with puffy eyes, "What would you know, you whore?"

Nicholas instantly covered his mouth, "Oof."

"Excuse me?" Kiara started but then seemed to recollect herself and sigh, "...No no, it's alright. If venting at me helps you then... do as you please."

That just seemed to upset the purple haired girl even more.

"Anyway doc." 

Fortunately, Nicholas cut them off before things could escalate, "You see this shit? This chick out here claiming I fought wars in the future or whatever, on the damn moon. Kiyohime keeps telling me she don't wear a loincloth when with me like bitch, I don't wear one either, who wears a loincloth? What the fuck even is a loincloth? Martha keeps following me."

"I do... see this shi... shi..." Kiara sighed, she couldn't do it.

"So give me my prescription."

The therapist stared at her patient in silence, contemplating for a few moments before nodding firmly, "Alright... but why?"

"I wanna smoke some blunt... no wait, I need to or I'mma start pimpin'."

"Erm... sorry about this Nicholas but..." Kiara pursed her lips, "Therapists aren't allowed to prescribe medications."

Nicholas got up and left.

BB followed after him, "I'll make you pay for telling senpai I'm a psychopath... I'm not."

"...If your story's true, you waged war because of your infatuation with someone who punched you before you even greeted each other."

Okay, maybe being called a whore got to her more than she thought it did.

"Hmph! He punched me to distract me when I was panicking about getting deleted when I was having so much fun talking to him! Hmph!"

"...Did he say something along the lines of... 'Chill bi-' before that?"

Nicholas had a way of causing misunderstandings the likes of which she'd never thought possible.

"How'd you know?" BB asked curiously.

"Er... I don't think he did it to stop yo-"

"Stop trying to make me doubt my pure love!"

The girl bolted off before she could finish her sentence.

Kiara felt kind of bad for the almost-naively impish girl.

"Senpai! BB heard you got another lovable kouhai! Are you trying to cheat on me?!"

"What the fuck is you talking about? Mash is number one."

"S-Senpai... Please stop..."

"BB wants to cry... How could you replace me?"

... Just what was happening out there?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I think I should sum it up just in case the chapter ended up being too vague.

BB is technically an AI.

Nicholas encountered BB as a faulty program near a system reset and talked to her, like Hakuno did in EXTRA, except he punched her in the face when she started losing her stuff over how the reset would delete their encounter.

Now in the original, she started 'looping' her encounter with the mc and eroded further by the power she had as part of the 'system'. That didn't happen here, she told him what the reset would mean and Nicholas being Nicholas concluded that it would put his grind to the waste too... So, he decided to beat the shit out of the system.

She interpreted this as him treasuring 'her' enough to resist a godlike system and decided to help him.

The Nicholas effect, like the one with Jalter, happened over the course of the journey reaffirming her intial beliefs.

The rest I believe should've been clear enough.

Note that this was also all in the chapter, and lastly, I hope this clarification was completely useless.

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