
The Ministry Of Magic Fights Against The Acromantulas!

The gloomy Forbidden Forest is full of unknown dangers.

The magical creatures that inhabit the forest could be hiding right beside you and attack at any moment if you're not careful.

But at this time, the magical creatures on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest were all migrating deeper.

Lucas stood far away watching the human-spider battle in the distance.

The Auror group led by Fudge has been fighting the acromantula Aragog for a long time.

Although the Aurors are powerful and battle-hardened, their number is much lower than the spiders.

During this time that Aragog was under the command of Lucas a lot of acromantulas had been born.

Now, the overwhelming number of acromantulas are surrounding the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

"Master, why do I feel that the Ministry of Magic will lose?"

The speaker had strange curly hair, there was also a pair of very ugly glasses inlaid with gemstones on her face.

It was Rita Skeeter, a reporter for the Daily Prophet, famous for sensationalizing all her stories, and getting private news that no one should have any way of knowing.

In the original book, she published a book after Dumbledore's death, titled "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore".

And now she is a member of the Saints Group, Lucas' personal writer.

"Rita, you underestimate the Aurors, although there are a lot of spiders, they still have a way to deal with them."

"Could it be that they will use the killing curse? But the killing curse doesn't seem to be able to deal with so many spiders."

Lucas smiled and shook his head, then told her to continue watching.

The besieged Aurors were watching out for sneak attacking spiders.

Seeing no more spiders coming to support. Rufus, the head of the Auror office, gave a look to the people around him.

Several people raised their wands and a powerful fire magic was released.

Lucas as a bystander had long discovered that these people have been protected among the crowd, it must have been to preserve their magic power just for this moment.

The monstrous flames engulfed the surrounding acromantulas.

After a while, only Aragog, the gigantic acromantula was left on the scene.

At the same time the Imperius Curse on Aragog was also lifted.

Aragog, regaining consciousness, huddled in fear, from an outsider's perspective it looked like the aurors were the attackers and the spider was just protecting itself.

"Rita, did you get that?"

"Don't worry, master, all the details have been captured by the camera."

"That's good, don't be left behind when Minister Fudge goes to arrest Hagrid."

Rita Skeeter nodded but her expression was full of doubts.

"Master, why do we bother?"

Lucas understood what she wanted to express, but he just smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, from the beginning, they used public opinion to attack Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore was undoubtedly the most questioned and slandered.

This is of course to arouse the attention of parents and people in the community.

Accompanied by pure blood family heirs being attacked, it causes Dumbledore's right to speak at Hogwarts to start being suppressed.

Then, when the Ministry of Magic successfully intervened in the matter, Draco Malfoy was petrified.

This event became an important bargaining chip to suppress Dumbledore.

If Lucas guessed correctly, Lucius Malfoy should have received the Headmaster's suspension order by this time.

At this moment, Minister Fudge successfully captured the so-called murderer with his men.

Thinking that in doing so he will gain great fame.

If only Dumbledore could be driven away again, he could make his influence reach into Hogwarts logically.

So, Fudge will definitely help Mr. Malfoy drive Dumbledore out of the school.

In this way, Lucas' purpose of wanting Dumbledore to leave was achieved.

So what to do next?

Whitewashing Dumbledore through public opinion, of course.

Reveal the truth about the Ministry of Magic's arbitrary arrest of people as scapegoats and criticize the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic.

That's what Lucas has always been about.

How could he arrange for his own people to enter the Ministry of Magic if the Ministry of Magic was not deeply involved?

From the moment Lucas got the diary, he already had the plan.

Suppress the Ministry of Magic, and take the opportunity to arrange his own people to enter the Ministry, in preparation for controlling the Ministry of Magic in the future.

As for Dumbledore's or anyone else's suffering, it was just a means to an end.

At this time, the battle between Aurors and Aragog had come to an end.

Facing the siege of dozens of people.

Aragog, the acromantula that had lived for more than fifty years, finally fell in the Forbidden Forest.

The Aurors cheered loudly and danced around the huge spider.

Watching the crowd carry the spider to the outside of the Forbidden Forest, Lucas glanced back at Rita Skeeter.

The reporter wisely turned into a beetle and quickly followed the Auror team.

