
The Plot Is Out Of Order Again?

Harry looked at his opponent beside him and the other party's information appeared in his mind.

Cedric Diggory.

Hufflepuff's Seeker, outstanding ability, fifth year student.

He and Cedric have only competed once and that was two years ago. Although in the end he won, it was a narrow victory.

"Hello Harry, nice to meet-you."

See the eyes full of kindness behind the other person's goggles, Harry's tense body gradually relaxed.

"Good day, Cedric."

Just finished speaking when he found Cedric had rushed out on his broom.

Silently cursing him for being so cunning, Harry quickly manipulated the broom and chased after him.

In the stands, Dumbledore watched the performances of the two teams with relish.

"Lucas, who do you think will win this match?"

"I don't think there will be a winner or loser."

Dumbledore looked around in bewilderment.

"Any game will have winners and losers, not only games, but many things in life are like this."

"Oh? Like Voldemort?"

Dumbledore chuckled a few times, but didn't give a clear answer.

The game in the stadium is still going on.

Dumbledore watched with great interest until Gryffindor scored the first Quaffle.

Then he continued the topic from just now.

"Decades ago, I met a young man who was as excellent as you, but because of my mistakes, he was led astray."

"Then what?"

Dumbledore looked at the boy beside him and said, "Then that boy caused serious harm to the wizarding world."

"Lucas, you asked me about the Horcrux that day. I went back and checked the information, and finally found the relevant records. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course!" Lucas nodded.

"A horcrux is a very evil dark magic item that makes a person lose their minds and become very aggressive."

"Someone once made a horcrux, and the end result is that they become neither human nor ghost, which is quite frightening."

Lucas suddenly said: "So it is like this, it is really dangerous, but such a dangerous thing, why would anyone want to make it?"

For this question, Dumbledore didn't answer right away but kept putting candy in his mouth.

His line of sight was always watching the field.

It wasn't until Lucas got a little impatient that he heard the old man say two words: "Eternal life"


"Horcruxes can make people live forever, but they can also turn people into crazy beasts. You are a smart child, just like your father."

"The reason why I tell you this today is just that I hope you can understand the dangers of being too hasty."

Dumbledore truly meant what he said, at least that's how it sounds to Lucas.

When he saw the Headmaster staring closely at his eyes, he chuckled, "Of course, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

"Really? That's good." Dumbledore looked away and looked back at the pitch.

The two fell silent since then. Until they saw Harry and Cedric diving from the sky.

"Looks like the winner is about to be announced!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, Harry happened to pass by the stands on his broom.

Seeing Dumbledore sitting side by side with Lucas, Harry frowned.

But seeing the encouragement in Dumbledore's eyes, the unhappiness in his heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

The Gold Snitch flew high into the sky again.

Harry cranked up the speed, and the broom flew high into the air like a gust of wind.

A small smile played on Dumbledore's lips as he looked at the sky and said, "Harry is a pretty good Seeker, isn't he?"

"Headmaster, you seem too optimistic." Lucas said with his arms folded.

"Don't forget, the dementors are still guarding the school. If Harry rode a broom and plunged into their encirclement, what do you think would happen?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "No, the dementors will strictly obey the orders of the Ministry of Magic. They will only be around the school, not close to the school."

His words revealed a strong confidence.

Looking at the determined eyes of the old man, Lucas smiled and said, "Then let us wait and see."

The same confident tone made Dumbledore a little uneasy.

He looked at the thick clouds looking for the figure of Harry.

At the same time, Harry and Cedric were chasing each other through the clouds.

The two refused to give in to the other. Both wanted to grab the Golden Snitch before the other.

There was a thunderclap in the sky and Lightning fell.

Cedric, who was flying ahead, was unfortunately hit.

Seeing his opponent falling from the sky, Harry steered the broom to stop in mid-air.

'This is my last year and I want to give Gryffindor a Quidditch title back.'

Oliver Wood's words resounded in his mind.

Finally glancing at Cedric who fell, Harry turned around and continued to chase the Snitch.

The figure in the sky quickly attracted the attention of the audience in the stands.

"Oh ~!"

Some people exclaimed while some who were more timid covered their eyes.

Cedric kept falling, there is some magic on the broom to protect the user in case of an accident but it's not that strong and with his current speed, he will definitely die if he crashes on the ground like this.

Hufflepuff's players shouted the name of each other and abandoned the game to rush to save Cedric.

"Arresto Momentum!"

A loud voice came from the staff stand, Lucas held his wand and was pointing at Cedric's body.

The powerful magic gradually slowed down the fall of Cedric until he stopped completely in the air.

A warm applause sounded around and many students even called out Lucas' name.

Several Hufflepuff players came to the stands and expressed their gratitude to Lucas.

"No need to thank me. Cedric is my friend, and he is also an excellent seeker. If there is an accident, it would be a pity."

Lucas waved his wand again, and it didn't take long for a Nimbus 2001 to appear in front of him.

"I think Cedric will need it after waking up."

"Thank you Mr. Grindelwald."

The players returned with a broom, and Cedric also woke up from the lightning strike.

Thanks to the protection spell on his broom, he didn't suffer any serious injury that would prevent him from keeping playing.

When he learned from the population that Lucas saved himself, he rode the broom and stepped forward to thank him personally.

Lucas looked at Dumbledore, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Cedric, what about Harry? How are you after being hit by lightning?"

"He is okay, I noticed that he seems to still be chasing the Snitch."

Hearing that, the parents and professors frowned.

After Cedric expressed his gratitude, he continued to focus on the match.

The game returned to normal, and the two teams began to play harder.

Lucas stood beside Dumbledore and asked lowly: "Professor, what are you worried about?"

Dumbledore retracted his eyes from the sky, with a smile on his face.

"Nothing, thank you for your actions just now, I was thinking about how many points I should give to Slytherin House."

"Thank you professor!"

The dialogue between the two just ended when a shout came from the court, and this time it was louder than the previous.

The two looked up at the sky and saw Harry's figure falling from the sky.

It doesn't matter if that's just that, but above Harry, the dementors were rushing towards the stadium.

They hovered down, looking from a distance like a Black tornado, it's like a big black funnel. And the bottom of the funnel is Harry Potter.

Seeing so many dementors rushing in made the stadium fall into chaos.

A lot of students screamed and wanted to escape.

For a while, the stands became chaotic.


Lucas pointed at his throat with his wand and said: "Calm down!"

The people pushing and shoving each other gradually stopped.

Once the crowd became calm again, Lucas looked at the Slytherin stand.

"All students of Slytherin, protect the people from other houses when evacuating the court first."

"The prefects of other Houses, please maintain the order of your respective House and exit the court in an orderly manner."

Percy looked at the figure on the high platform. He is the Head Boy but didn't command as much respect as Lucas.

Although he was a little dissatisfied, he started evacuating the crowd in accordance with the instructions.

As Lucas was busy giving instructions, Dumbledore raised his hand and pointed at Harry to use "Arresto Momentum" in order to stop his fall.

His spell looked even more proficient than Lucas and saved Harry with no problem at all.

But facing the dementors that are rushing towards the stadium, he couldn't stop them in time since he was currently busy saving Harry.

Fortunately, Lucas beside him aimed at the sky.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The silver white light illuminated the entire stadium and the sky, then a bright eastern dragon appeared from the white light.

The students who were evacuating stopped to look up at the mysterious and beautiful patronus that flew towards the sky.

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