
Betrayed Friendship! Dumbledore's Clue!

On the way back to the Gryffindor common room, Harry naively thought that Ron and Seamus would believe in him, but the reality slapped him hard.

Seeing Harry walk in wrapped in a Gryffindor scarf and banner, Ron asked with a sneer, "How did you do that?"


"I'm asking what method you used to enter your name!"

Harry frowned, it was that same question again.

From the showroom onwards, everyone was asking how he got into the tournament.

Dumbledore asked him first, then everyone kept doing the same.

Harry said impatiently: "I don't know, I didn't put in my name."

Although he tried his best to show his sincerity in hopes that his friends can believe in him.

It's too bad that he overestimated Ron, who was a very jealous guy.

"Come on, it's fine if you don't want to say it, that's fine, you just happened to be able to take revenge for the Quidditch match from last year."

"I'm talking about the one we played against Hufflepuff, the one where you got attacked by dementors and Cedric won the game."

Ron's words completely pissed Harry off.

The two have been friends for a long time, so Harry figured Ron should know he didn't want to bring up the dementors.

"Let me say this for the last time, I didn't sign up, I didn't even want to participate, someone is trying to frame me."

Several people in the dormitory looked at each other and Ron asked cautiously, "Framed you? Why would they do that?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head, before adding, "Probably trying to kill me again!"

Ruthless laughter sounded in the dormitory, Ron even lay on the bed and kept patting his pillow.

"Harry, do you want to say that the person who wants to kill you is you-know-who?"

Just as Harry was about to nod, he saw the sneer in the eyes of several people.

"What I say is true, if you don't believe it, forget it."

After he finished speaking, he lay down on his bed.

'Sirius, why haven't you written back to me, what should I do now?'

Harry looked out the window at the dark night sky.

In his mind, he thought of his dogfather who had gone somewhere.

"Harry, did you use the invisibility cloak? That's why the age line couldn't detect you."

"I already told you, I never wanted to sign up!"

Harry roared and put the quilt over his head, refusing to answer any more questions from his roommates.

Seeing what he looks like, Ron and the others looked at each other and smiled. There was also a hint of contempt in their eyes.

In the Headmaster's office on the seventh floor, Dumbledore took out an ancient book from the shelf.

"Last time you asked me to investigate how to make a human body, I probably already have the answer."

He said as he revealed a book titled "Secrets of the Darkest Arts"

Seeing the books the old man put on the round table, Lucas looked surprised.

He had thought that Dumbledore would hide the book forever.

"This book records a lot of ancient black magic, including the method of making Horcruxes."

"It used to be placed in the restricted section of the library, and when I found out that Tom made the Horcrux through it, I took it to my office for preservation."

Dumbledore briefly explained the origin of the book to the two, and then turned the book to one of the pages.

"Another ancient ritual, it can bring the lost body back to life."

Neither of them spoke, but looked at the content in the book seriously.

Just by scanning it, Lucas knew that it was the spell that Voldemort used when he was resurrected.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son."

"Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master."

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

Professor Snape whispered the incantation.

These three sentences are both the incantation and the material needed for the ritual.

Lucas looked up at the old bee who was happily eating sweets.

"That means Voldemort needs to be boiled out of a cauldron?"

Dumbledore paused with the hand holding the cake.

"Well...it's probably what you said!"

If Lucas hadn't said it, Dumbledore wouldn't have imagined it.

Now thinking about a death eater cooking Voldemort in a cauldron, he suddenly felt it was a little funny.

Imagine a waiter arriving at the client's table with a big covered plate and saying "dear customer, here is the Voldemort you ordered, we made sure to remove the nose like you asked."

Professor Snape didn't have time to listen to their jokes. He was in a very bad mood today.

So after reading the content in the book, he asked Lucas directly: "So you asked me to research a poison, just to calculate the resurrection of the dark lord?"

"Oh?" Dumbledore also looked over curiously.

