
Deceiving The Heir Of The Malfoy Family, The Final Begins!

Lucas pondered for a moment.

There was a little hesitation on his face, and this hesitation was very obvious, which caused the atmosphere in the tent to suddenly become tense.

Draco asked carefully: "Is it related to you-know-who?"

Lucas thought about it and nodded.

"Sure enough, he didn't die, did he? Then you should tell me, because as a member of the Malfoy family, I'm doomed to become involved somehow."

When Draco said this, his expression was a little sad.

Facing such a good day today, who is willing to follow a lunatic to do dangerous things?

Lucas sighed and turned to look outside the tent.

In fact, he just didn't want Draco to find the smile on his lips.

Lucius Malfoy is an old fox.

Insidious and cunning.

It is not easy to pull the cunning man into his camp.

It might be even harder than Professor Snape.

But, Lucius Malfoy also has weaknesses.

That is his son, Draco Malfoy, whom he regards as a treasure.

Imagine if he found out that his son had joined the camp against Voldemort and he has even fallen into a situation where there is no turning back.

What would he do as his father?

He would have no choice but to protect his son and fight against Voldemort together.

The same principle applies to Narcissa Malfoy.

Lucas admits it's kind of mean to do that, but he really couldn't figure out how to instigate Lucius Malfoy within a year.

The only way he can think of is this.

Certainly, Lucas will protect Draco and will not let him have any accidents.

Anyway, Draco is actually the closest thing he has to a friend, which translates into him being his best friend.

"Oh," he sighed pretentiously, Lucas turned around and said: "It's not that I didn't want to tell you, but this matter is very important, if we leak even a little bit, we will die without a grave."

Hearing it is so eye-catching.

Instead of being afraid, Draco became even more interested.

"I am the heir of the Malfoy family, and I am responsible for the future of the Malfoy family. So I must know."

When saying these words Draco looked very serious, with a little pride on his expression.

"Are you sure you want to know? I don't think you need to get involved at all. Isn't it easy to wait for your father to take care of the trouble for you?"

Lucas said these words on purpose to irritate Draco and even showed a hint of disgust.

It's as if he thought that Draco knowing would be adding to the chaos.

Draco's complexion instantly became very ugly.

"I sure want to know!"

Pretending to be impressed by Draco's resolute attitude, Lucas sighed: "Well, if you can learn Occlumency within this year, I'll tell you."

"Are you going to delay for another year?"

Seeing Draco's unfriendly eyes, Lucas raised his right hand and said, "I can swear to Merlin, as long as you learn Occlumency this year, I will tell you everything."

"I hope you keep your word this time, and it won't take a year, this summer vacation is enough!"

After Draco finished speaking, he left the tent with a cold face.

When Lucas also came out of the tent, Hermione and Cho came to his side frowning.

"What's wrong with Malfoy, he didn't look very happy."

"It's okay, it's just a kid throwing a tantrum."

At this time there was a loud bang in the distant sky.

Red and green lanterns started being lit up from a distance in turn, they actually formed a path leading everyone to the stadium.

At the same time, it also means that the final is about to start.

"Let's go!"

Lucas took the girls' hands and walked towards the stadium.

The people around are also taking action at this moment.

Tens of thousands of people were moving together. From the sky, it looks like countless ants were marching in line.

After walking a few steps, Ginny also came back to Lucas.

Just who told her father not to prepare extra tickets.

Even if he didn't want to, in order to let his daughter enter the stadium, he can only let her return to Lucas.

The crowd moved very slowly. Fortunately, there was still plenty of time.

They walked for about half an hour or so and the entrance of the tall stadium finally appeared in the sight of the four of them.

The height of the stadium was at least hundreds of meters.

Otherwise, there would be no room for 100,000 people who came to watch the game.

"Magic is amazing. It took only a year to build such a majestic building."

Hearing the emotion of Hermione, Lucas wanted to tell her.

In the near future, there might be a country whose infrastructure construction speed can even match magic, that will be truly great.

"Lucas, which is our box?"

Hearing Cho's inquiry, Lucas took out the ticket: "Upper class, with representatives from the Ministry of Magic and other countries."

Ginny exclaimed after hearing this, because her family members happened to be in the upper class too.

When they entered the box, there were already many people sitting in it.

Among them are the Weasley family and the famous Harry Potter.

Seeing Lucas walk in with the girls, Arthur Weasley's eyes were a little surprised, but he was soon relieved.

