
Snape Returns, And The Rain Is About To Come!

After Dumbledore's funeral, Hogwarts became more deserted.

Most of the students at Slytherin House were taken home by their parents, while the other Houses were not far behind.

While feeling sad, Professor McGonagall consulted with the other two Heads of House many times.

"I think the school should be closed, it's too dangerous here now."

Sprout and Flitwick looked at each other, reluctantly. But they knew that Professor McGonagall's words were correct at this time.

Harry stood outside the office door, listening to the discussion inside in silence. The closure of Hogwarts is not good news for him.

However, whether to close the school or not is not in his hands. What he needs to do at this time is to knock on the door and speak out his decision.

Thinking up to this point, Harry mustered up the courage to go forward and knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

McGonagall and other professors looked at the door that was pushed open.

"Harry?" Professor McGonagall looked at the boy in surprise.

"What's the matter with you?"

Harry looked around at the people in the room, and nodded slightly.

"Professor, I have come to say goodbye to you."

"Goodbye? The term isn't over yet Mr Potter!"

Harry smiled wryly, "Professor, I heard everything you said just now."

McGonagall froze for a moment when she heard that, and seeing that she still wanted to persuade him, Harry spoke first.

"Actually, we all understand that only when I leave Hogwarts can the students be safe."

"That way the school doesn't have to be closed, as long as no one defies Voldemort openly, he won't do anything to the students."

McGonagall opened her mouth to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, she found that everything Harry said was correct.

As a professor, being so powerless about the current situation of her students, and them still having to stand up and protect themselves.

It made McGonagall ashamed.

"Harry, actually you..."

"Professor, don't worry, I will be with Sirius and the others, they are still waiting for me, I will leave first."

Harry didn't even give McGonagall a chance to speak again.

Looking at the back of her student leaving, Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly.

"You go back first, we'll discuss the closure of the school later."

The professors got up one after another and walked out of McGonagall's office in silence.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix were gathered at the front hall.

Seeing the arrival of the savior, everyone immediately stepped forward and surrounded him.

"Harry, let's get out of here, Hogwarts is very unsafe for you right now, and it is the same for the Prewett house."

Harry asked puzzled, "Why is the Prewett house in danger?"

"After Dumbledore's death, the Secret Keeper will become everyone who knows the secret."

"This includes Severus Snape, now do you understand?"

Remus looked around vigilantly, even being in Hogwarts now couldn't make him relax.

It was the first time Harry had heard of such a thing.

Knowing the specific reason, he looked at everyone suspiciously: "Then where else can I avoid Voldemort's pursuit?"

"Of course you will understand when we get to the place, now we need to go to Hogsmeade Village through the Whomping Willow, and then leave from there." Mad-Eye said in a deep voice.

Since Dumbledore died, the members of the Order of the Phoenix are mainly led by Moody.

Many major decisions are made by him.

During the speech, everyone had already left the castle.

Just as he was about to walk to Whomping Willow, Harry suddenly had a strange feeling and looked back in the direction of the main entrance of Hogwarts.

He found that three figures were walking to Hogwarts from outside the door.

The person in the lead was also looking at him at the moment.

'Severus Snape!'

'Harry Potter!'

Both of them just revealed each other's identity in their minds, then withdrew their eyes and continued to do their own things.

Hogsmeade village.

Dumbledore's death also had a certain impact on the wizarding village.

On the deserted street, a group of people suddenly appeared.

They were the members of the Order of the Phoenix who had just emerged from the Shrieking Shack.

"Hogsmeade is not safe now, and no one can guarantee that there are no Death Eaters here."

Harry mentally nodded in agreement with Moody's words.

He could now point to someone under the Imperius Curse, Madame Rosmerta.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to the Three Broomsticks.

The bar that was supposed to be full of people and bustling was now closed.

Looking from the only window, he saw that the bar was completely dark.

He didn't know whether Madam Rosmerta was safe or not.

Just as he was considering whether to tell the others about Rosmerta, he realized that they had filed in and entered the Hog's Head.

"This is Aberforth Dumbledore, Dumbledore's brother."

Harry stepped out from behind Sirius.

Looking at the old man with the same familiar hairstyle and beard in front of him, the appearance of the two is indeed similar.

But Aberforth was a bit fatter.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the time is coming." Aberforth said impatiently.

Harry was very curious about his attitude, because Aberforth didn't seem sad.

Everyone followed Aberforth into a room and he noticed that there was an old bucket in the middle of the room.

"There is about 1 minute left, you have to get ready."

Everyone held hands and waited for the portkey to be activated.

As time passed by, the surface of the bucket gradually glowed with a blue light.

At this moment, Aberforth suddenly said: "Harry Potter, my brother has sacrificed many things on his own initiative."

"Including our sister Arianna, she loved him so much, but..."

Aberforth shook his head and continued: "Leave this time, just find a place to live properly, don't get involved anymore."

Just as he finished speaking the Portkey was activated.

Moody stepped into the bucket, and everyone disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Experienced the feeling of spinning again, Harry felt himself fall on a patch of grass.

Smelling the dirt and grass, he let out a long breath.

"Oh~ Harry, you're finally here!"

