
Voldemort's Despair, The Battle Of The Ministry Of Magic!

Hogwarts, which had been noisy for most of the night, finally quieted down.

Both the Death Eaters and the defenders looked to the sky as the dazzling green light flew straight towards the blond boy.

But what was surprising is that Lucas didn't even bother to dodge, and he didn't even use his wand to resist.

"Arrogant Grindelwald, you will pay for this." Voldemort's eyes became fierce, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But his smile didn't last long.

Seeing the Killing Curse passing through the opponent's chest, Voldemort's eyes were filled with confusion. Because Lucas has demonstrated yet another magic that he doesn't understand.

Laughter came from the sky.

Lucas is not a god, let alone have magic to stand in the sky.

But he has the elven magic, void escape.

Although it is only a short ten seconds, it is still possible to make others think that he can stand in the air.

Originally, he just wanted to simply shock the people present, he just didn't expect Voldemort to be so cooperative.

This killing curse made Lucas completely a myth among the Death Eaters.

Hogwarts has been quiet ever since.

Even the Slytherin students were intimidated by the strength of their Chief.

But looking at their eyes, it seems that they worship him more.

"Voldemort, the Killing Curse won't work on me."

As he finished his sentence, Lucas slowly fell to the ground under the gaze of everyone.

When his feet hit the ground, the time limit of void escape just ended.

Then black smoky figures all over the sky fell to the ground one after another.

The members of the Saints appeared in unison.

The most eye-catching were the three figures at the front of the crowd.

Vinda Rosier and Abernathy, two veteran quasi-legendary wizards.

Even though they are close to one hundred years old, the strength of the two should not be underestimated.

But neither of them was as attention grabbing as the young figure beside them.

Although the magic pressure emitted by the person is weaker than that of Vinda, it is indeed a genuine quasi-legendary level figure.

"Isn't that Derek Walls from the Ministry of Magic?"

"Impossible, Walls' magic power is only at the level of a student!"

When he heard some of the Death Eaters talking about him, Derek turned his head and showed a cold look.

It's hard to be stared at by a quasi-legendary wizard, so the so-called Death Eater immediately shut his mouth.

Voldemort clenched the wand in his hand, and his gaze stayed on the three of them for a long time.

"Even then, so what, I still have more people than you. And what can these three wastes do to me?"

Voldemort opened his arms and said these words loudly.

But in Lucas's view, these words are more like speaking to the Death Eaters.

His eyes flicked to the Death Eaters behind Voldemort and sure enough, he found that many people's eyes became eager to move.

In fact, at this point, the only option for the Death Eaters is to go all out.

"Kill!" Voldemort's high-pitched, cold voice sounded and the Death Eaters roared as they rushed towards the castle.

"Hey!" Lucas shook his head helplessly: "You guys do it too!"

Vinda and the others nodded, and greeted the Death Eaters with the Saints behind them.

Ministry of Magic.

In the huge Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the left-behind Death Eaters lazily gathered to play cards and chat.

These lawless guys occupy the most important departments of the Ministry of Magic, making the entire Ministry become a mess.

But because of their identities, ordinary wizards dare not even complain.


Pius walked in through the gate along with Pyne, but the Death Eaters in the hall did not even bother to restrain their behavior.

They even looked at the two of them with a hint of contempt.

For those who joined the Death Eaters very early, Pius and Pyne are just latecomers, and they are not qualified to be compared with them.

Besides, Thicknesse is not an important pure-blood family, so these Death Eaters naturally don't need to respect Pius, the Minister of Magic.

"You guys are a bunch of trash!"

Pius' emotional words echoed in the hall and the Death Eaters froze for a moment.

Realizing that he was scolding them, a Death Eater immediately pulled his feet back from the table.

"Pius Thicknesse, what did you just say? Don't forget that Director Yaxley is in charge here!"

Pius closed his eyes, showing a helpless expression.

"I'm really tired of your dog-like behavior, let's do it."

His tone was very flat, but it just expressed his indifference at this time, because these Death Eaters were not even human beings in his eyes.

Several Death Eaters just felt angry, and didn't understand the meaning of his words until they saw the green light behind Pius.

A large number of Saints poured in from outside the door and the remaining Death Eaters hastily drew their wands and fought back.

But they didn't see a lot of black and thin shadows flying in from the gaps in the wall behind them.

These were not members of the Saints, they were Lethifolds, a type of magical creature.