With the influence of the Saints Group, it is not surprising to be able to enter this box.

With out-of-sight, out-of-mind thoughts.

Arthur Weasley turned his eyes to the side, and began to shake hands with important guests from the Ministry of Magic and other countries.

So was his son Percy at the moment, and because he just joined the job, he needs to keep getting up from his seat to salute others.

This made Ron roll his eyes at the side.

At this time arrived the belated Cornelius Fudge.

Most of those present rose to greet him.

Lucas and Malfoy are probably the only ones who can ignore Fudge's influence.

But out of politeness, the two also stood up to greet him.

Minister Fudge came to Harry Potter's side with a smile, and shook hands with him happily, he even kindly asked about Harry's recent situation.

This fellow Fudge will not let anyone of influence go unnoticed.

Wanting to show off, Percy Weasley stepped forward, bent down and bowed to Fudge, which made his glasses drop to the floor.

Ron felt very ashamed when he saw his older brother's appearance.

He covered his forehead with his hands, as if he was ashamed to face others.

And Bill Weasley and Charlie Weasley looked at their brother Percy with a smile on their faces, they were already used to his attitude and just found it funny.

"Oh, Mr. Grindelwald, it's an honor to meet you."

Fudge was very pompous when he saw Lucas. Of course, Lucas's status is also worthy of his respect.

Even in this box, most people want to curry favor with Lucas.

Because the relatives of many of them now have to go to the Saints Group for a job.

Even part of the sponsorship of the Ministry of Magic relies on the Saints Group.

Lucas got up and had a scene with Fudge.

When he saw Lucas talking to the minister on an equal footing, Harry felt a little uncomfortable.

When Minister Fudge talked to him just now, it was just like an elder talking to a kid.

It's not like how he's acting when facing Lucas at all, the two are completely on equal footing.

Equally jealous was Percy Weasley, but he knew it very well that he can't rely on his family for help and everything can only be won by himself.

And the smart thing about Percy Weasley is that he knows who to get close to so he can benefit.

At this moment, he is already planning on how to get closer to Lucas. Thinking of this, he looked at his sister Ginny in the front row.

Lucas was busy talking with Fudge. However, his gaze was always on the house elf not far away.

If he remembers correctly the little house elf should be called Winky.

Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch's elf.

And he also knows that Crouch ordered Winky to watch over his son every step of the way.

Then the magic that Lucas sensed should be Barty Crouch Jr.

He can probably think of the method that Crouch used to sneak his son in.

Either the Disillusionment Charm, or a Cloak of Invisibility, most probably the latter.

The invisibility cloak mentioned here is not the same as Harry's invisibility cloak.

Harry's one is a Deathly Hallow, which is always effective, cannot be destroyed, and cannot be revealed by magic.

The invisibility cloaks bought on the market are all made of the hair of Demiguises.

The invisibility effect is limited to about 5 years or so, and it can be destroyed, and there are methods to reveal and see through them.

Fudge noticed the look in his eyes, then he glanced at Winky.

"That is the position of Barty Crouch. He has something to do and he will be late, so let his house elf occupy the position."

Lucas nodded: "Director Crouch is really busy, it's really not easy to organize such a large game."

Taking advantage of the situation, Bagman came to the side of the two of them.

"Minister, the time is almost up, and now it's time for you to go up and give an opening speech."

Fudge excused himself and walked towards the fence in front of the box.

Lucas took another look at the position of Barty Crouch Jr. He knows that this guy is supposed to cast the dark mark later in the night.

Thinking of the riot that would come later, Lucas looked back at Cornelius Fudge who was about to speak.

Poor Minister.

It was such a beautiful turnaround, but it was disturbed by Voldemort's minions and his number 2 fan, Barty Jr., number 1 is Bellatrix Lestrange after all.

Fudge didn't know that what would happen later was going to accelerate his downfall.

At this moment, he looked proudly at the 100,000 spectators in the stadium.

People came from various countries all over the world to watch this game.

He was happily thinking about how his influence in the world will increase thanks to this event and also indirectly increase the support rate of England.

This is killing two birds with one stone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic of England, and I welcome you all to the finals of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup."

"I hereby declare that the finals are now starting, and the mascots of the two teams will be invited to enter the arena!"

Hearing that the mascots are going to appear, the audience cheered loudly.

Especially the male audience, many people ran to the fence of the box.

Apparently, they were all waiting for something!.

(Support with power stones and comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic)

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