
Lucas’ Speech

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, everyone was impressed by Lucas' powerful strength.

Seeing everyone quiet down, Lucas took another step forward, hoping to make himself visible to all.

"I know that some of the people who came here today bear blood feuds with each other, and some have long-standing grievances."

The Merpeople and the Kappas are naturally hostile to each other.

If it weren't for the presence of Lucas, the two sides might have returned to the Black Lake to fight a long time ago.

Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy glared at each other at the same time, while Sirius was eager to step forward and bite off a piece of Snape's flesh.

Lucas, who was standing on the high platform, saw everyone's appearance.

"Even I was once persecuted by the Ministry of Magic of Germany and France, and almost had nowhere to go."

"At that time, I was thinking whether to lead the Saints to fight to the death with them. This idea started when I was very young and has been with me as I grew up."

"Even for a while, it became the goal I was fighting for, and what I wanted to do was the same as you-know-who is doing now."

As Lucas talked about what he used to do, everyone's attention gradually focused on him.

Hearing that he had such dangerous thoughts, many people broke into a cold sweat.

Vinda and Abernathy bowed their heads slightly as the eyes of the two became a little sad.

Only they knew best how difficult the situation of the Saints was in the past. Many old friends bid farewell to this world forever during that period.

"However, when I came here, I got to know everyone, especially Dumbledore, and I learned a lot from him."

"Before Dumbledore went to die, I asked him a question, whether he was afraid of death."

Whether it was the Order of the Phoenix, the Death Eaters, or anyone else who knew Dumbledore, they all looked up at Lucas at this moment.

They were curious about what kind of answer Dumbledore would give.

Lucas recalled the scene of that day and chuckled: "He said he was afraid of death."

Everyone was stunned. They all thought Dumbledore would say something more daring.

But after hearing the answer, they felt it was just like him again.

Lucas paused for two seconds and continued: "But he also said that if his death can be exchanged for peace and tranquility in the future, he would be happy to die."

When Lucas said this, his tone was very flat, just like when Dumbledore had answered him.

But the feeling it brought to everyone was very shocking.

Fear of death, but willing to give up your life for the future, this is even greater.

Behind the crowd, Aberforth Dumbledore, who had just arrived not long ago, froze in place. He could imagine his brother's expression when he said this.

But it is precisely because of this that he is even more serious.

Because Albus distributed his love to many people, even to all living beings in the wizarding world.

But in this love, he seemed to forget his only brother.

Lucas' speech continued.

He looked around at everyone and let out a chuckle again: "Perhaps this is the so-called power of 'love' he often talked about."

"Dumbledore gave his love to the wizarding world, betting his life on a brighter future."

"He once asked me, with the rapid development of human beings, how long can the magic community exist?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this question.

Those who can stand here, except for a few old antiques, most people know enough about Muggles.

Even Lucius Malfoy had a full understanding of Muggle technology under the influence of Lucas.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Dumbledore had already been thinking about the issue of survival.

Lucas' expression gradually became serious as his eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

"Dumbledore asked me before he died, he asked me to protect this fragile wizarding world."

"At this moment, you-know-who is watching Hogwarts not far away. But if the wizarding world is destined to perish one day, it will definitely not be today."

"Today, there are no enemies here. We or our relatives have all been harmed by him and his Death Eaters."

As Lucas's voice became louder and louder, many people thought of the friends they had lost.

Sirius thought of his stupid brother and his best friend James Potter.

Mad-Eye thought of his comrades who had fought against Voldemort together with him but unfortunately died.

Madam Longbottom thought of her son and daughter-in-law.

Snape thought of the woman he had loved for most of his life.

There were many others.

At this moment, they recalled the damage that the Death Eaters and Voldemort had done to them.

"Saints." Lucas glanced at his subordinates.

Seeing the firm gaze in their eyes, he showed a gentle smile.

"Order of the Phoenix!"

He looked at the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

After being named, their members immediately raised their heads.

There was no hatred, no pain in their eyes, only anger towards Voldemort remained.

"Death Eaters, no, you should be called pure-blood wizards."

Lucius led the people behind him to draw out their wands, and saluted Lucas with Slytherin's unique etiquette.

"Madam Longbottom."

The old woman wiped away her tears, smiled and nodded to Lucas.

The people who came to help paid their respects to Lucas with various etiquettes.

"Magical Creatures!"

The magical animals around lowered their heads miraculously, expressing their respect and allegiance to him.

Lucas looked away from everyone and said forcefully: "Today, there will be no distinction between you and me. Today, let us fight for the future of the magic world."

"I ask everyone, please help me, I want to protect this world and fight for a bright future for the magic world."

Vinda saw the aura of thousands of people present condensed into a rope.

She looked at the young man with his back turned to her with relief.

She still remembers how he looked when he first learned his first spell. But in the blink of an eye, Lucas was already an excellent leader.

