
The Second Horcrux Destroyed!

Carefully examining Ravenclaw's diadem to make sure there is no strong black magic on the surface.

Lucas picked it up with both hands.

The diadem looked like a lady's crown and its overall shape is like an eagle, corresponding to the emblem of Ravenclaw.

In the middle of the crown is a black gem the size of a pigeon egg, while the wings on both sides are filled with diamonds of different sizes.

At the bottom of the crown is also engraved a short passage.

[Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure]

"I finally found it."

Lucas breathed a sigh of relief, and after a long time, he finally got the second relic of the Founders.

He carefully stored it and quickly walked towards the exit door.

Back in the Slytherin common room Lucas found that everyone was waiting for his return.


Several year chiefs stood up to greet him and the worry in their eyes also disappeared.

Lucas looked around the crowd and said: "I made everyone worry, but everything is fine so you don't need to worry about me."

"However, such a big incident has happened. I now request that no one should leave the dormitory at night."

"No matter who this heir is, this matter is not beneficial to us Slytherins. So don't go around causing unnecessary trouble."

"Of course, while we won't cause trouble, it doesn't mean we are afraid of trouble. Anyone who dares to slander the glory of Slytherin will have to pay the corresponding price, understand?"

Everyone stood up facing Lucas and replied in unison: "Yes, chief!"

"It's getting late, let's all go back and rest."

When everyone returned to their dormitory, Lucas looked over to the remaining Draco Malfoy who was sitting on the sofa in a daze and didn't notice his approach at all.

"Worried about Harry?"

Hearing the voice, Draco immediately came back to his senses.

"How is it possible? He has his good friend Ron by his side and doesn't need me at all."

After Draco finished speaking, he laughed at himself deprecatingly.

The two were silent for a few seconds before Draco continued: "I was thinking about the heir."

"Why do you care?"

"Aren't you curious?"

"Curious?" Lucas looked at him strangely.

He did not understand what could be interesting about the heir.

Draco first glanced at his best friend strangely, then suddenly said: "You really don't need to be curious, because even the heir will become eclipsed in front of you."

Lucas thought that Draco was acting weird tonight.

No, it should be said that since the estrangement from Harry, Draco has become a little sad.

"Okay buddy." Lucas turned to Draco and said, "Maybe I shouldn't have given you that broom."

"No, for the glory of Slytherin and Malfoy, I must win, and you did nothing wrong."

Draco didn't wait for Lucas to finish before retorting.

Looking at the worry in the eyes of his best friend, he smiled and patted Lucas' shoulder: "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's getting late, it's time to go back to sleep."

After Draco finished speaking, he turned and walked to his room.

From the outside, he seems to be really fine.

Lucas thought for a while, and then understood Draco's mood at this time.

After all, Draco is still a child, no matter how mature he is, he can't be as experienced as Lucas.

So when he loses a good friend so suddenly, he will inevitably feel a little disappointed.

But these things are temporary and he will probably be fine after a while.

Lucas got up and stretched then went back to his room.

Although it is very late, he still has a lot to do.

Lucas went to his trunk first, took out a bottle of pepper up potion and drank it, because the next operation cannot be sloppy.

Taking out Ravenclaw's diadem, Lucas' hands were once again burning with crimson Fiendfyre.

The Diadem is the fifth Horcrux crafted by Voldemort and the black magic protection on it is stronger than that of the gold cup.

Because the gold cup was obtained by Voldemort when he worked at Borgin and Burke's right after graduation, he wasn't that powerful back then.

And the diadem was after Voldemort slipped out of the place.

He found it and turned it into an horcrux while away traveling.

During his travels, Voldemort saw and came into contact with a lot of weird black magic, which also made him extremely powerful.

The Horcruxes produced in this period are naturally more reliable than those in the previous period.

With abundant magic power, Lucas controlled Fiendfyre for a whole night before eradicating all the black magic on it.

Last year's alchemy formation came in handy again at this moment.

The crown immediately fell apart and Lucas used his ancient elven magic to catch the soul fragment that was about to escape.

The fragment gradually turned into a Purple rhombic crystal.

Just when the crystal took shape, Voldemort, who was far away in Albania, trembled all over.

He felt that his soul was weak again.

"Wormtail, my faithful servant, why don't you come here."

Along with Voldemort's whisper, in the tower of Gryffindor, a sleeping rat was awakened.

Before it could react to what was going on, it saw a big ginger cat staring at itself.

Crookshanks, this guy left the Ravenclaw common room at some point and ran to Gryffindor's dormitory.

At the same time, Tom Riddle in the diary, who was much stronger after this time absorbing some life force, also felt it.

He immediately guessed that something happened to another Horcrux.

He frowned, and decided to speed up his resurrection plan.

Swallowing the crystal, the mana consumed overnight was replenished, this time Lucas clearly felt that his soul strength had increased.

