
Lucas Is A Villain? No, He Is The New Leader!

The darkness will eventually pass, and the sun will shine on the earth.

For the people of the British wizarding world, this night was a sleepless night.

News from the Daily Prophet followed one after the other.

One would say that the Saints had the upper hand, and the next would say that the Death Eaters had the upper hand.

People's hearts were going up and down following the reports, and as the night passed, many people almost had a heart attack.

"Dawn, I don't know what the result will be."

Everyone was waiting for the final result.

Not only people from the British magic community, but even other countries were also paying attention.

This is also related to their friendly relationship with England and their strategy of getting along.

It was as if the wizarding world had been paused until they saw an owl flying from the sky.

"The Daily Prophet is here!"

The owls accurately delivered the newspaper to every wizarding family.

The headlines on the front page were printed in huge fonts.

[We won!]

Below the caption there was a photograph of Hogwarts.

Looking at the devastated Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the photos, many people even shed tears.

Some of them were crying over the destruction of the school.

Some wept with joy.

Looking at the people cheering and celebrating in the photo.

Some wizards couldn't help but run out of their house and shout excitedly.

Even if it could get the attention of Muggles, who cares at this time!

"Victorious, we won."

"The Dark Lord is dead, no, now we can call his name, Voldemort is dead!"

In the Leaky Cauldron, there were originally two groups of people who had different opinions.

At this moment, they all raised their drinks and celebrated this memorable day together.

In Diagon Alley, many shops that had been closed for a long time finally reopened.

Although it was still early and there were not many people on the street, we can vaguely see the shadow of the prosperity of the Diagon Alley from the past.

As the time went on, more and more people got the news of the victory.

People came to Hogsmeade, to Diagon Alley, to the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic to celebrate.

Even Knockturn Alley was full of laughter and happiness.

Owls were destined to be very busy on this day.

The Daily Prophet later published more detailed news of the battle.

Among them is the identity of Lucas Grindelwald who turned out to be an elf.

The Malfoy family's hard work and courage.

Dumbledore's return from the dead.

The wonderful duel between Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald against Voldemort.

And the all-important Battle of the Legendary Wizards.

"It turns out that Hogwarts motto means this, but I thought it was just a sentence with a deeper meaning."

"Is Hogwarts castle alive? Are the trees in the Forbidden Forest alive as well? What am I missing!"

"Spell words? Mr Grindelwald created a powerful magic."

"Legendary wizard?! Merlin, Mr Grindelwald seems to be only 16 years old?"

"He is an elf, and his exact age is definitely not 16!"

"Malfoy, Parkinson, Nott, these families have been helping Mr. Grindelwald. It's not been easy for them."

It is foreseeable that the next few days, or even longer. The topics people discuss are inseparable from this great battle that is destined to be recorded in history.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After a simple celebration, everyone began to deal with post-war matters.

Death Eaters who surrendered in large numbers needed to be escorted to prison.

This brings the topic to Voldemort again.

If it wasn't for his initiative to rebuild the dilapidated Azkaban, there wouldn't be a place to detain these people today.

And the rebuilding of the school, due to the magic left by the Founders, the castle basically does not need repairs.

The Forbidden Forest has not suffered any losses.

But the courtyard in front of the castle was completely destroyed.

Also Professor Sprout's Greenhouse, the Owl Shed, Broom Shed and Quidditch Pitch all need rebuilding.

Especially the Quidditch pitch that was burned down by the Death Eaters.

Despite the magic, rebuilding these buildings is not difficult.

But there are many things that cannot be restored by magic, like those magic plants in the greenhouse!

So Professor Sprout's complexion was quite bad upon seeing the destroyed greenhouse.

"Professor, Headmaster Dumbledore is looking for you."

Cedric tremblingly came to his Head of House and said.

Professor Sprout took a deep breath, and finally moved her gaze away from the greenhouses.

"Well, I have a lot to talk to Dumbledore about too!"

The seventh floor of the castle, headmaster's office.

Professor Sprout entered the office along the stairs and found that almost all the professors from the school were there.

In addition, there were also most members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Headmaster, the school is now in a state of disuse, I don't know why you called us here at this time?"

Snape's face was very bad, because he found that the potions in his collection room were destroyed during the fight in the castle.

As a person obsessed with potions, this is definitely a disaster for him.

Professor Sprout nodded equally grimly.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Dumbledore waved his hands with a smile.

"It's not that I'm looking for you, but it's because of Harry's request that I helped him arrange an appointment here."

Everyone looked at Harry who was sitting on the sofa.

Feeling a little nervous, Harry tugged on Ron's sleeve, hoping that his friend would give him some support.

However, Ron was still deeply immersed in the feeling of his supernatural power from before and he didn't notice his actions at all.

Harry sighed when he saw that, then he got up and looked around at everyone in the room.

"Everyone is someone I can trust, so I won't hide it. What I want to talk about is Lucas Grindelwald's problem."

