
Ferret's Vengeance

The smell of blood was everywhere in the courtyard.

The flames from the explosion burned everything that could be ignited in the courtyard, including corpses.

The smell of blood and roasted meat was disgusting.

But even so, both sides of the battle did not stop.

Draco's eyes were very calm and he didn't lose his mind because of revenge.


The red spell flew towards Barty, who blocked it easily, and couldn't stop himself from mocking: "That's it? What about your ability to cast the Killing Curse just now?"

Barty threw out a green spell while speaking.

Draco, who had expected it for a long time, turned the gravel on the ground into a bronze shield.

The battle between the two attracted the attention of many people around, including Lucas in the Forbidden Forest, who is also watching through the Eye of Time.

He was still very reassured by Draco.

Especially seeing that he used a disarming spell, showing he was calm so he could feel more relieved.


'Petrificus Totalus!'

Draco cast two spells in a row, and one was not as powerful as the other.

Barty's heart gradually relaxed because the strength shown by Draco was only at the level of a normal student.

He was feeling a little worried just now, but fortunately, not everyone is like Lucas Grindelwald.

Fully aware of Draco's strength, Barty gradually relaxed his vigilance.

"The heir to the Malfoy family is getting worse and worse."

Barty waved his wand, and Draco was sent flying a few meters away.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will bring you before the Dark Lord and let him deal with you, a traitor, personally."

"Oh, by the way, I will also make sure your parents are also punished, the Malfoy family is no longer trustworthy, and Lucius Malfoy is even more unworthy of being the right-hand man of the Dark Lord."

"And I! I am the one who should stand beside the Dark Lord!"

Barty Crouch Jr became more and more excited as he talked. At the end, he opened his arms with an intoxicated look on his face.


Draco's voice sounded, and Barty, who had a smug expression on his face suddenly felt the pain in his chest.

He lowered his head in astonishment.

"It seems that you usually don't like reading, Crouch, otherwise you would understand the truth of showing weakness to the enemy."

"Immobulus!" "Avada Kedavra!"

Draco didn't give the opponent a chance to respond. After immobilizing him, he cast the Killing Curse immediately.

Seeing that Crouch lost his blood color quickly and his pupils became dilated, Draco let out a sigh of relief.

The revenge of the ferret's humiliation was finally avenged today.

"Draco, be careful!"


Before Draco could check what was going on, rubble flew towards him from a distance.

There was also a huge wooden stick embedded in the rubble.

"Giant!" Draco gasped.

Apparently, not all the giants were attacking through the stone bridge at the entrance of the school.

At some point, the giants had broken through to the courtyard.

Seeing the giants wreaking havoc all around, everyone was really helpless for a while.

"Draco, get out of the way!"

Another reminder came from behind, and Draco rolled to the side without thinking.

The strong wind brought by the wooden trunk whipped the air, and it hurt Draco's cheek.


But he saw that the spell was bounced off by the opponent's skin.


Draco stood up and ran quickly towards the castle.


Standing by the window on the second floor of the castle, Trelawney swung her wand and smashed the crystal ball in her pocket at the giant.

"I still have a lot of these things, let you taste the power of the crystal ball."

Although the explosion of the crystal ball didn't cause any harm to the giant, it was Professor Trelawney's gesture of protecting him that caught Draco's attention.

It's just that she herself was in danger now.

Fortunately, the Saints team appeared in time and took her away from the window to avoid the fate of being smashed into a pulp by a wooden trunk.

In the courtyard, Mad-Eye Moody shouted: "Remus, Sirius, Kingsley, and professors, let's deal with the giants together.

"Others help stop the Death Eaters!"

Although dispatching elites to deal with giants will allow Death Eaters to seize the opportunity.

But letting the giants do as they please would obviously be worse.

The people whose names were called approached Moody.

Professor McGonagall took the lead, and the exquisite transfiguration spell turned the surrounding rubble into stone giants.

She controlled the stone statues to surround a giant in the middle, clamping the opponent's hands and feet.

"Quick!" Professor McGonagall urged.

Professor Sprout quickly dropped a devil's snare, vines climbed onto the giant's body, and fixed the giant's head.

Sirius and Remus immediately conjured a dozen long swords and aimed them at the giant's eyes.

Professor Flitwick finally used a spell to add even more kinetic energy to these long swords.

The swords pierced the giant's eyes and penetrated its brain.

Howling in pain, the giant broke free, swinging the huge wooden club around and even smashed the head of another giant.

A few minutes later, the giant fell to the ground and gradually lost his breath.

Although they successfully killed a giant, they were not happy.

It is already so difficult to deal with one giant and there are still another seven giants like this on the scene.

By the time they are all dealt with, the Death Eaters might have captured the castle long ago.

When several professors were at a loss, a group of house elves suddenly rushed out of the castle.

With Regulus' locket on his chest, Kreacher charged at the nearest Death Eater with a sharp meat cleaver in hand.

Even though the surrounding environment was so noisy, Kreacher's voice still reached everyone's ears clearly.

"Fight! Fight! Fight for my master, defender of the house-elves, and in the name of the great Regulus, destroy the Dark Lord!"

There was anger in the eyes of the house-elves.

Probably because the Death Eaters are destroying their home!

They swarmed towards the Death Eaters, and they had a clear division of labor, chopping off feet and hands almost simultaneously.

The Death Eaters didn't even have time to fight back, and were pinned to the ground by the house-elves.

Kreacher held up the meat cleaver in his hand, and looked at the nearest giant.

"Fight, kill this ugly giant!"

More than a hundred elves rushed up quickly.

This battle with a huge disparity in size makes people tremble with fear.

The elves hacked with knives and axes, but they couldn't hurt the giant's thick skin.

Upon seeing this, Professor McGonagall shouted: "House elves, in the name of Hogwarts Acting Headmistress, I allow you to use magic!"

The next moment, the house elves snapped their fingers.

Their magic was so powerful that some house-elves could even make chains grow on the ground to bind giants with just a snap of their fingers.

And some house-elves even levitated boulders that weigh as much as a giant to attack.

With the addition of the house-elves, the defenders who had already entered the decline miraculously persevered again.

Snape stood at the window on the fifth floor of the castle, watching what happened in the courtyard.

Seeing that everyone turned the crisis around, he let out a sigh of relief.

He was going to help just now, but fortunately, Professor McGonagall and others persisted.

Looking at the Spirit Purifying Potion in his left hand, Snape continued to walk towards the seventh floor.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the sixth floor, he saw the gloomy Harry in front.

"Mr Potter doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all. Even though people are dying everywhere outside, you still hang around like this."

The smooth voice echoed in the corridor on the sixth floor.

Harry sighed helplessly: "Professor Snape, I was just thinking about something, you came just in time, I have something very important to talk to you about."

Snape was surprised by the change in his attitude, but now is not the time to talk nonsense.

He put away his wand, grabbed Harry's shoulders, and disapparated into the docks.

With the end of the Black Lake battle, the Slytherin students defending outside the docks returned to the castle for support.

"Drink this!"

Harry, who had learned the whole process from Dumbledore, knew very well what the potion in the professor's hand would do, so he drank it without any hesitation.

Snape glanced at the other party in astonishment, then lifted his left sleeve, and pressed the fingers of his right hand on the vivid Dark Mark.

Harry knew he was sending a message to Voldemort, but he believed that Snape wouldn't hurt him.

Watching the other party finish his work, Harry said after a moment of consideration.

"Professor, I want to tell you about Lucas. He is not as kind as he looks."

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