How time flies!

"Grindelwald!" A Saint suddenly called out Lucas' surname loudly.

Gradually everyone started shouting, even the Order of the Phoenix and those pure-blood families.

After the speech was over, the originally scattered people became a single group.

Everyone's goal is the same, to defeat the Dark Lord!

The Order of the Phoenix and Madam Longbottom left first, while Lucius and the others returned to Voldemort to prepare.

Hogwarts Castle.

Harry walked out of the great hall with Dumbledore's memory in his hand. He couldn't wait to learn the whole truth.

Just as he stepped out of the door with one foot, the sound of Apparition came from nearby.

"Harry, where are you going?"

"Seeing how you are in a hurry, do you have an important task?"

Harry looked at the twins beside him in surprise.

"Fred, George, you are here?"

"It's not just us!" Fred pointed to the door as members of the Order of the Phoenix walked in led by Moody.

"Everyone..." Harry's eyes lit up with hope.

It turned out that the allied force that Professor McGonagall was referring to was the Order of the Phoenix. He should have thought of it earlier.

Professor McGonagall also came out at this time, while Madam Longbottom also arrived with her people.

"We're not late, are we? Where's my grandson?"

"No ma'am, Neville is preparing for battle, he is very brave."

"Of course." The old woman's expression became very proud.

Harry stopped walking towards the headmaster's office.

He was going to be with the Order of the Phoenix to hear what their plan was.

It's just that he saw that there were only so few of them, and he became worried again.

Remus noticed his emotions keenly, so he patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we still have reinforcements."

After he finished speaking, he looked out of the great hall...

Harry noticed that everyone was looking towards the door, so driven by curiosity, he also stared at the door.


The door was suddenly opened and the students from Slytherin House arrived through apparition.

Professor McGonagall didn't expect them to come back, so she said in surprise: "You..."

"Professor McGonagall, we are also Hogwarts students, and we can't ignore the difficulty now."

The current chief of the seventh years, Marci Flint said.

McGonagall was shocked to see the students Apparate in.

Students from the third year of Slytherin could apparate independently.

What that means, McGonagall knows all too well.

So after hearing Marci's words, she smiled happily: "Welcome back!"

Mad-Eye Moody stepped onto the podium.

Standing where Dumbledore normally speaks at the beginning of a school year, watching all the remaining combatants.

"It is less than half an hour before midnight, and we must act quickly."

"We drew up a battle plan right now, Professor Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall, you each will lead a combat team respectively."

"You will occupy the three tallest towers in Hogwarts, the Astronomy Tower, the Ravenclaw Tower, and the Gryffindor Tower, where the view is wide and it is convenient to cast spells."

"I, Arthur, Remus and Sirius will lead teams to guard the entrances."

"Now all the team leaders come forward, we are going to divide the teams!"

Everyone took action immediately.

The leader of the divided teams immediately led the people to the predetermined position.

Professor McGonagall handed over the team to a Slytherin student, and she came to the foyer.

"I've wanted to use this spell for a long time!"

She raised her wand and shouted loudly: "Piertotum Locomotor!"

In an instant, the stone statues on the walls on both sides of the hall came to life.

And that's not all, the knight armors in the corridors of the castle along with the sculptures of animals also came alive.

They lined up neatly and walked out of the castle.

Walking in the front were those knight armors, holding sharp swords and maces in their hands, looking majestic.

"Hogwarts is under threat, guard the borders, protect us, and do your duty to the school!"

With the shout of Professor McGonagall, the sculptures moved more quickly.

And in the courtyard, Moody was leading a group of people holding up their magic wands, pointing to the sky.

"Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri, Repello Inimicum, Protego Horribilis"

White spells kept flying out from the tip of their wands as a huge protective shield appeared in the sky, and it was gradually closing to protect Hogwarts Castle.

After the stone statues were in place, and the shield was completed, all combatants moved into their positions.

Neville and Seamus along with some other students were at the end of the wooden bridge, looking at the dark land on the other side.

The Slytherins were assigned to the three towers, and they looked around vigilantly with their wands in their hands.

In the castle's kitchen, more than a hundred house elves were ready to join the battle with kitchen knives and frying pans.

At the front of the house elf team, Kreacher carried his master's locket, his face full of hatred for Voldemort. Beside him was Winky, who also lost her former owner.

On the other side of the Slytherin common room, a secret door suddenly opened and an elite team of Saints with goblin weapons came out of the Chamber of Secrets.

In the Forbidden Forest, the werewolves were already in combat position, waiting for the Death Eaters to arrive.

And in the depths of the forest, Lucas also led the rest of the team to the periphery.

At this moment, the clock struck midnight.

"Show our strength and start attacking!"

Voldemort looked at the protective shield in front of him, his face full of disdain.

Following his orders, countless spells began to fly into the sky, and they all had the same goal, pointing directly at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!.

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