They look like a black veil that is blown in the sky by the wind most of the time.

When they want to look for food, they will fall to the ground and fly close to the ground.

When a suitable target is found, it will wrap around people's bodies, and then the target will be torn apart little by little.

Like the dementors, the only known way to expel them is to use the Patronus Charm.

The Death Eaters have Dementors, and the Saints of course have a way to control Lethifolds.


A Death Eater who was fighting back suddenly let out a scream.

Under the gaze of his companions, a layer of black veil quickly wrapped him up.

Then a chewing sound came from the black cloth. And after a while, only a pile of minced meat and bones were thrown out.

"It's Lethifolds, get out of the way and inform Director Yaxley."

A seasoned Death Eater led the rest away from the ghastly man-eating creature.

But they soon found out that there were more and more Lethifolds around. They had already surrounded them all, so their faces completely fell into despair.

Fortunately, Yaxley came out of the office at this time.

"Pius, what are you doing?"

Yaxley was in a very bad mood today because he was chosen by Voldemort to stay and guard the Ministry of Magic instead of following the rest to attack Hogwarts.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that the battlefield is the only place to claim credit, especially in such a one-sided crushing war.

Such a pity that he is doomed to miss the honor.

So when Pius came with people, it undoubtedly gave Yaxley an excuse to vent.

But when he saw the situation in the hall with his own eyes, the drunkenness on his face instantly sobered up.

"Pius, you..."

"Director Yaxley, please don't resist, put down your wand, and hand it over quickly!"

Yaxley asked in surprise: "How dare you betray the Dark Lord?"

"What betrayal? I was just playing tricks. As early as when Voldemort was just resurrected, we Saints had already controlled the Ministry of Magic."

"You are a Saint?" Yaxley's expression turned even more surprised.

Seeing the opponent's hand touching the wand vaguely, Pius immediately waved his wand: "Incarcerous!"

A rope appeared out of nowhere and tied Yaxley up.

At this point the battle in the hall was over.

Facing the trained members of the Saints, these mobs simply had no power to fight back.

"Pius, I am willing to surrender, I can join the Saints!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the leader doesn't need a double-faced guy like you, so please die."

Pius ignored the other party's hateful eyes, raised his wand and said the magic words: "Avada Kedavra!"

At the same time.

Various levels of fighting were taking place on all the floors of the Ministry of Magic.

It's just that there are relatively few Death Eaters in other places compared to the Law Enforcement Department.

"Director York, the Death Eaters on all the floors have been cleared."

The current director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation was playing with the wand in his hand.

He fixed his eyes on the door in front of him, and listened carefully to the panicked shouts coming from behind the door.

"Then let's go see the Senior Undersecretary."


The office door was shattered by a spell and Umbridge immediately hid under the office desk.

She had heard the screams outside just now clearly, so she had planned to leave the Ministry with some valuables but didn't expect the other party's people to come so quickly.

"Director York, I don't seem to have offended you before."

He nodded: "It's true that you didn't offend me directly, but just seeing your faces offends me, and the leader doesn't like you very much, so he specifically told me to come and take care of you."


Seeing the puzzled look in Umbridge's eyes, York pointed to the embroidery on the chest of his robe.

The Saints mark embroidered with silver thread was quite conspicuous.

Seeing the toad's suddenly enlightened expression, he turned and walked out with a chuckle.

"Director York, I'm not finished yet, York..."

Umbridge wanted to beg for mercy, but was blocked by more than a dozen wands.

"Avada Kedavra!" *N

York went straight to the Law Enforcement Division and arrived just in time to see Pius take down Yaxley.

"Minister, the left-behind enemy personnel have been taken care of, and we can set off to Hogwarts for support."

"Thanks for your hard work!"

After Pius finished speaking, he raised his wand high, and a silver curse passed through the ceiling of the Ministry of Magic and flew into the night sky of London.

The huge Saint mark lit up, representing that the Ministry of Magic is back under the control of the Saints.

Austria, Nurmengard Castle.

Facing the mirror, Gellert Grindelwald sighed upon seeing that he was so old.

The originally dazzling blond hair has completely turned gray at this moment.

Putting on that familiar black trench coat, Gellert turned his head and said, "Let's go, that brat can't wait anymore."

Dumbledore nodded with a smile and the two stepped out of the tower room.

As Gellert stepped out of the castle that he hadn't stepped out of for decades, the Saint members guarding the castle came over immediately.

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