Lucas shrugged: "I do have this plan, but I don't know exactly what Voldemort is going to do."

"I'm just guessing, whether it's an ancient legend, or a fictional biography, mentioning resurrection requires something to be sacrificed, usually the enemy."

"Then, as the enemy marked by Voldemort himself, the Death Eaters will definitely do everything possible to bring Potter to their master."

"Judging from the ritual in the book, my guess was obviously correct."

Dumbledore and Professor Snape obviously didn't believe his nonsense.

But it doesn't matter if they don't believe it as long as the original intention of dealing with Voldemort remains the same.

Dumbledore put the book back on the shelf, turned to Lucas and said.

"The next step will be left to you. Since the father's bone is needed, finding the burial place of Voldemort's father is particularly critical."

"Don't worry, I will write a letter when I get back, and let the Saints Group follow the clues to find the burial place of old Tom Riddle."

"Since that's the case, I'm going to study blood poison now." Professor Snape went to the spiral staircase after finishing speaking.

It can be seen from his steps that he is very anxious at the moment.

Lucas and Dumbledore were the only ones left in the headmaster's office.

Lucas knew that the old man must have something to say to himself, so he didn't leave in a hurry.

"Lucas, I want to talk to you about Harry?"

"If it had anything to do with our plans, of course I would, but if you want to talk to me about Potter's sneak attack, I don't think there's much to talk about."

Lucas intends to block what the Headmaster wants to talk about in advance, but he obviously underestimated Dumbledore's shamelessness.

"Harry, he's just an immature boy."

"Mr. Principal, are you mocking me?"

Seeing Lucas' unfriendly eyes, Dumbledore waved his hand: "I didn't mean that."

"However, he really can't compare with you. In terms of suffering, the situation you have faced since childhood is much more difficult than Harry's."

"But I still hope you can forgive Harry, he just did something wrong in a moment of confusion, but I firmly believe that he has no bad intentions."

He stared at the white haired and bearded old man in front of him.

Seeing the begging in Dumbledore's eyes, Lucas sighed.

"It's probably impossible to be friends, but I can guarantee that if he doesn't trouble me, I won't take the initiative to deal with him."

"I also hope you can understand that the only reason I am still willing to protect him, is just because he can deal with Voldemort better when he is alive, that's all!"

Dumbledore sighed, "Well, it's a pity that Harry lost such a good friend as you."

Drinking the last bit of black tea in his cup, Lucas got up and looked at the old man opposite and asked, "Have you nothing else to tell me?"



"The first task is to face a dragon, I hope you can break the news to Harry."

"From how things are right now, I am afraid that Harry will be in a very bad situation, if no one helps him, he will struggle to even survive."

Lucas nodded: "Don't worry about this, even if I don't tell him, Barty Jr will find a way to tell Potter about the task."

Dumbledore suddenly said: "I actually forgot about him, it's exactly as you said."

"Good night, then, Headmaster!"

After leaving the office, Lucas walked alone in the silent castle.

Before he could reach the dungeon. Suddenly, he saw a girl with a unique temperament standing in front of him with her back turned.

"Luna? Why are you here?"

Hearing Lucas' voice, Luna turned around quickly and hid her hands behind her back.

"Lucas, is the matter over?"

"En." Lucas nodded, but wondered why the eccentric girl knew what he was going to do.

Looking at the shy girl in front of him, Lucas asked softly, "Were you looking for me?"

"Lucas, although the Triwizard Tournament is dangerous, I believe you can do it. This is a Crumple Horned Snorkack I made myself. I hope it will bring you good luck."

Taking the wood carving from her hands, before he could thank her, Luna ran towards the stairs.

Looking at the strange-looking beast, a smile appeared on the corner of Lucas' lips.

"Mr. Grindelwald is so flirtatious!"

The sudden voice behind Lucas changed his expression.

He turned hastily and saw a mass of black shadows standing in the corner leading to the dungeon.

(Support with power stones or comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic ahead of time)

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