"Lucas?" Snape frowned, "I don't think there's anything wrong with him."

The others nodded as well, looking at Harry suspiciously.

"Not long after the war started, I got a bottle of memories from Professor McGonagall, and they belonged to Headmaster Dumbledore."

After saying this, Harry looked at the two of them.

Professor McGonagall nodded in acknowledgment of the fact.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "I learned a lot from the Pensieve, and also felt the painstaking efforts of Professor Dumbledore."

"Just when I was about to proceed according to the plan, many strange memories suddenly appeared in my mind."

"Among these memories, there are two passages related to Headmaster Dumbledore, I think you should have used the Memory Charm on me at that time."

Dumbledore didn't deny it, and showed a look of interest.

His reaction made everyone curious about what Harry would say next.

Sirius was impatient and couldn't help but urging his godson to continue talking quickly.

Harry considered for a moment before speaking about the other memory.

That was what Lucas said to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets in the second year when he behaved like a complete villain.

When Harry finished talking, everyone frowned immediately, and the office became extremely quiet all of a sudden.

After a long time, Ron said cautiously: "Harry, did you remember wrongly? Lucas probably wouldn't do such a thing, would he?"

Dumbledore even came directly to Harry because he wanted to use magic to detect whether the Curse of Desire that Harry mentioned was real.

But after careful inspection for a long time, nothing unusual was found.

The Curse of Desire is a very old spell, so it's basically impossible to find and eradicate it if the strength is below the legendary level.

Unless Dumbledore has the corresponding counterspell.

Seeing Dumbledore shake his head slightly Harry felt anxious immediately: "Professor, what I said is true."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the others, and the first thing that greeted him was Snape's scornful eyes.

"It seems that Mr. Potter has indeed fallen under the so-called Curse of Desire, otherwise he would never have done such a stupid thing."

"Mr. Potter, I need to remind you that the Spirit Purifying Potion you took was found by Lucas Grindelwald for you."

"Including several of the main materials, he also found them for you. Do you need me to tell you what those materials are?"

Without waiting for Harry Potter to answer, Snape went on to say: "Willingly given Phoenix Blood, Blood from a Dragon's heart that was defeated in a fair one on one fight, Elf Tears, just these three things make many people daunted."

"He got the blood of the phoenix from Headmaster Dumbledore through a transaction, and the Elf tears are his own, so guess where the blood of the dragon came from?"

Everyone immediately thought of the Triwizard Tournament.

At that time, they didn't understand why even though Lucas could easily get the golden egg, he still insisted on killing the dragon in the end.

Now they finally understood.

If that's the case, Lucas has really done a lot for Harry.

Seeing Harry who had nothing to say, Snape sneered and left the headmaster's office.

Remus and Sirius exchanged glances, then walked up to Harry and said: "Harry, you know that we trust you."

"But Lucas just saved the wizarding world, maybe what he said to you that time was just a joke?"

"Otherwise, how do you explain his current behavior? Why has he been desperately protecting you?"

Harry looked at the others and found that everyone had a look of distrust.

He knew that it would be hard for everyone to believe what he said at this moment, but he swore in his heart that sooner or later he would reveal Lucas' true colors.

Temporary retreat does not mean giving up.

"Well, maybe it was really a joke at the time, I was thinking too much."

Seeing his godson figured it out so quickly, Sirius was very happy, unfortunately he didn't see the red light in Harry's eyes when he lowered his head.

The next few days, Lucas has been busy rebuilding Hogwarts. After all, he is now the heir to the Founders.

The remaining Death Eaters who surrendered also entered the trial process.

Although the Malfoy family, the Parkinson family and others defected at the last moment, they were also Death Eaters before, so they also needed to be interrogated.

Fortunately, Lucas came forward to vouch for those families who had turned from the dark to the light.

And he also described in detail how the Malfoy family contacted him when they realized that the Dark Lord was likely to be resurrected, and proposed a plan to instigate rebellion.

In Lucas' description, everything the Malfoy family did is for the future of the wizarding world.

For the sake of the magic world, they were willing to bear the burden of humiliation, only to defeat the Dark Lord at the last moment.

Lucas's reputation at this time has long become unmatched, and titles such as legendary wizard, new leader, and greatest wizard have all been placed on his head.

Plus the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet are under the control of the Saints.

So Malfoy and other families not only were acquitted in court, but they were also rewarded for their contributions.

What Lucas promised at the beginning, to make the Malfoy family the top pure-blood family in England, is being fulfilled step by step.

The trial ended, and Lucas, who had been busy for several days, finally returned to Grindelwald Manor after a long absence.

Seeing that oriental master chair, he thought about Tom Riddle again.

Sitting on the chair, he closed his eyes slightly and said in his mind: 'System, use the legendary lottery draw!'

A starry sky appeared in front of Lucas, and countless dots of stars represented the legendary rewards.

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