At the same time, Harry and Ron also got some hints from Hermione.

According to Lucas' request, Hermione only told them some clues about the basilisk, such as the abnormal behavior of spiders.

Hearing spiders, Harry immediately thought of Hagrid. So the two took advantage of the night and came to Hagrid's hut wearing the invisibility cloak.

At this time, Dumbledore, Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge with the spider's corpse also rushed to Hagrid's cabin.

After watching a big play, Lucas wandered to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

He was waiting for Lucius Malfoy to arrive.

One reason is to apologize for what happened to Draco, because as a partner, he failed to protect the other party's son.

So an apology is just a matter of course.

Secondly, well, he just wanted to find out what state Lucius was in at the moment.

And find out if he already got the paperwork to expel Dumbledore from the Board of Governors.

This is very important for his plans.


There were several cracking sounds in the distance.

It can be heard that the opponent used a lot of force when shooting the arrow.

Lucas did not dodge in panic, but used void escape for an instant as the arrows pierced his body and plunged into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of hoofbeats came from behind.

"Isn't this Ronan? Firenze is also here, I don't know what you centaurs mean by this?"

Dozens of centaurs appeared in all directions and completely blocked Lucas' retreat.

"Elf, where is Bane?"

"Bane?" Lucas looked at Ronan in surprise, "How would I know, can't you centaurs just use divination to find him?"

"Stop quibbling, elf!" Firenze stepped forward and snapped.

"The stars tell us that Bane's disappearance is related to you. Where did you take Bane? Hand him over quickly."

Looking at the centaur tribe waiting ready for battle.

Lucas said with a smile: "It seems that your divination is not very good, otherwise you would not have come to ask me."

"Sorry, I don't have time, let alone the obligation to answer your questions, so I won't keep accompanying you."

The platinum head of Lucius Malfoy had appeared in the distance so he didn't have time to talk nonsense with these centaurs.

The space behind Lucas was torn apart again, and taking a step back he disappeared from the sight of the centaurs in an instant.

"Damn it! Ronan, why are you stopping me?"

"Mars gave me enlightenment. If we become enemies with the elf, we will be destroyed."

Watching where Lucas disappeared, Ronan frowned tightly.

Feeling the anger of his clansmen, he said again: "It's okay, I will tell Dumbledore about it, and I believe he will deal with it."

"What is evil must be punished by justice."

It can be seen that Dumbledore has great prestige among the centaur tribe.

After Ronan finished speaking, most of the clansmen returned to calm.

"Uncle Lucius!"

Lucius Malfoy stopped, turned and looked back.

Seeing Lucas running towards him in a hurry, his icy expression finally loosened a bit.

"Lucas, it's been a long time, please forgive me for not being able to catch up with you, I have very important things to deal with right now."

Malfoy finished speaking and looked in the direction of Hagrid's hut; he had seen Dumbledore walking there just now.

"I know, in fact, I came here to apologize to you, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Draco."

Looking at the guilt in the boy's eyes, Mr. Malfoy sighed.

"I have already understood the specific process from Severus' letter. As the Chief of Slytherin House, you have done a lot of things very well."

"If you want to blame someone, you can only blame Draco himself. As a Slytherin, Draco did something like this."

"In such a dangerous environment, he actually left the dormitory alone. It seems that I need to have a good talk with him after his petrification is lifted."

The two exchanged a few more words about Draco.

When he brought up Dumbledore, Lucas felt strong anger from Lucius' tone.

"Dumbledore? This time he will not be as lucky as last time. Hogwarts doesn't need a headmaster who can't protect the students."

Watching Lucius stride toward Hagrid's cabin, the corners of Lucas' lips rose slightly.

Everything is according to plan.

Judging by Mr. Malfoy's confident appearance, he must have got the trump card: the suspension order.

He looked left and right, upon seeing no one, Lucas cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself and followed Malfoy to Hagrid's hut.

At this time inside Hagrid's house, Harry and Ron were analyzing the most likely heirs.

"Lucas Grindelwald, it must be that guy, I can't be wrong."

Facing Ron's determined eyes, both Hagrid and Harry were very curious.

So Ron sat down in front of the two of them and expressed his thoughts.

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