
Harry Asked Lucas For Help!

Harry signaled Ron to be silent.

Just when the two were planning to continue eavesdropping, there was the sound of hurried footsteps at the far end of the corridor.

Gilderoy Lockhart came hurriedly from a distance.

As soon as he entered the office, he apologized loudly to everyone.

"Sorry, I overslept, what's the situation now?"

"Oh~ the right candidate has come. Professor Lockhart just came. A student was captured by the monster and taken into the Chamber. It's time for you to show off your brilliance."

Lockhart paled instantly, then he looked at the speaking Professor Snape, and asked with an ugly smile.

"Professor Snape, you just, I..."

"That's right, Professor Lockhart, didn't you say before that you knew where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was?"

Professor Sprout chimed in.

"I..." Lockhart was sputtering at the moment.

Professor Flitwick also got up from his stool.

"You also said that you know what the chamber monster is!"

The professors did not give Lockhart a chance to speak at all.

They've had enough of this arrogant, incompetent, self aggrandizing idiot.

Faced with such persecution, a bead of sweat slowly oozed from Lockhart's brow.

After wiping it hastily, he said dryly: "I think everyone may have misunderstood."

"That's it, Professor Lockhart, tonight is an excellent opportunity for you to show your talents, and we promise not to let anyone disturb you."

"Make sure you come face-to-face with the monster 'alone' for a heroic duel."

Professor McGonagall gave the final word.

As the Deputy Headmistress, it was not easy for Lockhart to refuse her words.

"Alright then, I'll go to my office to get ready."

With that, Lockhart turned and fled from the room.

Seeing his ever-accelerating pace, it was obvious that he didn't intend to go to the Chamber of Secrets.

Professor McGonagall sighed, and said in a slightly sad tone: "All the students must be sent home tomorrow."

"Hogwarts is over, and it might never open again."

"Professors, go back to your respective Houses, tell the students the truth, get them ready to leave by train tomorrow morning."

The expressions of the professors were equally sad. However, they still followed the arrangement of Professor McGonagall.

They all got up and walked to their respective House common rooms.

Harry and Ron ran to the room in the dungeons where they usually met.

Ron couldn't keep himself calm.

"Harry, what should we do? Ginny, Ginny, she's been taken."

"Professor McGonagall said that the heir is going to kill Ginny."

"Oh no, I should have paid more attention to Ginny that day, she was clearly trying to tell me something, but I carelessly ignored her."

Looking at his friend pacing worriedly, Harry stepped forward and pressed a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Ron, there should be something we can do."

"How?" Ron looked at his friend in confusion.

Harry said with firm eyes: "Yes, we might have a solution."

"As you heard just now, Professor Lockhart was assigned to deal with the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, so let's ask him for help."

"Him?" Ron's expression became hesitant.

Most Hogwarts students are aware by now that Lockhart is an incompetent douchebag.

Only some little witches who are obsessed with his appearance still take him seriously.

"Not only him, of course, but also Lucas."

Hearing Harry name another person he hates, Ron frowned even tighter.

"Ron, there's no time to hesitate now, think about Ginny, and think about the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, you don't think the two of us can handle the basilisk, do you?"

Seeing Ron shaking his head, Harry breathed a sigh of relief: "Go back and inform your big brothers, and let Percy inform Mrs. Weasley."

"They should all know about Ginny."

Watching Ron run towards the upper levels of the castle, Harry took a deep breath and walked towards the Slytherin common room.

There is a basilisk in the chamber of secrets, and anyone who sees the eyes of the basilisk will die instantly.

Although Harry was reckless, he wasn't arrogant enough to think he could handle a dangerous creature like a basilisk unless he had no choice.

On the other hand, the powerful Lucas should have no problem.

Dumbledore said that too.

If you get stuck, ask Lucas for help.

Harry looked in the direction of the slytherin common room.

The glasses refracted the light on the wall, making it impossible to see his eyes clearly.

It is even more impossible to understand his true emotions at the moment.

Slytherin common room.