Turning to look at the pieces of the diadem, Lucas reassembled it, and then built a new alchemy array.

He will restore the broken part of the crown through alchemy.

Let the diadem of Ravenclaw shine again.

Accompanied by the input of magic power, the new alchemy array emits bluish light.

When the sun rose, Lucas slowly placed it on his head and a cool feeling spread through his brain.

The effect of the pepper up potion had already long passed, and Lucas, who was already a little drowsy, sobered up a lot.

He tried flipping through a book, discovering that Ravenclaw's diadem can't increase wisdom and make people smarter.

Well, it's not exactly wrong.

Because it can get rid of anxious emotions and make people calm.

It can also improve the activity of the brain, make people more focused when studying, and absorb knowledge more easily.

That's why it creates the illusion of making people smarter.

Having verified the diadem's ability, Lucas put it away and checked on the achievement's introduction.

The part about destroying Voldemort's Horcrux has become (2/7)

After counting the diary and the upcoming summer vacation where he would get the locket.

By the middle of next year, Lucas will be able to destroy at least four Horcruxes.

The remaining three are more difficult to deal with, and even need to be solved in the later stage.

Like the snake Nagini, since it was a living creature, except for Voldemort, no one else would have a chance to find it.

The room was tidied up and the alchemy circle was covered with a carpet again.

Lucas drank another bottle of pepper up potion before walking out of the dormitory.

This morning they have their Transfiguration class which is one of his favorites..

After breakfast Lucas, Hermione and Cho were walking on the way to their classes.

The three of them are going to different classrooms, but there is still a way to go together before they separate.

"It's really terrible. When I went to the library yesterday, the book "Hogwarts: A History" that was originally placed in the corner was gone. All of its copies."

Hermione grumbled, probably not expecting that a book that no one wanted to read would suddenly become a hit.

Cho said with a smile: "Perhaps everyone is wondering what the Chamber of Secrets is, but I think there should be someone in Ravenclaw who owns a copy of the book, why don't you go back and ask?"

"No, I can see living history this afternoon."

As soon as Hermione finished speaking, she felt something was wrong, and hurriedly added: "Maybe it's the history of death?"

She was referring, of course, to Cuthbert Binns of History of Magic.

What history is unknown to this ancient ghost?

Hearing the two talking, Lucas frowned: "Are many people investigating the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Of course, everyone is interested, at least in our House."

"Then you have to remind them not to leave the tower of Ravenclaw at night."

As soon as Lucas finished speaking, they arrived at the fork in the road.

Seeing Lucas just turn and leave, Hermione was a little annoyed.

She was sure Lucas knew what had killed Mrs Norris.

In their transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall removed a spider from a glass container.

"Today you need to turn spiders into buttons, whoever finishes first will be awarded ten points."

After saying that, she tapped three times in the air with her wand and the spider in her hand turned into a delicate button with patterns under everyone's gaze.

After showing the example Professor McGonagall didn't let the little wizards do it right away.

She came to the first row, looked at Ron Weasley in front of her and said, "Mr. Weasley, it's your turn now."

Watching the button turn back into a spider, Ron leaned back in terror.

His worst fear is spiders because of a particularly cruel prank the Weasley twins played on him years ago.

"Professor, I may not be good at it."

Professor McGonagall would not let him go even if he begged for mercy.

She raised her wand and guided Ron through the Transfiguration spell.

If you thought Professor McGonagall was making things difficult for Ron, you'd be mistaken.

Lucas saw it through Professor McGonagall's eyes, she was trying to help Ron to overcome his fear.

With the encouragement of Professor McGonagall and his friends, Ron finally cast a spell on the spider.

It's just that because of the broken wand, the resulting button has eight legs and can run around.

"Mr Weasley, I think you should change your wand."

Professor McGonagall sent a spider flying in front of each student.

Seeing Lucas turn the spider into a button while it was still midair, she nodded happily: "Yes, Mr. Grindelwald, 10 points for Slytherin!."

The easy transfiguration class is over.

After a break and a meal, the afternoon ushered the History of Magic class with Professor Binns.

For most students, this is a good bedtime class.

Cuthbert Binns has always been consistent in his lessons, they are all full of boredom and tediousness with no exception.

However, today is somewhat different.

The little wizards of Slytherin and Ravenclaw looked at the little witch sitting in the front row with her right hand raised, all showing curious eyes.

"Professor Binns!"

"Are you?" Cuthbert Binns' eyes were full of doubts.

In fact, the ghost professor often misremembers people's names.

But he has never forgotten something related to history which is kind of amazing.

Hermione said helplessly: "I'm Hermione Granger, Professor, can you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?"

This time, all eyes were on Cuthbert Binns with curiosity gleaming in each of their eyes.

Unexpectedly, the Professor angrily rejected the request.

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