Mrs Weasley's voice came, and Harry felt himself being pulled from the ground immediately after.

He looked around and found that his place of residence for the following future turned out to be a shabby house.

"Hey buddy, surprised?"

Ron stepped forward and gave his friend a big hug.

"Ron? When did you come back?"

"A little earlier than you, come on, everyone is waiting for you."

Ron pulled Harry into the Burrow.

Everyone in the Weasley family was there, except for Ginny, of course.

Percy, who was normally obsessed with power, also quit his job at the Ministry of Magic and came back to tide over the difficulties with his family.

A smile spread across Harry's face.

Because of everyone's presence, all the worries and confusion in his heart disappeared.

"Harry, come and see who this is!"

Sirius came over with a rectangular object.

With everyone's encouragement, Harry lifted the black cloth above it.

Dumbledore's figure appeared within the frame. He was admiring the distant scenery in the portrait.

Feeling Harry's movement, Dumbledore turned around: "Hello, Harry, long time no see."

Harry didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Originally, the magic on this kind of portrait would only take effect after the person died, but Dumbledore was an exception.

Because his soul left the body, he did die once. So the magic product left behind after his death still took effect.

It was precisely because of this that no one suspected that Dumbledore was faking his death.

But who would have thought that Lucas had so many strange methods.

Because the means he used were too outrageous, he even cheated the magic!

Accompanied by Dumbledore's portrait, the smiles on everyone's faces became brighter.

But Hogwarts was not so happy.

Professor McGonagall looked at the appointment document in her hand, glaring resentfully at Severus Snape in front of her.

"Minerva, this is an order from the Ministry of Magic, the other two are Amycus Carrow and Alecto Carrow."

"They were appointed as Professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies."

The professors behind McGonagall were outraged.

Everyone saw clearly that night how the Carrows were among the Death Eaters who broke in.

They also participated in the whole process of killing Dumbledore.

But it's only been a few days and the two of them are back at school with the man who killed Dumbledore.

"Want to get into school? Dream on!"

Professor Flitwick had a rare moment of losing his composure.

"You dirty goblin, I'm going to put you in Azkaban!"

Amycus walked aggressively towards Flitwick, but was stopped by Snape just halfway there.

"Minerva, Dumbledore is dead, you have failed, resistance will only destroy Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall didn't speak at all. She looked into Snape's eyes, and said after a long time: "Get out of the way, from today on, Severus Snape will be our new headmaster."

The professors didn't understand why she did this though, but everyone trusted her.

Feeling relieved, Snape led the Carrows into the school.

The following few days.

The young wizards who remained at school were forced to be educated by the Carrow siblings.

Alecto preached the theory of pure-blood supremacy in Muggle Studies, while her brother Amycus used Defense Against the Dark Arts as a training ground for Death Eaters.

All kinds of black magic were taught to the students under his lead.

Snape wasn't idle these days either.

He found his former teacher, Horace Slughorn, and handed the Potions Professor position to him.

No one knows exactly what Horace's attitude is, as he seemed to have the same attitude towards the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix.

One night, Harry was admiring the stars covering the night sky together with Dumbledore's portrait.

Dumbledore suddenly looked away, shifting his gaze to the boy beside him.

"Harry, you should go back."

"What?" Harry froze for a few seconds, then turned to look at Dumbledore in the portrait.

"Go back to Hogwarts, the people there need you, and you need them."

"I know you still have a lot of doubts in your heart, go back, Minerva will tell you the answer."

After Dumbledore's portrait finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the side.

After a while he disappeared into the frame.

"Go back." Harry muttered to himself.

Staying with Dumbledore's portrait these days, he knew that he had to face Voldemort

There is just no way to escape this.

"Then I'll go back!"

Harry stood up from the grass holding the portrait.

When he turned around, he realized that Ron, Bill, Charlie and Percy were all behind him.


"We've already heard, Mom asked us to go back with you." Ron answered first.

Harry didn't say anything pretentious, because at this time, he really needs everyone's help.

In the silent night sky, several apparition sounds sounded.

Only when the sound ended did the people in the shabby house dare to come out.

Mrs Weasley's eyes were filled with tears.

She knew very well what the children were going to do, and she knew that they might be in danger.

But she couldn't stop them, and she won't stop them.

Fred and George looked at each other and took a few steps forward together.

"Then we're off too."

"Everyone, see you at Hogwarts."

Before the twins could finish speaking, their figures disappeared in place.

The battle between good and evil is imminent, so everyone is going through a tough time preparing and waiting.


The dark clouds gradually gathering in the sky seemed to indicate something.

The rain was about to come and the wind was hitting all over the building.

This kind of weather added a bit of trouble to everyone's heart.

Hogsmeade village.

Harry and the Weasley children apparated to the center of the village.

As soon as their figures appeared, the shrunken human heads arranged around them sounded the alarm and Death Eaters rushed towards them quickly from every direction.

But Aberforth appeared to help them in time.

Through Aberforth's introduction, Harry and the others knew that there was also a passage leading to Hogwarts in his bar.

After a while, Neville Longbottom's figure appeared from behind Arianna Dumbledore's portrait.

When he learned that Snape had become the headmaster Harry sneered: "Come on, let's expose his true colors!".

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