Since Professor Snape came to explain the situation, everyone returned to their dormitories to pack up their trunks.

As children from wizarding families.

The slytherins are well aware that this time if Hogwarts is closed, there is probably no chance to open it again.

Many people acted very sad.

Lucas was left alone in the lounge, waiting for Harry to arrive.

Ginny had just entered the Chamber of Secrets, and the basilisk Medusa notified him.

Lucas was very sure that Harry would definitely come to find him as a powerful help.

No matter what his purpose is.

~ding ding ding~

A signal came from the entrance door.

Lucas got up and straightened his wizard robes, stepping up to the door.


"Lucas, I need your help."

Harry's eyes were so helpless at the moment.

He told him the news of Ginny's kidnapping, and then looked into Lucas' eyes and asked.

"You know about the basilisk, too, don't you?"

Seeing Lucas nod, Harry confirmed his guess. Since Hermione knows that there is a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, Lucas had no reason not to know.

It's just that he didn't understand why Lucas didn't tell Dumbledore the news.

Looking at Lucas who had a smile on his lips, Harry took it for granted that Lucas wanted to get Dumbledore out of school as much as Mr. Malfoy.

"I've heard about the situation from Professor Snape, so what do you want?"

"Lucas, I know where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is, and I want you to join me to deal with the basilisk."

Harry thought for a while after saying these words, and added: "You should also want to rescue Ginny, right?"

Faced with such a clumsy method, although Lucas was disdainful, he nodded cooperatively.

"Of course, I'll go back and prepare first. Where shall we gather?"

"In the women's bathroom on the second floor, Myrtle said that she heard someone talking there when she died, and then the basilisk appeared, so the bathroom must be the entrance to the Chamber."

The two came to an agreement and Harry quickly ran upstairs to wait for Ron to arrive.

Once he arrived, the two rushed to Gilderoy Lockhart's office.

"Oh Harry, I'm a little busy right now, I'm afraid I can't entertain you, sorry."

Lockhart was about to close the door after speaking, but he was forcibly stopped by the two boys.

"Professor, we are here to ask for your help."

"But it's really inconvenient for me now."

The half of Lockhart's face exposed outside the door was pale and full of tension.

But seeing the determined eyes of the two, he still compromised and opened the door.

The two entered the office.

Looking at the scattered clothes and suitcases, Ron immediately said, "Professor, are you leaving?"

"I suddenly received an urgent notice that I need to deal with some very important matters, very urgent."

"What about my sister?"

"Sorry, I'm really sorry about this, but there's a lot of urging over there, and I have to get there right away."

Looking at the suitcase on the ground, Harry suddenly said, "You want to escape?"

Lockhart paused.

"Well, it is true."

"But you are the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Guys, you know, when I signed my employment contract, it didn't say I would have to…"

Although he didn't say anything later, they still understood his meaning.

"But you are a great hero who defeated many monsters."

"Harry, books can be deceiving." Lockhart said slyly.

At this time, he has already finished packing his suitcase.

Carrying a big suitcase Lockhart turned to look at the two of them.

"Okay, let's say goodbye, but before that, I need to do something."

After that, he drew out his wand and pointed it at them.

Just then, a cold voice came from outside the door.


A powerful spell knocked Lockhart into the air as his wand fell into Lucas' hands.

"Are you all right?"

They shook their heads and Ron looked at Lucas with complicated eyes, he felt really uncomfortable being saved by someone he despises so much.

They did not continue to waste time.

Lucas pointed his wand at Lockhart and forced him to follow Harry to the women's bathroom on the second floor.

When Harry used Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets entrance, Lockhart's eyes filled with surprise.

"Professor, don't just stay there, it's your turn next."

Don't wait for him to figure out what it means, Lucas had already raised his leg and kicked him down the passage Spartan style.

The three of them stood above and listened to his scream. After making sure that Lockhart landed safely, the three of them jumped into the pipeline one by one.

Lucas took a step back on purpose when he came to the familiar cave.

Lockhart was holding a wand and aiming it at everyone including him.

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