
Whoever Steals My House Cup Will Die!

Lucas shook his head in denial, the Philosopher's Stone was hard to come by, so there's no way he will exchange it.

He took out an object he obtained before, the Mirror Crystal.

Watching the Mirror Crystal gradually turn into another Philosopher's Stone Lucas smiled in satisfaction.

"Now let's try the effect of the Philosopher's Stone."

It is currently known that the Philosopher's Stone can make the elixir of life, but the disadvantage is obvious, it only prolongs life, but does not prolong body function.

That's why Nicolas Flamel was having a hard life, any big movement could potentially cause him to break his bones.

Secondly, the Philosopher's Stone can also turn metals into pure gold.

Lucas pulled out his cauldron and attached the Philosopher's Stone to the outer wall of the cauldron.

As his magic power slowly poured into the Philosopher's Stone, the metal of the cauldron gradually turned into gold.

'It's too dazzling!'

Lucas squinted and tossed the cauldron aside.

Then he carefully looked at the Philosopher's Stone in his palm and his brows were wrinkled.

This Stone is not as powerful as imagined.

Turning metal into pure gold seems to consume a mysterious energy inside the Philosopher's Stone.

And this energy is also irrecoverable.

That means that if Lucas uses it multiple times to make pure gold, the Philosopher's Stone will soon become a common Stone.

"After a long time planning, it turned out to be a waste. I thought it was really the Philosopher's Stone."

(The next day.)

It's finally the last day of the school year for the students of Hogwarts.

At this time everyone was gathered in the great hall.

Today is different than normal because there are Slytherin house banners all over the place and even the decorations have become silver and green.

The whole room was in a Slytherin vibe.

The most important honor of the year, the House Cup will be awarded tonight.

And the points of Slytherin house surpassed the second place Ravenclaw by 50 points.

Lucas came to the great hall early and didn't hang around the other tables today.

Instead, he sat gracefully in his own position.

The same goes for the rest of the snakes.

Lucas' gaze swept across the faces in the Slytherin table and saw the excitement under their calm facades.


It's something of great importance to Slytherins.

But Lucas felt faintly uneasy because this morning all four houses are blazing about Harry Potter defeating the evil Professor Quirrell, protecting the Precious Philosopher's Stone.

That's not a good sign!

Lucas turned to look at the teacher's seat.

Apart from Dumbledore, the other professors were already there sitting calmly.

'I don't know if the old fox is preparing for something underhanded at this moment.'

Time passed by every minute and every second. The students from the four tables have basically arrived.

Even though everyone is talking in a low voice, the gathering of hundreds of people still makes the great hall noisy.

Watching the arrival of Harry Potter, all the students became silent and they all looked at Harry at the door who acted as if nothing had happened.

He took a step towards his friend Ron and the noisy conversation sounds resumed, but the crowd still looked at the Gryffindor long table vaguely.

"I thought you were going to spend tonight in the infirmary!"

Hearing jokes from his friends Harry smiled and replied: "Of course not. I have to attend such an important dinner party. In fact, Madam Pomfrey was very worried and kept checking my health before going out."

"Harry! Congratulations on beating Quirrell, you're amazing!"

"That's right, Harry Potter once again defeated the evil dark wizard." The Weasley twins poked their heads next to Harry and said.

Even the normally serious Percy Weasley congratulated Harry.

With a couple of Weasleys taking the lead, the others immediately stepped forward to express their admiration to Harry.

Slytherin long table.

Watching Harry gradually lose himself in the compliments Lucas sneered inwardly.

He believes that this must be the picture Dumbledore would like to see.

Harry, who was originally quite humble, now had a little bit of complacency on his face.

He can't count all the credit on himself, can he!

Draco also noticed the situation on Harry's side.

Seeing his frown, Lucas teased, "Jealous?"

"No, I'm just curious, everyone seems to be giving Harry all the credit."

"Lucas, were you there as well?"

Lucas raised his eyebrows and said, "Guess?"

Seeing his appearance, Draco smiled and said, "I'm not that carefree, but I'm very satisfied to have proved the innocence of Professor Snape."

"And what about Harry?" Lucas asked.

Draco was taken aback, and looked back at Harry who was celebrating in the distance.

"Of course he's still my friend."

Hearing this answer, Lucas didn't say anything and just smiled.

Yes, friends, just friends.

The dinner party begins.

As Headmaster, Dumbledore stood up first to speak.

"Another year has passed, and we still have a lot of important things to announce before we start our dinner."

"I believe that in the past year, your heads have been filled with a wealth of knowledge."

"Take it easy, because there's going to be a whole summer soon for you to absorb this knowledge and make some room for the next school year."

"Oh, when you are old, you always like to chatter. First, let's take a look at the points of the four houses."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, seeing all the young wizards staring at him before announcing with a smile.

"In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points.

After the score came out, there was polite applause in the hall.

The little lions lowered their heads one by one, with a hint of shame on their faces.

The last place, it really sounds bad when you say it.

"Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points.

Hufflepuff's long table erupted in enthusiastic cheers.

In previous years, most of them were at the bottom.

This year they are a full forty points ahead of Gryffindor. No wonder the little badgers are so excited.

"Second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points."

Ravenclaw's don't seem to care too much about the score and their long table looked very peaceful.

For young eagles, learning and exploring unknown knowledge may be more important than a simple cup.

"First place, Slytherin with 476 points."

The little snakes stood up and cheered, high-fiving each other.

They seem to believe that the House Cup is already in the bag.

Severus Snape maintained his deadpan expression as he applauded in celebration.

It can be seen from the rapid waving of his palms that he is far more excited than it looks at the moment.

If there is any place that is more inconsistent.

Probably the blond boy on the long table in Slytherin who never showed a happy expression.

Lucas has a deep understanding of the old bee's shamelessness.

After he announced Slytherin's score, he did not immediately announce the ownership of the House Cup.

Lucas knew this guy was going to start his shameless act.

People need to keep their reputation like trees need bark.

Who would have thought that Dumbledore, who was more than a hundred years old, would be so shameless.

"Quiet! Quiet! Next, there's still a few extra points to distribute."

Really! Lucas looked at Dumbledore with disdain.

"First Mr Draco Malfoy, for the dedication and loyalty you have shown, I would like to award Slytherin 60 points."

The Slytherin table cheered again, it's just that the cheers were much smaller this time.

Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and other friends looked at Draco with a teasing smile on their faces.

Compliments to a Slytherin for his dedication and loyalty?.

Oh ho!

Let's hope Draco won't be scolded by his father when he goes back.

After the frolic, Dumbledore looked again at the Gryffindor table.

"Next are gentlemen Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan."

The two heard Dumbledore mention their names and became very excited.

Especially Ron, his face was flushed red and his body even trembled slightly from being too excited.

"The bravery and fearlessness of the two gentlemen is worthy of recognition. You helped your companions overcome the difficulties, so I will reward Gryffindor with 120 points, 60 points for each of you."

The Gryffindor table burst into deafening cheers.

The twins even came to Ron's side and introduced him to the surrounding companions. "That's our brother!"

Even the poised Percy joined in.

"Hey buddy, congratulations brother! My dearest brother!"

Percy seemed to have forgotten that he had written a report letter to his mother not long ago.


Dumbledore's voice came again causing everyone to quickly quieten down.

Because they know that the next step is the highlight.

"Mr. Harry Potter, you have a fearless spirit and extraordinary courage, so I want to reward Gryffindor with 100 points."

Hearing the rewarded score even the young lions of Gryffindor fell silent.

But soon someone calculated the result after the extra points.

Gryffindor, 532 points.

Slytherin, 536 points.

Almost even!

The news quickly spread throughout the four tables and everyone turned their eyes to the teacher's seat waiting for Dumbledore to make his final decision.

It's just that the little snakes of Slytherin didn't look good, including their head of house.

Gryffindor's eyes were full of hope.

From the last counterattack to almost tied for first.

The little lions imagined that maybe they could win the House Cup this time.

Dumbledore took in all those glances and smiled slightly, then he looked at Gryffindor again.

"There are many types of courage. It takes great courage to face an enemy, but it also takes courage to stick to one's position when facing a friend."

"Thanks to Mr. Neville Longbottom, I reward Gryffindor with 10 points."

The Gryffindor table became a sea of joy.

In stark contrast is Slytherin House.

The little snakes were sullen, each of them looked sluggish, and their heads almost hit the table.

Professor Snape looked at Dumbledore in disbelief.

He probably didn't expect that either.

The old man turned out to be so shameless at such an age.

Suddenly, an extremely strong pressure came from the Slytherin table.

The knives, forks and utensils on the table made a loud noise under the influence of the magic pressure.

'The stinky old bee is going to steal my house cup?'

'Then don't blame me for this.'

(Don't forget to vote with powerstones for the bonus chapters)

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